Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: Buddha_Master on June 12, 2004, 03:00:40 AM

Title: Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: Buddha_Master on June 12, 2004, 03:00:40 AM
First excuse my words here as I am not the self that I normally am when posting.

I am though kicking back here watching Velvet Revolver (VR) on the Howard Stern Show on E television. There all there ready to play and taking questions from the big cheese. I heard part of this on the radio on way to work...but I missed much of the important commentary.

So let me recap as best as my memory serves. I know there was a topic what broke down this conversation, but I want to touch on a litte thing that makes me go hmmm.

Duff said he didnt see GNR play at the VMS's because he was in school learning about business. Then Slash said he "refused to watch it." The "whole bucket thing"....  as thrown out there.

Later, Stern inquired about the beating a dead horse question, in regards to Axl himself and the plastic surgery he supposedly got. Duff started giggling, and looked as if he was barely able to maintain himself from completely busting up. Slash said "yea" with a big green from ear to ear and was cut of by Weiland who said something about how strange Axl's eyebrows are now.

They also talked about Axl getting fat, and Axl goin balled. This, all before Matt gave a speech saying he has worked with 3 of the biggest frontman, and said Weiland is the best frontman he has ever worked with, and the most gifted frontman today, and wanted to only talk about VR and not waste time with GNR. Im not doin this as a fuck you VR suck my cock you fucksticks reason. I did this because it made me think about how things are viewed simply as they are today.

Wait....wait.... something does strike me as odd. Maybe Im just fucked up. Didn't Slash say he "REFUSED" to watch this new GNR perform? Didnt he say that? Yea, he did say that. Slash also retold the story on Stern about how he tried to get into Mandalay Bay to see this new GNR perform on New Years. What a fucking thing that is. The only Contra is his own Contradiction.

But I digress... the word is out. The opinions are like the nails waiting to close shut this Axl before he finishes what he started. Are they right? The potrayel on him and this GNR is sad and pathetic. They even touched on Axl's voice sounding jacked. Here is the old band, looking cool, talking about how shit is, and how they survived rehab, and overcame shit and are now in a real band. All the while helpiing to portray an image of a sorry punk bitch formely known as Axl.

But, the man is not here to say whats what. Maybe this assesment isnt far from the truth. Who really knows. But theres one thing I do know. We haven't seen the last of Axl. What just happened made me at the very least question my own potrayel and impression of him.

Its been so long its slowly begining to fade

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: D on June 12, 2004, 03:19:56 AM
u know i watched my chicago 92 dvds and my new york MSG 2002 dvd back to back tonight

and the proof is in the pudding

axl sounds 10 times better at msg than at chicago

his screams and stuff are awesome!

people cant get over the old band enough to give him credit

but live thats the best his voice has ever sounded

Matt sorum is a bitch, i didnt like him in GNR and i dont now

sayin scott weiland is the best frontman he's worked with

i think even the axl haters would have to say "bullshit" to that remark

cmon scott is good but he isnt on axls planet

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: jabba2 on June 12, 2004, 03:20:26 AM
Fuck! I missed that show and i watch Stern alot. Hopefully someone uploads it online. About Slash not being allowed in to see the NewGNR, i dont know what to say...does Axl have that much power? Im sure hes got alot of bodyguards that block the backstage enterence...but shit, how would they know Slash was there? Its stories like this that make me believe Axl doesnt like touring and playing live. Its like 100% control of the audience or he doesnt want to play, which is too bad.

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: speed_stone on June 12, 2004, 03:50:47 AM
lmfao @ duff giggling like a homo. this is so sad, to see them put axl down like that. i never would've thought it just a few years ago, especially duff. he always seemed so supportive of axl, even after he quit the band. like they were still friends. but i'm so glad axl is out there putting together a follow-up to use your illusion, cause i know how big his talent is. i've always known that, since i was like 7 years old and first got into them, about 14 years ago. he's preparing a bomb, while these ex-junkies sit on howard stern who is biased as fuck and gossip like bitches and put out a half-ass record with the most shitty singer ever. it's a shame to see them fuck up like that, but damn am i gonna gloat when chinese democracy finally hits.

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on June 12, 2004, 04:31:00 AM
axl sounds 10 times better at msg than at chicago

comparing axl stage presence and voice in the old days to the new days
is like comparing stanley kubrick's movies to roland emmerich's ones.

but we're not getting in a
GNR-VR fight
GNR-GNR fight

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: D on June 12, 2004, 04:37:17 AM
his stage presence isnt better but his voice most definitely is, his screams are stronger,clearer and way more crisp possibly cause he was rested and wasnt 6 years straight into fuckin them up

but his voice gets better everytime i listen to 2002 concerts

sounds like he may use a little more falsetto now thats why its so high and clean his voice was so fucked in chicago 92 he could barely scream at all on live and let die

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: Walk on June 12, 2004, 07:02:42 AM
Slash is trying to make himself believe Weiland is better than Axl. I don't think he can really believe it. Weiland has a monotone voice and is boring on stage. Axl has a great voice and runs around on stage, a much better showman!

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: Izzy on June 12, 2004, 07:39:12 AM
People always make cheap shots at Axl - just ignore it, especially from Matt Sorum ::)

As for Slash - he is a trixy one, but we follow him for his guitar skills not the nonsense he spouts.

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: TyRod Tulip on June 12, 2004, 07:44:06 AM
Anyone that has seen a live show of VR (or STP for that matter) knows that Weiland is a top notch front man.  Amoung the best in the business today.  The best thing VR ever did was go with him.

And I'm sure working with Weiland is 1000% better than working with the eyebrowless one.  Can anyone here deny that?

And I'm sure that I probably wouldn't be able to contain my laughter either if Stern asked me about Axl's plastic surgery and I knew him personally when he was actually good looking.

And, at the moment, there is just comparing Axl to Weiland cause its a one round knockout punch by Weiland.  And all this, 'well wait till Axl puts out his album" stuff is even more pathetic than Axl's need to have plastic surgery.  Until Axl puts out material (which it looks like he won't anytime soon), then stop dissing Weiland.  What is there to diss?  Man, some of you are so warped and your vision is so clouded that it makes me laugh out loud at my computer.

Scott Weiland is, at the moment, 10 times the frontman that Axlis and guess what ... no one is making fun of him and abusing him on the Howard Stern show.  Know why?  Cause there is nothing to make fun of.  HE has just produced a fantasic album with the lengendary Slash and Duff.

Axl Rose has become an industry wide joke.  It's sad but true. And if he is smart he willwait till next year to release CD so he doesn't lose the Grammy for best album to his old bandmates.  

But wait, let me guess, andlet me finish half of you guys' posts:

'Just wait till CD comes out'.

Funny shit man.


Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: Izzy on June 12, 2004, 07:59:00 AM
Scott Weiland is, at the moment, 10 times the frontman that Axlis and guess what ... no one is making fun of him and abusing him on the Howard Stern show.  Know why?  Cause there is nothing to make fun of.  HE has just produced a fantasic album with the lengendary Slash and Duff.

Axl Rose has become an industry wide joke.  It's sad but true. And if he is smart he willwait till next year to release CD so he doesn't lose the Grammy for best album to his old bandmates.  

Er ::)

Check any review of Contraband u want - they all say the same about Scott Weiland ' washed up', 'screw up' - and endlessly refer to his 'problems' and how Slash scoured rehad centre's for a frontman

Just reading what u wrote - i have highlighted what i find most amusing....and wrong

Nothing like a bit of anti-Axl bias?

I like Axl and Scott - i see both their flaws, maybe u should take another look?

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: TyRod Tulip on June 12, 2004, 08:27:36 AM
I like Axl and Scott as well.  As a matter of fact I like Axl more.  However, at the moment, there is alot more wrong with Axl then there is with Scott, and the media is eating it up ala Stern.  

I'm not sure what reviews you are reading, but the majority of reviews that I have seen have been quite complementary of Scott.  I have seen a few that say what you said, but for the most part the reviews of him are good.  And there is no denying that he is excellent on Contraband.

I wish Axl hadn't become a fucking joke, I really do.  But he is and there is nothing we can do about it.  Just ask WAAF in Boston, or Stern or anyone else you want to ask what they think of Axl.  You worshippers are in the sever minority and come across as having lost your minds.  

My point was that to state, like S-tone did, that they "put out a half-ass record with the most shitty singer ever" is a fucking ludacrious thing to say.  Wake up people.  It's gonna debut at #1.  How is that half-assed?  Weiland sounds incredible on the album and live (something Axl managed to do only a very very few times in his career), how is that shitty?

Axl's hired musicians (and we all know that that is whgat they are, they are not a band in any way) are all touring over the next 6 months.  You better get used to this because when VR drops FTPon the public, its gonna get worse.


Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: Skeletor on June 12, 2004, 08:48:04 AM
I wish Axl hadn't become a fucking joke, I really do.  But he is and there is nothing we can do about it.  Just ask WAAF in Boston, or Stern or anyone else you want to ask what they think of Axl.  You worshippers are in the sever minority and come across as having lost your minds.

Despite the fact that Axl's done a lot of stuff to make him look like a joke to the general public, I think he's a magnificent talent, and Scott's not much compared to him. That doesn't mean I'm a worshipper. And I don't think anyone thinks I've lost my mind.. except maybe you.

Wake up people.  It's gonna debut at #1.  How is that half-assed?

That is probably the worst argument I've seen in my life.

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: jarmo on June 12, 2004, 09:02:11 AM
Matt gave a speech saying he has worked with 3 of the biggest frontman, and said Weiland is the best frontman he has ever worked with

Seems like some VR fans, STP fans and the guys in VR think Scott is a better frontman than Axl.....  :P

January 11th, 2004
Axl was voted the #4 greatest frontman of all time on the PowerHour show on Canadian music channel MuchMoreMusic's poll.

Steven Tyler, Ozzy Osbourne and James Hetfield beat Axl in the poll.


If the guys really said those things about their former singer, then don't be surprised if Axl has a thing or two to say whenever he sees fit.


Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: speed_stone on June 12, 2004, 09:05:50 AM
^lol, looking forward to that! i love axl's rants... glad he's back.

tyrod tulip, you sound like a bitter little bitch. if that's bad to say on a message board, shoot me. scott weiland sucks.
he can't even be compared to axl rose.

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: badapple81 on June 12, 2004, 09:06:31 AM
Later, Stern inquired about the beating a dead horse question, in regards to Axl himself and the plastic surgery he supposedly got. Duff started giggling, and looked as if he was barely able to maintain himself from completely busting up.

I believe Duff had some work done on his face as well.. to get rid of the little acne problem he always had? He's probably feeling a bit insecure cos his face looks about 15 years his age after all the drinking.

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: badapple81 on June 12, 2004, 09:09:38 AM
Matt gave a speech saying he has worked with 3 of the biggest frontman, and said Weiland is the best frontman he has ever worked with

Seems like some VR fans, STP fans and the guys in VR think Scott is a better frontman than Axl.....  :P

January 11th, 2004
Axl was voted the #4 greatest frontman of all time on the PowerHour show on Canadian music channel MuchMoreMusic's poll.

Steven Tyler, Ozzy Osbourne and James Hetfield beat Axl in the poll.


If the guys really said those things about their former singer, then don't be surprised if Axl has a thing or two to say whenever he sees fit.


Exactly! Anyway they are probably crying out for Axl to bite back so they can get some more publicity. Unlike Axl who can just walk on stage after 8 years of silence and get 200,000+ people without any publicity at all  :yes:

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: Cousin It on June 12, 2004, 09:10:22 AM
Weiland a better frontman than Axl? Sorum (and several boardmembers) must have killed way too many brain cells. Musically, Weiland does not begin to compare to Axl. Problemwise the two were probably twins separated birth. Each has his own skeletons from the past and present that need to be dealt with.

It's really sad that people as talented as Slash, Duff, and Sorum need to continue to take pot shots at Axl for a little PR. As someone posted earlier, I have lost a lot of respect for the above mentioned trio in the last several months.

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: speed_stone on June 12, 2004, 09:17:11 AM
Matt gave a speech saying he has worked with 3 of the biggest frontman, and said Weiland is the best frontman he has ever worked with

Seems like some VR fans, STP fans and the guys in VR think Scott is a better frontman than Axl.....  :P

January 11th, 2004
Axl was voted the #4 greatest frontman of all time on the PowerHour show on Canadian music channel MuchMoreMusic's poll.

Steven Tyler, Ozzy Osbourne and James Hetfield beat Axl in the poll.


If the guys really said those things about their former singer, then don't be surprised if Axl has a thing or two to say whenever he sees fit.


Exactly! Anyway they are probably crying out for Axl to bite back so they can get some more publicity. Unlike Axl who can just walk on stage after 8 years of silence and get 200,000+ people without any publicity at all  :yes:

word. axl whoops their asses without even having a record out. imagine what will happen when chinese democracy hits stores. this board and the rest of the musical world will go off the hinges. and i don't know if you realize this turod tulip, but us "fanatics" aren't the only ones anticipating this record. over the years the interest has grown worldwide. the world is waiting for another guns n' roses album. that's a crazy thing to live up to, but axl is capable of doing it.

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: GNROSAS on June 12, 2004, 09:19:15 AM
To me over the last motnhs Slash,duff and Matt are starting to lose more respect because of  their comments.

I start now to understand why Axl accused slash as a liar 2002 statement. Slash seems to contradict too much since he left gnr.

To me now Slash,Duff,Matt  seem like Media Whores.

Only Weiland seems to hold back and be more carefull about his comments with the media.

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: D on June 12, 2004, 09:36:01 AM
i bought VR's cd im being supportive but i tell u what everytime they talk shita bout axl it makes me wanna throw it in the garbage

for slash and co to want the past to be the past they sure love talkin about axl

anyone who says weiland is better than axl is as dumb as someone saying finck is better than slash

ok fine tyrod i give u the technicality, right now weiland is the better frontman simply cause he is the only one with a record out and doing anything so he wins by default

u put loving the aliens,fallin to pieces,and you got no right together *and believe me i love all 3 songs especially loving the aliens

but lyrically and emotionally they all 3 combined do not touch the emotion and lyrics of a shit bootleg of "the blues"

Scott has one voice, he has to use a mega phone to change his vocals

axl is so diverse and unique u dont fuckin know sometimes if its him or someone else singing

who can sing the octaves that axl can? can scott play piano and compose beautiful compositions like axl?
can scott write songs like axl has? lyrically and melodically?

contraband is a good CD but cant no one tell me if u take the contraband music, let axl write lyrics and sing that it wouldnt be a 10 times better record?

weiland is good, i like him alot but realistically he cant hold axl's catchers vest! thats a fact!

i still get pissed as fuck when ozzy and james hetfield beat out axl, maybe steven tyler i can at least live with that, but come on james hefield? please!

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: TyRod Tulip on June 12, 2004, 09:42:10 AM
^lol, looking forward to that! i love axl's rants... glad he's back.

He's back?  Did I miss something?  I mean I went out to get coffee, but I had no idea I missed his return.  YAY!  Welcome back Axl!   ::)

Man, please, the guy was back for 3 months over 2 years ago and has disappeared and not been seen from since.  We've got one presss release in which he blames BH for all the problems in GNR.  What a great frontman.  He was once the greatest fromntman in the world.  There is just no denying that.  Now he isn't even in the top 1000, and he won't be until he releases his material and backs it up on tour.  At that time I'm sure he can regain his form, but untilthen there is no way to call him a great frontman in 2004.

As for the ex-bandmates taking pot shots at Axl, I have 2 things to add:

1.   To their defense, Stern is in the business of controversy.  It was he that asked the questions about Axl.  They didn't come in and offer up any insults.  So maintain some perspective.

2.   I saw GNR in 2002 and Axl had 2 or 3 rants where all he did was insult his old mates.  How come you guys didn't have a problem with that?  Its a double-edged sword people.  I mean Axl used to abuse Izzy during parts of their last tour in 1993, and Izzy is probably as responsible if not more so for the success of AFD and therefore GNR.  So pelase don't preach that Slash and Duff are scum for doing exactly what Axl does whenever he gets in front of a mic.

As for calling these guys 'media whores' wtf are you saying?  They are promoting a new single, album and tour.  How are they supoposed to do that without talking to the media?  Should they take Axl's approach and do no publicity at all?

Who do think is in a better position to state which lead singer is a better front man?  Those of us here that don't know either man and have never worked with either man, or 3 musicians that have worked closely with both
singers?  Sure their opinions are biased, but so are ours.  Maintain perspective.

and i don't know if you realize this turod tulip, but us "fanatics" aren't the only ones anticipating this record. over the years the interest has grown worldwide. the world is waiting for another guns n' roses album

I'm not sure who you have been talking to, because I know of no one that even remotely cares about Axl or CD except for people on these message boards.  When you ask most people about Axl or CD, you get a very negative response full of snide remarks about Axl.


Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: speed_stone on June 12, 2004, 09:43:02 AM
agreed with the guy before tulip. well put.

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: D on June 12, 2004, 09:55:21 AM

VR's big gun Fallin to pieces vs The Blues rumored to be a bside but for fun we will say its a big gun  axl in bold

The Blues                        

All the love in the world couldn't save you
or the innocence inside
You know I tried so hard to make you
To make you change your mind

fall to pieces

its been a long year since u've been gone ive been alone here ive grown old i fall to pieces

the blues
and it hurts to much to see you
and how you left yourself behind
You know I wouldnt want to be you
Now thats a hell I cant describe

fall to pieces im falling fell to pieces and im still falling everytime im falling down all alone i fall to pieces

the blues

So now I wander through my daze
And try to find my ways
To the feelings that I felt
I saved for you and no one else

And though as long as this road seems
I know its called the street of dreams
But thats not stardust on my feet
it leaves a taste thats bittersweet
thats called the blues

fallin to pieces

keep a journal of memories im feeling lonely i cant breathe i fall to pieces, im falling fell to pieces and im still falling

the blues

I dont know
Just what I should do
Everywhere I go I see you
Although its what we planned
this much is true
What I thought was beautiful
Dont live inside of you

fall to pieces

all the years ive tried with more to go, will the memories die im waiting, will i find you can i find you were falling down im falling

the blues

I dont know just what I should do
everywhere I go I see you
although Its what we planned
this much is true
What I thought was beautiful
Dont live inside of you

What this means to me is more than I know you'll believe
What I thought of you now
has cost more than it should for me
What I thought was true before
were lies I couldn't see
What I thought was beautiful
was only memories

winner by 1st round knockout


come on the last verse alone knocks out all the competition, there isnt a verse that beautiful on the entire contraband album

i love VR i love slash he's the reason i picked up a guitar

but when people bash axl i must defend him

the proof is in the pudding, VR big gun vs axl big gun or actually axl bside but i dont trust axl so we will give VR the benefit of the doubt and say its a big gun

vr better hope its a big gun cause if not and the blues really is a bside, all i can say is HOLY FUCKIN SHIT!!!!

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: GNROSAS on June 12, 2004, 09:56:09 AM
Ok tyrod. You said axl insulted his previous band members. he did it because of sth valuable, GNR. I don't have a problem with slash,duff,Matt to do the same and insult about the GNR and the break of the old GNR. What i hate is when thay are being sarcastic and lough about axl's personal Life. Like Hair, Being Fat, Voice.

To me now they come to the level as Media whores who gossip  
about other peoples personal life to gain attention.

I am sure they wouldn't laugh and make Fun of axl if he was there. I am sure Axl would have said the same insults if slash,Duff,Matt were in front of him.

 It doesn't mean cause their winning their the lucky (better) ones. Someone laughs better at the end.

Time will prove evrything.

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: Dizzy on June 12, 2004, 10:05:52 AM

I love the lyrics to "The Blues" too, but part of the reason they look better is that you (seemingly intentionally) lackadaisically typed in the lyrics to "Falling to Pieces", in lowercase letters, with no punctuation, run on sentences.  Even if the lyrics to "The Blues" weren't better, they'd still look better to the naked eyed.

Anyone that has seen a live show of VR (or STP for that matter) knows that Weiland is a top notch front man.  

Yes, anyone who says Scott Weiland has a monotone voice has never seen him live, because it's simply not true.

I'm not sure who you have been talking to, because I know of no one that even remotely cares about Axl or CD except for people on these message boards.  When you ask most people about Axl or CD, you get a very negative response full of snide remarks about Axl.

This is 100% true.

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: D on June 12, 2004, 10:44:24 AM
i typed them just like they are in the booklet

my point is fallin to pieces is a good song when performed but that has alot to do with slash,duff,matt and dave

the blues could be performed simply with axl and a piano and still be very moving and touching

i like Velvet Revolver very much and ive always been a defender of SLash when people ignorantly try to say any new gnr member is better

but i defend axl also, look up my posts, i defend slash as aggressive as axl in those buckethead vs slash threads

and for someone to say scott is better than axl is a friggin insult, same as sayin a new gnr guitarist is better than slash

it just isnt so

i could type fall to pieces lyrics in 32 font purple writing it dont matter

if i had wrote the lyrics or a new band u never heard of wrote that, id love to see the opinions of it then

music is awesome the lyrics are mediocre, i dont see how anyone can argue that to be honest

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: Skeletor on June 12, 2004, 10:49:40 AM
i still get pissed as fuck when ozzy and james hetfield beat out axl, maybe steven tyler i can at least live with that, but come on james hefield? please!

Polls like that are nothing but a joke, it's a plain popularity contest.. just like Kurt Cobain doing well on the "best guitarists of all time" -lists. I don't know why anyone would give a f. - unless it's e.g. a magazine that focuses on progressive metal or something, then the results would prolly make some sense.

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: TyRod Tulip on June 12, 2004, 11:01:34 AM
D, there is no doubting that Axl's lyrics are deeper and more meaningful than Scott's.  That isn't even in debate.  What is in debate is who is a better frontman in 2004.  And, again, there is no debating it.  One man fronts a current band that just made a big splash with their debut album and a sold out tour, and the other is a laughing stock within his own industry.  Axl can write all the meaningful lyrics he wants, but without having the nuts to release it, he will remain a joke.

BTW, there are some of us that don't listen to rock and roll for meaninfuil lyrics.  I personally like and concentrate more on the music itself than I do on the lyrics.  I love music that pumps me up and gets me high.  I don't like music like Maddy or the Blues that may have meaningful lyrics but that don't do anything for me musically.  It is just a matter of opinion is all.  

BTW, I am not bashing anyone that like meaningful lyrics.  I'm just saying that, for me, the lyrics take a back seat to the music.


Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: greekmule on June 12, 2004, 11:30:37 AM
BTW, there are some of us that don't listen to rock and roll for meaninfuil lyrics.  I personally like and concentrate more on the music itself than I do on the lyrics.  I love music that pumps me up and gets me high.

i agree 100%.the perfect example is AFD itself.Lyrics like "i see you standin' there you think you 're so cool why don't you just fuck off!" are not exactly very deep and meaningful but they fit perfectly with the vibe ant the raw power of the songs!it's only rnr but i like it! :smoking:

just my 0.02

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on June 12, 2004, 11:36:22 AM

VR's big gun Fallin to pieces vs The Blues rumored to be a bside but for fun we will say its a big gun  axl in bold

The Blues                        

All the love in the world couldn't save you
or the innocence inside
You know I tried so hard to make you
To make you change your mind

fall to pieces

its been a long year since u've been gone ive been alone here ive grown old i fall to pieces

the blues
and it hurts to much to see you
and how you left yourself behind
You know I wouldnt want to be you
Now thats a hell I cant describe

fall to pieces im falling fell to pieces and im still falling everytime im falling down all alone i fall to pieces

the blues

So now I wander through my daze
And try to find my ways
To the feelings that I felt
I saved for you and no one else

And though as long as this road seems
I know its called the street of dreams
But thats not stardust on my feet
it leaves a taste thats bittersweet
thats called the blues

fallin to pieces

keep a journal of memories im feeling lonely i cant breathe i fall to pieces, im falling fell to pieces and im still falling

the blues

I dont know
Just what I should do
Everywhere I go I see you
Although its what we planned
this much is true
What I thought was beautiful
Dont live inside of you

fall to pieces

all the years ive tried with more to go, will the memories die im waiting, will i find you can i find you were falling down im falling

the blues

I dont know just what I should do
everywhere I go I see you
although Its what we planned
this much is true
What I thought was beautiful
Dont live inside of you

What this means to me is more than I know you'll believe
What I thought of you now
has cost more than it should for me
What I thought was true before
were lies I couldn't see
What I thought was beautiful
was only memories

winner by 1st round knockout


come on the last verse alone knocks out all the competition, there isnt a verse that beautiful on the entire contraband album

i love VR i love slash he's the reason i picked up a guitar

but when people bash axl i must defend him

the proof is in the pudding, VR big gun vs axl big gun or actually axl bside but i dont trust axl so we will give VR the benefit of the doubt and say its a big gun

vr better hope its a big gun cause if not and the blues really is a bside, all i can say is HOLY FUCKIN SHIT!!!!

The Blues  :love:

I swear - the last verse just brought tears to my eyes for some reason.

Holy Fuckin' Shit indeed  :peace:

Great posts D and great posts Conny and gunner down under, jarmo, cousin it, s-tone, gnrosas...

Nice to see lots of support of Axl in this thread (and on the board in general - its pretty cool  :beer: )


Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: chineseilusions on June 12, 2004, 12:12:52 PM
I think the shots that VR took at Axl was just there way of getting even with Axl.Didn't Axl take a few shot at them on the 2002 tour?I think this could be a great rock feud.It is sad to think all those guys once called themselves a family.

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: DRUNK on June 12, 2004, 12:49:30 PM
Guys, I saw Stern last night, twice, and they didn't comment at all.  Slash and Duff didn't say anything.  They always play it cool.

That faggot Matt Sorum was the most offensive of all, but he is totally irrelevant.  Scott Weiland's eyebrow comment was unecessary, and it hurt him because he seemed like a generally nice guy in the interview.

Slash and Duff still want to reunite with Axl Rose.  They can deny it all they want, but if given the opportunity, they would jump for it.  They have always tried to keep the slate clean.  They don't want to burn any bridges.

Slash is a liar and a two face.  People think he is cool because he plays it cool, but behind the scenes, Slash is very differant.

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: Booker Floyd on June 12, 2004, 12:56:50 PM
Duff said he didnt see GNR play at the VMS's because he was in school learning about business. Then Slash said he "refused to watch it." The "whole bucket thing"....  as thrown out there.

Youve misled people with your entire post.  Slash didnt say anything about "The bucket thing".  Those words came from Gary.  

They also talked about Axl getting fat, and Axl goin balled.

Again, no.  Howard and his crew said all of this, not anyone from VR, except Scott who made the eyebrow comment.  Even Matt, whos said things about Axl before, said nothing insulting.

 This, all before Matt gave a speech saying he has worked with 3 of the biggest frontman, and said Weiland is the best frontman he has ever worked with, and the most gifted frontman today, and wanted to only talk about VR and not waste time with GNR.

If youre going to make a post about this stuff, you should have your shit straight.

Matts exact quote:

"Ive been in the best seat in the house for three bands that Ive been in, right....The Cult with Ian Astbury - great frontman, Axl Rose - great frontman...Scott Weiland is the worlds greatest rock and roll frontman right now."

He does not say Scott was the best frontman hes ever worked with.

Wait....wait.... something does strike me as odd. Maybe Im just fucked up. Didn't Slash say he "REFUSED" to watch this new GNR perform? Didnt he say that? Yea, he did say that. Slash also retold the story on Stern about how he tried to get into Mandalay Bay to see this new GNR perform on New Years. What a fucking thing that is. The only Contra is his own Contradiction.

What a clever, profound statement.  But if you listened to the interview (Im starting to think you just heard about it, or maybe you were half asleep watching it), Slash says that the main reason he didnt watch the VMAs was because of what everybody was telling him about it, and he claims that he didnt want to see it.

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: Mikkamakka on June 12, 2004, 01:13:37 PM
Duff said he didnt see GNR play at the VMS's because he was in school learning about business. Then Slash said he "refused to watch it." The "whole bucket thing"....  as thrown out there.

Youve misled people with your entire post.  Slash didnt say anything about "The bucket thing".  Those words came from Gary.  

They also talked about Axl getting fat, and Axl goin balled.

Again, no.  Howard and his crew said all of this, not anyone from VR, except Scott who made the eyebrow comment.  Even Matt, whos said things about Axl before, said nothing insulting.

 This, all before Matt gave a speech saying he has worked with 3 of the biggest frontman, and said Weiland is the best frontman he has ever worked with, and the most gifted frontman today, and wanted to only talk about VR and not waste time with GNR.

If youre going to make a post about this stuff, you should have your shit straight.

Matts exact quote:

"Ive been in the best seat in the house for three bands that Ive been in, right....The Cult with Ian Astbury - great frontman, Axl Rose - great frontman...Scott Weiland is the worlds greatest rock and roll frontman right now."

He does not say Scott was the best frontman hes ever worked with.

Wait....wait.... something does strike me as odd. Maybe Im just fucked up. Didn't Slash say he "REFUSED" to watch this new GNR perform? Didnt he say that? Yea, he did say that. Slash also retold the story on Stern about how he tried to get into Mandalay Bay to see this new GNR perform on New Years. What a fucking thing that is. The only Contra is his own Contradiction.

What a clever, profound statement.  But if you listened to the interview (Im starting to think you just heard about it, or maybe you were half asleep watching it), Slash says that the main reason he didnt watch the VMAs was because of what everybody was telling him about it, and he claims that he didnt want to see it.

Thanks for clearing things. It's comic that somebody who was half asleep, half awaken sees something and then post it and you have no doubt against his words, just hatred on Slash & Co. Axl surely loves all of you and it will help him release CD ten years earlier. Funny that the shit Axl really said on the ex-members didn't really insult you, however I think he's an arrogant liar, who acts like an affronted 6-years old.

I agree that Axl was the best frontman ever, but since 2001 he's out of breath, an overweighted guy who cannot do his moves they way he did. He's voice still great, but changed, now he has only high voice, and lost a lot of power. But he still has an unbelievable ability to write songs, especially vocal melodies.

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: littleredcorvette on June 12, 2004, 03:13:16 PM
Slash said in 2001 that he had heard the new stuff because of Napster i.e he heard the Rio 3 bootleg. If he wasnt impressed with The Blues and Madagascar then dur. And I don't believe for a second that they haven't watched VMA 2002. Steven commented on it at the time saying it was awful (and Axl's vocals were the worst he's done since the House of Blues to be fair).

I think TyRod has a very clear, fair perspective on this, and I imagine he would be as ecstatic as anyone if New Gnr plus Bucket released this year, went on an awards show with VR on the list and stole the show. But I also think D's lyric post in some ways will prove to be a fair comparison of what New GnR will be to VR in the long haul.

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: Booker Floyd on June 12, 2004, 03:32:17 PM
Slash said in 2001 that he had heard the new stuff because of Napster i.e he heard the Rio 3 bootleg. If he wasnt impressed with The Blues and Madagascar then dur.

Did he say he "wasnt impressed"?  I dont remember it, but if he did, post it up.  

And I don't believe for a second that they haven't watched VMA 2002. Steven commented on it at the time saying it was awful (and Axl's vocals were the worst he's done since the House of Blues to be fair).

Whats Steven have to do with it?

Duff said he watched it a year later, Matt probably saw it, Slash is the only one who says he hasnt seen it.  I find it hard to believe, but Im not going to assume hes lying.  If he did see it, at least hes being courteous enough to not comment on it.

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: littleredcorvette on June 12, 2004, 04:07:25 PM
Yeah Booker, i wasn't thinking of anything much there. Slash didn't say whether he liked it or not i don't think. Just that he heard 'the new stuff'.

Did Duff say what he thought of the VMA's? Steven hasn't got anything to do with it really, except to say that being ex-members it'd be weird if they hadn't seen it at some point. But maybe Slash doesn't care or really hurts for what he sees happening to the GnR name.

I'm a worshipper but Christ, I never thought back in December 2002 that we'd be here in June 2004 looking at a probable 2005 release. I definitely wasn't thinking that at the end of Rio 3 when Axl said 'see you in summer'. And as for Oh My God in 1999.....we could potentially be looking at about 6 years inbetween that song and the relase of the album. It hurts. I *do* have a life but it hurts.

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: Dizzy on June 12, 2004, 04:14:00 PM
Slash is a liar and a two face.  People think he is cool because he plays it cool, but behind the scenes, Slash is very differant.

You don't know Slash, you've never met him behind the scenes, so you don't know jack shit about what he's like behind the scenes.  So exit your fantasy world and quit pretending.

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: Booker Floyd on June 12, 2004, 04:27:58 PM
Yeah Booker, i wasn't thinking of anything much there. Slash didn't say whether he liked it or not i don't think. Just that he heard 'the new stuff'. I think its unfair to criticize an opinion that he hasnt given.  All he said, to my recollection, is that what he heard was exactly what Axl wanted to do.  

I think he was probably referring to "Oh My God".  Who knows, though.

Did Duff say what he thought of the VMA's?


But maybe Slash doesn't care or really hurts for what he sees happening to the GnR name.

Its more of the latter than the former.  He said that after hearing the reaction from people who saw it, he didnt want that memory of the band, because when he left Guns N' Roses was still cool.  So I guess thats how he wants to remember the band right now, and not by a performance that he heard awful things about.

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: smishkey on June 12, 2004, 04:55:57 PM
We're still only getting some half quotes here.  About VMA's  Duff said he was busy with school AND getting married and having kids which he did long before 2002.  Slash's initiial response was" I refused"  then he kinda did a half step and talked about everyone calling him in the morning yada yada.
  Matt's quote about having best seat in the house for 3 of the greatest frontmen ever, after he said that Scott is the greatest around now he added" we don't need to even talk about Axl anymore" and judging by his facial expression it was a dig.
  Scott talking about their writing process"and since Duff and Matt are such great singers we can work on melodies(or whatever, I started laughing at that point.  He's apparently never heard"Believe In Me"  heh

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: axls#2 on June 12, 2004, 05:30:31 PM
Anyone that has seen a live show of VR (or STP for that matter) knows that Weiland is a top notch front man.  Amoung the best in the business today.  The best thing VR ever did was go with him.

And I'm sure working with Weiland is 1000% better than working with the eyebrowless one.  Can anyone here deny that?

And I'm sure that I probably wouldn't be able to contain my laughter either if Stern asked me about Axl's plastic surgery and I knew him personally when he was actually good looking.

And, at the moment, there is just comparing Axl to Weiland cause its a one round knockout punch by Weiland.  And all this, 'well wait till Axl puts out his album" stuff is even more pathetic than Axl's need to have plastic surgery.  Until Axl puts out material (which it looks like he won't anytime soon), then stop dissing Weiland.  What is there to diss?  Man, some of you are so warped and your vision is so clouded that it makes me laugh out loud at my computer.

Scott Weiland is, at the moment, 10 times the frontman that Axlis and guess what ... no one is making fun of him and abusing him on the Howard Stern show.  Know why?  Cause there is nothing to make fun of.  HE has just produced a fantasic album with the lengendary Slash and Duff.

Axl Rose has become an industry wide joke.  It's sad but true. And if he is smart he willwait till next year to release CD so he doesn't lose the Grammy for best album to his old bandmates.  

But wait, let me guess, andlet me finish half of you guys' posts:

'Just wait till CD comes out'.

Funny shit man.


First off, yeah axl is better, and i've seen vr live and i can't bear to watch scott weiland prance around like a girl. oh and there's nothing to make fun of weiland about? oh that may be true, but it's not like he's a class act.

anyone who honestly believes this douschebag is sober is smoking crack, how many times has he been arrested since he joined vr? how many times has he been arrested period? Oh and not too mention he's got a couple of kids at home, way to set an example fuckhead. And like slash and duff are going to go and tell people that weiland is on drugs? Some people take their words as gospel. Plus you would have to be on drugs to act like weiland on stage. Also he looks like he just got out of a concentration camp. Or maybe he's just on smack and doesn't really care to eat?

 I seriously doubt weiland is off drugs when h e was quoted as saying that he doesn't know if he'll be able to stay sober. Good attitude buddy.  I don't know, which is worse? A never has-been junkie or a guy that gets plastic surgery? All of this shit with vr is starting to make me think that they are classless. It seems every opportunity they get they are saying something about axl. Get over it. Just because you were high or drunk when you signed away the gn'r name to the intellectually superior axl rose, you don't have to pout about it non-stop.

Slash and co. can rip on axl all they want, because they can't just talk about there music for the entire time, because it sucks so bad.

oh and you should have posted an advisory about your album of the year comment, because I was eating and almost choked to death.

Oh and who is slash to talk about plastic surgery? He's collaborated numerous times with the gloved one. If anyone is hurting the name of gn'r, it's that guy collaborating with the king of POP!! but it's I guess his collaboration with the brilliant Insane Clown Posse restores the gn'r name to respectability.

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: Imfuckincrazy on June 12, 2004, 06:41:57 PM
First off, yeah axl is better

That's your opinion.

and i've seen vr live and i can't bear to watch scott weiland prance around like a girl. oh and there's nothing to make fun of weiland about? oh that may be true

You just made fun of him, and bashed him in all of your post, loser.

anyone who honestly believes this douschebag is sober is smoking crack, how many times has he been arrested since he joined vr? how many times has he been arrested period? Oh and not too mention he's got a couple of kids at home, way to set an example fuckhead.

I seriously doubt weiland is off drugs...

"Good attitude buddy!"

I don't know, which is worse? A never has-been junkie or a guy that gets plastic surgery?

You make it seem as if Axl has never touched drugs in all his life. Even though I don't think he was ever really addicted to anything, he easily could have been, but was lucky enough not to have been. He is human (regardless of what you may think) and so is Scott. You act as if Axl has never done anything wrong or has never been arrested for anything.

As for the plastic surgery, Axl has become a joke because people think he and his whole band look ridiculous. Some people can admit that and still be a fan of his, and I really don't blame Slash and co. for finding it funny either.

All of this shit with vr is starting to make me think that they are classless. It seems every opportunity they get they are saying something about axl.

Oh, I know... poor Axl. It's not like Axl would ever talk shit on them...

Get over it.

Take your own advice.

oh and you should have posted an advisory about your album of the year comment, because I was eating and almost choked to death.

Almost? Damn. That's too bad.

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: younggunner on June 12, 2004, 07:10:36 PM
On the Howard Interview, SLash said he refused to watch the performance. He said he left GNR with good memories and didnt want to have any bad ones with this new band.

Then why go attempt to see them in Vegas? Howard asked him why did you go then, and he replied because I was in Vegas and saw an ad witht he new GNr logo and thought it would be exciting.
I thought he refused to see it?

 Theres no reason for him to be there other than to stir up controversy and make Axl look bad.

I could careless if Slash saw the VMAS or not. Like many things Slash tends to change his tune all the time.

Another thing that Slash kept saying in the interview was that he and Duff left at the same time. No they didnt. Duff stayed an extra year and finally left because Axl was too slow. My point is Duff would still be in GNR if Axl presented Duff with a more clear focused GNR plan. But obiviously that didnt happen. I wonder how different the attitudes of the fans would be towards Axl/new gnr and duff if that was the band today....

With that said, it really doesnt matter. We all know why GNr broke up. Axl and Slash were both wrong. Egos and stubborness got in the way. They couldnt compromise on each philosophies, hence we have the break up....

Even if Axl didnt keep the name, he still would be considered the one who broke up gnr. His new band would still be compared to GNRS previous efforts and would be judged the same way it will be when its released. So he kept the name. In his mind GNR hasnt ended. ANd it really didnt end the way it was supposed to.

Yea we all would love the fairy tale band to play together for 20+yrs and still be an impact. But that didnt happen. 2 of the founders and pivotal members of Gnr have moved on, but 1 stayed.

Its not the conventional band, but its tsill a band. A band that is extremely talented and has represented well I might add. A band that will attempt to continue the GNr legacy. Not ruin it or attempt to take credit for what GNr has already accomplished. If they were able to capture all of their talents in their work, then more than likely they will have done an excellent job. All I ask is that this band continues the Gnr legacy. Add a new era/chapter to the monstrosity known as GNR.

on a sidenote:
First off, yeah axl is better

That's your opinion.
Sorry but its a fact. ;)

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: Scottyl333 on June 12, 2004, 08:00:55 PM
I went to the GNR show in Columbus, Ohio in 2002 and he sounded awesome.  Hes a great frontman and Weilend is not even comparable.  Im not saying he is bad but there not even on the same page and everyone knows that.  I watched some of the old concerts from the early 90s and Axl's voice was not very good.  He was touring non stop and his voice just went out.  He sounds really good now.  

I admit Axl does look kind of weird with the no eye brows and braided hair but who am I to judge.  Sorum looked like a homo when he was with GNR.  Has anyone seen his hair.  It was like gerri curls.  He looked like a freak.  

The reason Slash and Duff make fun of Axl is because they can.  And Axl has made some mistakes when it comes to public relations so now he is looked at as a laughing stock but I dont think he is.

I dont like Slash for reasons that are not even related to GNR.  He played at some war protest march and I am in the army and I was offended by this.  Here is a guy who does drugs that kill millions a year and he protest against taking out a dictator.  Screw him.  I think hes a joke these days.  I also think they picked Weilend because they wanted the attention.  Hes a drug addict and is going to get in trouble so there publicity.  I will buy the VR cd but only because there is nothing out there these days.  When the new GNR cd comes out its going to sell a hell of a lot more then that.  I can see it selling like Usher's cd and even more.

Axl does what he wants and doesnt give a shit what people think and that is why I like him.

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: thinizzzy on June 12, 2004, 08:03:29 PM
Ok my first post on this board, and after reading the initial thread I had to respond.  As a die-hard GN'R fan since 87', and an avid Axl supporter was at MSG in 02' and had tix to the next Philly show, the interview is being overanalyzed.  No other interviews do they talk about Axl, in order to be on Stern u can't tell him what u can and can't be asked.  So these questions were asked so they gave answers, they tried to get off the subject every time, for anyone that listened to the interview.  

First off, Matt's comments meant that Weiland is the best out there right now, and Axl was the best back in the day.  (Which people might say other current singers might be better, but as a huge and objective Axl supporter he can't be considered current "technically" since he hasn't released material).  He also said that to move the interview along, and to support Scott, after that he said let's not talk about that anymore.  

Second, Slash said didn't know about the VMA's till the next day when everyone was calling him about it.  And he refuses to show interest in New GN'R ever since he was barred from the Vegas show.  How can anyone say they wouldn't do the same thing, I would be pissed off and insulted as well.

Also the Weiland comment about surgery and Duff laughing, that's Stern everyone bashes everyone when people go on there.  Most people don't take everything said on there seriously, it's meant to infuriate people, that's part of the humor.  And Duff laughing so what, u don't think Axl talks shit about these guys c'mon people.

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: Booker Floyd on June 12, 2004, 08:06:55 PM
anyone who honestly believes this douschebag is sober is smoking crack, how many times has he been arrested since he joined vr?


And the judge and D.A. believe Scotts sober since they hes been subjected to urinalysis and is still allowed to tour.  : ok:

Slash and co. can rip on axl all they want, because they can't just talk about there music for the entire time, because it sucks so bad.

Completely clueless...

Care to remind us how Slash was ripping on Axl?

Oh and who is slash to talk about plastic surgery?

Again, what did Slash say about plastic surgery?  Try basing your tantrums on actual quotes rather than imaginary ones.

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: axls#2 on June 12, 2004, 08:39:28 PM

that's one.

not an arrest, just a little incident trying to smuggle heroin into rehab, just last winter.

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: axls#2 on June 12, 2004, 08:57:31 PM
anyone who honestly believes this douschebag is sober is smoking crack, how many times has he been arrested since he joined vr?


And the judge and D.A. believe Scotts sober since they hes been subjected to urinalysis and is still allowed to tour.  : ok:

Slash and co. can rip on axl all they want, because they can't just talk about there music for the entire time, because it sucks so bad.

Completely clueless...

Care to remind us how Slash was ripping on Axl?

Oh and who is slash to talk about plastic surgery?

Again, what did Slash say about plastic surgery?  Try basing your tantrums on actual quotes rather than imaginary ones.

oh god, then he must be sober if he passed a urinalysis. Like an experienced drug addict hasn't figured out how to pass those ::)

you don't have to say something to get a point across, actions speak louder than words. seems as if by the reports he was rather amused when it was brought up. I wonder what his reaction would have been if it were michael jackson? i'm sure he would have said something to kiss his ass. and he just said something about a week ago about how he couldn't believe buckethead stayed in gn'r that long. He's speaking about something he has no idea about, talk about clueless.  He has no idea who's fault it was. Although i tend to think it was axl's, that doesn't mean slash should spout off about it in public. And his constant complaining about how axl is ruining the gn'r name.

My response to that is. I don't think your really enhancing the gn'r name by playing with micheal jackson and icp. He never said anything about the gn'r name when axl incited riots in st. louis and montreal.  And it sounded like the entire band was laying into him about his voice, hair, weight. It just irritates me that they act like this. Without axl they would have been lucky to be as successful as motley crue.

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on June 12, 2004, 09:44:01 PM
I think the shots that VR took at Axl was just there way of getting even with Axl.Didn't Axl take a few shot at them on the 2002 tour?I think this could be a great rock feud.It is sad to think all those guys once called themselves a family.

slash and duff have been taking shots at axl since they left gnr.

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: D on June 12, 2004, 09:52:56 PM

of course scott weiland is a better frontman than axl in 2004 i mentioned that in my post based on technicality

fuck based on that im a better frontman than axl in 2004 but that aint how u judge shit

people are saying that scott is a better frontman than axl

freddie mercury has been dead for over a decade and hasnt released anything, so does that mean scott is better than freddie also? based on that argument he is

and if u listen to music for "the music" and not lyrics, no wonder VR is your favorite group, cause technically u are listening to GNR, i know what i shouldve done, i shouldve took the worst GNR ballad and compared the lyrics to VR, but then again we arent comparing GNR to VR we are comparing scott weiland with axl rose

and u cant compare scott to axl, the lyrics "which is what u have to compare in basis of frontmen

we aint comparing music here, im not comparing guitar solos from loving the alien to madagascar, i already gave u that argument, slash destroys new gnr guitar wise, that aint no secret

but we are comparing strictly axl rose and scott weiland

axl's lyrics are clearly a  hundred times deeper more meaningful and better thus winning the argument!

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: Dizzy on June 12, 2004, 10:12:46 PM
slash and duff have been taking shots at axl since they left gnr.

Only in your mind, since you twist every statement made by Slash and Duff way out of context.  Slash could say that he doesn't like Malibu's ever-eroding beaches, and you'd say "he is taking a shot at Axl for saying that, since Axl lives in Malibu".

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: Jizzo on June 12, 2004, 10:19:36 PM
Its all an oppinion. Slash, Duff and Matt don't have the same oppinion as you. They don't have the same one as me. Just because they worked with Axl doesn't mean they have to love him.

2nd, Matt is right to only want to talk about what he is doing now. Would you like everytime you talked to someone for them to bring up a job you did 10 years ago and got fired from or your new job your proud of.

Just because Slash didn't want to watch Axl on TV doesn't mean he changed from wanting to see them live.

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: jabba2 on June 12, 2004, 10:22:40 PM
Eddie Vedder also writes very deep lyrics for Pearl Jam.  But listening to Pearl Jams last 3 albums..they suck. Just because you spend lots of time writing lyrics doesnt mean a song will be better. Axl should be happy with his #7 frontman of all time status. Because they're giving him more credit than he derserves. Starting riots with fans, and losing your voice at countless shows doesnt equal a great frontman imo.

Im going to watch some GNR bootlegs to get a better oppinion on this.

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on June 12, 2004, 10:23:04 PM
slash and duff have been taking shots at axl since they left gnr.

Only in your mind, since you twist every statement made by Slash and Duff way out of context.  Slash could say that he doesn't like Malibu's ever-eroding beaches, and you'd say "he is taking a shot at Axl for saying that, since Axl lives in Malibu".

You have got to be kidding me.  I have never twisted any statement by slash or duff, i post the quote just as they said it.  

I find it amazing some people cant just admit it but oh well.

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: Dizzy on June 12, 2004, 10:26:26 PM
I have never twisted any statement by slash or duff, i post the quote just as they said it.  

Yeah, and then you give your warped interpretation of it.  Fine example: the "When Guns was still cool" thread.

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: D on June 12, 2004, 11:35:19 PM
i cant say anything about slash and duff bashing out axl, i mean its their right

i just dont want people on the board calling axl names and running their mouths when axl ever comes back if he does the same to them

people on here have a tendency to call paul tobias yoko

but in some ways i think matt has a yoko complex as well

i can just see matt behind the scenes whispering shit in slash's ear and driving a wedge between axl and slash

i still think Matt should think his lucky stars that Axl even let him into GNR

if axl hadnt let matt in GNR u know what he'd be? ex cult drummer on VH1's where are they now

Matt doesnt have the right in myopinion to trash axl especially if duff and slash arent

i like that what someone said

it seems like duff and slash are being very careful what they said as to not burn any bridges, makes u sorta sit back and think, or at least it makes me

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: Falcon on June 13, 2004, 12:08:48 AM
I think some of our faithful here have a hard time realizing Axl Rose's contemporaries, former bandmates and peers don't have a high opinion of him.

As for Matt being Yoko, why would he do anything "to drive a wedge between Axl and Slash"?  

That's senseless.  GNR was a helluva gig, high exposure and high paying.  Any dissent Matt would invoke would be cutting his nose off to spite his paycheck..

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: younggunner on June 13, 2004, 12:18:35 AM
Because they're giving him more credit than he derserves. Starting riots with fans, and losing your voice at countless shows doesnt equal a great frontman imo.

Axl is one of the greatest frontmen to ever take the stage. His actions and his personality add to that as well. Axl did/does whatever he wanted. Gnr did whatever they wanted. That is why they were once the most dangerous band in the world. You dont get that title by simply making great music. They did everything...and what was so special about it was that they lived it.

I think some of our faithful here have a hard time realizing Axl Rose's contemporaries, former bandmates and peers don't have a high opinion of him.
Thats fine. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. But when Axl states his opinion then hes the asshole.

Thier opinion of him is nothing new. He was a "selfish maniac" when they were in the band as well, so what. They have thier opinion and Axl has his.
If an outsider cant realize that both sides are at fault then they arent being fair....

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: DRUNK on June 13, 2004, 12:22:26 AM
Slash is a liar and a two face.  People think he is cool because he plays it cool, but behind the scenes, Slash is very differant.

You don't know Slash, you've never met him behind the scenes, so you don't know jack shit about what he's like behind the scenes.  So exit your fantasy world and quit pretending.

Tahe your own advice buddy.  Mr. Fake actor wannabe posting a resume on a message board, which is surely a lie.  You're laughable.  Now do me a favor, and do not respond to me ever again.  This means, do not quote me, do not post in my threads, and do not attempt to converse with me ever again.  I'd like to avoid you while I am here.  You are nothing but annoying, and I am in total disagreement with you at all times.  It can only lead to a constant bitchfest. I come here for my own enjoyment, and I don't want to see you.  Good bye

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: Booker Floyd on June 13, 2004, 12:36:09 AM
not an arrest, just a little incident trying to smuggle heroin into rehab, just last winter. account that was never verified by any reputable new outlet.  Mustve pretty "little" that he was released no long after.

I don't think your really enhancing the gn'r name by playing with micheal jackson and icp.

Slash used the GNR name on those records?  This I did not know...

And it sounded like the entire band was laying into him about his voice, hair, weight.

What did they say?  Other than Scott, who has no relationship with Axl, what did they say to lay into him?  Because youre imagining how they reacted (considering you havent even see the tape or probably even hear the interview)...

As for Matt being Yoko, why would he do anything "to drive a wedge between Axl and Slash"?

Not to mention that unlike Huge, Sorum was already in an accomplished band and was hired and approved of by the whole band based on his musical merits - not because hes the singers friend.

Just because Slash didn't want to watch Axl on TV doesn't mean he changed from wanting to see them live

Yeah, this one eludes me...

Slash wanted to see the band live, before the concert even he didnt know what to expect.  That doesnt equal getting calls the morning after the VMAs informing him of how bad it was.  If he doesnt want to see the band that defined his life in that shape, its understandable, and quite different then going into GNRs comeback show with no expectations.

people are saying that scott is a better frontman than axl

freddie mercury has been dead for over a decade and hasnt released anything, so does that mean scott is better than freddie also? based on that argument he is

Thats not what they mean.  They mean that Scott Weiland today is better than the Axl of today...the one from the VMAs and 2002 tours.

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: younggunner on June 13, 2004, 12:54:44 AM
Not to mention that unlike Huge, Sorum was already in an accomplished band and was hired and approved of by the whole band based on his musical merits - not because hes the singers friend.
Aside from the ex-bandmembers accounts, where is the evidence that HUge is the yoko ono of GNr.

He was with the band since day 1. Its not liek he just came along and decided he was going to be a leqad guitar player.

Slash wanted to see the band live, before the concert even he didnt know what to expect.  That doesnt equal getting calls the morning after the VMAs informing him of how bad it was.  If he doesnt want to see the band that defined his life in that shape, its understandable, and quite different then going into GNRs comeback show with no expectations.
Well being that he was so "excited" to see GNR in Vegas how come he didnt put it on for the VMA's. Did he get those phone calls before GNR went on? He must have some psychic friends.

There was no need for Slash to go see GNR in Vegas.

Thats not what they mean.  They mean that Scott Weiland today is better than the Axl of today...the one from the VMAs and 2002 tours.
What about the Axl from the VMAs. He and the band kicked ass. Axl ROse is Axl Rose. And Scott Weiland is Scott Weiland.

But if it makes everyone cream their pants, ok Weiland is better than Axl right now. If you want to believe that fine. BUt when Cd comes out, Mr. Weiland can move to the side once again.

And its not to knock Weiland. Hes an excellent frontman himself. But lets be serious, Axl Rose/Scott Weiland......but if it makes you feel special..dream away

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: AxlsPiano on June 13, 2004, 01:20:57 AM
Well being that he was so "excited" to see GNR in Vegas how come he didnt put it on for the VMA's. Did he get those phone calls before GNR went on? He must have some psychic friends.

There was no need for Slash to go see GNR in Vegas.

Well, remember that the GNR VMA performance was a surprise, so I doubt that Slash, even if he heard rumors, was going to sit around and watch TV to see if they were true or not. I'm sure he went to bed that night and got the phone calls in the morning about it or whatever. I'd say that's believable.

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: Booker Floyd on June 13, 2004, 01:22:13 AM
Aside from the ex-bandmembers accounts, where is the evidence that HUge is the yoko ono of GNr.

Well, if the band approved of him...

And his presence didnt divide and disrupt the band...

Then why would they say such things about him?  Obviously, they didnt approve of him, and his presence did disrupt the thats how the band felt.  And since it they were there, and it was their band too, I think their opinion should count for something.  

He was with the band since day 1. Its not liek he just came along and decided he was going to be a leqad guitar player.

Huh?  He was with Axl since day one...he wasnt part of the band, he was a friend of Axls.  If that entails contributing music that the band was comfortable with, thats great.  But that clearly wasnt the case.  I dont know if he decided to be in the band, but Axl did, and it wasnt cool with the band.

Im hesitant to blame Paul Huge, but it was easy to see that Slash wasnt happy with him (even at the time) and he obviously put himself in the position anyway.  But its clear that Axl imposed his presence.

Well being that he was so "excited" to see GNR in Vegas how come he didnt put it on for the VMA's. Did he get those phone calls before GNR went on? He must have some psychic friends.

Umm...the VMAs were a surprise performance.  I guess Slash didnt know about...

Slash from Howard Stern:

"It was one of those things where I got a bunch of phone calls one morning, leaving me messages, going, you know "What was that whole thing about on TV?  And I didnt know what it was...and so when I heard what it was - it was the MTV awards, and I heard the reaction from the people that saw it...I didnt wanna see something...I didnt wanna leave know, have that memory of whatever Guns N' Roses was.  When I left it was still sorta cool."

"Are memories are pretty good" - Duff

There was no need for Slash to go see GNR in Vegas.

There was no need for anybody to see them...they wanted to, and so did Slash apparently.

But if it makes everyone cream their pants, ok Weiland is better than Axl right now.

The "cream your pants" reaction is becoming a staple in your defense mechanism routine...nearly taking the place of such favorites as "Vr is good rock n roll, and thats fine til the big boys come out to play," "your gonna find out for yourself," and "Vr is a good rock n roll band and they will rock, but gnr will rock the world".  Good to see that such dazzling variety.

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: D on June 13, 2004, 01:31:18 AM
scott isnt better now than axl was on the 2002 tour

guys i dont know what u are listening to but i broke my MSG 2002 out the other night and axl sounds fuckin sensational, better than he did on tokyo and the chicago boot by far

his stage presence isnt the same but i think that has more to do with the braids and those baggy fuckin jerseys and the fact he didnt rant any

but the axl from rio 3 destroys weiland

i do like scott i love his stage moves but he still isnt as good as axl

fuck theres an interview somewhere that matt says something, cause damn it i remember reading that and thats where my initial "matt is yoko" came from

after axl fired matt thats when i think matt started gettin into slash' head and stuff, there is an article somewhere, by god i know i read it, cause i didnt think nothing bad of Matt till i read that article, and reading that made me go "whoa" to myself cause i even said it a few months back about paul tobias bein yoko when matt sounded like that

ill try to research and find it again

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: younggunner on June 13, 2004, 01:35:39 AM
But that clearly wasnt the case.  I dont know if he decided to be in the band, but Axl did, and it wasnt cool with the band.
He helped write some songs. They obivoulsy were fine with him back then.

but it was easy to see that Slash wasnt happy with him (even at the time) and he obviously put himself in the position anyway.  But its clear that Axl imposed his presence.
So Slash left his pride and joy band because of Paul Tobias?
The same Paul Tobias who Axl says
" The original intentions between Paul and myself were that Paul was going to help me for as long as it took to get this thing together in whatever capacity that he could help me in. So when he first was brought into this, he was brought in as a writer to work with Slash. At the time those guys never suggested one name. Nobody else. Ever.
Theres a whole other paragraph on this topic, so if you want go back and read it. It saysd it all.

Umm...the VMAs were a surprise performance.  I guess Slash didnt know about...
How come GNR fans new about it a few days before. Slash has many friends that are in the music business. Theres a decent chance he new about it.

The "cream your pants" reaction is becoming a staple in your defense mechanism routine...nearly taking the place of such favorites as "Vr is good rock n roll, and thats fine til the big boys come out to play," "your gonna find out for yourself," and "Vr is a good rock n roll band and they will rock, but gnr will rock the world".  Good to see that such dazzling variety.
I only speak the truth my friend. Glad you have noticed.

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: Falcon on June 13, 2004, 01:38:45 AM

after axl fired matt thats when i think matt started gettin into slash' head and stuff, there is an article somewhere, by god i know i read it, cause i didnt think nothing bad of Matt till i read that article, and reading that made me go "whoa" to myself cause i even said it a few months back about paul tobias bein yoko when matt sounded like that

ill try to research and find it again

I believe Slash left before Axl whacked Matt so shouldn't any supposed comments that may have "got into Slash's head" be deemed irrelevent?

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: D on June 13, 2004, 01:43:16 AM
didnt matt say something to paul tobias or something? fuck where is this god damn interview, its driving me fuckin crazy, it may have been duff's head then that he got into

it was some band member, fuck im gonna find it, ill return with the evidence!

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: Booker Floyd on June 13, 2004, 02:07:36 AM
He helped write some songs. They obivoulsy were fine with him back then.

Who knows to what extent they caed for his presence, but obviously that changed toward the end.  He helped write like what, two songs?  And as far as I know, one of them (possibly more) were worked on before GNR even came to be.

So Slash left his pride and joy band because of Paul Tobias?

He was part of the problem it seems.

The same Paul Tobias who Axl says
" The original intentions between Paul and myself were that Paul was going to help me for as long as it took to get this thing together in whatever capacity that he could help me in. So when he first was brought into this, he was brought in as a writer to work with Slash. At the time those guys never suggested one name. Nobody else. Ever.
Theres a whole other paragraph on this topic, so if you want go back and read it. It saysd it all.

And that quote proves...?  

The quotes that are more relevant to the discussion are ones made by Slash, Matt and Duff, since they were the ones uncomfortable with Huges presence while Axl was the one imposing him onto the band.  

How come GNR fans new about it a few days before. Slash has many friends that are in the music business. Theres a decent chance he new about it.

GNR fans knew because of message boards and such...Not sure Slash was perusing the forums in the days leading up to it.

You assume that he knew, he says that he didnt.  Maybe you know more than he does about what happened, but Im not going to join in on that assumption.

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: younggunner on June 13, 2004, 02:15:17 AM
And that quote proves...?  

The quotes that are more relevant to the discussion are ones made by Slash, Matt and Duff, since they were the ones uncomfortable with Huges presence while Axl was the one imposing him onto the band.  
It proves nothing other than that there is another side to the story than just matt/duff slash point of view/opinion.
And thats another thing. Who cares what Sorum says? He acts as if he was a pivotal member of gnr. He wasnt.And he has nothing to do with gnr breakup.

I could bring Dizzy into the mix but I dont because he wasnt a pivotal member of the band during that time. Same with Sorum.

And Duff stayed with GNr a year longer than SLash. He left because Axl was too slow and didnt get shit done. Unless Tobias urked Duff so much he decided to leave too?
Its between Slash and Axl.

If Duff stayed I wonder if there would be this animosity toward Axl and the other guys. Who knows. But he didnt so we will never know...

You assume that he knew, he says that he didnt.  Maybe you know more than he does about what happened, but Im not going to join in on that assumption.
Im not syaing he knew. I said there was a decent chance he found out as well.

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: Booker Floyd on June 13, 2004, 02:25:54 AM
And thats another thing. Who cares what Sorum says? He acts as if he was a pivotal member of gnr.

He kind of was.  Granted, he might have been the low man on the totem pole within the band, but he was still a member.

And Duff stayed with GNr a year longer than SLash. He left because Axl was too slow and dint get shit done. Unless Tobias urked Duff so much he decided to leave too?
Its between Slash and Axl.

Duff left because ultimately he realized it was no longer GNR, or a band he enjoyed being in.  Hes said that quite a few times, recently as well.

Im not syaing he knew. I said there was a decent chance he found out as well.

Whatever the case is, he claims to have heard about it the morning after, which would answer you question concerning phone calls before GNR went on and psychic friends.

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: younggunner on June 13, 2004, 02:40:22 AM
Duff left because ultimately he realized it was no longer GNR, or a band he enjoyed being in.
Duff left because of Axls laziness and not doing anything right away. Fact is he stayed much longer than SLash. He didnt let Paul Tobias push him out of his band.
Maybe he stayed because he would partcipate in what Axl wanted to do as well. How come he didnt leave with Slash if Axls vision was so unfathomable as Slash always says.?
Even if Duff didnt agree with Axls vision, which we have no idea either way, if he did or didnt, he stuck around and tried to make it work. HE tried to keep peace. But then he gave up. Not because of music philosophies but because of the whole time issue.

How come Slash didnt do the same? Im not syaing SLash was the one who had to compromise but why make it seem like Axl was on this crazy musical vision. Duff seemed to go along with it. It couldnt have been that bad.

He kind of was.  Granted, he might have been the low man on the totem pole within the band, but he was still a member.
Dizzy Reed has stuck around for awhile. He has nothing bad to say.
Booker you can bring sorum and duff into the mix all you comes down to axl and slash

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: Buddha_Master on June 13, 2004, 03:41:44 AM
Duff said he didnt see GNR play at the VMS's because he was in school learning about business. Then Slash said he "refused to watch it." The "whole bucket thing"....  as thrown out there.

Youve misled people with your entire post.  Slash didnt say anything about "The bucket thing".  Those words came from Gary.  

They also talked about Axl getting fat, and Axl goin balled.

Again, no.  Howard and his crew said all of this, not anyone from VR, except Scott who made the eyebrow comment.  Even Matt, whos said things about Axl before, said nothing insulting.

 This, all before Matt gave a speech saying he has worked with 3 of the biggest frontman, and said Weiland is the best frontman he has ever worked with, and the most gifted frontman today, and wanted to only talk about VR and not waste time with GNR.

If youre going to make a post about this stuff, you should have your shit straight.

Matts exact quote:

"Ive been in the best seat in the house for three bands that Ive been in, right....The Cult with Ian Astbury - great frontman, Axl Rose - great frontman...Scott Weiland is the worlds greatest rock and roll frontman right now."

He does not say Scott was the best frontman hes ever worked with.

Wait....wait.... something does strike me as odd. Maybe Im just fucked up. Didn't Slash say he "REFUSED" to watch this new GNR perform? Didnt he say that? Yea, he did say that. Slash also retold the story on Stern about how he tried to get into Mandalay Bay to see this new GNR perform on New Years. What a fucking thing that is. The only Contra is his own Contradiction.

What a clever, profound statement.  But if you listened to the interview (Im starting to think you just heard about it, or maybe you were half asleep watching it), Slash says that the main reason he didnt watch the VMAs was because of what everybody was telling him about it, and he claims that he didnt want to see it.

Whoa wait up. Man, havent even read through the posts comin after this one here, Ill get to them, but first I have to address this one first. Im me, and I dont let things like this slide.

Its true I didnt have some bitch type out the dialog from the show, and its all how I saw it. In response to you and your degrading words, I got this to say. When a show is on TV, you get the added plus of not just hearing what they are saying but you digest everything as a whole because you have eyes that can see the expressions and reactions, the things you cant digest from the radio. I am beginning to think you didnt see the E show, and are just misleading people based soley on what you heard from the radio. I will clarify.

Slash and Duff said plenty. And you are way off with some of what you stated as fact. The plastic surgery inquiries.duff found that very funny. When it was directed at Slash, Slash did break out the big grin, and said "yea" before cut off by weliand.

More to the point of Slash. Slash absolutely said in regards to the VMA's is that he first said he "refused to watch it." rewatch it again dude, you would have to be a mongoloid to miss it Im not saying you are, so rewatch it. I did, with my bro, and we got into our new thoughts on Slash because of it. Slash did get into what you wrote, but it was later when it was his turn t comment on it. When the question was first put out there, slash blurted it out. His exact words were "I refused to watch it"

This brings up and proves that he is a liar, with this funny as fuck contradiction (of him earlier trying to see them live).

Whathefuck anyway.

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: Booker Floyd on June 13, 2004, 03:45:00 AM
Duff left because of Axls laziness and not doing anything right away. Fact is he stayed much longer than SLash. He didnt let Paul Tobias push him out of his band.

First, I didnt say that Paul was the only/biggest reason the guys left, but one of many.  And he probably was more of a problem with Slash, and then Matt.  But its no secret he was Axls friend, and not accepted by the other guys.


"I was sober...and I kind of opened my eyes and looked around and started going down to rehearsel...and it was really Axls thing and thats not what Guns N' Roses was - it was a united front, thats what made it different.  We all wrote the songs, we all had shared this vision and we were like a family...and the family fell apart." - Duff from his interview with Mickey Kravitz from about a month ago  

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: R4tfink on June 13, 2004, 04:11:29 AM
If the guys really said those things about their former singer, then don't be surprised if Axl has a thing or two to say whenever he sees fit.

Good point.

To be quite frank, the success of Velvet Revolver could be a blessing in disguise for Axl and GN'R.

It could inspire AXL to get the album out quicker and directly compete with VR.

If he does we could have some kick ass rivalries,rants and music to boot.

Or is that wishful thinking? ------Yes!

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: Mikkamakka on June 13, 2004, 04:46:17 AM
But that clearly wasnt the case.  I dont know if he decided to be in the band, but Axl did, and it wasnt cool with the band.
He helped write some songs. They obivoulsy were fine with him back then.

but it was easy to see that Slash wasnt happy with him (even at the time) and he obviously put himself in the position anyway.  But its clear that Axl imposed his presence.
So Slash left his pride and joy band because of Paul Tobias?
The same Paul Tobias who Axl says
" The original intentions between Paul and myself were that Paul was going to help me for as long as it took to get this thing together in whatever capacity that he could help me in. So when he first was brought into this, he was brought in as a writer to work with Slash. At the time those guys never suggested one name. Nobody else. Ever.
Theres a whole other paragraph on this topic, so if you want go back and read it. It saysd it all.

First, Back Off Bitch was written a long before GN'R. Did Paul write anything with/for them after that? Well, OMG, but that doesn't count for the Slash-era.

Axl can say that the others didn't suggest anybody, but it's just not true. Slash always wanted to work with Ryan Roxie, he told in the '94-'96 interviews, just Axl had  that Paul-vision and didn't care about the others.

Do you think that bringing Yoko Tobias to the studio to do extra guitars on Sympathy without Slash & Co knowing anything about it was a fair movement? I understand Slash got pissed off. Nobody, even Axl can decide whom Slash or his guitarist will play with. Well now, that GN'R is Axl Rose's solo project he decides who play in 'GN'R'...

Edit: Fixed the messed up quotes that were messing up the page layout... /jarmo

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: Dizzy on June 13, 2004, 10:27:50 AM
The original intentions between Paul and myself were that Paul was going to help me for as long as it took to get this thing together in whatever capacity that he could help me in. So when he first was brought into this, he was brought in as a writer to work with Slash. At the time those guys never suggested one name. Nobody else. Ever.

My question is that if that's the case, why didn't any of the other band members, Slash in particular, know about Paul?  Slash stated that he had no idea Paul came into the fray until he heard Paul's guitar on "Sympathy for the Devil".  He further stated that he had a problem with Axl bringing in another guitarist without consulting him first.  So if Axl's intentions were only to bring in another guitarist to write and play with Slash for the time being, why would he not even tell Slash about it?

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: younggunner on June 13, 2004, 11:25:26 AM
But its no secret he was Axls friend, and not accepted by the other guys.

Duff didnt mind because he was around after Slash left.

Yes, Duff left because it became a totally different situation than GUns once was. My point is he wasnt offended by Axls supposed "vision". He stayed around and tried to make things work. It obiviously didnt and he left.

My question is that if that's the case, why didn't any of the other band members, Slash in particular, know about Paul?  Slash stated that he had no idea Paul came into the fray until he heard Paul's guitar on "Sympathy for the Devil"
Thats what slash says and Axl says the opposite.

He further stated that he had a problem with Axl bringing in another guitarist without consulting him first.  So if Axl's intentions were only to bring in another guitarist to write and play with Slash for the time being, why would he not even tell Slash about it?
Im sure he would have a problem with it. Tobias wasnt brought in to play in GNR. He was there because Axl though he was better than Gilby and that he could help the band.

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: Old Man In Chains on June 13, 2004, 12:22:59 PM
First of all, Stern was the one taking shots at Axl.  I would hardly consider Duff laughing or Scott saying something about Axl's eyebrows to be slamming Axl.  Slash trying to go to the Vegas show and then saying he refused to watch the VMAs does not make him a liar.  He was in Vegas and saw that the band he helped create and make successful was playing and was naturally curious.  That's different than refusing to watch the VMAs after you have been told what a pathetic joke it was.  I am a huge Axl fan, but if there is anybody who deserves to be slammed it's him.  He was largely responsible for tearing the greatest band ever apart.
It was the original 5 that made GNR what it was, but AXl thinks it was all him.  His ego and all around insanity drove everyone away.  Now he is a fucking joke.  Braids and plastic surgery and jerseys, he looks like a fucking clown.  He is quickly becoming the Michael Jackson of hard rock.  The only thing that can save him is to release CD, if it even exists, but it will probably never happen.  I feel bad for him, because in 1988 Axl Rose was the coolest motherfucker on the planet and my hero and now he is about as uncool as you can get.

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: Booker Floyd on June 13, 2004, 12:38:23 PM
Yes, Duff left because it became a totally different situation than GUns once was. My point is he wasnt offended by Axls supposed "vision".

"...and it was really Axls thing and thats not what Guns N' Roses was"

Come on, how much clearer can it be.

Even Axl said that Duff and Matt refused to work on "Oh My God" in the press release.  I dont think they refused because they shared the same vision...

Thats what slash says and Axl says the opposite.

Slash said while he was still in the band...

Im sure he would have a problem with it. Tobias wasnt brought in to play in GNR. He was there because Axl though he was better than Gilby and that he could help the band.

Apparently he was, since he was on an officially released GNR song - without the knowledge of the others.  

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: younggunner on June 13, 2004, 01:36:42 PM
Apparently he was, since he was on an officially released GNR song - without the knowledge of the others.  
Now whether or not Paul was going to be officially on the album or on the tour that really wasn?t an actual consideration at the time. It was in the air as a possibility but Paul was a friend trying to help us and he had a huge respect for Slash.

Slash left because Axl felt GNr needed to explore musically. That doesnt mean they have to revolutionize music or there sound, just keep pushing the envelope. SLash felt it wasnt necessary. They are both wrong for not being able to compromise. Duff was willing to compromise and stayed with Axl as long as he could. But by that point old gnr was over. So he left

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: Music For Life on June 13, 2004, 03:09:02 PM
u know i watched my chicago 92 dvds and my new york MSG 2002 dvd back to back tonight

and the proof is in the pudding

axl sounds 10 times better at msg than at chicago

his screams and stuff are awesome!

people cant get over the old band enough to give him credit

but live thats the best his voice has ever sounded

lol, thats funny.  his voice sounds better now than before?  wow, thats fuckin histerical, lol.  good joke man :)  i have to remember that one.

GET IN THE RING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: Buddha_Master on June 13, 2004, 06:54:03 PM
First of all, Stern was the one taking shots at Axl.  I would hardly consider Duff laughing or Scott saying something about Axl's eyebrows to be slamming Axl.  Slash trying to go to the Vegas show and then saying he refused to watch the VMAs does not make him a liar.  He was in Vegas and saw that the band he helped create and make successful was playing and was naturally curious.  That's different than refusing to watch the VMAs after you have been told what a pathetic joke it was.  I am a huge Axl fan, but if there is anybody who deserves to be slammed it's him.  He was largely responsible for tearing the greatest band ever apart.
It was the original 5 that made GNR what it was, but AXl thinks it was all him.  His ego and all around insanity drove everyone away.  Now he is a fucking joke.  Braids and plastic surgery and jerseys, he looks like a fucking clown.  He is quickly becoming the Michael Jackson of hard rock.  The only thing that can save him is to release CD, if it even exists, but it will probably never happen.  I feel bad for him, because in 1988 Axl Rose was the coolest motherfucker on the planet and my hero and now he is about as uncool as you can get.

This is some silly shit. Stern never took any shots at Axl. THere is a fucked up misconception that stern has some beef with him, but as a Fan, I can tell you he doesn't He just does what he does as arguably the best celebrity interviewer. He gets people to talk about shit other interviewers are too pussy to put out there. He asked questions, and it was up to them to answer them as they saw fit. Now, if he put a question out there (and obviously if it is Axl related it is more interesting to what people want to here them respond to), then they can either answer it, or not answer it Now, if you dont answer a question, but you instead sit there with big ole smirks on your face, that is the same thing as saying yes. They didnt say no, and they didnt say I dont know. They could have said whatever Axl had done is his businass. But they didnt. They smirked and laughed.

Whats even sillier, is that you are putting words into Slash's mouth. He NEVER said he didnt watch the VMA performance because has has "been told what a pathetic joke it was." That is your opinion and you shouldnt pretend to think for Slash. He's a big boy, and he speaks for himself.

Whats even fucking more pathetic is when you say "I am a huge Axl fan, but if there is anybody who deserves to be slammed it's him.  He was largely responsible for tearing the greatest band ever apart."

This post was not created so you can give your own personal opinion of Axl. Axl wasnt on the Stern show to defend himself. This was a one sided show. Furthermore this thread has nothing to do with Tobias. Its about what VR had to say about shit, and how they chose to potray Axl. They could have corrected Stern (which would have been cool), or downplayed shit. They could have played it cool. But they didnt. Their actions here spoke louder than anything said.

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: GypsySoul on June 13, 2004, 08:20:56 PM
This is some silly shit. Stern never took any shots at Axl. THere is a fucked up misconception that stern has some beef with him, but as a Fan, I can tell you he doesn't He just does what he does as arguably the best celebrity interviewer.
"Arguably" is a good word here because IMO Stern and his people didn't do any "homework" on the guys before that interview.  He said to Scott something like "last I heard, you were in STP" to which Scott replied something like "that was two and half years ago".  And Slash had to correct him about how it's true he's divorced now from Renee but he had to tell Stern he's now married to Perla and has a second child on the way.  Haven't Slash & Perla been together since like 1995?  And that guy Gary kept referring to them as "the GNR guys".  And they didn't know Duff's pancreas (sp) story. And Robin & the other guy making Duff's financial school accomplishments sound like it's a big joke.  And Stern questioning Slash of all people on whether or not Axl has hair plugs was the biggest faux pas of all.

Not that I'm a big VR fan in any sense of the word but in their defense I think what was shown on that tv show was very "creative editing" on Stern's part and IMO the VR guys did their best to try to get the different drugs/STP/GNR/Axl topics back to VR topics.

Did anyone hear the actual entire radio interview live?  I'm curious what was cut out.  Obviously the part where they played those instruments they were sitting there with.

P.S.  It seemed to me like Scott was trying to suck up to Stern, i.e., you're the only one I would allow to talk about my drug problem... good luck with your FCC (cencorship) fight... but Stern didn't seem to care about Scott's opinions on anything except for the shit that Stern wanted to stir up, which was all 'old news' to even the most casual VR fan.

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: Booker Floyd on June 13, 2004, 09:09:42 PM
This is some silly shit. Stern never took any shots at Axl.


Do you listen to the show?  Sterns been making fun of Axl for years.  He reported on the supposed botched hair transplant a few years ago...When he had Slash on years ago, he spent a lot of time talking about how horrible Axls music will be (I think it was right after "Oh My God").  And he tore him apart after the VMAs, saying that he looked fat, had plastic surgery on his face and sucked at singing.  During a live read for the Greatest Hits he said "Why doesnt that idiot just get back together with Slash?"

Just from this interview alone, he says "It does appear Axl lost his hair and has some sort of hair weave".

"His voice seems to have been effected by something, its not as strong."

In response to Garys comment about him having surgery to his face, Stern says "Yeah, right?"


"Howard also asked Sammy about the MTV Video Music Awards since he was there. The two of them spent a few minutes talking about Axl Rose and what happened to him. Sammy pointed out how Axl was winded within 30 seconds of getting on stage. He said if Axl had to do a 2 hour show he would have been in trouble."

"Howard said they have to talk about the Video Music Awards and some of the stuff that went on. The guys spent a few minutes talking about Axl Rose and how bad he looked and sounded on the show."

"Howard asked Slash if he heard Axl's horrible music that was out recently. Slash wouldn't bad mouth Axl but said that the reason he left GNR was because of the direction Axl wanted to go with music."

"Ex-Guns N Roses guitarist, Slash, called in this morning. Howard just wanted to talk about how bad Axl's new music is and how he's still using the Guns N Roses name without the rest of the original band."

Did anyone hear the actual entire radio interview live?  I'm curious what was cut out.  Obviously the part where they played those instruments they were sitting there with.

Go to a recap there.  The date was May 25th I believe.

P.S.  It seemed to me like Scott was trying to suck up to Stern, i.e., you're the only one I would allow to talk about my drug problem... good luck with your FCC (cencorship) fight... but Stern didn't seem to care about Scott's opinions on anything except for the shit that Stern wanted to stir up, which was all 'old news' to even the most casual VR fan.

Scott has been a friend of the Stern show for years...And Stern has shown that he appreciates any celebrity support in his fight against the FCC.

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: younggunner on June 13, 2004, 11:21:04 PM
Do you listen to the show?  Sterns been making fun of Axl for years.
Yea he has poked fun at Axl over the years but not to the extent your implying.

If you listen to Stern, you have to take what he says with a grain of salt. Especially when it comes to music. He knows nothing about gnr or the situation. He only goes by what is said.

Just from this interview alone, he says "It does appear Axl lost his hair and has some sort of hair weave".

"His voice seems to have been effected by something, its not as strong."
He said those things but he wasnt making fun of Axl or saying it in a way that was making fun of him. He was bringing it up as a questiopn to Slash rather than straight up bashing.

I find it funny how you go out of your way to make sure everyone knows what Stern has said about gnr/Axl. Its like Stern has this highly regarded opinion. And im not saying this because its anti gnr. Its not.

As gypsy soul pointed out, Howard didnt have all his info up to date on that Vr interview. Thats how Howard is on the majority of his music and some celebrity interviews. He doesnt follow bands or even care about them. His opinions regarding music usually go with what the public majority is saying.
So if a colleague of his says MSG sucked, he will say MSG sucked...etc....

but whatver, the guy is entitled to his opinion. I just find it funny how you go out of your way to point shit liek that out....
{this is for you booker} dont really matter....yo gonna find out fo yoself....{and ill make sure i go out of my way when that time comes  ;)}

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: Booker Floyd on June 13, 2004, 11:54:20 PM
Yea he has poked fun at Axl over the years but not to the extent your implying.

Implying?  The quotes and recaps are right in front of your face, but judging by the thread about the Duff situation, youre not too good with quotes.

If you listen to Stern, you have to take what he says with a grain of salt. Especially when it comes to music. He knows nothing about gnr or the situation. He only goes by what is said. he didnt really think Axl sucked at the VMAs, hes just pretending.  Thanks for the clarification...

He said those things but he wasnt making fun of Axl or saying it in a way that was making fun of him. He was bringing it up as a questiopn to Slash rather than straight up bashing.

So that doesnt qualigy as bashing to you guys anymore?  Because everytime that stuff is brought up here it is, and if its said by a musician or ex-member it is, but for some reason Howard can bring it up, ridicule him, call him an idiot and say he sucks...but you just gotta take with a grain of salt.  Dont understand the logic there but...okay.

I find it funny how you go out of your way to make sure everyone knows what Stern has said about gnr/Axl. Its like Stern has this highly regarded opinion. And im not saying this because its anti gnr. Its not.

You find that funny?  I think you should find this funnier:

Stern never took any shots at Axl. THere is a fucked up misconception that stern has some beef with him, but as a Fan, I can tell you he doesn't

That would explain why I go out of my way to let people know about Sterns opinion.

His opinions regarding music usually go with what the public majority is saying.
So if a colleague of his says MSG sucked, he will say MSG sucked...etc....

Yeah..even things he sees and hears himself, like "Oh My God" and the VMAs.  

but whatver, the guy is entitled to his opinion.

So then why are you so adament about defending and justifying it.  Just accept it.

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: younggunner on June 14, 2004, 12:02:39 AM
So that doesnt qualigy as bashing to you guys anymore?
Your the one who brought up all the Stern comments on Axl. And compared to the comments in the past, his most recent interview with VR, he wasnt bashing or saying it in a joking manner. He was asking it in a question manner rather than making fun of him. As he has done in the past.

So then why are you so adament about defending and justifying it.  Just accept it.
I only defend it and put it into context because you are the one who is so adament to bring it up.

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: Buddha_Master on June 14, 2004, 12:43:21 AM
No younggunner is right. I have been listening to Stern religiously since I first started driving. Without Stern, my drive to work woud be  pretty unbearable. The dude and his show makes me laugh. Anway, if you listen to him long enough you know the point of reference he is coming from with these interviews. He isnt Jay Leno or some fake fuck who gets extensive preinterviews and pre selected questions to ask. He is the best there is at this, because he is more a real deal average joe. He also says a lot of shit to rile (sp?) someone up to the point they say shit they normally wouldnt and be more open with their views. Often times guests forget they are on the air and talk like they woud if they were just kicking it, and a lot more is revealed because of this.

The majority want to hear what Slash has to say about all the rumors that have surfaced on Axl. We are all fucked up like that. I dont remember Slash ever being asked things that he and the others were being asked by Stern. Its not ignorance that Stern asked them. Its the morbid curiousty a lot of people have to know these things. Stern is also the more rock n' roll host than anyone else on the air, and deals with countless guests. So its cool that he doesnt remember shit like with Duffs pancreas. Duff reminded him that he told him the story before. So the fuck what Stern didnt remember. I dont remember what I had for dinner a couple nights back. He's just a guy like that.

younggunner is obviously a listener and gets it. I really hope when Axl decides to resurface, he goes back on Stern (yes I said back (he was a guest on the air with Stern in the past)) and gives his side. It would mean so much more, to so much more.

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: D on June 14, 2004, 12:52:45 AM
anyone who laughs at my axl sounded better on the 2002 tour than on most of the get in the ring tour has obviously never heard any shows from that era

axls voice is fucking shot on that tour, its really hoarse and it seems painful for him to hit certain notes

he couldnt scream then like he does now

the wttj scream b4 vmas, his live and let die, maddy screams on the tour, kohd screams are unparallelled

also if something like paul tobias playin on a soundtrack meaningless session like sftd can break up a band then the band was broken and already fractured beyond the point of repair anyway

slash said it best, they were lucky to last a year, it was volatile it was psychotic which probably led to most of their success, conflict leads to great accomplishments

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: Mutherfunker on June 14, 2004, 06:50:23 AM
Anyone can hear that Axl's voice sounds far better now in terms of being clear and strong. Probably due to the long rest. I like it more now, some people might prefer the hoarse, shot voice  ::)

As for front men.... I thought their job was to sing and entertain? If you want to compare who is the better front man then you must compare the difference between Scott performing on stage right now and Axl performing on stage right now. It doesn't matter whether you have an album out, or are touring, that's what a band does together. Compare how they perform and Axl kicks Weiland's ass all over the place.

Stern takes the piss out of Axl because he's an easy target. Didn't Stern go to MSG in '02 and enjoy it? (Someone remind me). It's not personal, and it's not necessarily because he doesn't like Axl, it's because anyone can make loads of jokes about Axl at the moment, in some cases to get a cheap laugh, and in some to have something to talk about, and in others to get someone to say something they wouldn't normally say (VR).


Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: Booker Floyd on June 14, 2004, 08:03:50 AM
Anyone can hear that Axl's voice sounds far better now in terms of being clear and strong.


Compare how they perform and Axl kicks Weiland's ass all over the place.


Didn't Stern go to MSG in '02 and enjoy it? (Someone remind me).


One of his coworkers did and criticized it on-air, which Blender credited to an alleged Axl breakdown.

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: Mutherfunker on June 14, 2004, 09:49:44 AM
So you're saying that as individuals, if Scott Weiland and Axl Rose went on stage today, Weiland is the better performer, more entertaining and a better singer?


Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: Booker Floyd on June 14, 2004, 10:08:03 AM
So you're saying that as individuals, if Scott Weiland and Axl Rose went on stage today, Weiland is the better performer, more entertaining and a better singer?

Its a little unfair, since I havent seen Axl perform live (thanks to the Philly no-show)...itd probably be an even match for me.  Both great for different reasons, and two of my favorite frontmen.  But I know that Axl certainly doesnt "kick Weilands ass all over the place".

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: Malcolm on June 14, 2004, 11:04:31 AM

Duff said he didnt see GNR play at the VMS's because he was in school learning about business.

Good to hear.
Then Slash said he "refused to watch it." The "whole bucket thing"....  as thrown out there.
i wonder why that is?..why would slash refuse to watch buckethead?

They also talked about Axl getting fat, and Axl goin balled. This, all before Matt gave a speech saying he has worked with 3 of the biggest frontman, and said Weiland is the best frontman he has ever worked with, and the most gifted frontman today, and wanted to only talk about VR and not waste time with GNR

Matt should shut his god dam mouth...steven made matt famous

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: noonespecial on June 14, 2004, 11:31:20 AM

Axl (in his day) was da man when it came to the live show...but the 2002 performances, I'm wary of... Christ he ran backstage for every freaking guitar break, no matter how small...and during paradise city he copped the same move every knew when he did that center hop on one leg thing, his ass was going backstage...he don't dance no mo', he doesn't jump no more, he doesn't run around half as much as he used to...and he's getting older so I guess the expectation needs to be dropped a notch or two or three...Weiland on the other hand, might look like a spaz but at least he's not running backstage every 3 minutes...ya gotta give him that... :hihi:

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: Buddha_Master on June 14, 2004, 12:41:06 PM
Again, this isnt a "your opinion on Axl thread."

If you have a comment on how Axl has been potrayed by Slash and the rest of VR, then your thoughts on this is welcome.

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: Slash Fan 2004 on June 14, 2004, 10:37:40 PM
Axl Rose makes Scott Weiland look foolish. And for Sorum.. haha he's an idiot.

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: Hung Well on June 18, 2004, 05:16:47 PM
Slash is a liar and a two face.  People think he is cool because he plays it cool, but behind the scenes, Slash is very differant.

You don't know Slash, you've never met him behind the scenes, so you don't know jack shit about what he's like behind the scenes.  So exit your fantasy world and quit pretending.

Tahe your own advice buddy.  Mr. Fake actor wannabe posting a resume on a message board, which is surely a lie.  You're laughable.  Now do me a favor, and do not respond to me ever again.  This means, do not quote me, do not post in my threads, and do not attempt to converse with me ever again.  I'd like to avoid you while I am here.  You are nothing but annoying, and I am in total disagreement with you at all times.  It can only lead to a constant bitchfest. I come here for my own enjoyment, and I don't want to see you.  Good bye


What a toolbox.

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: Hung Well on June 18, 2004, 05:17:25 PM
Again, this isnt a "your opinion on Axl thread."

If you have a comment on how Axl has been potrayed by Slash and the rest of VR, then your thoughts on this is welcome.

I think this whole thread is ridiculous.  Did Slash run over your dog or something?

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: Buddha_Master on June 18, 2004, 05:47:21 PM
Again, this isnt a "your opinion on Axl thread."

If you have a comment on how Axl has been potrayed by Slash and the rest of VR, then your thoughts on this is welcome.

I think this whole thread is ridiculous.  Did Slash run over your dog or something?

You know what is really ridiculous? You calling yourself Hung Well, and saying something is ridiculous. This thread had to do with something that pertains to Axl Rose. This is a GNR board. I hope that little light bulb above your head just turned on. Wow...isnt it great figuring things out. Not really that ridiculous. Anyway Hung Well, hope that works out for you dude.

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: Hung Well on June 18, 2004, 09:11:52 PM
Again, this isnt a "your opinion on Axl thread."

If you have a comment on how Axl has been potrayed by Slash and the rest of VR, then your thoughts on this is welcome.

I think this whole thread is ridiculous.  Did Slash run over your dog or something?

You know what is really ridiculous? You calling yourself Hung Well, and saying something is ridiculous.

Yeah, ok, "Buddha Master"...

How old are you anyway?


This thread had to do with something that pertains to Axl Rose. This is a GNR board. I hope that little light bulb above your head just turned on. Wow...isnt it great figuring things out. Not really that ridiculous. Anyway Hung Well, hope that works out for you dude.

No problem, dude.  Hope your facination with all things anti-Axl works out for you, dude.

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: Buddha_Master on June 19, 2004, 01:39:45 AM

I think this whole thread is ridiculous.  Did Slash run over your dog or something?


You know what is really ridiculous? You calling yourself Hung Well, and saying something is ridiculous.


Yeah, ok, "Buddha Master"...

How old are you anyway?


This thread had to do with something that pertains to Axl Rose. This is a GNR board. I hope that little light bulb above your head just turned on. Wow...isnt it great figuring things out. Not really that ridiculous. Anyway Hung Well, hope that works out for you dude.

No problem, dude.  Hope your facination with all things anti-Axl works out for you, dude.


Fascination with all things anti-Axl? Ummm, did you just fall out of the Iron Chef board and stumble into this one? This is a GNR board, and Axl Rose is still a member. Im still a fan of GNR (so that would mean Im a fan of Axls right?). So that is why I am in a GNR board. What a concept? It sounds like you are on the wrong board.

How old am I? (Is that still a put down?)

I'm 30. What are you hitting on me dude? You gonna ask me for my phone number next? Lol....

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: Hung Well on June 19, 2004, 03:06:09 PM

I think this whole thread is ridiculous.  Did Slash run over your dog or something?


You know what is really ridiculous? You calling yourself Hung Well, and saying something is ridiculous.


Yeah, ok, "Buddha Master"...

How old are you anyway?


This thread had to do with something that pertains to Axl Rose. This is a GNR board. I hope that little light bulb above your head just turned on. Wow...isnt it great figuring things out. Not really that ridiculous. Anyway Hung Well, hope that works out for you dude.

No problem, dude.  Hope your facination with all things anti-Axl works out for you, dude.


Fascination with all things anti-Axl? Ummm, did you just fall out of the Iron Chef board and stumble into this one? This is a GNR board, and Axl Rose is still a member. Im still a fan of GNR (so that would mean Im a fan of Axls right?). So that is why I am in a GNR board. What a concept? It sounds like you are on the wrong board.

How old am I? (Is that still a put down?)

I'm 30. What are you hitting on me dude? You gonna ask me for my phone number next? Lol....

Yeah right, master of buddha.

I used to think smoking weed was cool too.  Then I turned 17.

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: shaun on June 19, 2004, 04:22:13 PM
I download MP3's as much as the next guy/girl, and if i like what i hear then i am more than happy to go out and pick up the original CD version (as CD does sound better than MP3). My point is, i have listend to Velvet Revolver's new album and i was expecting so much more, it all sounded a bit weak. Maybe i should give it a few more chances, although as it stands, i can't see me buying it on CD. I'll be popping into the local music store on Monday (as i really do like picking up CD's, i must own over 300 of'em) and i'll probably pick up either a Metallica album i don't own or (don't laugh) the new Dido album  : ok:

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: Buddha_Master on June 20, 2004, 02:33:48 AM

Yeah right, master of buddha.

I used to think smoking weed was cool too.  Then I turned 17.


What, are you in the chess club? Lol...

You know whats cool, how many different kind of fans, GNR has. I never would have guessed GNR could have fans that were such right-wing, square ass stick-in-the-mudds.

You really could not have a more appropriate name than Hung Well. Because obviously after you turned 17 you could no longer "Hang."

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: Skeba on June 20, 2004, 04:44:55 AM
Take it to PM's if you wanna fight. This whole my dad can beat your dad's ass if so fucking lame. At least try and insult each ohter properly if you're gonna do it in the threads. No, wait, that too, is not allowed here. PM's. You bore me.

Back on topic.

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: Buddha_Master on June 20, 2004, 06:02:25 AM
Come on man, this shits funny. This really bored you? I dont even see how you took this as a "my dad can beat your dad's ass" thing. I respect but you are way off. I don't even see how you could have read this page and not found the humor in it.

And Ive been trying to get it back on topic if you really read it.

Its cool. I hear you.

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: Christos AG on June 20, 2004, 06:06:23 AM
Come on man, this shits funny. This really bored you? I dont even see how you took this as a "my dad can beat your dad's ass" thing. I respect but you are way off. I don't even see how you could have read this page and not found the humor in it.

And Ive been trying to get it back on topic if you really read it.

Its cool. I hear you.

We don't care if you find it funny or you see the humor in it.

Just stop it.

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: DeadHorse on June 20, 2004, 11:13:21 AM
You know I find it funny as how to people tend to dewell on the negative things Slash, Duff and MAtt say about Axl but yet fail to reconize anything positive they have said.

I know "FOR A FACT" that Slash has complimented Axl many times, the last being in his interview with Bill from MuchMore Music (Feb 2004). They were talking how long it has taken Axl to record his album. Slash said that Axl is a genius and when he releases his album it will be great.  

As for the whole "Scott is better than Axl" statement, just what did you expect Matt to say? Did you really honestly think hewould say (right in front of Scott mind you) that Axl was the best front man he's worked with.

Come on people get a fucking clue. Even if MAtt were to think that you would never expect him to amitt to it right in front the band would you. And besides what if that's what really thinks, it his opinion and he's intitled to it.

Kinda like when that Axl cock smoking dizzy reed said in a much music interview that Axl's new band is the best band he's ever been in. I for one don't believe that for a second but I don't expect him to admit to it I I don't think Dizzy is that idiotic, well maybe I do, I always thought of him as a tard.

Well that's my 2 cents worth,



Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: Buddha_Master on June 20, 2004, 07:48:46 PM


We don't care if you find it funny or you see the humor in it.

Just stop it.

Just stop it huh? Who is "we" anyway?

I have been the one trying to get this shit back on topic. If you read through the shit that would be clear.

Where is the lock topic button cowboy?

Title: Re:Velvet Revolver On E! Stern Show and the Potrayel Of Axl/ GNR 2k
Post by: Skeba on June 21, 2004, 04:28:45 AM