Here Today... Gone To Hell!

The Perils Of Rock N' Roll Decadence => Duff, Slash & Velvet Revolver => Topic started by: slim on June 11, 2004, 02:37:16 PM

Title: Boycott This CD !
Post by: slim on June 11, 2004, 02:37:16 PM
I went to buy this album yesterday. On the label it states that the CD is protected from copying. We have a right to make copies of CDs we purchase as long as we don't distribute them to others. I make copies for my car, my wife, and my son. I like to make copies so the original does not get scratched. Why should I have to buy 3 or 4 copies of what I already own?
Screw RCA and Velvet Revolver both. I'm a long time GNR fan, but I won't be a fan of this new joke of a band!
p.s. If you just have to have it, get it from iTunes. At least you get 10 copies. Then you can convert the CD to MP3, and make as many copies as you want for all your freinds. That's what they deserve!

Title: Re:Boycott This CD !
Post by: RnT on June 11, 2004, 02:46:30 PM
dude, what are you specting from AXL in a few months?
I bet my life that if you make one copy of CHINESE DEMOCRACY, NASA will know and you?ll be hurted like Jesus in that PASSION OF CHRIST film...

Title: Re:Boycott This CD !
Post by: slim on June 11, 2004, 02:51:24 PM
dude, what are you specting from AXL in a few months?
I bet my life that if you make one copy of CHINESE DEMOCRACY, NASA will know and you?ll be hurted like Jesus in that PASSION OF CHRIST film...
If Axl ever releases CHINESE DEMOCRACY, it'll be a damn miracle. Dude's brain is toast.

Title: Re:Boycott This CD !
Post by: Imfuckincrazy on June 11, 2004, 03:12:31 PM
I'm a long time GNR fan, but I won't be a fan of this new joke of a band!

Oh, so they are a joke of a band because of this? Because there is a copy protection on the CD so that people don't rip them off by copying it and not buying it? I admit that it's not fair to the people who buy it and want to copy it to protect the original, but sometimes the innocent have to suffer because of stupid people with stupid intentions. That's life.

Title: Re:Boycott This CD !
Post by: Izzy on June 11, 2004, 03:18:19 PM
Boycott a band to protest about copying protection - u wot?

As if the band has any say as to whether its installed or not.

Title: Re:Boycott This CD !
Post by: darkmonth on June 11, 2004, 03:53:01 PM
Just put the fucking CD in and say NO when it asks to install the 'vital' software.  I copied it to my PC and to my work PC fine.  Now my Contraband can stay in its case safe and sound while I listen to my 192kbps MP3's :D

Title: Re:Boycott This CD !
Post by: starchild_666 on June 11, 2004, 03:56:25 PM
boycott Contraband? no way... I'm rwady to buy 10 copies  :D

Title: Re:Boycott This CD !
Post by: Imfuckincrazy on June 11, 2004, 04:07:10 PM
As if the band has any say as to whether its installed or not.

Exactly... I don't see how that makes them a joke... ::)

Title: Re:Boycott This CD !
Post by: SystemTemplePilot on June 11, 2004, 05:23:32 PM
If Axl ever releases CHINESE DEMOCRACY, it'll be a damn miracle. Dude's brain is toast.


Title: Re:Boycott This CD !
Post by: Slashly on June 11, 2004, 09:11:57 PM
Who are you slim??Davegnfr`s brother??hihi
This album doesn?t suck at all,  alright??

Baby Slash//

Title: Re:Boycott This CD !
Post by: Captain Obvious on June 11, 2004, 09:24:28 PM
I'm a long time GNR fan, but I won't be a fan of this new joke of a band!

Oh, so they are a joke of a band because of this? Because there is a copy protection on the CD so that people don't rip them off by copying it and not buying it? I admit that it's not fair to the people who buy it and want to copy it to protect the original, but sometimes the innocent have to suffer because of stupid people with stupid intentions. That's life.

Too bad music piracy is not wrong, despite what the millionaires might tell you. I can get into a huge debate over this but there is no point trying to change someone's mind.

Make a great album, people will buy it. Lower CD prices, people will buy it.

Title: Re:Boycott This CD !
Post by: Jizzo on June 11, 2004, 09:38:42 PM
Copyright protection is the way of the future.

Plus do you really think VR went to RCA and said I don't want people making copies of our cd? ::)

Title: Re:Boycott This CD !
Post by: Booker Floyd on June 11, 2004, 10:57:05 PM
Ill admit, I wasnt too worried when Dave did it, but with Slim now joining the fray, it appears the Contraband boycott is reaching dangerous proportions... :nervous:

Lets just pray that the band doesnt get dropped by RCA as a result of this.

Title: Re:Boycott This CD !
Post by: Mr Cowbell ? on June 12, 2004, 01:10:33 AM
This might be the stupidest thread ever started. And I even post sometimes after drinking. Boycott and Album because of a copy block. THE BAND IS A JOKE BECAUSE OF A COPY BLOCK. So if their cd didnt have it THEY WOULD BE GREAT but because they do THEY ARE A JOKE?

IF YOU BUY THEM OF Itunes RCA still gets their money.

But to call them a joke? Boycott all you want but their music shouldnt be a joke just because it has a copy blocker on it.

Title: Re:Boycott This CD !
Post by: Mr Cowbell ? on June 12, 2004, 01:13:17 AM
Make a great album, people will buy it. Lower CD prices, people will buy it.

Very true if cds were always $9.99 or less (cds cost less then $1 to make) Then I would have twice as many cds as I have now. There is alot of new bands I would like to check out. But when you charge sometimes as much as $17.99 for one cd people arent gonna take a chance on a one hit wonder.  

Title: Re:Boycott This CD !
Post by: vicarious existence on June 12, 2004, 01:15:49 AM
This reminds me of those idiots on who gave contraband 1 star reviews based on the copy protection alone, without saying anything about the music. It's ridiculous.

Title: Re:Boycott This CD !
Post by: Mr Cowbell ? on June 12, 2004, 01:19:05 AM
I know if you want to listen to the cd and then rate it based on the songs you dont like atleast you have a leg to stand on.

Title: Re:Boycott This CD !
Post by: Cowboy Buddha on June 12, 2004, 04:45:24 AM
I went to buy this album yesterday. On the label it states that the CD is protected from copying. We have a right to make copies of CDs we purchase as long as we don't distribute them to others. I make copies for my car, my wife, and my son. I like to make copies so the original does not get scratched. Why should I have to buy 3 or 4 copies of what I already own?
Screw RCA and Velvet Revolver both. I'm a long time GNR fan, but I won't be a fan of this new joke of a band!
p.s. If you just have to have it, get it from iTunes. At least you get 10 copies. Then you can convert the CD to MP3, and make as many copies as you want for all your freinds. That's what they deserve!

don't blame them blame the reckless downloaders.  Go Buy the Album Everyone!!!!

Title: Re:Boycott This CD !
Post by: RyanMFGs on June 12, 2004, 05:59:33 AM
I'm sure Velvet Revolver had nothing to do with the copy right protection or whatever it is, so to boycott a great album they worked hard on because of that probably isn't fair, but yeah I like to make a copy for the car that way I won't get the original stolen, but oh well.

Title: Re:Boycott This CD !
Post by: Walk on June 12, 2004, 06:17:15 AM
No, boycott them because their music sucks.

Title: Re:Boycott This CD !
Post by: K-Rock on June 12, 2004, 05:47:45 PM
I make copies of cd's all the time.

If they are REMARKABLE LIKE CONTRABAND IS.........I make a copy for when I'm at work......for home......for my wife.....for my girlfriend.  The original stays in my car until I get tired of it.  

And yes, I made copies of Contraband.  So, regardless of what it says.........I made copies.

P.S.  I would not make copies for profit or copies to deprive an artist of their due $$$.

Title: Re:Boycott This CD !
Post by: mikegiuliana on June 12, 2004, 06:46:15 PM
shit the album gives you two features for tune sharing n copying songs.. :nervous:

Title: Re:Boycott This CD !
Post by: slim on June 13, 2004, 06:33:42 PM
I've read several of the posts, and I still say," BOYCOTT THIS CD!"

We need to stand up to the Record labels and bands. Many seem to think that Velvet Revolver is innocent in all this. I don't buy it, and won't buy this CD. They are no different than Metallica in that they are greedy, and give a crap about there fans. With the outrageous prices of CDs, and now blatant restrictions to a purchased item, it's no wonder that we resort to illegal downloads.



Title: Re:Boycott This CD !
Post by: sth on June 13, 2004, 09:56:17 PM
dude, when UYI came out, duff said to their fans should buy 1 and tape 2 off a friend and vice versa. doubt the band is spearheading these efforts.

get over it. it's 10 bucks. appreciate it for what it is - a great album.

i know i don't do my job for free...and the cd can be burned and made into mp3, fyi.

Title: Re:Boycott This CD !
Post by: Jizzo on June 13, 2004, 10:05:24 PM
Just because of people like you,  I bought a 4th copy today so I could loan it to people. Get over yourself.

Title: Re:Boycott This CD !
Post by: SunKing278 on June 14, 2004, 06:31:53 AM
This is really stupid.  If you're a real fan and want to support the band, buy the damn CD.  I got it for $9.99 at Target, and I believe Best Buy is selling it at the same price.  However, I do agree that people should be allowed to make copies for the car, etc.  Don't blame Velvet Revolver for their record company's practices.  I suspect this "copy blocker" thing is going to be common a year from now.

Title: Re:Boycott This CD !
Post by: RnT on June 14, 2004, 07:36:57 AM
 I got it for $9.99

 :o  :o :crying: :crying: :confused: :nervous: :confused: :crying: :o :o :o

Man... you don?t imagine how sad you made me feel right now...

some years ago, 1 DOLLAR was equivalent to 1 REAL here where I live ( Brazil )
NOW, 1 dollar is more than 3 REAIS ! do you know how expensive is it? imagine you buying CONTRABAND TO 38 DOLLARS !!  :crying:

Title: Re:Boycott This CD !
Post by: EET_FUK on June 14, 2004, 08:52:05 AM
I've read several of the posts, and I still say," BOYCOTT THIS CD!"

We need to stand up to the Record labels and bands. Many seem to think that Velvet Revolver is innocent in all this. I don't buy it, and won't buy this CD. They are no different than Metallica in that they are greedy, and give a crap about there fans. With the outrageous prices of CDs, and now blatant restrictions to a purchased item, it's no wonder that we resort to illegal downloads.



Lets see here...I bought the CD for 9.99 at Circuit City, which I think is a VERY good price.  And I have made various copies and have ripped it to my Comp at work.  Maybe you just have your panites in a bunch because you can't figure out how to copy/rip it?

Title: Re:Boycott This CD !
Post by: PhillyRiot on June 14, 2004, 09:02:38 AM
Too late, got the disc the day it came out and have been enjoying it ever since!

Title: Re:Boycott This CD !
Post by: lanegan on June 14, 2004, 09:49:25 AM
i think it is a matter of the record company telling us that we cant do something with the cd that we are legally entitled to do (make copies for ourselves-no matter how many that may be...or rip them to our hard drive as mp3s-providing that we do not illegally distribute these)

the more we are accepting of these "restrictions" that the record companies put on us, the more restrictions they will eventually impose.  

in all fairness to VR, i did buy the album.  i did however, rip the cd to mp3 and make a copy for myself.  we are legally allowed to do this.  

Title: Re:Boycott This CD !
Post by: slim on June 14, 2004, 11:51:10 AM
I'm sure I can copy the CD. There are plenty of shareware programs to do it. I could also download from iTunes and make copies, or just download from Limewire or another peer to peer client from someone else who has already broken the copy protection ( though it is said on other parts of this message board that RCA is putting out false copies of VR songs ).

This is not the point! RCA and VR are attempting to see if this copy protection will fly. They want to see if they can increases sales with what they consider a super group (ie-Audioslave). They know diehard GNR and STP fans will want this CD badly, which is why it was chosen. We must stand up for our rights before record and video companies see that they can sucker us to buy what ever they stick us with, and then they will find new software or hardware that is tougher and tougher to crack.


Title: Re:Boycott This CD !
Post by: Johnnyblood on June 14, 2004, 11:53:48 AM
I'm not a huge fan of copy protection, but I'll buy any album that I really want regardlesss of any copy protection. As for the copy protection on this album, I didn't have any difficulty making a copy of it. It must be the data track, which I did not extract along with the sound files.

Title: Re:Boycott This CD !
Post by: slim on June 14, 2004, 12:08:52 PM
I'm not a huge fan of copy protection, but I'll buy any album that I really want regardlesss of any copy protection. As for the copy protection on this album, I didn't have any difficulty making a copy of it. It must be the data track, which I did not extract along with the sound files.

One again, this is not the point! I am a huge music fan. I purchase 2 or 3 CDs a month. I have all of GNR and STPs CDs, and intinded to purchase this one. I liked Set Me Free, Money, and purchased the Slither single from iTunes before this CDs release. But I am not going to sit buy while record companies start to rip us off. We should not all be made to pay for the downloading of others. Maybe they should lower the price of CDs if they don't want us stealing them. Why does Contraband cost $20 at a CD store, and $9.99 at Target and iTunes? They have been robbing us for years, why should I cry for them? Show the record companies we are a force to be reconed with.


Title: Re:Boycott This CD !
Post by: TyRod Tulip on June 14, 2004, 12:53:19 PM
I had this album 8 days before it was released in the states.  Its called IRC folks, get to know it.  It took me 6 minutes to download the whole album complete with the cover art.  I enjoyed the album for 8 days before I went out and bought it.  I haven't opened the copy I bought, and I probably won't.  I can just keep burning the album to blank CDs and playing them in my car, work and home.  The best part about this approach is that if the album sucks, I don't get ripped off.  I will most certainly obtain Chinese Democracy this way too.  And if the album sucks, I won't have wasted a dime.


Title: Re:Boycott This CD !
Post by: Johnnyblood on June 14, 2004, 02:57:42 PM
Its called IRC folks, get to know it.

What's IRC?

Title: Re:Boycott This CD !
Post by: Jizzo on June 14, 2004, 05:22:55 PM
Slim, have you made a single post that doesn't involve your anti contraband retoric

Title: Re:Boycott This CD !
Post by: slim on June 14, 2004, 06:21:48 PM
Unfortunately no. I feel strongly about this issue, and have been posting to several boards for a few days. Don't get me wrong, I planned on buying this CD a few days ago, but feel I cannot do so now. I have stated from before this release to friends that as soon as this Copy Protection started affecting Hard Rock/Metal music that I listen to, I would start complaining, and giving the sorry assed record companies crap! I have also written to RCA, and would do the same for VR if I had a contact email address. I also wrote NBC, CBS, ABC, and am thinking of writting rock mags such as Circus next.

Don't take it personally. Help save Rock N' Roll, and BOYCOTT THIS CD !

Title: Re:Boycott This CD !
Post by: Johnnyblood on June 15, 2004, 11:16:41 AM
Unfortunately no. I feel strongly about this issue, and have been posting to several boards for a few days.

Yeah, I saw your post at Amazon. I give you credit for having passion about this. Most of us don't care, as long as we can stay ahead of the technology that is supposed to keep us from copying.

Title: Re:Boycott This CD !
Post by: slim on June 15, 2004, 11:39:15 AM

Yeah, I saw your post at Amazon. I give you credit for having passion about this. Most of us don't care, as long as we can stay ahead of the technology that is supposed to keep us from copying.

That's why I'm here. How long before we can no longer keep ahead. Check the internet for Copy Protection. The record labels see this as a beggining, not an end! They already are preparing new technology.


Title: Re:Boycott This CD !
Post by: slim on June 15, 2004, 12:10:41 PM
I'd like to turn you on to a few web sites on this subject. See for your self what's coming in the future of Copy Protection. I think many still are missing the point of all this. We all know that this CD can be copied if we have a little computer knowledge, but the time is coming when maybe we can't. How many crapy MP3 players do you want to install from every band you purchase?

Tim Johnson from Blog wrote me this;
Maybe something you can bring up if this all starts up again
is that you are attempting to send a message about how you feel about copy
protection. Think about this: the copy protection only hurts the people who
paid for the music - not the people who are downloading the illicit copies.
Since both you and I now have declared that we will not buy this album with
copy protection, who has really been hurt here? Only you and me.
File-sharers are still going to find this album, and we will be without.
Legitimate sales of this album were lost due only to their label's
insistence on using this half-assed protection scheme.

I don't care how easy it is to get around this copy protection - it's the
principle of the matter. Sometimes you just have to stand up for something
you believe in. If you feel strongly, stick to your guns. Maybe you'll
affect others who might otherwise have not even paid attention. I, for one,
am convinced that the copy protection "warning" sticker is purposely
designed to look like a copyright warning, something that most people will
not notice. And after this weekend, I have proof - a friend of mine looked
at the CD and didn't take note of the text under the band name on the
sticker until I explicitly pointed out the actual words about
copy-protection. This is what the label is banking on - that people will
unwittingly buy this album and bolster their stance that people don't care
about the copy protection. I think it's deceptive. I expected to see a
fairly large-sized font that read "COPY PROTECTED" but instead something
found what looks like legal jargon in 6 pt. text. They've covered their
butts by putting it right on the cover, but they've taken steps to minimize
it, that's for sure. It's deceptive, plain and simple, and I will not have
my money going toward something like that.

Published at:

More websites on Copy Protection;
Campaign for digital rights -

Is copy protection illegal -

Copy protection sucks -

Record company prepares to release protected CDs -

(this last about BMG and stepchild RCA)