Here Today... Gone To Hell!

The Perils Of Rock N' Roll Decadence => Duff, Slash & Velvet Revolver => Topic started by: Naupis on June 01, 2004, 12:49:44 PM

Title: Listen to Contraband at!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Naupis on June 01, 2004, 12:49:44 PM
Here's the link.....enjoy.

Title: Re:Listen to Contraband at!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: starchild_666 on June 01, 2004, 01:28:31 PM
too bad I won't have surprise when I buy CD, but at least I know that this album is amazing!!! I didn't expect that it wil be so good!!!

Title: Re:Listen to Contraband at!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Dave_Rose on June 01, 2004, 01:51:32 PM
Its so tempting to listen I dont if I should dammit I will

Title: Re:Listen to Contraband at!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Eduardo on June 01, 2004, 02:05:16 PM
I keep getting 404 error  :crying:

Title: Re:Listen to Contraband at!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: the dirt on June 01, 2004, 02:16:11 PM
I keep getting 404 error  :crying:

Me too, what's going on...

Title: Re:Listen to Contraband at!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: gezm on June 01, 2004, 02:18:17 PM
works fine

Title: Re:Listen to Contraband at!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: chineseilusions on June 01, 2004, 02:42:52 PM
Damn sound doesn't work oh well i'll wait a week

Title: Re:Listen to Contraband at!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: jellyhead on June 01, 2004, 02:51:39 PM
You need real player.

Title: Re:Listen to Contraband at!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Rhino on June 01, 2004, 03:05:01 PM

GNR Lives

Sounds like Izzy had a hand in this.

Title: Re:Listen to Contraband at!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: gezm on June 01, 2004, 03:10:27 PM

GNR Lives

Sounds like Izzy had a hand in this.

Dunno about izzy but VELVET REVOLVER lives and so does the boys !!

Title: Re:Listen to Contraband at!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: duga on June 01, 2004, 03:26:23 PM
FANTASTIC! (and I haven't even heard the whole first song yet)  :o :beer: :)

Title: Re:Listen to Contraband at!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Freya on June 01, 2004, 03:28:57 PM
That was nice to hear.  I don't know if I'm old or what, but the rocker songs didn't do much for me, they all kind of ran together.

But Loving the Alien is an awesome song, with a PinkFloyd/Radiohead vibe and Slash does some fine work on it.  I love it.  

You Got no Right is also quite good.  Weiland does a good Bowie impression there.  

Title: Re:Listen to Contraband at!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: oneway23 on June 01, 2004, 03:31:24 PM
This is getting impossible!  It's merely a click away...i will not listen...i can't at this point....waited so long! :crying:

Title: Re:Listen to Contraband at!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: //JK75 on June 01, 2004, 03:32:12 PM
Listening !!!
Spectacle so far... I love Illegal I, very heavy !

Title: Re:Listen to Contraband at!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Naupis on June 01, 2004, 03:38:55 PM
I gotta say the rockers (other than Slither and SMF which I really like) are just not up to par with what I was hoping for. The ballads are fantastic, but again I think FTP could have been tweaked just a bit to take it to that level of classic, but I love it, YGNR and LTA. All that said this is easily the most motivated I have heard the slash/Duff/Matt combo since their GNR days, and some of slashes work in particular stacks up there with some of his better GNR work. I love Scott but the comments I have been seeing about him not being up to par with the level of musicianship of S,D,M is a potentially very valid argument. It seemed that the skeleton of these songs could have taken them to huge things given the right nurturing, which I am just not sure these songs got. I like the underproduction vibe of the songs, but some of them I wouldn't have minded a more polished sound, particularly the ballads. As a first effort though, it definitely sounds good and should get people interested. THe second album will hopefully show continued growth as a band in their musical tastes and direction.

Title: Re:Listen to Contraband at!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: RnT on June 01, 2004, 03:40:44 PM


Title: Re:Listen to Contraband at!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: duga on June 01, 2004, 04:02:50 PM


I think so too  ;) :beer:

Title: Re:Listen to Contraband at!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Fretzo on June 01, 2004, 04:52:01 PM
This is so good that I'm afraid Axl will have to start from scratch on his new album. :rofl:

P.S. I was hoping for this album to fail and chinese democracy to be a smash hit but Axl's new songs sound to old and boring compared to these

Title: Contraband preview at
Post by: tp4ever84 on June 01, 2004, 04:52:27 PM
Just previewed all the tracks.  I'm dissapointed, sounds more like a alternative album then hard rock album.  I like some of the songs favorite other than slither is "sucker train blues" but its a rip off of "right next door to hell" and "garden of eden"  :rant: I don't know if you can call it a rip off though since part of the group was in GNR.  Best songs:  Illegal I, spectacle, falls to pieces, headspace,  dirty little thing, loving the alien.  falls to pieces is alright but is a rip off of STP songs "I got you" and "Atlanta".  headspace sounds kind of like a audioslave song  :yes:.  Dirty little thing sounds like a motley crue song   >:(.  I'm  :-\ on it so far, guess I'll have to wait till i get the real thing and get a few more listens.  I believe it will grow on me since i'm a big fan of STP.  

Title: Re:Listen to Contraband at!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on June 01, 2004, 05:00:56 PM
well you 'll have trouble liking anything if you keep comparing everything.

i'm listening to sucker train blues
and it ROXOR  : ok: : ok: : ok:

man, this is GUNS N ROSES  :beer:

Title: Re:Listen to Contraband at!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: starchild_666 on June 01, 2004, 05:01:17 PM
Dirty Little Thing is killer!  :beer: thw whole album is killer  :beer:

Title: Re:Listen to Contraband at!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: gezm on June 01, 2004, 05:01:23 PM
stop saying thay sound like so and so thay sound like vr to me no one else :beer:

Title: Re:Listen to Contraband at!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: welshrose on June 01, 2004, 06:39:15 PM
Man am I the only one who thinks that this album sucks??...geez

Its so generic, so bland, no hooks, I didn't get any of the chorus' stuck in my head

Big Machine might be the worst song I have ever heard in my sounds like Motley Crue on a bad bad night.

And before the VR fans attack me, be serious, be 100% serious with yourself, take away everything about the members pasts and judge it as a rock n roll album...

Its just very average :-\


Title: Re:Listen to Contraband at!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: younggunner on June 01, 2004, 06:48:49 PM
I have finally heard the album in its entirty thanks to MtV. I dont know why the band would let MTV stream the album but thats not my business...anyways heres my review....

My feelings on the songs and album as a whole are basically the same. Theres some good parts and pieces but nothing over the top or complete. Except for YGNR.

The best rocker on the album is "Illegal I". It has punch and is something a lil different. Musically and vocally its good. Good vibe and you can feel the energy. Sounds like Janes Addiction and a little Led Zepellin. Fun Song.

The other "rockers" are descent. But they arent classic or even really that grimy rock the band has been talking about. Like another poster has said its more on the alternative side.
Headspace, and  Superhuman{except for the chorus} are good songs as well.
Like I said there are some good parts on the songs and they are catchy but I was expecting something different. Except for YGNR and maybe Illegal I, there nt one song that captures everything the band could offer. 1 song might have good guitars but lack lyrics and vice versa. Just sounds a lil rushed and the production wasnt great either.
Spectacle and Dirty Little Thing shouldt even be on the album.

As for the ballads. Overall they are much better than the rocker type songs. And thats probably the biggest surprise to me regarding this bands first effort.

The best song on the album is "You Got No Right". Its got the classic Slash solo that is great. And Weiland actually doesnt ruin the song. The intro to the song reminds me of the Beatles a little. This imo, is the best song on the whole album.

FTp is another good ballad. Its great musically and its catchy lyric wise. I wish the lyrics could have been better but overall its a good song.

LTA is good musically but Weiland kinda ruins it. It sounds liek an STP ballad{which is not a good thing}. What saves it is Slash's solo and guitar throughout the song.

Overall i would prob give this album a "C+ maybe B". I think its a fair grade. Like I said theres a lot of good parts and stuff but it just seems like it was rushed. Theres a handful of songs that standout and even those could have been better. But those aside, the rest of the songs particularlky the "rockers' are the same. Its definately better than the stuff thats out there so thats a positive. They have the right attitude so i hope in their next album they capture everything in every song.

When I first heard about this band getting together I was extremely excited. I love stp and Weiland. And Ive always loved slash and duff. I must admit I have lost a little love for Weiland though. It seems like he didnt step up. SLash stepped up in this album. I haved crititsized his work post gnr, but he def. stepped up in a big way. His guitar work on this album is excellent and I finally get to hear the Slash I know. For the most part he showcases his great talents on this album. So im happy about that. But weiland seemed liek he couldnt keep up with the band lyricly. HEs great at writing catchy chorus and stuff but it kinda gets old as you listen to the album. I really didnt feel the energy and emotion from him aside from some of the ballads.

Im happy to see slash and duff doing well. Like i said overall the record is good. And im proud of them.  I hope this band does well. They are  awesome live and you should def check them out. Its a great experience. Enjoy the album and Vr.....peace....

Title: Re:Listen to Contraband at!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: welshrose on June 01, 2004, 06:57:14 PM

That was a perfect review, a lot of it does feel rushed, the chorus' are particulary the weak points..but Fall to Pieces, You Got no Right and Loving the Alien are good songs

I should have made that more clear before


Title: Re:Listen to Contraband at!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: GNRisAFD on June 01, 2004, 07:09:47 PM
The irony for Slash in particular is that the ballads are the strong point of the album as opposed to the hard rock songs.

The problem with the rock songs is that they pander to a modern rock audience, they can't compare to anything from the old Guns n Roses.

I said from the beginning that Scott was starting to assert his musical influence too much for my liking, and it shows on this album. Slash and Duff still deliver strong performances despite the shortcomings of Weiland.

Title: Re:Listen to Contraband at!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: jarmo on June 01, 2004, 07:33:27 PM
The irony for Slash in particular is that the ballads are the strong point of the album as opposed to the hard rock songs.

Exactly what I was thinking. The one thing Axl is known for, the ballads, seem to be the most listener friendly / strongest material on the album.  :nervous:

IMHO "Do It For The Kids" and "Headspace" are the best of the "harder" tracks. At least at the moment.


Title: Re:Contraband preview at
Post by: Top-Hatted One on June 01, 2004, 07:43:02 PM
Dirty little thing sounds like a motley crue song    


Title: Re:Listen to Contraband at!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Jizzo on June 01, 2004, 08:47:52 PM
I just started my, connection sucks, but its nice to hear the what I can.

Title: Re:Listen to Contraband at!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Eduardo on June 01, 2004, 08:49:51 PM
I said before that FTP wasnt that great.. But now that I hear a polished version I can tell thats its fuckin amazing and the solo rocks!!

Title: Re:Listen to Contraband at!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Naupis on June 01, 2004, 08:58:02 PM
Maybe we're seeing now why the GNR ballads were what they were. Slash pumps out stud rifts even on songs he supposedly doesn't like playing. Maybe it blows up that theory he only ever wrote those rifts because Axl pushed him to do so. I would argue his rifts on FTP,LTA, and YGNR stand up to almost any of his best solos from his Guns days. I am very impressed with his work from this album. Very focused and motivated.

Title: Re:Listen to Contraband at!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Eduardo on June 01, 2004, 08:59:48 PM
I think LTA solo could be better. Its still great though.

But on the other hand, this song has this nice little guitar riff on that "Im moving on...." part that just makes you want to hear the song over and over

Title: Re:Listen to Contraband at!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: metallex78 on June 01, 2004, 09:12:57 PM
The problem with the rock songs is that they pander to a modern rock audience, they can't compare to anything from the old Guns n Roses.

I haven't listened to these new tracks yet, not from live bootlegs and not from this stream (because I dont have realplayer) but I guess they aren't trying to be GN'R, hence thats maybe thats why they don't sound like old GN'R.

That may or may not neccessarily be a bad thing, depending on what you were expecting.

I was expecting a more modern sound from the guys since thats what they've been describing ever since the inception of this band.

Title: Re:Listen to Contraband at!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: GNRisAFD on June 01, 2004, 09:24:55 PM

I was expecting a bit of the old and a bit of the new.

I wasn't expecting it to be GNR but i was hoping for a little bit of the Gunners sound meshed in with their new direction.

Title: Re:Listen to Contraband at!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: younggunner on June 01, 2004, 11:08:57 PM
Its average not because its not as good or better than gnr but because its average stuff. Its kinda boring. I mean yea you can say it does but what doesnt rock? When you have a talented band you want unique stuff. Why just settle for average when your capable of more. And as i stated in my review....

Title: Re:Listen to Contraband at!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: killingvector on June 01, 2004, 11:50:48 PM
Well, I feel this is a near miss. I agree that the ballads are very strong, namely LTA and YGNR, but the rockers are extremely bland and bleed into one another. I am a bit partial to SuperHuman, but honestly there is not much distinction between SuckerTrain, Do It, Headspace, and Superhuman.

Slash is excellent on this record but Weiland's voice doesn't dance around the melody as well as these songs demand. From what i remember from STP, the music stood out and cascaded about Weiland's steady lyrical and vocal talent. Here, the workmanship of slash, duff, and the rest isn't as dynamic as the Deleo brothers. The solos kill but slowly erode their novelty with a bombardment of redundancy, until they are  almost numbing with predictability by the end of the album. I really miss a solid Vaseline style hook; the too eerie resemblences of LTA riff to SCOM is a bit unnerving. Scott's vocal approach isn't too exciting as he lacks the range and schizo attitude of his predecessor. Lyrically, the content isn't anything to get excited about.

I agree also that this album needed to merinate a bit longer; it lacks a unique perspective and approach.

Overall, a serviceable approach but nothing spectacular.


Title: Re:Listen to Contraband at!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: younggunner on June 02, 2004, 12:06:56 AM
The solos kill but slowly erode their novelty with a bombardment of redundancy, until they are  almost numbing with predictability by the end of the album
In a nutshell that is a great review of the album...u hit it dead on

Title: Re:Listen to Contraband at!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Eduardo on June 02, 2004, 12:18:01 AM
Sucker Train Blues solo is awesome!

Title: Re:Listen to Contraband at!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Top-Hatted One on June 02, 2004, 12:21:11 AM
"but honestly there is not much distinction between SuckerTrain, Do It, Headspace, and Superhuman. "

YG...How is that a great review? Those song sound nothing alike. Suckertrain Blues is a bluesy rocker, Do it for the kids is a punk song with an amazing refrain and melody, Headspace is a catchy ass song in he vein of STP/Audioslave and Superhuman is STP with awesome guitar.

I don't know what you're talking about KV

Title: Re:Listen to Contraband at!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: killingvector on June 02, 2004, 12:41:02 AM
The rockers don't distinguish themselves; After two listens, they still sound too much alike for my money.

I'm sure if you hear these tracks over and over you can pin point the differences in style, but for my money, I was looking for variation of style which this album's faster songs failed to do.

Title: Re:Listen to Contraband at!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Top-Hatted One on June 02, 2004, 12:47:59 AM
what are u talking about???

is there much of a difference between

Welcome To The Jungle  
It's So Easy  
Out Ta Get Me  
Mr. Brownstone
Paradise City          
My Michelle          
Think About You          
Sweet Child O' Mine          
You're Crazy          
Anything Goes          
Rocket Queen          

Title: Re:Listen to Contraband at!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: killingvector on June 02, 2004, 02:07:05 AM
there is a difference, but I much prefer the more complex arrangements of the Illusion albums than a 20+ year old release. AFD remains a great album, but i don't want to hear an album like it today. Been there, done that. ContraBand 's rockers once again didn't distinguish themselves: they were formulatic and by the end predicable. Weiland's voice, you do point out two different voices, didn't deviate from this style at all. I really wanted to see a tour de force performance; axl is psychotically schizo on the gnr albums.

i do like the ballads though. well done

Title: Re:Listen to Contraband at!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: oneway23 on June 02, 2004, 02:09:20 AM
Some of you might feel compelled to purchase Faith No More's Angeldust....

Title: Re:Listen to Contraband at!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: D on June 02, 2004, 05:13:44 AM
honestly im a little biased cause slash's guitaring is fucking amazing

the rest of this sucks

im being objective, but like welshire said, there are no memorable melodies or lyrics at all but hopefully it will grow on me

the chorus of ygnr's music is exactly like sour girl scott doesnt sing it like sour girl though

because slash is in the band ill give this more of a chance than normal

but cmon the blues isnt a big gun supposedly and the blues destroys every ballad on here combined, except slash's guitar, slash's guitar is 100 times better than anything ive heard with new gnr so far

Title: Re:Listen to Contraband at!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Top-Hatted One on June 02, 2004, 10:19:54 AM
I love The Blues but it doesn't kill anything. The guitar work on the VR's ballads is far more superior