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Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: Scabbie on May 26, 2004, 01:04:05 PM

Title: CD Production
Post by: Scabbie on May 26, 2004, 01:04:05 PM
I was just looking at the Chinese Democracy overview on this website, and I'm confused about who the latest producer is.

Sean Beavan is mentioned, but it seems that the latest producer was Roy Thomas Barker. Does anyone have any information on who has contibuted the most to the production of the album(s) and whether there is still a producer assigned to the project? I guess if Axl's vocals still need to be completed or Bucketheads parts re-written I guess there is still a requirement?

And on a slightly diffrent note, out of the three producers (Moby, Beaven, Barker) who do you believe is most qualified for the job?

Title: Re:CD Production
Post by: nesquick on May 26, 2004, 01:34:47 PM
And on a slightly diffrent note, out of the three producers (Moby, Beaven, Barker) who do you believe is most qualified for the job?

Moby isn't involved in the production. Now, I'd like the most "Rock n' roll" producer to be the most influent one. It would be terrible if the album "chinese democracy" turns into a techno/indus record because of an horrible production and producer that could ruin the record. I hope it is a ROCK N ROLL album based on guitar and with beautifull piano songs there and then, a kind a mix of the best of Appetite and the best of the Use Your Illusion albums. It would sell to millions and be an enormous succes.
techno/indus ideas with trafficated voice and beats like if you were in a nightclub are the worst things that have ever seen the light of the day in Rock n' Roll history. It just sounds horrible. look at "my world"... what a horrible song.

Title: Re:CD Production
Post by: Scabbie on May 26, 2004, 01:59:55 PM
I agree, My World was shocking. But I didn't mind Oh My God so much, I thought it had great potential although the production was poor.

I'm all for a huge rocker to get things going. A fresh and exciting sound with a hard edge, strong melodies and underlying groove. Something that will want to make you jump up and down and tear your bedroom up.

After that, bring on the epics and maybe even do an EP or bonus disc with an experimental style for the more obscure songs - but make them work together as opposed to My World which stuck out like a sore thumb.

I'm not sure who good producers are nowadays, but please NO BOB ROCK I don't want to see another of my favorite bands get ruined.

Title: Re:CD Production
Post by: volcano62 on May 26, 2004, 02:23:18 PM
Bob Rock is actually a good producer. Ummmm what happen to Mike Clink? Did he get fired like the rest of 'em?

Title: Re:CD Production
Post by: AdZ on May 26, 2004, 03:03:49 PM
Looks like sean beavan, I'm only guessing seeing as he's Tommy's exec. producer on his solo album.

Title: Re:CD Production
Post by: lastroots on May 26, 2004, 03:09:25 PM
Bob Rock ruined Metallica. Period.

As for Chinese Democracy it looks like currently Sean Beavan and Axl are the producers. Marco Beltrami did some songs, too.

Roy Thomas Baker, who also produced Queen, was fired in early 2002 as far as I know.


Title: Re:CD Production
Post by: MrBen on May 26, 2004, 03:37:25 PM
Roy Thomas Baker was hired to do some work which he did, it doesn't mean he was 'fired'


'My world' is not meant to be a nice little Rn'R song that you can sing along to with your friends, its meant to fuck with your mind, its not meant to be an easy listen.

Title: Re:CD Production
Post by: volcano62 on May 26, 2004, 03:46:31 PM
I think Silk Worms will be the My World of Chinese Democracy. I'm not being sarcastic, I like both songs.

Title: Re:CD Production
Post by: madagas on May 26, 2004, 03:46:49 PM
Beaven was mentioned as a producer BEFORE Baker. There is nothing to suggest that he has worked on the project since Baker left in early 2002. No one on these boards knows who is producing the record currently-not Mysteron, not anyone. I imagine ultimately Axl will be credited with producing and then there will be credits given to various people who worked at various times. Hell, we don't even know who will end up playing on the record when it is released. Axl has many faults, but keeping a secret ain't one of them! ;D

Title: Re:CD Production
Post by: AdZ on May 26, 2004, 05:06:29 PM
Beaven was mentioned as a producer BEFORE Baker. There is nothing to suggest that he has worked on the project since Baker left in early 2002.

Being the exec. producer on tommy's album?

I mean c'mon.. it's not like GnR stay 'friends' with people once they're gone.

Title: Re:CD Production
Post by: nesquick on May 26, 2004, 05:19:24 PM
I think "Silk Worms" will be the "My World" of Chinese Democracy

I agree, and What a piece of shit! I really, really really hope that "silkworms" will NEVER be on the next album, and will NEVER be on a Guns n' Roses album. never. neither "silkworms" nor "oh my god" and all that horrible terrible disgusting kind of sound. Come on Axl, come back with GUITARS, this is what Rock n' Roll has always been and will forever be. Guitars are the soul of Rock n' Roll music.
Fuck techno/indus style. this is HORRIBLE. Guns n' Roses is not ministry!

Title: Re:CD Production
Post by: Voodoochild on May 26, 2004, 05:48:40 PM
I agree, and What a piece of shit! I really, really really hope that "silkworms" will NEVER be on the next album, and will NEVER be on a Guns n' Roses album. never. neither "silkworms" nor "oh my god" and all that horrible terrible disgusting kind of sound. Come on Axl, come back with GUITARS, this is what Rock n' Roll has always been and will forever be. Guitars are the soul of Rock n' Roll music.
Fuck techno/indus style. this is HORRIBLE. Guns n' Roses is not ministry!
What the fuck do you heard in Silkworms and Oh My God? Are you sure you didn't heard guitar in those tracks??? I mean, c'mon, OMG has great guitars (sp. live) and Silkworms, after the keyboards and synth, is all guitars (the bass is played only in the chorus). You don't even know what the fuck are you talking about.
It's even worse when some people claim to Rhiad is a techno song. I'm glad you didn't mention this song (maybe you forgot), but it's all guitars (with wha-wha and very few synth).
Wait for the damn album before bash this songs. Maybe you can't hear the guitar work because you're so focused in bash the keyboards and synth fx or because you heard poor quality bootlegs (or soundboards with bad mix), but try to have a clue before claim that those songs have no guitars.  :rant:

Title: Re:CD Production
Post by: nesquick on May 26, 2004, 06:55:06 PM
This debate could take a lonnnnng time. I don't like indus sound, I don't like beats like if you wre in a nightclub, I don't like trafficated voice, I don't like that conception of music. The music should come from your soul, not from your computers! That's all!

Title: Re:CD Production
Post by: jarmo on May 26, 2004, 07:02:25 PM
The music should come from your soul, not from your computers!

Computers don't make music by themselves. Or do you have a magic computer that posts by itself too?  :P


Title: Re:CD Production
Post by: nesquick on May 26, 2004, 07:07:39 PM
That was an image.

Title: Re:CD Production
Post by: axl1962 on May 26, 2004, 10:33:02 PM
I agree with Nesquick.  The industrial sound has come and gone.  Axl was supposedly working primarily on industrial type music (i.e. Robin Finck)  and then had to scrap that material once he realized that type of music was no longer as prevalent as it once was.  I have no problem with updating the sound of GNR.  However, Axl needs to do what is in his heart and not try to imitate what others are doing around him.  I truly believe this is what has caused the delay in the release of Chinese Democracy.  Axl is trying to try and stay "too" current and when a certain genre of music he is into goes by the wayside he has to start from scratch.  Say what you will, but I believe this is the cause of the delay.  The Axl we have all come to know and love is not the type of person to imitate others to this degree.  He is one who goes by the beat of his own drum and he needs to put this baby to bed and release this album instead of nitpicking every fuckin thing.  

Title: Re:CD Production
Post by: norway on May 27, 2004, 03:25:15 AM
What about madagascar? It has a lot of beats, loops and techno elements. It's still good and a lot of hardrocking songs works awesome as industrial rock.

Title: Re:CD Production
Post by: outlawaxl on May 27, 2004, 04:18:51 AM
I liked Oh My God...

Since there seems to be no "real producer" im guessing that Axl has taken on those duties as well....

Title: Re:CD Production
Post by: Butch Français on May 27, 2004, 05:40:04 AM
I think a producer named Terry Date produced OMG, Axl probably had a hand in the production as well.
Date produced the last Limp Bizkit album with Fred Durst! :D

Title: Re:CD Production
Post by: ccorn69 on May 27, 2004, 06:56:55 AM
In all honesty I dont really care who gets the final producer credit i just want the damn album, but, i guess that with such a large body of material to choose from I think someone said they had like 75 songs or something then there wont be one producer but many, There wont be like album produced by Mike Clink, but song produced by ... and the next song by someone else. as to which producer will have the most influence and matrerial on album i dont know? I guess will have to wait in see.  maybe Mysteron can ask and find out who is producer now.

peace  :peace:

Title: Re:CD Production
Post by: madagas on May 27, 2004, 07:04:39 AM
Producers are a very important part of the sound of the record. I cringe at the thought of Axl being the producer. He needs an individual to reign him in and make things coherent. Otherwise, you get a mixed bag of sounds and tones. Then, you end up with a jumbled mess like the Illusions. Moments of brilliance and moments of crap. Axl needs somebody to say "no". Personally, I would like to see Rick Rubin produce the record or Daniel Lanois. Only in my dreams.... :P

Title: Re:CD Production
Post by: Dave_Rose on May 27, 2004, 09:20:46 AM
Well who cares really the album is gonna be good, I also remember in 1999 Brian May said Axl had 2 albums worth of material imagine how much Material! Axl has now he has to release them someday it cant just stay in the studio!

Title: Re:CD Production
Post by: outlawaxl on May 27, 2004, 09:03:00 PM
it cant just stay in the studio!
what about Brian Willsons material?? that shit sat for longer than Axls has...

Title: Re:CD Production
Post by: SlashFan on May 27, 2004, 11:30:57 PM
Maybe CD is being produced by elves :hihi: :peace:

Title: Re:CD Production
Post by: norway on May 28, 2004, 02:50:17 AM
Or axl putting finsihing blessings on the album,

Pour that shit with holy water : ok: