Here Today... Gone To Hell!

The Perils Of Rock N' Roll Decadence => Duff, Slash & Velvet Revolver => Topic started by: gezm on May 25, 2004, 05:13:22 PM

Title: Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: gezm on May 25, 2004, 05:13:22 PM
Loving the alien is somthing elses what a class song its ten times better than the blues!
cant wait for this cd slash you and a god my friend, scotts vocals are class , duffs bass work !!
dave is class and matts there being gr8

loveing the alien is the best song ive heard followed by you got no right

ull all see that loving the alien is the best work from slash as ever put out !
 :) :) :) :) :)

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: Top-Hatted One on May 25, 2004, 05:21:03 PM
OMG!! better than YGNR?!

I've only heard the studio versions of Suckertrain, spuerhuman and YGNR and they are all soo great! Now every forum is saying LTA is the best ballad!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: gezm on May 25, 2004, 05:22:35 PM
its the best song ive ever heard its so buityfull and slash is somthing else on it

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: Doc Emmett Brown on May 25, 2004, 05:31:04 PM
Now every forum is saying LTA is the best ballad!!!!!!!!!!

So the album has been leaked utterly and completely?  I'm not surprised - maybe an insider in RCA?  :yes:

Anyway, I am still holding strong!  Come June 8th I will most likely be one of the few who hasnt heard the album yet!  :hihi:

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: Top-Hatted One on May 25, 2004, 05:43:05 PM
no these songs were played on a Chile radio station and someone recorded them

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: killingvector on May 25, 2004, 06:20:10 PM
Loving The Aliens is a really fine song, probably better than OMG or The Blues, which is alot coming from me, but nothing i have heard can touch Madagascar.

Anyway, it has an infectious SCOM melody which completely won me over. Best song on the album of which i have heard.

Do it for the kids is pretty good too, sounds a bit too much like Suckertrain Blues but it has a catchy chorus.

I didn't care for Slither, SMF, Big Machine, Spectacle or You Got No Right, but Superhuman is pretty good too, sounds a bit like Sweet Child in spots, but nicely done.

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: liquidvirus on May 25, 2004, 06:22:59 PM
YGNR is definately better, LTA sounds a little too ballady...though slash is awesome on it
but YGNR, oh man, what an amazing song......worth buying the song for this song alone
some really awesome guitar work as well

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: killingvector on May 25, 2004, 06:24:00 PM
really? I'll have to listen to it again, because i got bored and started doing something else when it was playing.

EDIT: yeah it's not bad. I still don't think it's anything too original, kinda just sits there for 4 minutes, but not as blatantly average a song as SMF or Slither.

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: bill213 on May 25, 2004, 06:33:12 PM
I love loving the alien..........damn good song.......i really can't wait for this album now...

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: liquidvirus on May 25, 2004, 06:35:06 PM
really? I'll have to listen to it again, because i got bored and started doing something else when it was playing.

EDIT: yeah it's not bad. I still don't think it's anything too original, kinda just sits there for 4 minutes, but not as blatantly average a song as SMF or Slither.
listen to it 2-3 times.....the first minute's boring...but awesome after that
concentrate on the vocals n then on the guitar solo!!!

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: Eugene Klein on May 25, 2004, 06:38:08 PM
I'd rather prefer You Got No Right than Loving The Aliens.

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: killingvector on May 25, 2004, 06:38:09 PM
it's growing on me, in fact this whole album sounds 1000% better right now. Slither and SMF were not great representations of this material.

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: oneway23 on May 25, 2004, 06:43:43 PM
Seems like there were a lot of you recording this radio special.... ;)  Let's share the love....feeling a bit deprived....all the hype is killing me....I'd really appreciate a nod in the right direction.....I promised myself I'd hold out, but the discussion is too much...

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: bill213 on May 25, 2004, 06:50:51 PM
Seems like there were a lot of you recording this radio special.... ;)  Let's share the love....feeling a bit deprived....all the hype is killing me....I'd really appreciate a nod in the right direction.....I promised myself I'd hold out, but the discussion is too much...

I originally tried to not think this album was gonna be good....but i actually downloaded the songs and now that made me wanna buy it.  So proof that downloading music isn't evil......the preview i got made me love the album.

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: oneway23 on May 25, 2004, 07:01:16 PM
Brother Bill, show me the light!!!  I've got it on pre-order at my local cd island store, no need to worry....I do hope they have all 3 covers, however....
     I honestly didn't expect much from the record until about 4 months ago, as I was blinded by the soap opera i now like to refer to as "The Bold and The Pitiful."

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: Voodoochild on May 25, 2004, 08:21:05 PM
I'd rather prefer You Got No Right than Loving The Aliens.
100% agreed. LTA is a cool song and Slash is awesome, but YGNR is like 10 times better! And LTA is not better than The Blues or Maddie at all.

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: killingvector on May 25, 2004, 08:36:48 PM
It doesn't touch Madagascar at all, but it's on par with the Blues. I just don't get YGNR being as good; Aliens is such a cute song. I really enjoy it.

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: oneway23 on May 25, 2004, 08:44:18 PM
ANY assistance would be greatly guys are wounding me here.....PM doesn't have to be broadcasted.....

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: SLCPUNK on May 25, 2004, 08:50:23 PM
Yea for real...share the love here. :)

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: *RightNextDoorToHull* on May 25, 2004, 09:01:13 PM

Guys, I really can't wait for this........ If you're all saying that Slither isn't the best song on there (I absolutely love it  ;).... a little mainstream, admittedly.) It's the only one I've heard so far, as i'm tryin to keep it as a surprise till the release date..... But i'm very pleased to hear that there's better material on there.... looks like it's gonna be one kick ass album!  ;D

Contraband WILL rock! xXx

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on May 25, 2004, 09:03:08 PM
Here is my honest opinion of the songs on the preview.
I will just rate the ones we have not heard.

Sucker train blues. 5/10
The beginning reminds me of its so easy.  The lyrics are very hard to understand.   I don?t like how Scott sings this song.  The guitar work is pretty decent.

Do it for the kids 4/10
T here is not much I like about this song, its just meh.  

Big Machine 4/10
This song sounds too much like sex type thing in certain parts of the song.
Maybe it?s just the way he is singing the song. I also do not like the lyrics very much.

Spectacle 2/10
This song is just a mess IMO.  Lyrics are not Scott?s strong point,.
As for Slash on this song I know he can do much better.

Superhuman 7/10
The riff at the beginning is catchy.  Slash does a good job on this song.
Scott is good but he is def the weak link of this band I am sorry to say.

YGNR 8/10
This song is much better than that bootleg from a long time ago.
This song is very John Lennon like.  I like how Scott sings on this and slashs playing is great. This is probably the best song I have heard thus far.

Loving the alien 8/10
Scott sounds good on this song too.  Slashs guitar melody is awesome and the solo is top notch on this song; this song could also be a hit.  

Well this song is a mixed bag. The album has some strong songs but I expected much more. It has too many fillers.  But overall from the songs  above plus set me free and slither id give the album an 6/10.  

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: metallex78 on May 25, 2004, 09:21:23 PM
id give the album an 6/10.  

6/10 is still pretty good score from an Axl lover/ex-GN'R hater.

I await to make my judgement when I buy my copy on June 7th.

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on May 25, 2004, 09:28:01 PM
I am not an ex gnr hater.
I am just honest with what slash and duff have done after gnr.
Also, some of the VR songs are better than 90% of the crap on the radio

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: Pviljoen on May 25, 2004, 09:30:21 PM
I have to agree with Dave on Suckterain... it bored me at the concert and it bores me now.

But give Do It For THe Kids a second chance.. the chorus is really cool and the guitar work fucking rocks.

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: Naupis on May 25, 2004, 09:42:35 PM
Anyone want to at least give some sort of hint as to were to find the new songs? I understand it can't be done over the board for copyright reasons, so please send me a private message. I am dying to hear them and don't want to wait until contraband comes out(although I will be in line right as the store opens to buy it. :beer:)

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: Pviljoen on May 25, 2004, 09:44:15 PM
YGNR has a definate Beatles vibe to it in its early bits... the solo is just....


Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: metallex78 on May 25, 2004, 09:48:07 PM
I am not an ex gnr hater.
I am just honest with what slash and duff have done after gnr.
Also, some of the VR songs are better than 90% of the crap on the radio

Fair enough.

I like what I've heard from VR so far (Slither, SMF, YGNR, Money). I think it's the best stuff any of those guys have done since leaving GN'R.

If Slither and SMF are the weaker tracks, I'm really looking forward to this album : ok:

How does the remixed version of Set Me Free sound?
Is it noticeably different to the Hulk version?

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: oneway23 on May 25, 2004, 10:12:36 PM
I've been refreshing every few minutes in the hopes that someone would provide some help....please PM me..there is no need to extend this to the boards...i have been dying over here!

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on May 25, 2004, 10:14:48 PM
right click

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: oneway23 on May 25, 2004, 10:27:51 PM
dave-gnfnr2k, I am very much obliged to you for this....i apologize for being so persistent, but finally the day is approaching... :beer:

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: oneway23 on May 25, 2004, 10:37:05 PM
this is not right, I can't listen......i'm sorry for bombarding with requests, but now that I have it, I can't do it...having quite a morality crisis now....

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: Doc Emmett Brown on May 25, 2004, 10:43:11 PM
this is not right, I can't listen......i'm sorry for bombarding with requests, but now that I have it, I can't do it...having quite a morality crisis now....

You can wait two weeks  :yes:  Then again, it would nag you to have it sitting on your hard drive calling out to you like a Siren in the seas of yore!  And you would surely perish if you heeded her calls!


I'm getting carried away.  I guess it doesnt really matter as long as you buy the album.

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on May 25, 2004, 10:43:20 PM
unzip the file

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: oneway23 on May 25, 2004, 10:50:39 PM
faint cries of desperation abound.....thank you random, you've imparted me with strength...dave, muchas gracias again bud, but i think i'll hold her steady....this is getting viciously tough......

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: Acquiesce on May 25, 2004, 11:30:48 PM
I know how you feel oneway! I did end up downloading the bootlegs, and was so close to getting the full album, but I stopped the download because I want to remain somewhat surprised. It's hard staying strong with some of these reviews.  :crying:

Nice to hear your honest opinion, Dave!

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: Falcon on May 25, 2004, 11:33:25 PM
Quick thoughts, no over analysis here...yet..

It sounds very focused, which is I like.

I think "Slither" may just be the best rock track of the lot...

Don't know if there's another single in the rockers, of the others, maybe YGNR...

It won't have "long legs" (ie Audioslave), but will do well on radio (all formats) and garner enough sales to excite the record company...

The songs are heavier live....

Disclaimer:  I reserve the right to change my mind when I get the CD, quality, you know..


Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: Naupis on May 25, 2004, 11:38:07 PM
Fantastic.....YGNR and LTA(sometimes) are awesome songs and slash's guitar is outstanding on them. I almost like that the album sounds under-produced in a way....kind of raw like they would sound if you just listened to them do it in the studio. I am already happy and haven't heard a studio quality this is a totally acceptable first offering from the guys. Their second should be even better.

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: younggunner on May 25, 2004, 11:42:17 PM
I have just heard the tracks....

I agree with the most part with falcon. The "rockers" are good but wont have "long legs".

Now for the ballads....

YGNR clearly shines. That is th eonly track I have heard from vr that shows their talents to the fullest. The solo and the temp and everything in the songs is excellent. This is the slash I know and expect. SO great job slash.

As for Loving the alien... its ok, descent musically but it kinda gets lost. Doesnt live up to the hype.

SPectacle is something like silkworms and my world beleive it or not justw ith guitars.

I am anxious to hear ftp studio version along with illegal i...

so as of right now the songs i really enjoy from the band are illegal i, ygnr, ftp and big machine.

ygnr is thier best work imo.

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: Doc Emmett Brown on May 26, 2004, 12:11:09 AM
Don't know if there's another single in the rockers, of the others, maybe YGNR...
It won't have "long legs" (ie Audioslave), but will do well on radio (all formats) and garner enough sales to excite the record company...

Out of curiosity, what is the weakness?  The music or the vocals?  I love the music of Slither, but I feel the vocals & lyrics are somewhat lacking.  

As for Audioslave, their long leg songs arent exactly rockers, at least not in my book. Then again, they're not extremely ballady either.  Songs like 'I am the highway', and 'Like a Stone' which I often hear on the radio.

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on May 26, 2004, 12:13:35 AM
like i said scott is the weak link in this band
voice and lyrics

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: RnT on May 26, 2004, 12:20:54 AM
honestly... I didn?t like it like I though I would

but like Falcon said: "I reserve the right to change my mind when I get the CD, quality, you know.." and I agreed with him


I didn?t like the YGNR...

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: Doc Emmett Brown on May 26, 2004, 12:31:37 AM
I didn?t like the YGNR...

Strange, RnT.   YGNR is what made me a VR fan!  I love everything about that song, from the guitars to the vocals.   I cant wait to hear the studio version.

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: Falcon on May 26, 2004, 12:43:58 AM
Don't know if there's another single in the rockers, of the others, maybe YGNR...
It won't have "long legs" (ie Audioslave), but will do well on radio (all formats) and garner enough sales to excite the record company...

Out of curiosity, what is the weakness?  The music or the vocals?  I love the music of Slither, but I feel the vocals & lyrics are somewhat lacking.  

As for Audioslave, their long leg songs arent exactly rockers, at least not in my book. Then again, they're not extremely ballady either.  Songs like 'I am the highway', and 'Like a Stone' which I often hear on the radio.

To clarify, I don't think the album will have "long legs" in general..
IE,  a year and half on the charts and going strong, ala Audioslave....just an opinion, time will tell..

As for weakness, I'm not sure yet, got to hear CD quality recordings...

Strengths are obviously Slash and Kushners guitars, heavy stuff indeed, Matt's groove should also shine on the final product..

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: killingvector on May 26, 2004, 12:57:07 AM
I think Scott is the weak leak because of his drug history and his inability to sustain the momentum of the rockers. Out of all the songs I've heard, it's the slow songs that dominate; Suckertrain, FTK, Superhuman are at best passable but clearly not the gems on this album.

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: tomass74 on May 26, 2004, 01:26:15 AM
Loving the alien is somthing elses what a class song its ten times better than the blues!
cant wait for this cd slash you and a god my friend, scotts vocals are class , duffs bass work !!
dave is class and matts there being gr8

loveing the alien is the best song ive heard followed by you got no right

ull all see that loving the alien is the best work from slash as ever put out !
 :) :) :) :) :)

Why are you comparing thi sto Axl's new music and singling out the Blues?? It prisses me off when Dave does it and having you do it is just as bad. Your just gonna start issues. Anyway, can't wait to hear it!!!

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: tomass74 on May 26, 2004, 01:59:12 AM
Loving the alien is somthing elses what a class song its ten times better than the blues!
cant wait for this cd slash you and a god my friend, scotts vocals are class , duffs bass work !!
dave is class and matts there being gr8

loveing the alien is the best song ive heard followed by you got no right

ull all see that loving the alien is the best work from slash as ever put out !
 :) :) :) :) :)

Why are you comparing this to Axl's new music and singling out the Blues?? It annoys us and we go off on  Dave when he does it. Having you do it is just as bad. Your just gonna start issues. Anyway, can't wait to hear it!!!

Just listened to it and I got the fucking chills. What a great song. I really like Slither and SMF but some of this stuff i seven better than those. I cannot wait to get the album and listen to these songs the way they should be heard.....

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: Imfuckincrazy on May 26, 2004, 02:26:37 AM
I can't wait to hear the whole album! I've only heard Slither, but want to keep it that way until I buy it... It's going to be a long wait though. I know it's only two weeks, but it seems every 5 minutes I ask "What's the date today!?" lol.

I like Slither, though it took watching it a couple times before it grew on me. If Slither isn't its best track, I know I'll love the album.  ;D

I can't wait!!!

I hate having to be patient.  >:(

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: gezm on May 26, 2004, 03:10:17 AM
ygnr and lta there both class songs, off your head if u think otherwise : ok:
and yes i still think there better than the blues and madagascar is well over rated the song aint that good its ok but nothing special but thats my opion

bring on contraband :beer:

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: eNgIeS on May 26, 2004, 05:53:29 AM
From hearing Big Machine & Do It For The Kids studio versions they sound so awesome. I dont have any doubts about this album now, its what I wanted, some good hard rock, not something that is overproduced & an album that we dont have to wait a good part of a decade for dusting to be done & layered with pointless phone conversations & other wackyness

If Dave Eva or whoever dont like it, good for them, I like it myself & hopefully others will also like it, & from the reviews & stories I hear so far so good

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: Mattgnr on May 26, 2004, 11:34:38 AM
Loving the Alien

Wow - what a song.  :o :drool:

Loving, loving the alien

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: starchild_666 on May 26, 2004, 11:54:25 AM
downloaded this, but don't know what to do... listen or wait till June 8  ;D

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: Mattgnr on May 26, 2004, 12:46:33 PM
downloaded this, but don't know what to do... listen or wait till June 8  ;D

Just listen to loving the alien.

And try and stop there  ;)

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: oneway23 on May 26, 2004, 01:21:26 PM
Hold out Starchild!!  I need moral support!

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: starchild_666 on May 26, 2004, 04:57:35 PM
Hold out Starchild!!  I need moral support!
fuck! I failed... I'm listening to these songs over and over again :( that's the sad thing... the good thing is that these songs are amazing! I wasn't hoping that album will be so fuckin' good!

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: Johnnyblood on May 26, 2004, 07:48:23 PM
Thank you Dave for that link, thank you to whoever ripped these songs. I like 'em and I'll be purchasing Contraband on June 8. No doubt. Whenever I've listened to the non-GNR stuff from Slash and Duff, I've always wondered what the music would have sounded like as a Guns song, or at least with a better and more charismatic frontman/lyricist than Eric Dover, Rod Jackson, Duff, et al. This band with Weiland seems to be the best realization of a new "classic" sound. It will be little while before I can reach a conclusion about all the material (I didn't get into The Blues until months after hearing the first time --- and certainly it will be after listening to the actual disc that I'll really have a feel). But at first listen it sounds like a full, heavy, interesting album they've put together. Some tossers, like Spectacle and Super Human. It's not a good thing when Set Me Free sounds so good compared to these two. But Big Machine, Suckertrain Blues, Do It for the Kids, You Got No Right, and Loving the Aliens sound promising.  

Edit: after a second listen I recategorized Big Machine as promising and not a tosser.

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: GNRisAFD on May 26, 2004, 09:45:59 PM
Can somebody please help me out here.

I finished downloading but when i went to open the file it said "Cannot open file does not appear to be a valid archive."


Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on May 26, 2004, 09:52:10 PM
unzip it

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: Mr Cowbell ? on May 26, 2004, 11:05:48 PM
I just heard the downloads and got to say they are missing alot by not playing some of their better songs in concert.

I heard "Big Machine" in concert and I have to say I liked it, and thought I couldnt wait to hear the Album cut. After hearing the download though I got to say Big Machine sounds heavier and Better Live and on the bootleg download it kind sounds pussy like.

LTA and YGNR do sound pretty bad ass

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: tomass74 on May 27, 2004, 12:22:31 AM
like i said scott is the weak link in this band
voice and lyrics

I would have to disagree. I don't think they have a weak link but Matt would be my least favorite. Anyway I have seen Scott with STP twice and was blown away. I also love his lyrics, but to each is own.

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: GnRNightrain on May 27, 2004, 08:07:14 PM
right click
This site doesnt work.  Anyone have any of these that they care to share.  Just one song to hold me over till the album comes out (besides slither and SMF)

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: GNRisAFD on May 27, 2004, 08:42:54 PM
Just one song to hold me over till the album comes out (besides slither and SMF)

Preferably LTA or YGNR, I can't get it working either.

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: oneway23 on May 27, 2004, 09:39:47 PM
Is anyone still with me in holding out for June 8th, or has everyone gone astray??

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: Booker Floyd on May 27, 2004, 10:07:28 PM
Is anyone still with me in holding out for June 8th, or has everyone gone astray??

Ive heard the intro to "Suckertrain Blues" and about 3 seconds of "Illegal I".  Thats it... :)

Hoever, Ill be hearing them tomorrow live.  But after that - nothing until June 8. : ok:

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: oneway23 on May 27, 2004, 10:10:23 PM
Booker, as reliable as ever 8)

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: younggunner on May 28, 2004, 11:44:35 AM
I really wanna hear the studi version of illegal i....that is def. their best rocker. ALl the other good songs are ballads....

Im glad to see people hold out until its out...good for you...its prob tempting though especially since everyone is writing reviews on them....when cd finally sees the light of day i just might scan the boards so i dont bite the lure. Im waiitng till its in my hand.

btw booker and dizzy have fun will love slash and duff even more after tonight. Idk if you have ever seen them before but they truly are cool...especially duff. hes awesome..its unreal and enjoy....

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: starchild_666 on May 28, 2004, 01:25:51 PM
Loving The Aliens is already one of my all time favourite ballads  :beer:
and Slash solo is classic too  : ok:

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: WagMyDog on May 29, 2004, 10:32:43 AM
Is anyone still with me in holding out for June 8th, or has everyone gone astray??


I'm still holding out. More out of complulsion, than out of choice.

That link doesn't work.

Plus, I may be waiting longer than you. Dunno when it'll release here.

Anyhoo, I think I'll really hold out and not download this even if it takes some time to come out here.

Title: Re:Guys Just Heard Some Of Contraband
Post by: oneway23 on May 29, 2004, 11:38:22 AM
Wag, you could always DL it once it gets released elsewhere....Just make sure you purchase whenever it does come out...Where do you live?