Here Today... Gone To Hell!

The Perils Of Rock N' Roll Decadence => Duff, Slash & Velvet Revolver => Topic started by: Booker Floyd on May 24, 2004, 08:44:08 AM

Title: VR On Howard Stern Today, Monday - May 24...
Post by: Booker Floyd on May 24, 2004, 08:44:08 AM
Theyre going on now.  They were apparently scheduled for Tuesday, but theyre about to go on after this commercial break.  Tune in right now if you can.

Title: Re:VR On Howard Stern Today, May 24...
Post by: starchild_666 on May 24, 2004, 08:52:29 AM
record it and put on net  : ok:

Title: Re:VR On Howard Stern Today, Monday - May 24...
Post by: slashedguns on May 24, 2004, 09:37:34 AM
for someone who is in the U.S on vacation,what channel/network is Howard Stern on?

Title: Re:VR On Howard Stern Today, Monday - May 24...
Post by: GUNZforRoses on May 24, 2004, 09:56:21 AM
 They did slither acoustically it sounded really good. About 8 or 9  G N' R referances maybe more.

Title: Re:VR On Howard Stern Today, Monday - May 24...
Post by: Top-Hatted One on May 24, 2004, 10:05:38 AM
I missed it! How can they throw us a curve ball like that!

Title: Re:VR On Howard Stern Today, Monday - May 24...
Post by: Booker Floyd on May 24, 2004, 10:08:56 AM
Well, Stern is syndicated so hes on a lot of different places on different stations.  I listen to him on Philly 94.1 WYSP.  His flagship is New York 92.3 WXRK "K-Rock".  Hes on TV on the E! channel.

The segment just ended.  They covered mostly familiar territory.  Scott said that Howard is the only one who can ask him about the drug stuff anymore.  He said hes been clean for a year now and submits to a urine analysis every show date.  He says hes never going back to rehab, and that the D.A. and judge have been gracious to let him go through with this.

Howard talked about what a great band The Cult was and wondered what happened and why they never really caught on in America.

They performed an acoustic "Slither," which might be even better than the KROQ one.  Scott sounded pretty damn good, but complained afterward that his headphones werent really working and that he couldnt hear himself.  They (Howard & co.) suspected it was the Stern staffs fault, but Scott suggested otherwise.  Douglas Grean maybe?

Slash and Duff touched on Axl and the new GNR.  Both said they didnt really pay attention to the VMAs.  Slash says he didnt see it because when he left GNR was still kind of cool, and after what he heard about the performance, he didnt really want his last impression of the band to be that.  Howard ripped on Axl, saying that he seemed to have gone bald and is wearing a weave, had some sort of plastic surgery, and got kind of fat.  He also says that something is up with his voice - it doesnt sound as strong.  Duff and Slash were cautious not to comment, but Scott added "There does seem to be something going on with the eyebrows".  I thought Matt was going to jump in on the discussion, but he actually defused it by saying "Ive had the best seat in the house for three bands with some some great lead singers - the Cult with Ian Astbury, Axls a great frontman - but Scott Weiland is the best rock and roll singer right now.  We dont have to talk about Axl anymore."

They even touched on the lawsuit after a caller (who sounds like somebody who could possibly post here) asked the guys "If you guys are moving on, why are you suing Axl?"  They were hesitant to get into details, but said that they still own the songs and the publishing and Axls been blocking them from using them on movies.  "Good movies" according to Duff (Black Hawk Down being his example).  Slash said "Basically hes cockblocking" and its a long story.  The caller ended by saying what happened with Scott happened to Axl at the VMAs (concerning the monitor).  Howard responded with "But Scott sounded good."

The audio will probably be up soon, so Ill just leave the recap at that.  

Title: Re:VR On Howard Stern Today, Monday - May 24...
Post by: slashedguns on May 24, 2004, 10:15:49 AM
Well, Stern is syndicated so hes on a lot of different places on different stations.  I listen to him on Philly 94.1 WYSP.  His flagship is New York 92.3 WXRK "K-Rock".  Hes on TV on the E! channel.

The segment just ended.  They covered mostly familiar territory.  Scott said that Howard is the only one who can ask him about the drug stuff anymore.  He said hes been clean for a year now and submits to a urine analysis every show date.  He says hes never going back to rehab, and that the D.A. and judge have been gracious to let him go through with this.

Howard talked about what a great band The Cult was and wondered what happened and why they never really caught on in America.

They performed an acoustic "Slither," which might be even better than the KROQ one.  Scott sounded pretty damn good, but complained afterward that his headphones werent really working and that he couldnt hear himself.  They (Howard & co.) suspected it was the Stern staffs fault, but Scott suggested otherwise.  Douglas Grean maybe?

Slash and Duff touched on Axl and the new GNR.  Both said they didnt really pay attention to the VMAs.  Slash says he didnt see it because when he left GNR was still kind of cool, and after what he heard about the performance, he didnt really want his last impression of the band to be that.  Howard ripped on Axl, saying that he seemed to have gone bald and is wearing a weave, had some sort of plastic surgery, and got kind of fat.  He also says that something is up with his voice - it doesnt sound as strong.  Duff and Slash were cautious not to comment, but Scott added "There does seem to be something going on with the eyebrows".  I thought Matt was going to jump in on the discussion, but he actually defused it by saying "Ive had the best seat in the house for three bands with some some great lead singers - the Cult with Ian Astbury, Axls a great frontman - but Scott Weiland is the best rock and roll singer right now.  We dont have to talk about Axl anymore."

They even touched on the lawsuit after a caller (who sounds like somebody who could possibly post here) asked the guys "If you guys are moving on, why are you suing Axl?"  They were hesitant to get into details, but said that they still own the songs and the publishing and Axls been blocking them from using them on movies.  "Good movies" according to Duff (Black Hawk Down being his example).  Slash said "Basically hes cockblocking" and its a long story.  The caller ended by saying what happened with Scott happened to Axl at the VMAs (concerning the monitor).  Howard responded with "But Scott sounded good."

The audio will probably be up soon, so Ill just leave the recap at that.  
Thanx for the info booker :peace:

Title: Re:VR On Howard Stern Today, Monday - May 24...
Post by: starchild_666 on May 24, 2004, 10:19:02 AM
thanx Booker  : ok:

Title: Re:VR On Howard Stern Today, Monday - May 24...
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on May 24, 2004, 10:25:12 AM
I swear I wasn't the caller!  lol  (Howard Stern was taken off the air from Big 106 where I live)
I have to admit though that when the headphones problem was mentioned I thought of Axl's VMA performance... and I think they made a good call allowing the caller to ask about the lawsuit and the 'moving on'.  
Well... don't let my comments turn this thread into another Axl v. Slash thread, please.  My comments are on topic - about the Howard Stern show and some comments that were made there.
Go on and enjoy talking about the VR aspects of the show.
Scott clean - if so then good for him.  : ok:

Title: Re:VR On Howard Stern Today, Monday - May 24...
Post by: younggunner on May 24, 2004, 10:55:57 AM
dam, i missed it ...i woke up at 1030 today.,..booker let me know when they puti t on E...thanks

Title: VR on Stern this morning....
Post by: BKinNYC on May 24, 2004, 10:58:58 AM
Hey guys, don't know if it was posted already, but VR was on Stern this morning.  Nothing really exciting.  Slash said that he never talks to Axl, and they've been approached a bunch of times about a reunion, and offered "absurd" amounts of money, but it'll never happen.

Also, regarding the lawsuit, Slash said that he "didn't want to talk about it," and Duff said that they wanted to have Guns songs on some different movies like Black Hawk DOwn, but it was always denied.  

Slash also confirmed that he wasn't let into the Vegas gig.  

Title: Re:VR On Howard Stern Today, Monday - May 24...
Post by: Doc Emmett Brown on May 24, 2004, 11:25:26 AM
They even touched on the lawsuit after a caller (who sounds like somebody who could possibly post here) asked the guys

It was me!  :beer:   nah, I was still asleep in me bed.

I cant wait to hear this acoustic Slither.  If there's one thing I can say about Weiland -he sounds great live!   Thanks for the recap Booker.

Title: Re:VR on Stern this morning....
Post by: killingvector on May 24, 2004, 11:40:42 AM

Velvet Revolver Performs Live. 05/24/04. 8:55am
The band Velvet Revolver, which includes Guns N Roses members Slash, Duff and Matt as well as Stone Temple Pilots frontman Scott Weiland and guitarist Dave Kushner, came in to promote their new album ''Contraband.''
Howard said he was listening to the band during the break and they sounded great during rehearsal. Howard talked to Scott Weiland for a short time. He said the last time he talked to Scott he was in Stone Temple Pilots. He's had some trouble with drugs and the band didn't want to deal with that. Matt Soren and Slash told Howard about their run ins with rehab. Duff also told Howard that he's been in rehab as well. He was in the hospital because his pancreas blew up. He did a lot of coke, pills and alcohol. Howard asked them if they're all straight now. There really wasn't a straight answer but Scott said they are clean right now and that allows them to go on the road as a band and perform. Scott said he's never going back into rehab again because he's not going to get loaded again. Howard said Scott tells him that every time he comes on the show though so he doesn't believe it. Scott claims that he kicked the habit about a year ago and he's done.

Scott told Howard that he and his wife have not gotten divorced like Howard thought they had. He said they decided not to do that and stuck together. She has demanded that he not do the drugs anymore and that's what's helped him out. Slash told Howard that he's been married and divorced and married again. He has another kid on the way as well. Howard talked to him about that and about the Guns N Roses break up. Slash told Howard about that.

Scott told Howard about Stone Temple Pilots and why they have broken up. He said he had to go over and talk to the guys in STP because they were working in the same studio at one point when Velvet Revolver was recording their album. They made up and cleared the air so things are okay between them. Scott hasn't heard from them in about 7 months but there is no animosity between them at this point. Scott said he doesn't know if STP will ever get back together again and doesn't see that happening at any point. He thinks that he will close out his rock and roll life with this band Velvet Revolver.

Gary came in and asked the guys from Guns N Roses if they saw Axl on the MTV awards a couple of years ago. Slash never saw it but Duff saw it about a year after it happened. Duff said he was in school at the time and hadn't seen it. Slash said he got some phone calls after it happened but he didn't see it. He said that when he left the band it was still kind of cool so he didn't want to ruin it by watching it.

Scott told Howard that he has to do a urinalysis on every show day so he really can't go back on drugs. He's under a court order to get tested all the time. Howard and Scott talked about their drug use and who's more of a mess when they're on drugs.

Slash and the guys said that they would never work with Axl again no matter what. Slash said that he hasn't seen Axl since the day he quit the band. Slash says that there will never be a reunion. They've been offered a lot of money to get back together but that's not going to happen. All of the guys seem to be happy together in Velvet Revolver and that's where they're staying.

The guys said that they were going to perform their current single ''Slither'' acoustically because they weren't sure if they'd be able to do it the regular way in that studio. Howard told them it would probably sound better acoustically anyway because they have problems at that station with sound quality. The guys then performed their song and sounded great. Howard said he really has to get in a band after hearing that. Scott wasn't having fun because his headphones weren't on during the song. He said if he sounded good, it was all by accident. Scott said he wasn't mad at Howard, it wasn't his fault.

Howard spent a couple more minutes talking to the guys about writing their songs and how that all works. Scott told Howard how they'll come up with some riffs and work with them to create their songs. They have a warehouse they work out of up in North Hollywood. They use that as a rehearsal space and a recording studio.

Howard took some phone calls after that. One guy said this was the greatest band out there right now. He said he's going to see them in Philly later this week. Another caller asked if the band will be performing any songs from GNR and STP. Scott said they do cover a couple of those songs in their concert. Howard told them that their band coming together is like Carmen Electra and Pam Anderson merging into one person. Another caller spoiled The Sopranos for Robin when he blurted out that Drea De Matteo's character was whacked on the show last night.

Artie asked Duff about his pancreas blowing up and how that gets repaired. Duff said that it healed itself but there are a lot of guys who die from that problem so he lucked out. A woman called in and told the band how great they are and thanked Scott for stopping to sign an autograph for her the other night. Howard figured she must have been pretty hot for Scott to have signed one.

A caller asked the guys from Guns N Roses why they're suing Axl if they're just trying to move on. Duff told Howard that they never sold their rights to the songs and Axl is somehow blocking the use of those songs in cool movies like ''Black Hawk Down.'' There was a delay hit during that discussion so we missed the end of it.

Howard took a couple more phone calls and then wrapped up the segment. You can find out more about Velvet Revolver's upcoming tour at Their album hits stores on June 8th. Scott wished him luck in his battle with the FCC. Scott said that he's had his own battles against them with the release of this new album. He said that he's never had so many problems with them in the 10 years he was with Stone Temple Pilots. He said even stuff like the video for the ''Slither'' song was giving them problems. Howard was talking to them a little more but they kept cursing so the delay was hit multiple times. The guys were talking about how they're all worth a lot of money but they're really not playing because of that. They're the ''pure musician types'' who play just to play. Scott said you look back on what you spent money on foolishly and regret it. He said he almost gave his money away when he was a young guy in a band. Matt said that he always got drugs for free so he doesn't know why people think they blew all of their money on that stuff. Howard wrapped up after that quick discussion and went to break.

Title: Re:VR On Howard Stern Today, Monday - May 24...
Post by: killingvector on May 24, 2004, 11:42:16 AM

Velvet Revolver Performs Live. 05/24/04. 8:55am
The band Velvet Revolver, which includes Guns N Roses members Slash, Duff and Matt as well as Stone Temple Pilots frontman Scott Weiland and guitarist Dave Kushner, came in to promote their new album ''Contraband.''
Howard said he was listening to the band during the break and they sounded great during rehearsal. Howard talked to Scott Weiland for a short time. He said the last time he talked to Scott he was in Stone Temple Pilots. He's had some trouble with drugs and the band didn't want to deal with that. Matt Soren and Slash told Howard about their run ins with rehab. Duff also told Howard that he's been in rehab as well. He was in the hospital because his pancreas blew up. He did a lot of coke, pills and alcohol. Howard asked them if they're all straight now. There really wasn't a straight answer but Scott said they are clean right now and that allows them to go on the road as a band and perform. Scott said he's never going back into rehab again because he's not going to get loaded again. Howard said Scott tells him that every time he comes on the show though so he doesn't believe it. Scott claims that he kicked the habit about a year ago and he's done.

Scott told Howard that he and his wife have not gotten divorced like Howard thought they had. He said they decided not to do that and stuck together. She has demanded that he not do the drugs anymore and that's what's helped him out. Slash told Howard that he's been married and divorced and married again. He has another kid on the way as well. Howard talked to him about that and about the Guns N Roses break up. Slash told Howard about that.

Scott told Howard about Stone Temple Pilots and why they have broken up. He said he had to go over and talk to the guys in STP because they were working in the same studio at one point when Velvet Revolver was recording their album. They made up and cleared the air so things are okay between them. Scott hasn't heard from them in about 7 months but there is no animosity between them at this point. Scott said he doesn't know if STP will ever get back together again and doesn't see that happening at any point. He thinks that he will close out his rock and roll life with this band Velvet Revolver.

Gary came in and asked the guys from Guns N Roses if they saw Axl on the MTV awards a couple of years ago. Slash never saw it but Duff saw it about a year after it happened. Duff said he was in school at the time and hadn't seen it. Slash said he got some phone calls after it happened but he didn't see it. He said that when he left the band it was still kind of cool so he didn't want to ruin it by watching it.

Scott told Howard that he has to do a urinalysis on every show day so he really can't go back on drugs. He's under a court order to get tested all the time. Howard and Scott talked about their drug use and who's more of a mess when they're on drugs.

Slash and the guys said that they would never work with Axl again no matter what. Slash said that he hasn't seen Axl since the day he quit the band. Slash says that there will never be a reunion. They've been offered a lot of money to get back together but that's not going to happen. All of the guys seem to be happy together in Velvet Revolver and that's where they're staying.

The guys said that they were going to perform their current single ''Slither'' acoustically because they weren't sure if they'd be able to do it the regular way in that studio. Howard told them it would probably sound better acoustically anyway because they have problems at that station with sound quality. The guys then performed their song and sounded great. Howard said he really has to get in a band after hearing that. Scott wasn't having fun because his headphones weren't on during the song. He said if he sounded good, it was all by accident. Scott said he wasn't mad at Howard, it wasn't his fault.

Howard spent a couple more minutes talking to the guys about writing their songs and how that all works. Scott told Howard how they'll come up with some riffs and work with them to create their songs. They have a warehouse they work out of up in North Hollywood. They use that as a rehearsal space and a recording studio.

Howard took some phone calls after that. One guy said this was the greatest band out there right now. He said he's going to see them in Philly later this week. Another caller asked if the band will be performing any songs from GNR and STP. Scott said they do cover a couple of those songs in their concert. Howard told them that their band coming together is like Carmen Electra and Pam Anderson merging into one person. Another caller spoiled The Sopranos for Robin when he blurted out that Drea De Matteo's character was whacked on the show last night.

Artie asked Duff about his pancreas blowing up and how that gets repaired. Duff said that it healed itself but there are a lot of guys who die from that problem so he lucked out. A woman called in and told the band how great they are and thanked Scott for stopping to sign an autograph for her the other night. Howard figured she must have been pretty hot for Scott to have signed one.

A caller asked the guys from Guns N Roses why they're suing Axl if they're just trying to move on. Duff told Howard that they never sold their rights to the songs and Axl is somehow blocking the use of those songs in cool movies like ''Black Hawk Down.'' There was a delay hit during that discussion so we missed the end of it.

Howard took a couple more phone calls and then wrapped up the segment. You can find out more about Velvet Revolver's upcoming tour at Their album hits stores on June 8th. Scott wished him luck in his battle with the FCC. Scott said that he's had his own battles against them with the release of this new album. He said that he's never had so many problems with them in the 10 years he was with Stone Temple Pilots. He said even stuff like the video for the ''Slither'' song was giving them problems. Howard was talking to them a little more but they kept cursing so the delay was hit multiple times. The guys were talking about how they're all worth a lot of money but they're really not playing because of that. They're the ''pure musician types'' who play just to play. Scott said you look back on what you spent money on foolishly and regret it. He said he almost gave his money away when he was a young guy in a band. Matt said that he always got drugs for free so he doesn't know why people think they blew all of their money on that stuff. Howard wrapped up after that quick discussion and went to break.

Title: Re:VR On Howard Stern Today, Monday - May 24...
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on May 24, 2004, 12:51:00 PM
That caller was Sal from the gnr bar.

Title: Re:VR On Howard Stern Today, Monday - May 24...
Post by: Funeral on May 24, 2004, 12:54:54 PM
I must say, listening to Weiland talk is like pulling teeth.


Title: Re:VR on Stern this morning....
Post by: SLCPUNK on May 24, 2004, 01:04:35 PM
Good reading thanks for posting.

Title: Re:VR on Stern this morning....
Post by: noonespecial on May 24, 2004, 01:54:13 PM
Who do you think is offering (ex gunners) money to do a reunion gig? Is it some corporation like CC or what? Anybody know about that kind of stuff.

Title: Re:VR On Howard Stern Today, Monday - May 24...
Post by: SLCPUNK on May 24, 2004, 01:55:03 PM
I must say, listening to Weiland talk is like pulling teeth.



Title: Re:VR On Howard Stern Today, Monday - May 24...
Post by: Top-Hatted One on May 24, 2004, 01:57:45 PM
I'll post here what I said to Sal at the GNR BAR....

It was cool that you brought up the lawsuit which would've never been asked during another interview. But I don't think you can defend Axl for the VMA performance because it was just adio problems like it was with Scott not being able to hear himself. Axl was out of breathe, problably too over excited. Axl's voice did get a little better as the tour went along though. Thats what I would've brought up. But man that is soo cool that you can get on the phone with them whenever you want just cos you worked with someone there! As they's all about who you know!


Title: Re:VR On Howard Stern Today, Monday - May 24...
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on May 24, 2004, 02:03:24 PM
The reason axl was out of breath is because he had to run past security because they wouldnt let him through. They didnt think it was really him.

Title: Re:VR On Howard Stern Today, Monday - May 24...
Post by: madagas on May 24, 2004, 02:13:46 PM
Top, Axl was clearly overly excited at the VMA'S. Also, that performance was at the end of the mini tour and his voice was great for those six shows-at least on the boots I heard from London, Leeds, and Japan. I thought his voice was incredible for those concerts. Oh well, everyone only remembers the VMA'S and that is too bad because I simply think he was just nervous and too high strung, coupled with possible monitor issues. Back on topic, safe to say there will never be a reunion. These Velvet boys seem very happy together. The bridge has completely burned. :-\

Title: Re:VR On Howard Stern Today, Monday - May 24...
Post by: Top-Hatted One on May 24, 2004, 02:21:03 PM
but how do you explain the girly voice?

It did get better. I was at the MSG show but it didn't get that much better. It was still a little girly and in the old days you had no problem hearing Axl. He was amazingly loud over Slash and Duff's loud as fuck instruments. I actually had a pretty tough time hearing the vocals. I hope that he was just saving up his voice so that he could finish the vocals for CD. Hopefully he can go all out on the next tour with CD already in the stores!

Title: Re:VR On Howard Stern Today, Monday - May 24...
Post by: jarmo on May 24, 2004, 02:30:00 PM
I actually had a pretty tough time hearing the vocals.

Isn't it the mixing engineers job to make sure everybody's heard?


Title: Re:VR On Howard Stern Today, Monday - May 24...
Post by: AXL DEMOCRACY on May 24, 2004, 02:34:47 PM
I was the one who called in to the Stern show this morning and asked Slash and Duff about suing Axl.

I'm sure the interview will be posted eventually online. I was sitting there in my room listening to the interview -trying my best to just "enjoy it" and not pick up the phone. But after hearing a lot of trash being talked -by Gary (Howard's producer mostly) I just had to call.

Was able to get through to the guy Will I know and worked with on the show, and he put me right through. I started out saying how I had a lot of respect for Slash and Duff and loved Guns N' Roses and that I'm rooting for the new Guns N' Roses also, but simply asked Slash and Duff "If you guys are moving on like you keep saying, then why are you suing Axl?" Slash didnt want to talk about -so he handed it over to Duff, who in return talked about Axl not allowing them to use the songs for "good movies." Slash then made his cock block statement. Before I was going to be cut off by Howard though I made sure to defend Axl at the MTV Awards -something that Gary and Howard were making of again -and point out that what happened to Scott during his performance of "Slither" earlier on in the show (headphones werent working and he couldnt hear the music) had happened to Axl. Howard said "Oh he (Axl) couldnt hear himself." Then of course had to be a wise ass and said "Yeah, but Scott sounded good."

That was that. I felt a little better at least getting through and asking a serious question instead of the moronic callers who got through before me with nothing to say.

I am supposed to go to the show Wednesday, and may even be able to meet the guys, but I am not sure if I will. I would never disrespect Slash and Duff in front of their faces. I mean I love those guys -even though I am against what they are doing and disagree with a lot of what they have to say regarding G N' R. But I would never argue or debate them face to face -it is just disrespectful and I would never do it. If they asked ME what I thought about the new G N' R and my views on the situation I would definitely tell them, but you wont see me bringing it up. Very similar to when Slash was on the Stern Show when I was working there in summer of 2001. I was in the office defending Axl when Slash was talking and making my points in the office to the other people there, and the producers were begging me to go in -and debate Slash on the air and say my piece. I declined. I couldnt and wouldnt do that, especially in front of millions of people. When it comes down to it, I am just a fan -and though I had and have so much love invested in this band (old and new) -it isnt my place to say my opinion on the subject in their company.

Title: Re:VR On Howard Stern Today, Monday - May 24...
Post by: younggunner on May 24, 2004, 03:35:09 PM
The reason axl was out of breath is because he had to run past security because they wouldnt let him through. They didnt think it was really him
lolllll dude you need to pay attention. When Axl said that in an interview he was talking about goin to the vma rehearsals.

We all know Axl didnt have his best voice that night. It still was a magical moment. The opening to jungle, all of maddy, and the end of pc was incredible. Axl was fukin nervous. Simple as that. Being out of the spotlight for a decade then closing one of musics biggest shows in front of all of your peers will get the butterflys goin. Its was a great moment though. I watch it all the time.

Title: Re:VR on Stern this morning....
Post by: ppbebe on May 24, 2004, 03:37:23 PM
Who do you think is offering (ex gunners) money to do a reunion gig? Is it some corporation like CC or what? Anybody know about that kind of stuff.
:oMaybe Ax.. :-X

Seriously I guess (from what I heard) the industry (labels) people (big wigs) and their large shareholders, whose main concern is not their music, have been putting both sides under pressures.

Title: Re:VR On Howard Stern Today, Monday - May 24...
Post by: Booker Floyd on May 24, 2004, 04:04:44 PM
I was the one who called in to the Stern show this morning and asked Slash and Duff about suing Axl.

I'm sure the interview will be posted eventually online. I was sitting there in my room listening to the interview -trying my best to just "enjoy it" and not pick up the phone. But after hearing a lot of trash being talked -by Gary (Howard's producer mostly) I just had to call.

Was able to get through to the guy Will I know and worked with on the show, and he put me right through. I started out saying how I had a lot of respect for Slash and Duff and loved Guns N' Roses and that I'm rooting for the new Guns N' Roses also, but simply asked Slash and Duff "If you guys are moving on like you keep saying, then why are you suing Axl?" Slash didnt want to talk about -so he handed it over to Duff, who in return talked about Axl not allowing them to use the songs for "good movies." Slash then made his cock block statement. Before I was going to be cut off by Howard though I made sure to defend Axl at the MTV Awards -something that Gary and Howard were making of again -and point out that what happened to Scott during his performance of "Slither" earlier on in the show (headphones werent working and he couldnt hear the music) had happened to Axl. Howard said "Oh he (Axl) couldnt hear himself." Then of course had to be a wise ass and said "Yeah, but Scott sounded good."

That was that. I felt a little better at least getting through and asking a serious question instead of the moronic callers who got through before me with nothing to say.

I am supposed to go to the show Wednesday, and may even be able to meet the guys, but I am not sure if I will. I would never disrespect Slash and Duff in front of their faces. I mean I love those guys -even though I am against what they are doing and disagree with a lot of what they have to say regarding G N' R. But I would never argue or debate them face to face -it is just disrespectful and I would never do it. If they asked ME what I thought about the new G N' R and my views on the situation I would definitely tell them, but you wont see me bringing it up. Very similar to when Slash was on the Stern Show when I was working there in summer of 2001. I was in the office defending Axl when Slash was talking and making my points in the office to the other people there, and the producers were begging me to go in -and debate Slash on the air and say my piece. I declined. I couldnt and wouldnt do that, especially in front of millions of people. When it comes down to it, I am just a fan -and though I had and have so much love invested in this band (old and new) -it isnt my place to say my opinion on the subject in their company.

Good post...

The only thing I would say to you is that I think you can believe Slash and Duff when they say "its a long story" and theres a lot at play that nobody here would understand.  So to "disagree" with what theyre doing is sort of presumptuous because of that fact.  Thats their business, literally.  Moving on or not, theyve got rights to those songs, or at least believe they do, and assuming their case is true, you certainly cant blame them.  

But it is cool that you got through and asked the question, Im sure we all wanted it to be mentioned.  Glad you got to defend Axl a little too.  :beer:

Title: Re:VR On Howard Stern Today, Monday - May 24...
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on May 24, 2004, 04:06:39 PM
The reason axl was out of breath is because he had to run past security because they wouldnt let him through. They didnt think it was really him
lolllll dude you need to pay attention. When Axl said that in an interview he was talking about goin to the vma rehearsals.

We all know Axl didnt have his best voice that night. It still was a magical moment. The opening to jungle, all of maddy, and the end of pc was incredible. Axl was fukin nervous. Simple as that. Being out of the spotlight for a decade then closing one of musics biggest shows in front of all of your peers will get the butterflys goin. Its was a great moment though. I watch it all the time.

I am not the one who needs to pay attention, I think you are.
Unless I am reading this wrong axl said they wouldnt let him pass the day of the show
he told them he has to sing
here are the quotes

Interviewer: yeah, so you must have been pretty fired up. How did you feel going back out there on stage, live TV and all that stuff - you must have been a nervous wreck all that day.

Axl: Well, no .. I wasn't that .. but everything tends to go wrong in my world .. like even going to soundcheck, the police wouldn't let me down the street to go to the building... And then the day of the show, they didn't let us go down the street, and I had to get out of the car, run past the police, they're telling me I have to stop .. and I'm like 'I gotta sing' .. and the best part was, as I'm running down the street, I had to run past all the people lined up to get in the building.. and they're going 'HEY, THERE GOES KID ROCK!!!'

Interviewer: Now, why wouldn't the police let you on? I'm kinda lost on that one.

Axl: You know, just, they're lost .... just confusion...lost .. don't know what's going on .. people not having people's names on the list .. not knowing what passes to check .. all that kinda crap .. so ... just usual stuff going wrong for no reason...

Interviewer: So what you're telling me is, Axl Rose had to sneak into the MTV Video Music Awards!!

Axl: yeah, basically .. I had like police chasing me down the street ... and then our security and MTV had to, like, clear it with them .. yeah it was very interesting...

Title: Re:VR On Howard Stern Today, Monday - May 24...
Post by: younggunner on May 24, 2004, 05:08:40 PM
i stand corrected. But thats not my point. Its not liek he ran directly from the street to the stage. He had time trust me. He was fine it was just nerves nothing more nothing less.

Title: Re:VR On Howard Stern Today, Monday - May 24...
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on May 24, 2004, 06:19:22 PM
"to "disagree" with what theyre doing is sort of presumptuous"

by your reasoning, to agree requires as much presumption

Title: Re:VR On Howard Stern Today, Monday - May 24...
Post by: Booker Floyd on May 24, 2004, 06:25:24 PM
"to "disagree" with what theyre doing is sort of presumptuous"

by your reasoning, to agree requires as much presumption

I know...Which is why I dont necessarily agree with it.  I reserve any opinion on whos right and wrong because I dont know the half of it, and dont pretend to.  I know that if the suit is true, then I agree.  If not, then I dont.  But Im certainly not going to assume that theyre lying, or doing it for publicity.  

Title: Re:VR On Howard Stern Today, Monday - May 24...
Post by: Jive on May 24, 2004, 06:31:50 PM
Axl was out of breath on Jungle and Paradise, the difficult ones, the ones he used to nail when he was younger.
On mad, he nailed it....BECAUSE IT WAS IN HIS 2002 RANGE....

he had to run to get to the show ::)

Title: Re:VR On Howard Stern Today, Monday - May 24...
Post by: tomass74 on May 25, 2004, 01:43:56 AM
Axl was out of breath on Jungle and Paradise, the difficult ones, the ones he used to nail when he was younger.
On mad, he nailed it....BECAUSE IT WAS IN HIS 2002 RANGE....

he had to run to get to the show ::)

You have to realize Dave reads through all this shit looking for any negativity twards Axl and feels the need to defend it no matter how ludacris it is.  

Title: Re:VR On Howard Stern Today, Monday - May 24...
Post by: Doc Emmett Brown on May 25, 2004, 02:01:44 AM
"to "disagree" with what theyre doing is sort of presumptuous"

by your reasoning, to agree requires as much presumption

I know...Which is why I dont necessarily agree with it.  I reserve any opinion on whos right and wrong because I dont know the half of it, and dont pretend to.  I know that if the suit is true, then I agree.  If not, then I dont.  But Im certainly not going to assume that theyre lying, or doing it for publicity.  

Looking at both sides of the coin... that was very objective of you, Booker  ;)

Title: Re:VR On Howard Stern Today, Monday - May 24...
Post by: SLCPUNK on May 25, 2004, 02:05:13 AM
The reason axl was out of breath is because he had to run past security because they wouldnt let him through. They didnt think it was really him.

He was out of breath from running on the stage dude. He ran out of breath, human, and no big deal.

No need to make it more than it really was and make up this defense.

Title: Re:VR On Howard Stern Today, Monday - May 24...
Post by: D on May 26, 2004, 04:48:30 AM
right, he blew himself up by sprinting, shit anybody sprint and sing without properly warmin up the ole lungs and see how much u huff and puff, im in excellent physical condition and when i take off like a bat outta hell i huff and puff like a motherfucker till i get my wind, actually  he's lucky he didnt pass out