Here Today... Gone To Hell!

The Perils Of Rock N' Roll Decadence => Duff, Slash & Velvet Revolver => Topic started by: Hammer1 on May 21, 2004, 11:57:44 PM

Title: Toronto Review May 21/04
Post by: Hammer1 on May 21, 2004, 11:57:44 PM
Just got in from VR in T.O.
Here is my review.

The crowd was lined up around the block at 5:00pm, and the place was full by 7:00 or so.  silvertide took the stage and the crowd seemed to like them a lot.  They got a very good reception from the audience,(very pumped about VR). Was front row for this part shook hands with the singer forget his name (ryan maybe) anyway, I can't believe the guys who don't let the women get up close to the stage. Chivelry is dead! Anyway as soon as VR took the stage the pushing was sooo intense I was out of there! To many drunks and asshole fat guys pushing, some real loser drunk abnoxious fuckheads throwing beer cans on the stage, (like get a life).  Slash and Duff were amazing as soon as I saw them it was just like 91' again. They look so good better than ever.  God Duff use to look sooo fucked up, but he is giving Brad Pitt a run for his money, fuck he was sooooo hot I can't believe it. No shirt for them all by the end of the night, except Dave.  I can't remember the exact set. Brownstone, Used to love her, It's so easy, same as other dates I think.
So tired right now, let me see what else, got a VR hat, shirt, and three cardboard posters from the wall- will frame them for my bar in the basement.

Scott was quite a character, very neat to watch on the stage. My sister keeps saying he is gay, I don't think so, but she says you can't convince her otherwise.  not that that matters.  Just our discussion in the car.  As far as sound it was a little too loud you could not hear the words to any song.  Fall to pieces was great! Scott said how Slash came in one day with a great riff and he wrote the lyrics about his wife telling him to get out and locking the door and how great it was that she took him back (or something like that).  What's with the megaphone neat looking but can't understand anything.  As far as hearing the GNR songs it was great to hear any GNR song but it definitely was not the same feeling I had in 2002 T.O. with AXL. Something to sentimental about the old songs and Scott singing them, really missed Axl tonight.  Although I think VR have great potential to make it real big with their material, I couldn't help feeling a little sadness amongst the crowd as if they wish they could just have their old GNR back!!!! But i felt that they would take whatever they can get from these guys or Axl and new GNR. Tons of GNR fans there very mixed crowd as far as ages go 15 - 50.  Slash said "I can't think of any other place i would rather be right now", they seemed to really have a great time.  Can't think of anything else, if you think of any questions ask I will try to remember.
Later :beer:

Title: Re:Toronto Review May 21/04
Post by: Booker Floyd on May 22, 2004, 12:06:52 AM
Thanks for the review, Hammer, especially so soon.  

I couldn't help feeling a little sadness amongst the crowd as if they wish they could just have their old GNR back!!!!

Maybe they actually wanted their old STP back?  ???

Title: Re:Toronto Review May 21/04
Post by: Hammer1 on May 22, 2004, 12:28:27 AM
There was a really strong GNR vibe in that room tonite.
It felt like the 16-21 crowd would love to see the old GNR for one time, they seem like they love having a piece to tell their friends about but they would love to see the old GNR like their parents or siblings did, something like my dad saw the Stones and so did I, when you hear about it you want to experience it too.
Kind of weird!

If they ever need money or re-ignite the friendships (not), they will be the biggest thing rock has seen in a long long time.
There is a generation out there that is so sick of pop and crap rock that they would eat a reunion  like Shrek and Harry Potter put together! If that makes any sense( I mean big big money).

Sooo fucking tired, well just can't stop thinking about those perfectly toned bodies better go have sweet dreams now! :love:

Title: Re:Toronto Review May 21/04
Post by: Falcon on May 22, 2004, 12:28:35 AM

Maybe they actually wanted their old STP back?  ???

That notion isn't so far fetched, In KC, "Sex Type Thing" got the biggest response of the night of all the covers.  Don't get me wrong, all the covers got huge reactions but that tune just took the delirium to another level.

Title: Re:Toronto Review May 21/04
Post by: Booker Floyd on May 22, 2004, 12:33:42 AM
It felt like the 16-21 crowd would love to see the old GNR for one time, they seem like they love having a piece to tell their friends about but they would love to see the old GNR like their parents or siblings did, something like my dad saw the Stones and so did I, when you hear about it you want to experience it too.
Kind of weird!

Thats a lot of assuming, dont you think?  You think maybe youre only projecting your feelings?

There is a generation out there that is so sick of pop and crap rock that they would eat a reunion

Well VR arent pop/"crap" rock, are they?

Title: Re:Toronto Review May 21/04
Post by: Hammer1 on May 22, 2004, 09:24:48 AM
Sorry way ro tired last night.

Actually i spoke to a lot of people last night when I was right up front that is what a lot of the kids were saying to me about "wishing they had seen GNR". There was a very long wait standing there doing nothing waiting for VR to come on.  We all talked, up front I was one of the older ones.

No VR are not pop/crap, I think I was a bit sad last night so my points were a little mellow, VR were fucking amazing in there own right, they rocked and everyone loved them. Don't get me wrong on that. They have all the potential to be #1 in the world right now.  Maybe it was just when you sing old songs without the old singer, it is kind of weird.

Title: Re:Toronto Review May 21/04
Post by: Eeebs on May 22, 2004, 10:12:05 AM
Such a fuckin night!!  I don?t even know where to start.  Last night was one of the best nights of my life.  This just restores the fact that good things happen to good people? and having a little fate goes a long way.  

We arrived at the Kool Haus at about 6 pm.  Scalpers were approaching us as we were making our way to the very end of the line.  As we were totally avoiding the scalpers, one of them asked us if we thought he was going to steal their tickets? to which I responded my ticket is behind my back, just in case? haha? well, I thought that moment was funny and deserved to be in the review.

The line moved quickly, and soon we found ourselves inside of the club.  The security was pretty lax? everyone had a camera? and I am pretty sure I saw one guy who recorded the concert.  The opening act was amazing? Silver something or other.  We made our way from the back of the venue to pretty much the front row.  I was so excited to see Velvet Revolver!  

I was determined to keep my awesome view of the stage, but before the show began, I started to get really nervous? being a girl in right in front? with assholes already starting to push like crazy.  My sister? was definitely her lucky night? met a guy (oh la la)? and she made it to FRONT ROW (where she was all night? in front of her new guy friend, who made sure she wasn?t pushed around too badly.  But hey, I would have my moment in the sun as well (more to come about that later :))

Velvet Revolver hit the stage a little past 8:15 pm? and HOLY FUCK!!  I just want ot thank the assholes who just about pushed like you would not believe.  I had to get the fuck out? this was only my second concert experience, and I had no idea things could get so out of control? when Duff and Slash took to the stage, the fuckin rush from behind was too much for me to handle.  So like they say if you can?t take the heat? get outta the kitchen? so I made it back to approximately the 15th row, just beyond the body surfers and mosh pit? fuckin crazy? but I did have my chance to see Matt, Slash, and Duff up close and personal a little bit later ;)

Overall, I liked the show? but I had mixed feelings? for me, the energy that I felt in 2002 when I saw Guns n? Roses for the first time, just wasn?t there.  Again, for the entire night, the only thing I could think of was my sister (awww, sisterly love) and if she was alright? it was that intense up there.  I rocked out in a big way to It?s So Easy, Used to Love Her (shout out goes to the hot guy who I chatted too before the concert and was body surfing during that song), and Mr. Brownstone? but it just was not the same.  In any case, I really loved Fall to Pieces? incredible song!!!  As well as Slither and Set me Free? as for the other songs? I just enjoyed watching Scott put on one hell of a show? I especially loved his police man?s hat and pilot sunglasses? he looked sorta familiar? hmmm? and starring at amazement? Matt, Slash (yes, he did wear the top hat beginning midway through the set), and Duff? seeing them all live in concert.  

Following the concert, I met up with my friend (who was thoroughly pissed off - due to the intense pushing) and my beaming sister? get this? talk about a night to remember? she walked away with Duff?s pick (personally handed to her by Duff), Matt?s drum stick (personally handed to her by Matt) and Scott?s towel (again, personally handed to her by Scott? after the first time he handed her it, some guy grabbed it from her? I remember hearing Scott mention something about a guy who stole the towel he gave the hot girl in the front row, so he gave her another one a little later on? well, if a boot ever come out? remember, he was refering to my sister :)  

We remained at the venue until approximately 11:30, 12 midnight? waiting for the band to arrive.  I was going to stay, no matter what.  I wanted to meet them? and possibly have my VR poster (my sister?s new guy friend gave it to me? I think he was trying to win points).  In any case, it was announced that VR had already left the building.

If you think after waiting 2 hours in the cold, we would just pack it up and go home, well, you are wrong.  My friend went home, but come on, you all know me? I am a true fan!  My sister and I are both massive fans.  I told her, we are going to meet them, and that is that.  I am not normally like this at all? but come on, you all know how much I respect the band and appriciate their music! :)  A woman who was standing near us mentioned that VR would be at this particular downtown bar? we asked how she knew about it, and she said it already has been mentioned to her a few times.

Yes, being at the right place, at the right time is key.

In any case, we accepted a ride with the guy we just met (crazy, but what the fuck? I now knew we were going to meet the band) and drove to the Brovline? I am not even sure if it is called that.  It?s on Queen and Bathurst? and VR was having a private party.  Everyone was being turned away at the door? you needed a pass to get in.  My sister asked me a few times if we should just leave? I told her no way, we will be allowed in.  I had a real good feeling.  We asked a few people for their passes as they left? all of whom said no?

Title: Re:Toronto Review May 21/04
Post by: Eeebs on May 22, 2004, 10:13:18 AM
A woman was also in line in front of us, and she apparently knew Matt from LA, however, was still not being let into the club as she did not have a pass.  She told someone who did have a pass to tell Matt that she was there, waiting to be let in? the doorman then told us no one is getting in without a pass, unless you have been drinking at the bar for 5 or 6 years? to which I responded, ?well, how about I start drinking at the bar tonight, and come back every Friday night for five years?? and the dude laughed.  A few minutes later, the doorman gets a call, and let?s Matt?s friend in the door? my sister then spoke up and asked if we could go in with her? after all, we got this far, right?  And he let us in!!!!

Okay okay? so now we were in the bar? but I thought how the hell are we going to see, let alone meet the band?  Apparently, they were at a VIP section, closed off to the public.  We found the area? and Slash and Duff were right there? sitting down right near the rope, by the bar.  We starred in amazement.  These guys were right in front of us.  I could have reached out and touched them!  As we starred, my sister?s friend mentioned that he sees Matt? outside of the VIP area? it was now our chance!!

Wow.  Matt is tall.  I did not expect that at all.  And good looking - I think I have a new celebrity crush :)  My sister met him first? and asked him for a handshake? and then a hug.  I then told him how happy I was to meet him, and he kissed me!  (on the check, for those wondering!!).  We all chatted for a bit? about how he is liking the tour, about Toronto? my sister even mentioned how she thought how cute he was in The Making of the Videos.  After a few minutes, he made his way to the VIP area.  

After that moment, we were stunned.  We just fuckin talked to Matt Sorum!  I was kissed by Matt Sorum!!  The night couldn?t get any better, or could it?

We made our way back to the VIP area.  And stood right behind Duff and Slash for about 30 minutes as he chatted it up with the VIPs.  We also saw Scott and Dave, but they were further into that section of the club.  I still cannot believe how close we were.  Unreal.  I urged my sister to talk to Slash? because I know how much she liked him when she was a teenager.  I personally did not want to intrude? they probably meet tonnes of people after every concert.  Anyway, my sister calls his name, and he turns around? and they shake hands.  She mentions how much she liked the concert and how much she likes his music? he then told her that he hopes that she likes their new album as well.

A few moments later, their stage manager, or someone in the know? begins to flash a flashlight at them.  I guess this was the signal it was time to leave.  We did not attempt to talk to Duff? as he looked very tired and annoyed.  However, as Slash was making his way down the two or three stairs, and tapped his arm a few times and called his name? hello, I had to have a few stories of the night as well.

As Matt was leaving the area, we said, ?Bye Matt?, bye Matt!?? he turned and smiled, recoginzing us from before? he stopped, smiled again, and with the sweetest expression (okay, I am definitely star struck!! :)) kissed my sister and then he kissed me again (this time on both checks)!  Holy fuck? talk about insane!  I cannot believe that Matt Sorum, the former drummer for Guns n? Roses kissed us!

But wait? it gets better?

As VR left the bar, the security held back everyone, and was not letting anyone leave except the band? but somehow (oh we have our ways - more like shit luck, if you ask me!) my sister and I were able to leave, right behind the band!!  We crossed the road and saw their van? and again, said good bye to the band? Duff waved at me (hehehe - third celebrity moment of the night) - and Matt laughed when he saw my sister and I again? but in a good way :)  He then got into the van, and closed the door.  We wave to them again through the glass?

Matt  then started to blow kisses at us through the window? we laugh? just amazed at what kind of a crazy night this was? my sister being in front row (I am so fuckin happy for her!!)? her getting Duff??s pick, Matt?s stick, and Scott?s towel? then getting into a pass only party without a pass? talking to Matt and Slash? standing right near Duff? and now Matt is blowing us fuckin kisses!!!  Fuckin surreal night!!

Suddenly, Matt motions us to come closer to the van (unreal!!) ? and he rolls down the window, and starts talking to us again!!  I was completely stunned? if you ever told us years ago that we would be chatting it up with members of Guns n? Roses? like when does that ever happen??  We talked about his pets (hehe, we are such girly girls!), being on tour? and then he mentions that he?ll see us the next time he is in town with VR.  My sister then thanked him for making her dreams come true (it really was such an incredible night) and I agreed!!!  The driver then got into the van and Matt rolled up his window, waved, and was gone.

We stood by the side of the street, looked at each other? and screamed!!  

And that, my friends, was such a fuckin night!! :)

Title: Re:Toronto Review May 21/04
Post by: jarmo on May 22, 2004, 12:00:54 PM
Thanks for the reviews.   8)


Title: Re:Toronto Review May 21/04
Post by: Pviljoen on May 22, 2004, 12:22:38 PM
A woman was also in line in front of us, and she apparently knew Matt from LA, however, was still not being let into the club as she did not have a pass.  She told someone who did have a pass to tell Matt that she was there, waiting to be let in? the doorman then told us no one is getting in without a pass, unless you have been drinking at the bar for 5 or 6 years? to which I responded, ?well, how about I start drinking at the bar tonight, and come back every Friday night for five years?? and the dude laughed.  A few minutes later, the doorman gets a call, and let?s Matt?s friend in the door? my sister then spoke up and asked if we could go in with her? after all, we got this far, right?  And he let us in!!!!

Okay okay? so now we were in the bar? but I thought how the hell are we going to see, let alone meet the band?  Apparently, they were at a VIP section, closed off to the public.  We found the area? and Slash and Duff were right there? sitting down right near the rope, by the bar.  We starred in amazement.  These guys were right in front of us.  I could have reached out and touched them!  As we starred, my sister?s friend mentioned that he sees Matt? outside of the VIP area? it was now our chance!!

Wow.  Matt is tall.  I did not expect that at all.  And good looking - I think I have a new celebrity crush :)  My sister met him first? and asked him for a handshake? and then a hug.  I then told him how happy I was to meet him, and he kissed me!  (on the check, for those wondering!!).  We all chatted for a bit? about how he is liking the tour, about Toronto? my sister even mentioned how she thought how cute he was in The Making of the Videos.  After a few minutes, he made his way to the VIP area.  

After that moment, we were stunned.  We just fuckin talked to Matt Sorum!  I was kissed by Matt Sorum!!  The night couldn?t get any better, or could it?

We made our way back to the VIP area.  And stood right behind Duff and Slash for about 30 minutes as he chatted it up with the VIPs.  We also saw Scott and Dave, but they were further into that section of the club.  I still cannot believe how close we were.  Unreal.  I urged my sister to talk to Slash? because I know how much she liked him when she was a teenager.  I personally did not want to intrude? they probably meet tonnes of people after every concert.  Anyway, my sister calls his name, and he turns around? and they shake hands.  She mentions how much she liked the concert and how much she likes his music? he then told her that he hopes that she likes their new album as well.

A few moments later, their stage manager, or someone in the know? begins to flash a flashlight at them.  I guess this was the signal it was time to leave.  We did not attempt to talk to Duff? as he looked very tired and annoyed.  However, as Slash was making his way down the two or three stairs, and tapped his arm a few times and called his name? hello, I had to have a few stories of the night as well.

As Matt was leaving the area, we said, ?Bye Matt?, bye Matt!?? he turned and smiled, recoginzing us from before? he stopped, smiled again, and with the sweetest expression (okay, I am definitely star struck!! :)) kissed my sister and then he kissed me again (this time on both checks)!  Holy fuck? talk about insane!  I cannot believe that Matt Sorum, the former drummer for Guns n? Roses kissed us!

But wait? it gets better?

As VR left the bar, the security held back everyone, and was not letting anyone leave except the band? but somehow (oh we have our ways - more like shit luck, if you ask me!) my sister and I were able to leave, right behind the band!!  We crossed the road and saw their van? and again, said good bye to the band? Duff waved at me (hehehe - third celebrity moment of the night) - and Matt laughed when he saw my sister and I again? but in a good way :)  He then got into the van, and closed the door.  We wave to them again through the glass?

Matt  then started to blow kisses at us through the window? we laugh? just amazed at what kind of a crazy night this was? my sister being in front row (I am so fuckin happy for her!!)? her getting Duff??s pick, Matt?s stick, and Scott?s towel? then getting into a pass only party without a pass? talking to Matt and Slash? standing right near Duff? and now Matt is blowing us fuckin kisses!!!  Fuckin surreal night!!

Suddenly, Matt motions us to come closer to the van (unreal!!) ? and he rolls down the window, and starts talking to us again!!  I was completely stunned? if you ever told us years ago that we would be chatting it up with members of Guns n? Roses? like when does that ever happen??  We talked about his pets (hehe, we are such girly girls!), being on tour? and then he mentions that he?ll see us the next time he is in town with VR.  My sister then thanked him for making her dreams come true (it really was such an incredible night) and I agreed!!!  The driver then got into the van and Matt rolled up his window, waved, and was gone.

We stood by the side of the street, looked at each other? and screamed!!  

And that, my friends, was such a fuckin night!! :)

haha that was your sister Weiland was talking about? Good shit.

Yeah me and my buddy went last night... lots of fun. we arrived 3 minutes before velvet revolver went on. Mix was pretty bad, but I guess thats because I was right in front of the speakers.

Near the end of the show Matt started playing the intro to You Could Be Mine, then stopped and laughed. Only a few hundred people in the crowd got that joke, then he launched into Brownstone.

Seeing Slash was un fucking real.

O, and I should add... Dave Kushner can SHRED!

That guy can throw it DOWN on lead guitar as well... good lord what a band of musicians.

Yeah and all of them are ripped... must be working out to get away from the heroin or something.

Amazing show... awesome night.

Title: Re:Toronto Review May 21/04
Post by: Doc Emmett Brown on May 22, 2004, 01:27:22 PM
Eeebs, you are a lucky girl  : ok:

It seems from all the concert reviews that there are sound problems?  If you're too close to the stage, then you dont hear the words, too much distortion, etc.  I want to be as close as possible to the front to see them but I also want to hear the music!  choices, choices.

I wonder if they are aware of the problem.

Title: Re:Toronto Review May 21/04
Post by: Eazy E on May 22, 2004, 01:35:26 PM
Near the end of the show Matt started playing the intro to You Could Be Mine, then stopped and laughed. Only a few hundred people in the crowd got that joke, then he launched into Brownstone.

Count me in as one of the few hundred that "got that joke".  More like I fuckin flipped because I thought they were going to play it... meh, the performance of Brownstone made up for it easily.  Just slipping that Top Hat on had everyone going nuts.  

I thought Used to Love Her was really cool... they all just came out and hacked a butt, and just chilled for that song, set a really good mood before they finished off the show.

All around one of the best shows I've been too.  Wouldn't compare it to the new GN'R show because that was an arena... totally different vibe for VR's show.  I was absolutely drenched in sweat afterwards, pretty nast.

One of my buddy's actually hopped the rail right after the show and ran backstage, he managed to catch a glimpse of Slash and Scott back there, but security tossed him out right after.

The 10 o clock curfew was kind of lame... I missed most of Silvertide as a result.

I also heard an interview with Duff and Matt on Edge 102 during the day, they played a little bit of Suckertrain Blues, and the guys were all "Where did you get that song?!?!"... at the end of the segment the DJ was about to play a remixed version of Set Me Free that's on the album, but no one (Duff or Matt) knew what track it was.

Slash and Dave were also on Much Music... they got interviewed by that red haired chick that used to do MuchOnDemand.  Didn't say much that we haven't already heard, Slash was really backing guitar solos and their roles in a song.  They ragged on the rest of the music industry pretty hard.  I think Slash threw a "fuckin'" in there that didn't get muted out which was the coolest part of the interview.   : ok:

Edit - Vocals weren't very clear, lots of guitar in the mix.  Didn't affect my enjoyment of the show.  

Title: Re:Toronto Review May 21/04
Post by: Pviljoen on May 22, 2004, 03:43:38 PM
Yeah what the hell was it with the show ending so early? I've never been to a rock show that was done in time for my 3rd grade bed time....

Was there a reason for that?

Title: Re:Toronto Review May 21/04
Post by: RyanMFGs on May 22, 2004, 04:25:25 PM
One of the security guards said something was going on at 10:30 and they had to clear the place out before then. I'm not sure what, but that's what he said.

Fucking amazing show by the way. Front row, being smashed by everyone, and Slash and Duff standing right in front of me, less than 3 feet away, jamming to It's So Easy while the crowd screams along... wow.

Post by: opgunsguy on May 22, 2004, 05:04:14 PM

   I pulled up to the gig about 7PM.  Most of the crowd was already inside.  We were standing near the tour busses, waiting for our wrist bands, so?s we could have us some drinks!! LOL?

   I noticed some dude come through the stage door wearing a pass and heading toward the tour busses.  He stepped toward the bus door and behind him was this dude with a head full o? afro!!!  It was SLASH MAN!!!!!  I was star-stuck. I opened my mouth & nothing came out!!! I couldn?t move man!!!   By the time his name left my lips he was headed into the bus.  DAMN!!!  I blew my only chance to meet a legend.

   Inside we went, totally stoked from seeing Slash.  I had to piss like a race-horse, so I hit the can.  As soon as my fly was opened, Silvertide hit the stage.  I never pissed so fast in my life!!  LOL!!  They were great.  The lead guitarist is a legend in the making.  Keep yer eyes peeled for this group, I predict they will make it BIG!!

   Enough about Silvertide?..   As soon as they finished and the crowd dispersed, I grabbed my wife and we headed to stage left, right in front of Slash?s Marshalls.  Then we waited.  The roadies did their thing?..Including placing Slash?s top hat on the stack of Marshalls.  The crowd roared with excitement?. I have never seen people get so revved over a hat!!!!  LOL!!!  But then, it?s not just ANY HAT is it!?!?!?

   The roadie gave the thumbs up and I warned my wife to be ready to rock??and BE rocked!!!  The lights went down and we were pushed and shoved in every direction, it was fucking incredible!!!

The announcer came on and screamed?..?Toronto!  You wanted the best, well they couldn?t make it!!!  So here?s what you get?.. From Hollywood, VELVET REVOLVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The crowd surged.  The band entered the dark stage and started to jam. They broke into Sucker Train Blues under a flood of strobe lights.  Slash took his usual position at stage left and rocked my fuckin? world.  He looked like he was lovin? it, grinnin? from ear to ear and waiving to his fans!!! The band couldn?t have been tighter. They grooved together as if they?ve been doing it forever!!!!

By the third song there were only 2 people between me n? Slash!  I could smell his cigarette man!!!  I could see the beads of sweat as they dripped onto his guitar!! It was surreal, yet so fuckin? real!!!!

Scott introduced crackerman by saying ?you might recognize this song, this is by Herman?s Hermits!?, and the crowd went nuts!!!  The new band did a phenomenal job on this classic S.T.P. hit.
Slash introduced the next song as ?probably the heaviest song on the record, this is called Illegal I!?  

For the next tune, Duff grabbed the mic.   ?U might recognize this one!? The crowd exploded as Duff started the bass line for It?s So Easy!!!  What a rush!!!

The next three songs were from the forthcoming Contraband CD.  This is where V.R. showed us all that this is a NEW band,  A Fuckin? great band!!!

An encore break gave the crowd a chance to settle down.  Slash was the first to re-appear on stage.  He non-chalantly grabbed his smokes off the amp, took one out and lit it.  He was teasing the crowd and lovin? it!  He approached the mic and said ?Now, this is what a Rock N? Roll show is supposed to be.  When was the last time you were at one of these?? The crowd responded in agreement.  Slash continued, ?I know I haven?t seen one of these in recent memory!  I can?t think of a better place to have one of these, but right HERE!!!?   As many fans know, Slash loves Toronto.

Slither followed, with an extended intro & Slash solo! It was, in my opinion, the highlight of the show.  The crowd went nuts, especially those of us up front!  More classic S.T.P. was done to perfection as the band pleased the audience with Sex Type Thing?

After a second encore break, Matt came on and teased the crowd with the intro to You Could Be Mine, then into Mr. Brownstone.  It was one big sing along, I loved it!!!  I knew the party was almost over as I rocked along to Nirvana?s Negative Creep.  The house lights came on as we snuck out the back door and back to reality.

I have been to MANY rock shows in my time, from small clubs to sold out stadiums.  This was, by far, the most amazing music experience of my life!  Raw, pure Rock N? Roll, from raw, pure Rock Stars!   These guys are going to bring back REAL Rock N? Roll, just like GN?R did way back in the 80?s!  

Thanks V.R., you really ROCKED!!!!


Gunsguy  (   visit my no rules HUB as well at ( ) email for info....

my ticket...

some guy handed these sickers out at the end of the show outside......

my parking slip...

Title: Re:Toronto Review May 21/04
Post by: tomass74 on May 22, 2004, 05:37:45 PM
One of the security guards said something was going on at 10:30 and they had to clear the place out before then. I'm not sure what, but that's what he said.

Alot of these places kick everyone after the shows. They usually reopen the doors at 10-10:30 and the places usually turn into a night club with a DJ. Thats what is what they do at Avalon anyway where they are playing next Sat. And they recharge you if you wanna get back in.

Title: Re:Toronto Review May 21/04
Post by: Eazy E on May 22, 2004, 06:06:56 PM
I assumed the curfew was a result of Scott's court problems... that was one of the only concerts I've been to since they renovated the Warehouse (and named it Kool Haus)... I suppose it's possible that the Guvernment now connects to the Kool Haus as an extra "room" (the Guv has like 5 already).  So the curfew was in place to open it up to the clubbers since it was a Friday.   :-\

Post by: opgunsguy on May 22, 2004, 06:44:05 PM

   I pulled up to the gig about 7PM.  Most of the crowd was already inside.  We were standing near the tour busses, waiting for our wrist bands, so?s we could have us some drinks!! LOL?

   I noticed some dude come through the stage door wearing a pass and heading toward the tour busses.  He stepped toward the bus door and behind him was this dude with a head full o? afro!!!  It was SLASH MAN!!!!!  I was star-stuck. I opened my mouth & nothing came out!!! I couldn?t move man!!!   By the time his name left my lips he was headed into the bus.  DAMN!!!  I blew my only chance to meet a legend.

   Inside we went, totally stoked from seeing Slash.  I had to piss like a race-horse, so I hit the can.  As soon as my fly was opened, Silvertide hit the stage.  I never pissed so fast in my life!!  LOL!!  They were great.  The lead guitarist is a legend in the making.  Keep yer eyes peeled for this group, I predict they will make it BIG!!

   Enough about Silvertide?..   As soon as they finished and the crowd dispersed, I grabbed my wife and we headed to stage left, right in front of Slash?s Marshalls.  Then we waited.  The roadies did their thing?..Including placing Slash?s top hat on the stack of Marshalls.  The crowd roared with excitement?. I have never seen people get so revved over a hat!!!!  LOL!!!  But then, it?s not just ANY HAT is it!?!?!?

   The roadie gave the thumbs up and I warned my wife to be ready to rock??and BE rocked!!!  The lights went down and we were pushed and shoved in every direction, it was fucking incredible!!!

The announcer came on and screamed?..?Toronto!  You wanted the best, well they couldn?t make it!!!  So here?s what you get?.. From Hollywood, VELVET REVOLVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The crowd surged.  The band entered the dark stage and started to jam. They broke into Sucker Train Blues under a flood of strobe lights.  Slash took his usual position at stage left and rocked my fuckin? world.  He looked like he was lovin? it, grinnin? from ear to ear and waiving to his fans!!! The band couldn?t have been tighter. They grooved together as if they?ve been doing it forever!!!!

By the third song there were only 2 people between me n? Slash!  I could smell his cigarette man!!!  I could see the beads of sweat as they dripped onto his guitar!! It was surreal, yet so fuckin? real!!!!

Scott introduced crackerman by saying ?you might recognize this song, this is by Herman?s Hermits!?, and the crowd went nuts!!!  The new band did a phenomenal job on this classic S.T.P. hit.
Slash introduced the next song as ?probably the heaviest song on the record, this is called Illegal I!?  

For the next tune, Duff grabbed the mic.   ?U might recognize this one!? The crowd exploded as Duff started the bass line for It?s So Easy!!!  What a rush!!!

The next three songs were from the forthcoming Contraband CD.  This is where V.R. showed us all that this is a NEW band,  A Fuckin? great band!!!

An encore break gave the crowd a chance to settle down.  Slash was the first to re-appear on stage.  He non-chalantly grabbed his smokes off the amp, took one out and lit it.  He was teasing the crowd and lovin? it!  He approached the mic and said ?Now, this is what a Rock N? Roll show is supposed to be.  When was the last time you were at one of these?? The crowd responded in agreement.  Slash continued, ?I know I haven?t seen one of these in recent memory!  I can?t think of a better place to have one of these, but right HERE!!!?   As many fans know, Slash loves Toronto.

Slither followed, with an extended intro & Slash solo! It was, in my opinion, the highlight of the show.  The crowd went nuts, especially those of us up front!  More classic S.T.P. was done to perfection as the band pleased the audience with Sex Type Thing?

After a second encore break, Matt came on and teased the crowd with the intro to You Could Be Mine, then into Mr. Brownstone.  It was one big sing along, I loved it!!!  I knew the party was almost over as I rocked along to Nirvana?s Negative Creep.  The house lights came on as we snuck out the back door and back to reality.

I have been to MANY rock shows in my time, from small clubs to sold out stadiums.  This was, by far, the most amazing music experience of my life!  Raw, pure Rock N? Roll, from raw, pure Rock Stars!   These guys are going to bring back REAL Rock N? Roll, just like GN?R did way back in the 80?s!  

Thanks V.R., you really ROCKED!!!!



my ticket...

some guy handed these sickers out at the end of the show outside......

my parking slip...

Title: Re:Toronto Review May 21/04
Post by: wildaxl on May 22, 2004, 11:59:04 PM
well,we got there by 5:30,I paid 100 bucks for my ticket from a scalper,we went inside about 6:30,place were still empty so we got real close to the left side of the stage,only 3 rows from the stage,fuck I was ready to rock the house,by the time silvertide left the stage I was so fucking stoned that in my mind only I can hear singing was spanish I think or italian,then when VR went backstage for a while I couldn't take anymore I went right to the back looking for some water,then I stayed there dancing with myself until the end,by 10:30 I was passed out in my bed.
today I'm so fucking piss with myself,even I was there I missed a good part of the show,because it was too much last night, shit! I'm a fucking tool  >:(

Title: Re:Toronto Review May 21/04
Post by: Eeebs on May 23, 2004, 01:26:18 PM
Taken from the Toronto Sun, May 22, 2004

Rock Legends Velvet Smooth

Revolver Fires on All Cylinders

By Liisa Ladouceur

About 12 years ago, a gang of new bands from America gave a big Doc Martin boot to the spandex covered behind of what was then passing for rock music:  Cheesy L.A. metal about chicks, and, well, things that rhyme with chicks.

One of those revolutionary alternative groups was Stone Temple Pilots.

So it was quite something to see former STP singer Scott Weiland fronting what was essentially Guns n' Roses at the Kool Haus last night.

It was even more amazing to watch the newly formed Velvet Revolver tear down the preconceptions about their abilities to blend with an electrifying set.

The band faced a difficult task:  To satisfy a sold-out crowd of die-hard GNR and STP fans with new, unreleased material.

And yet, from the first note of Sucker Train Blues, from the forthcoming VRdisc Contraband, it was clear the fans didn't care if they could sing along.

They were thrilled just to be in the same room with Guns guitar god Slash.

Velvet Revolver's members did not rest on their laurels as legendary musicians.

Fierce and fearless, they tore through the good stuff off Contraband with vigour and enthusiasm.

While Weiland slithered around the stage in a Ramones T-shirt, Slash showed off his signature solo skills, a perfect pair of rock star frontmen.

If the rousing renditions of VR songs Do It for the Kids and Illegal I weren't enough, they dropped plenty of old favourites into the set.  STP's Crackerman got the most pit going, while GNR's It's So Easy spired much whooping, followed by chants of "Axl Sucks!"

Singing Axl Rose's parts again on I Used to Love Her and Mr. Brownstone, Weiland was backed up nicely by bassist Duff McKagan and drummer Matt Sorum, but never quite made the tunes his own.

(Perhaps not big enough of a goof to replicate Rose?)

The standout tracks were VR's own - Big Machine and Slither - where they teased with atmospheric intros and extended musical movements before unleashing supersized sonic choruses.

But by ending with a raucous punk cover of Nirvana's Negative Creep, Velvet Revolver proved that marking terms like "hair metal" and "alternative" don't apply to music when it simply rocks.

* * * * 1/2 stars out of 5

Title: Re:Toronto Review May 21/04
Post by: Doc Emmett Brown on May 23, 2004, 01:48:53 PM
It was even more amazing to watch the newly formed Velvet Revolver tear down the preconceptions about their abilities to blend with an electrifying set.

Velvet Revolver's members did not rest on their laurels as legendary musicians.

Fierce and fearless, they tore through the good stuff off Contraband with vigour and enthusiasm.

While Weiland slithered around the stage in a Ramones T-shirt, Slash showed off his signature solo skills, a perfect pair of rock star frontmen.

But by ending with a raucous punk cover of Nirvana's Negative Creep, Velvet Revolver proved that marking terms like "hair metal" and "alternative" don't apply to music when it simply rocks.

* * * * 1/2 stars out of 5

I'm confused, Eeebs  :'(  Please explain with small words why it only got 1/2 star out of 5 when the review was actually quite positive?  

Unless the entire article is one big exercise in sarcasm I think it deserves a higher rating, no?  She's obviously an STP fan...

Title: Re:Toronto Review May 21/04
Post by: Prodigal Son on May 23, 2004, 02:01:37 PM

* * * * 1/2 stars out of 5

I'm confused, Eeebs  :'(  Please explain with small words why it only got 1/2 star out of 5 when the review was actually quite positive?  

Unless the entire article is one big exercise in sarcasm I think it deserves a higher rating, no?  She's obviously an STP fan...

If you look closer you might see it says 4 stars and 1/2 out of 5  :P

Title: Re:Toronto Review May 21/04
Post by: Doc Emmett Brown on May 23, 2004, 02:04:32 PM

If you look closer you might see it says 4 stars and 1/2 out of 5  :P

*snaps fingers!*  I see it now  :rofl:  dont i feel like a turd in a pocket!

Title: Re:Toronto Review May 21/04
Post by: Pviljoen on May 23, 2004, 04:38:49 PM

If you look closer you might see it says 4 stars and 1/2 out of 5  :P

*snaps fingers!*  I see it now  :rofl:  dont i feel like a turd in a pocket!

haha I thought so too for a few seconds then figured it out.

GOD I cannot stop listening to do it for the kids... that chorus is WICKED.

Title: Re:Toronto Review May 21/04
Post by: Laura on May 23, 2004, 08:52:08 PM
wow what an amazin show!! i travled from montreal to see it... didnt have tickets bought them off a scalper for 120! but wow was it worth it! the opening act was fuckin amazin i thought! guitarist was good i found too! and when VR came on i was squished a lot... i was in the about 4th row! and it was amazin! 12h of drivin, 120$ for the ticket and 80$ of gas was all worth it to see them! best concert ever!!!! i was so mad that it ended at like 10 tho! but who cares cause thay played oh so well! amazing i cant get over it! i loved it!

Title: Re:Toronto Review May 21/04
Post by: jarmo on May 25, 2004, 07:21:11 PM
LIVE: Velvet Revolver Mix Dirty Rock With Spinal Tap Hilarity
Tuesday May 25, 2004 @ 05:00 PM
By: Staff

Kool Haus
Toronto, Ontario
May 21, 2004
by Keith Carman

Velvet Revolver couldn?t have picked a better opening band. When an act sucks as much as Silvertide did this particular night, there?s nothing stopping the headliner from blowing the audience away.

Such was pretty much the case as this Butthole, America band unceremoniously regurgitated a plethora of early Black Crowes-inspired riffs. But they couldn?t stop there. They had to make it even cheesier with an onslaught of every rock clich? since the inevitable "there?s no place we?d rather be" crowd-pleaser (amusingly utilized during Velvet Revolver?s set). From Zeppelin-esque guitar/vocal riff-swapping to the singer?s jumping jacks between verses and the obvious drum and guitar solos, these guys are the perfect argument as to why cock rock died. Even Slash ? King of the Wankers ? was not so bold as to take a solo when Velvet Revolver were clearly struggling to fill their one hour and 20 minute commitment. "Sucks" is not descriptive enough for Silvertide.

Kicking off strong, Velvet Revolver bounded about the stage, easily claiming ownership for the evening. But when you have five individuals used to playing in front of crowds numbering over 10,000, winning over a couple of thousand people isn?t such a stretch.

From the get-go, the strange marriage between Scott Weiland and members of Guns ?N? Roses (Slash, Duff McKagan, Matt Sorum) was a smart fit. Weiland is nothing less than the perfect frontman, blending a glazed, Keith Richards-ish appearance, distinctive voice and enough dance moves to make a stripper jealous. Ignoring the occasional projectile that threatened his finely polished motorcycle hat, he was VR?s own go-go girl, gyrating and pelvic-thrusting the eve away. Laid out over the tight (read: ages old) rhythm section with a penchant for hooky riffs and you see how it works.

More importantly than a relatively strong set, though, the night was proof-positive the music industry?s hype machine is well-oiled, because while Velvet Revolver are a strong band, they?re not headlining material as of yet. Yes, every song was virtually flawless and the band stormed on through occasionally shitty sound.

Still, there was something of a farcical overtone to the evening. Playing approximately eight originals and easily as many covers (STP?s "Sex Type Thing," G?N?R?s "It?s So Easy" and others to boot), they were the penultimate Spinal Tap lampoon: original members playing in a GN?R/STP cover band. No, the real proof: one young-ish concert-goer, clearly ecstatic to be there turned to me during GN?R classic "Mr. Brownstone."

"What song is this?"

Out for a second encore and digging to the deepest pits of their song cache, the band finished with a rousing version of Nirvana?s "Negative Creep." Unfortunately, the majority of hair farmers in the audience either resented hearing their fave band cover a track from the band that brought their genre down or just didn?t know it. In fact, Slash had to mount the monitors and virtually force everyone into acknowledgement. Regardless, after the honeymoon wears off, this band probably will get down to some dirty, unforgettable rock ?n? roll.


Title: Re:Toronto Review May 21/04
Post by: Doc Emmett Brown on May 25, 2004, 10:59:06 PM
Such was pretty much the case as this Butthole, America band unceremoniously regurgitated a plethora of early Black Crowes-inspired riffs.

I have yet to hear this band, but if he compares them to the Black Crowes and Led Zep, then I should like them.  And neither band is "cock rock" so I fail to see his argument...


one young-ish concert-goer, clearly ecstatic to be there turned to me during GN?R classic "Mr. Brownstone."

"What song is this?"

Not too surprising.  My younger cousins could not name a GNR song if their lives depended on it, expect WTTJ maybe.

this band probably will get down to some dirty, unforgettable rock ?n? roll.

Well, alright then!  Thanks for the review, Jarmo.  ;)

Title: Re:Toronto Review May 21/04
Post by: tomass74 on May 26, 2004, 01:17:50 AM
Unfortunately, the majority of hair farmers in the audience either resented hearing their fave band cover a track from the band that brought their genre down or just didn?t know it.

That always pisses me off. Nirvana helped kill off alot of 80's butt rock and hair bands but so did GnR!!! And Nirvana didn't kill of GnR , Gn'R killed themselves off. They were still on top of the world when they combusted.

Title: Re:Toronto Review May 21/04
Post by: Eeebs on May 30, 2004, 09:35:16 AM
NOW Magazine, May 27 - June 3 2004
page 73

Toronto Music Notes

Velvet Revolver Press Conference, Park Hyatt Hotel, May 21

When Slash comes to town heads perk up.  When Duff comes to town the Bovine Sex Club knocks on wood that he'll drop in.  When Scott Weiland comes to town you know he'll have a scarf around his neck.  And so he did - as well as a carefully tipped hat and shades - when the supergroup arrived at the 18th floor of the swanked-out Park Hyatt Hotel to pose for pictures and answer questions.

Slash and Duff came off well, the Slashman getting mad yuks when he responded to a question about Toronto's pot by saying he knows Toronto better for its pussy.  Ever the charmer, he also gave props to ZZ Top's Billy Gibbobs, which is nice to hear.

Weiland was sketchier, taking copious notes while others spoke and at first not speaking in order to save his voice, although when asked to make funny faces for a photo he quipped, "We're not the Chili Peppers."

They also took the time during the conference to poke fun at Creed, Nickelback and Axl, whose costume changes Matt Sorum claimed were the sole reason he did drum solos in Gun's n' Roses.