Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on May 21, 2004, 10:21:52 PM

Title: Then and Now Pics of Axl (thread title edited)
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on May 21, 2004, 10:21:52 PM
I couldn't find one with the same exact angle as the center recent photo... but between the 2 older pics on either end you can see the angles of his face, nose, jaw chin, cheeks, etc...
Even in the NBA pics which were criticized as to how 'funny' he looks... Check out the pic on the right taken in Germany in 1991...

and the OH SO INFAMOUS MTV Awards backstage shot...
Compare with the another infamous Axl shot...


Axl has aged... and he just doesn't always have the same expression in every photo! Who does? But when the expression is similar - you can see that his face has not been altered the way they try to make out on those awful sites

Title: Re:Before and After Pics of Axl
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on May 21, 2004, 10:25:04 PM
Besides axls shaven eye brows and the braids, he does not look much different.
I dont see how people think he has had surgery.
He could have had bo tox or a chem peel but not cheek implants, a nose job or anything like that

Title: Re:Before and After Pics of Axl
Post by: badgirl on May 21, 2004, 11:15:24 PM
Oh kids... :no:

trust me, as someone who has been around a lot of botoxed, pulled and stiched and peeled Manhattan women, Axl has had work done. Now, it doesn't make him any less awesome or his music suck or anything like that. He is still Axl the rock demi-god, but he is Axl the rock demi-god who has had some face work and hair plugs (there was talk of his hair problems back in the early 90's).
Again, he can still rule and you can still love him even though he has had some work done.  :yes:

Title: Re:Before and After Pics of Axl
Post by: HoldenCaulfield on May 21, 2004, 11:18:34 PM
It really pisses me off. People act like he is virtually unrecognizable, but he looks the same to me. Besides his braids, he's no different.

Title: Re:Before and After Pics of Axl
Post by: badgirl on May 21, 2004, 11:23:43 PM
Well certainly, he doesn't have a new face, but there is some obvious work done. No one is talking Michael Jackson here, just some superficial work.
those of you who deny, have you actually ever been around people who have had plastic surgery? like, up close?
again, it doesn't mean you can't like him or that he's not cool anymore.

Title: Re:Before and After Pics of Axl
Post by: Reinaldo on May 21, 2004, 11:23:44 PM
Good job Eva! The only strange thing remaining are the shaven eye brows (and the braids).

Title: Re:Before and After Pics of Axl
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on May 21, 2004, 11:30:04 PM
Oh kids... :no:

trust me, as someone who has been around a lot of botoxed, pulled and stiched and peeled Manhattan women, Axl has had work done. Now, it doesn't make him any less awesome or his music suck or anything like that. He is still Axl the rock demi-god, but he is Axl the rock demi-god who has had some face work and hair plugs (there was talk of his hair problems back in the early 90's).
Again, he can still rule and you can still love him even though he has had some work done.  :yes:

we know he has had a little work done but not to the exent that some people claim.
I dont think he went under the knife at all but like I said bo tox and chem peels, i am sure he has.

Title: Re:Before and After Pics of Axl
Post by: Luckyme on May 21, 2004, 11:39:47 PM
What a shame he's not my type! :love:  I'm joking! My favorite  pic of him is the one from Vegas, wearing the black-opened shirt. Nice pics Eva!

Title: Re:Before and After Pics of Axl
Post by: charl!edontsurf on May 21, 2004, 11:57:24 PM
Looking the same at 20 and 40 is rare... the fact that he looks almost younger says alot to me anyways.

Title: Re:Before and After Pics of Axl
Post by: parisrocks on May 21, 2004, 11:57:55 PM
1st, no one shaves there fucking eyebrows, they pluck em'!
Plus, who in the fuck cares about face work?
I'm concerned w/ music and performance.

Axl Rose is the best ever, but how many of you "guys" would suck his dick?
Shut Up!

Title: Re:Before and After Pics of Axl
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on May 22, 2004, 12:49:39 AM
Oh kids... :no:

trust me, as someone who has been around a lot of botoxed, pulled and stiched and peeled Manhattan women, Axl has had work done. Now, it doesn't make him any less awesome or his music suck or anything like that. He is still Axl the rock demi-god, but he is Axl the rock demi-god who has had some face work and hair plugs (there was talk of his hair problems back in the early 90's).
Again, he can still rule and you can still love him even though he has had some work done.  :yes:

what i was pointing out is how his cheeks, chin, jaw, nose, shape of his face, his smile, his mouth, his lips... are all the same shape and size...  meaning that he has not had them altered as the rags report
i have seen it posted and read in other places stuff about cheek implants, chin implant, nose job, etc.  and was pointing out that it seems obvious from looking at pics that show these areas clearly that these areas have not been changed

im not objecting to or putting down anyone who has work done...
such as facelift or chemical peel or botox...
heck even if someone wants to get implants or whatever its their business..

his hairline also does not apear altered but i can understand how people may think so because he never used to wear his hair completely pulled back from his forehead

It really pisses me off. People act like he is virtually unrecognizable, but he looks the same to me. Besides his braids, he's no different.
: ok:

Well certainly, he doesn't have a new face, but there is some obvious work done. No one is talking Michael Jackson here, just some superficial work.
those of you who deny, have you actually ever been around people who have had plastic surgery? like, up close?
again, it doesn't mean you can't like him or that he's not cool anymore.

'some work done' is a big difference from the reports that have been published saying he had all these different kinds of implants and skin grafts - wouldn't you agree that kind of characterizations goes beyond what you mean by superficial?

Good job Eva! The only strange thing remaining are the shaven eye brows (and the braids).

 : ok: thanks!
the before and after pics i posted last year seemed to make it around the net so i'm all for giving axl positive pr and doing what i can to defuse / de-bunk the bs that is talked about him
so feel free and please do pass these around  :yes:

Looking the same at 20 and 40 is rare... the fact that he looks almost younger says alot to me anyways.

aw charlie charlie charlie.. what am i gonna do with you?
the before pics are of him at approx 30 years old  
any ways ALL i was saying is that i don't see no goddanm cheek implants or a chin implant or a nose job
can we agree on that  :-*

Title: Re:Before and After Pics of Axl
Post by: grog mug on May 22, 2004, 01:46:05 AM
He looks the same just slightly older.  He nees to go back to the 2001 Vegas style...that was a good look for Axl.

Title: Re:Before and After Pics of Axl
Post by: ccorn69 on May 22, 2004, 01:57:48 AM
honestlyyou all why should we care if the man has had or hasnt had plastic surgery what matters is the music, axl was never a model he was and is a MUSICian, so the bottom line should be his music, so leave axl alone :rant:

peace  :peace:

Title: I'm kinda fucking scared of this pic
Post by: volcano62 on May 22, 2004, 03:47:15 AM


Title: Re:Before and After Pics of Axl
Post by: Christos AG on May 22, 2004, 05:05:09 AM

One more from me...  ;)

Title: Re:Before and After Pics of Axl
Post by: DazRose85 on May 22, 2004, 06:24:32 AM
It's because there was a long gap between the years where Axl wasn't photographed, so we missed bits of him aging. Look at Slash, Duff etc today compared to 10 years ago.... now THERE'S a difference!

Title: Re:I'm kinda fucking scared of this pic
Post by: anarchy on May 22, 2004, 07:28:09 AM
You suck.   :-\

Title: Re:Before and After Pics of Axl
Post by: Izzy on May 22, 2004, 07:39:28 AM
Axl has aged...

Hot damn. Who have u told this to already? We better keep it quiet so no one else finds out.... :hihi:

Little biology lesson

People age. Even reclusive rock stars.

He's 40 and he looks damn good for it.

Title: Re:I'm kinda fucking scared of this pic
Post by: gezm on May 22, 2004, 08:16:24 AM
lmao axls going the way jackson did! tip for u axl its been done before  : ok:

Title: Re:Before and After Pics of Axl
Post by: madagas on May 22, 2004, 08:50:18 AM
I think the only thing he has had done is botox to the forehead and "something" to his eyebrows-ie getting them plucked like a women does! However, his face structure is exactly the same. He also definitely had something done to his hair.

Title: Re:I'm kinda fucking scared of this pic
Post by: nesquick on May 22, 2004, 09:32:15 AM
euhhh...Axl looks like a monster on that pic. nearly as worst as mickael jackson. But don't you think it is a fake? I think it's a fake I mean, take a look to the VMA 2002 he didn't look like that at all. His face was totally normal. He seemed pretty young too at the VMA 2002. Maybe he had a lifting but no more.

Title: Re:Before and After Pics of Axl
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on May 22, 2004, 01:09:03 PM

One more from me...  ;)
ha!  that's the one i uploaded last year.  :D
glad to see it again  : ok:

Title: Re:Before and After Pics of Axl
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on May 22, 2004, 05:57:47 PM

Axl can't change his hair style, his expression, or allow photo's of him to be taken from various angles? is that it?  does he look like a 'monster' here?  hm?  ::)

Title: Re:Before and After Pics of Axl
Post by: Jessica on May 22, 2004, 08:09:09 PM
He looks fantastic, as always...I just regret not seeing his flamboyant straight pale red hair like in paradise city live video..

To be honest, although i promised myself to never drool on axl again ( thought it was not proper to drool over someone i'll never meet), i'd shag him in a second. Right, said it now.

But shhhh... ;)

Title: Re:Before and After Pics of Axl
Post by: St.heathen on May 22, 2004, 09:36:06 PM
[quote (


That is such a fake - isn't it?lol  you can see it's like an old Appetite era head with bandana smudged out - on a more recent body ??? surely it's not just my eyes lol Elementary my dear Watson lol

 What's more worrying is that if true someone has actually gone to the effort of doing that lol  Not blaming you Eva  ;) lol   i can see that  you merely copied it from some one elses, so you escape the mental fan tag ;-) lol

Anyway back on topic,  I can honestly say as a 100% straight guy i'm not interested in what he has or hasn't had done.  He looks cool -  looks like the one and only Axl Rose and aslong as he gets on that stage soon.  I dont care if he's got a shaven head and clogs on lol, we can let the good times roll.

Title: Re:Before and After Pics of Axl
Post by: St.heathen on May 22, 2004, 09:46:09 PM
Actually thinking about it clogs wouldn't be good.

 Because i want him to start doing his old Live and let die Jump in the air then spin around style move - i miss that lol
I can do it when drunk - granted not in the same league or the swan lake - style -  grace, that he used to do it, but i make the effort lol.

Title: Re:Before and After Pics of Axl
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on May 22, 2004, 09:46:44 PM
[quote (


That is such a fake - isn't it?lol  you can see it's like an old Appetite era head with bandana smudged out - on a more recent body ??? surely it's not just my eyes lol Elementary my dear Watson lol

 What's more worrying is that if true someone has actually gone to the effort of doing that lol  Not blaming you Eva  ;) lol   i can see that  you merely copied it from some one elses, so you escape the mental fan tag ;-) lol

Anyway back on topic,  I can honestly say as a 100% straight guy i'm not interested in what he has or hasn't had done.  He looks cool -  looks like the one and only Axl Rose and aslong as he gets on that stage soon.  I dont care if he's got a shaven head and clogs on lol, we can let the good times roll.


It is two photos merged together.
I thought that was obvious.

Title: Re:Before and After Pics of Axl
Post by: St.heathen on May 22, 2004, 09:52:06 PM
[quote (


That is such a fake - isn't it?lol  you can see it's like an old Appetite era head with bandana smudged out - on a more recent body ??? surely it's not just my eyes lol Elementary my dear Watson lol

 What's more worrying is that if true someone has actually gone to the effort of doing that lol  Not blaming you Eva  ;) lol   i can see that  you merely copied it from some one elses, so you escape the mental fan tag ;-) lol

Anyway back on topic,  I can honestly say as a 100% straight guy i'm not interested in what he has or hasn't had done.  He looks cool -  looks like the one and only Axl Rose and aslong as he gets on that stage soon.  I dont care if he's got a shaven head and clogs on lol, we can let the good times roll.


It is two photos merged together.
I thought that was obvious.

Dammit so is this a D'oh! moment? lol hehe  Well hey it's nearly 3 am here  - that's my excuse lol

I was helping the lesser observant lol  ;)
Otherwise by tomorrow we would have had full blown essays arguing over that pic lol  ;D

Title: Re:Before and After Pics of Axl
Post by: ClintroN on May 23, 2004, 05:45:13 AM
it looks like he has a small under cut in the NBA pic :-\

Title: Re:Before and After Pics of Axl
Post by: outlawaxl on May 23, 2004, 05:51:01 AM
his nose is alot thinner now...

Title: Re:Before and After Pics of Axl
Post by: ClintroN on May 23, 2004, 06:07:47 AM
no way, ya reckon?

Title: Re:Before and After Pics of Axl
Post by: MrBen on May 23, 2004, 08:50:17 AM
his nose is alot thinner now...


The nose is the same for fuck sake.

Axl needs to grow some eyebrows and wear clothes that actually fit him and he would look 10 years younger.

Title: Re:Before and After Pics of Axl
Post by: axls#2 on May 23, 2004, 10:00:51 AM
people say he's aged but in that nba finals pic he looks like a 12 year old girl almost.

Title: Re:Before and After Pics of Axl
Post by: Drew on May 23, 2004, 10:30:06 AM
Surgery or not, it doesn't matter to me. With age, Axl has just become more exciting and intriguing to look at.

He's mysterious. I like that ! :yes: :beer:

Title: Re:Before and After Pics of Axl
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on May 23, 2004, 01:15:32 PM

his nose is the same

hey who can tell which picture is merged here:


I think his Braveheart hairstyle was very cool.  : ok:
I saw the guy from front and center both shows at the hard rock and he looked great.

Title: Re:Before and After Pics of Axl
Post by: IndiannaRose on May 23, 2004, 02:34:13 PM

his nose is the same

hey who can tell which picture is merged here:


I think his Braveheart hairstyle was very cool.  : ok:
I saw the guy from front and center both shows at the hard rock and he looked great.
Where'd you get the face from? It's just really........... :nervous:

Title: Re:Before and After Pics of Axl
Post by: MadmanDan on May 23, 2004, 04:23:19 PM
Hey,are you N Sync fans or GNR fans??? I don't give a fuck about his looks,just the music (and maybe the attitude)

Title: Re:Before and After Pics of Axl
Post by: willow on July 03, 2004, 12:21:23 AM
Eva, as usual I am sticking by you.
I will be so glad when the cd comes out and these people will have something better to talk about then, whether axl has or has not had any work done. The guy is 10-15 years older then the pics you people are always talking about. I don't know about you guys but I don't look the same as I did 5 years ago. Give the guy a brake. Frankly I don't care what he looks like that much. As long as he is happy and feels good about himself go for it.
All you guys should care about is what the music sounds like.

Looking good to me AXL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :peace:

Title: Re:Before and After Pics of Axl
Post by: KeVoRkIaN on July 03, 2004, 02:58:50 PM

One more from me...  ;)

Thanks for posting that - Not much of a difference there!

Title: Re:Before and After Pics of Axl
Post by: pjv3244 on July 03, 2004, 09:50:49 PM
What I think Axl has done...

-Chemical Peels
-Face Lift
-Weird shit to his eyebrows

What I don't think he's done...

-Cheek or chin implants
-Nose Jobs

I'm still undecided on the hair transplants thing.

I think Axl needs to go back to his Rio 2001 face, with his Vegas 2002 body.  It seems like he had some minor botox done before Rio 2001, but nothing major, and his hair was much better then. But by that June (the NBA finals) he either went crazy w/ the botox, or had a full blown face lift because he looks like a god damn freak there.  He needs to get back to the Rio 2001 hair, ditch the baggy clothes, ease up on the botox/face lifts, and fix his fucking eybrows.  

The last pic we ever saw of the "old" Axl was his 1998 mugshot.  I don't see why he had to start altering his face.  Yeah, he had some wrinkles and stuff, but nothing major.  And he's getting older, so who cares.  He looks a lot better in that mugshot than he did for the 2002 North American tour.

Oh, and by the way, I'm not gay.  I swear.


Title: Re:Before and After Pics of Axl
Post by: willow on July 05, 2004, 10:42:00 AM
 Why do people always say crap about his eyebrows?? He is a redhead! They are red get over it. He use to dye them darker. Now he doesn't. If anything you should give him credit for looking more like himself!!!!!!

Title: Re:Before and After Pics of Axl
Post by: GnR_Kel_UK on July 05, 2004, 11:07:01 AM
Why do people always say crap about his eyebrows?? He is a redhead! They are red get over it. He use to dye them darker. Now he doesn't. If anything you should give him credit for looking more like himself!!!!!!

Well said willow!

Whether Axl has or hasn't had surgery is his business! Axl obviously has changed, but everyone changes as they get older, it doesn't mean that he has had surgery! As it has been pointed out, he is not 25 anymore, he is in his forties so obviously he is going to look alot older. I'm pretty sure that Axl is happy with himself, and that is all that matters. In another few years he will probably change even more, are there still going to be rumours going around saying he's had surgery "again"?! Like I said, it is his business what he has done, and I don't know whether he has or has not had surgery, and I don't really care. I like Guns N' Roses for the music they make, not because they are pretty boys. If I wanted pretty boys I'd go and listen to some pop music like Busted.

Title: Re:Before and After Pics of Axl
Post by: Nytunz on July 05, 2004, 12:36:23 PM
Oh God! I really hope Axl dont Read this Crap! U can start by discuss ur own looks before u make a speach of other once!  Behave people!

Title: Re:Before and After Pics of Axl
Post by: Slashisthebest on July 05, 2004, 03:53:39 PM
I have any of you looked at the pics of Axl at the 2001 Rock In Rio.  Looks almost exactly the same only a little heavier (no prob with that).

Then look at the 2002 VMA, he looks way weird.  Axl shouldn't have done what ever he did to himself.  And what is with the f'in dread locks or corn rows.  I mean Axl, you are a rock star not a wankster


Title: Re:Before and After Pics of Axl
Post by: Crashdiet on July 06, 2004, 12:38:27 AM
Can someone tell me why I can't see the pictures?? only little boxes with x's through them??

Title: Re:Before and After Pics of Axl
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on July 06, 2004, 12:46:28 PM
yeah... sorry about that
i had to rearrange my photo albums so the links broke

here they are again:




Title: Re: Before and After Pics of Axl
Post by: volcano62 on September 24, 2004, 08:06:51 PM
He looks exactly the same in the middle pics

Title: Re:Before and After Pics of Axl
Post by: Sterlingdog on September 24, 2004, 08:13:32 PM
Eva, as usual I am sticking by you.
I will be so glad when the cd comes out and these people will have something better to talk about then, whether axl has or has not had any work done. The guy is 10-15 years older then the pics you people are always talking about. I don't know about you guys but I don't look the same as I did 5 years ago. Give the guy a brake. Frankly I don't care what he looks like that much. As long as he is happy and feels good about himself go for it.
All you guys should care about is what the music sounds like.

Looking good to me AXL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :peace:

I agree with you completely.  I also wonder if people take into account that he has spent those 10-15 years in the California sun and the L.A. smog, not to mention years of heavy smoking.  That kind of living is rough on your skin. 

Title: Re: Before and After Pics of Axl
Post by: N.I.B on September 24, 2004, 10:06:58 PM
sure hes aged but he looks no different

Title: Re: Before and After Pics of Axl
Post by: D on September 24, 2004, 10:36:06 PM
basically the only reason he looks different is his eyebrows and his hair being pulled back instead of hangin down his forehead.

very nice pics!

Title: Re: Before and After Pics of Axl
Post by: dontcry44 on September 25, 2004, 11:47:15 AM
If Chinese Democracy is a success, he is going to look amazing.....
if its a complete flop he is going to look like a fucking idiot!

- he's in his 40's, he's not 26.....
- he dresses modern not 1987......
- he's still Axl and he's still alive unlike a lot of other rock and roll stars that slipped into obsecurity and fell off the wagon, lets just give the man credit for not losing his will to live and still have a burning desire to create a comeback......

Title: Re:Before and After Pics of Axl
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on September 25, 2004, 07:56:10 PM
I agree with you completely.? I also wonder if people take into account that he has spent those 10-15 years in the California sun  and the L.A. smog, not to mention years of heavy smoking.? That kind of living is rough on your skin.?

No offense sterlingdog...but from everything I have read, Axl probably doesn't see much of that sun while he's producing music at night.  I would assume that makes for sleepy-time when the sun's out.  Just a thought.

-  ;) Axl4Prez2004

Title: Re: Before and After Pics of Axl
Post by: willow on September 25, 2004, 09:03:26 PM
Thanks for the support, but he has never been much for the sun nor a heavy smoker. I heard Slash say way back. It takes Axl 3 days to finnish one pack. Thanks for the support.

Title: Re:Before and After Pics of Axl
Post by: Sterlingdog on September 26, 2004, 10:43:56 AM

No offense sterlingdog...but from everything I have read, Axl probably doesn't see much of that sun while he's producing music at night.? I would assume that makes for sleepy-time when the sun's out.? Just a thought.

-? ;) Axl4Prez2004

No offense, but don't believe everything you read.  I've read that too, and I never assumed it was true.  If you believe everything you read, you have to believe he had massive plastic surgery.  After all, the Star Magazine said so. 

As far as whether or not he is/was a heavy smoker, I guess that's a matter of perspective.  I have heard him described as a chain smoker.  But honestly, who cares?  My point was only that smoking ages your skin prematurely. 

Title: Re: Before and After Pics of Axl
Post by: tanya on November 07, 2004, 06:44:28 PM
It looks like his face has filled out a bit. He's not as thin as he used to be so his face has filled out a bit. That is the only difference I see that his face is fatter.

Title: Re: Before and After Pics of Axl
Post by: The Estranged MrFlashbax on November 07, 2004, 07:05:55 PM

just made that one a couple of weeks ago..

Title: Re: Before and After Pics of Axl
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on November 07, 2004, 07:11:38 PM
just wanted to say it makes sense for someone of Axl's complexion to protect themselves from the sun as they get sunburned easier than most
i've noticed he tends to wear hats and sunglasses while out in the sun
like in the rio and argentina pics

Title: Re: Before and After Pics of Axl
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on November 07, 2004, 07:13:22 PM

just made that one a couple of weeks ago..

what an adorable smile!  :D

Title: Re: Before and After Pics of Axl
Post by: IndiannaRose on November 07, 2004, 07:32:29 PM
I think these are good before n' after pics as well:






Title: Re: Before and After Pics of Axl
Post by: Jessica on November 07, 2004, 08:23:37 PM

just made that one a couple of weeks ago..

Weird how he looks almost asian in these two.

Apart from that, he doesn't look any different..And, he doesn't look much older.

What i do see as different is us though. 10/15 years ago, looks counted only as to who was cool and who wasn't, clotheswise.
Nowadays, in this era of cosmetics, we ( including myself) are obsessed with physicality, beauty and change.

Fans weren't like this before. What a shame. I do see we put a lot of pressure onto stars, and it's not fair, they already have enough as it is.

We're victims of modernity. Acting like assholes. Let's give the guy a break.

Title: Re: Before and After Pics of Axl
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on November 07, 2004, 08:41:00 PM
Axl is a good looking guy

hey Axl! *whistles*

when it comes to his personal physical appearance Axl is just like anyone else...
first we want to be comfortable with out appearance - meaning we want to like the way we look ourselves
then we may consider what the opposite sex may find attractive (if that's what we are interested in... heheh)

so for all you guys out there - I think its safe to assume that LEAST OF ALL Axl gives a FUCK whether or not you think he looks good  :peace:

Title: Re: Before and After Pics of Axl
Post by: The Estranged MrFlashbax on November 07, 2004, 11:53:03 PM

just made that one a couple of weeks ago..

Weird how he looks almost asian in these two.

Apart from that, he doesn't look any different..And, he doesn't look much older.

What i do see as different is us though. 10/15 years ago, looks counted only as to who was cool and who wasn't, clotheswise.
Nowadays, in this era of cosmetics, we ( including myself) are obsessed with physicality, beauty and change.

Fans weren't like this before. What a shame. I do see we put a lot of pressure onto stars, and it's not fair, they already have enough as it is.

We're victims of modernity. Acting like assholes. Let's give the guy a break.

i agree.. but the people who make these comparison pictures, i dont think they make em to rag on axl.. i think they make em (at least i made it) to show those that keep saying "oh axl looks like a completely different person now"

Title: Re:Before and After Pics of Axl
Post by: The Estranged MrFlashbax on November 07, 2004, 11:58:22 PM


that is quite possibly the best comparison picture EVER!

i cant stop gawking at it..

Title: Re: Before and After Pics of Axl
Post by: norway on November 08, 2004, 02:28:13 AM
there is a moment at the ritz where axl and slash shows their head together.
axl has glasses, open mouth and looks up
looked exactly as the end of jungle at the vmas, you know where axl looks up gapin ::)

Title: Re: Before and After Pics of Axl
Post by: Dead N' Bloated on November 08, 2004, 07:50:24 AM
SO what if he had work done or not. He is still Axl Rose and He fuckin rocks hard for a 42 year old

Title: Re: Then and Now Pics of Axl (thread title edited)
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on November 08, 2004, 08:27:54 AM
I edited the thread title because I thought "before and after" makes it sound like...
um... before and after some event or something?
which is not what i meant... i just mean back in the day versus recently.
then and now  ;)