Here Today... Gone To Hell!

The Perils Of Rock N' Roll Decadence => Duff, Slash & Velvet Revolver => Topic started by: dave-gnfnr2k on May 20, 2004, 01:24:34 AM

Title: judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on May 20, 2004, 01:24:34 AM
After listening to that VR bootleg all I have to say is Axl has nothing to worry about.  These VR songs are very mediocre and the funny thing is their second single, like their first, is seriously lacking.  Fall to pieces is just not that mind blowing.  Didn?t Slash and the boys say this album will contain some of the best stuff they have ever written or at least since leaving gnr? Well this being the case I am very happy they are no longer with Axl since if these songs were going to be a gnr album I would be very disappointed.  Granted VR has Scott writing some very mediocre to average lyrics, but I don?t even think the guitar melodies are special enough to save these songs.  

The ironic thing is set me free is the best of the bunch and that song is just average at best.  I thought this band was going to change the face of music and bring back good ole rock n roll, well, based on these songs, they have not and will not.  

When I first heard the new gnr songs like Chinese Democracy, The blues, Madagascar etc, I couldn?t stop listening to them, that is how good they were and still are, since to this day I am still listening to them. I have listened to these VR songs a few times to get a feel for them, and to try and let them grow on me, but they just don?t hold my interest at all.  

The songs are just boring, the lyrics are lacking and the guitar melodies are decent, but I expected much more from Slash, especially after how much he has hyped his work on this album.  I am just thinking to myself, where are all these great riffs and melodies Slash claimed to have written? I just don?t hear them.

We have heard more than half of the VR album and two of them are the first two singles (slither and FTP), and if those are two of the best songs on this album then Contraband is going to be a huge disappointment.  On the other hand songs like CD, Madagascar and the Blues are just fillers on Chinese Democracy since they are not even being considered as singles, so what does that tell you?  It tells you VR has shown us the best songs they have to offer while Axl is still holding back his ?big guns?.  If Madagascar (and we all know how amazing it is) is not a big gun then it blows my mind how wonderful the big guns are going to be.

I am sorry VR fans, but judging from the songs we have heard from both VR and Gnr, the Chinese Democracy is going to wipe the floor with Contraband.  I am sure Axl has heard contraband and he is probably sitting in his Malibu mansion smiling to himself and knowing he will have the last laugh when CD is finally released.  Like I have said before, Slash needs Axl much more than Axl needs Slash and just listening to each bands new songs shows that.

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: Naupis on May 20, 2004, 01:36:13 AM
Well daveaxlfan, the thing I am sorriest about is that neither you nor I will never hear studio versions of any of Axl's songs because he is never going to release an album. What Axl needs to worry about is seeing a shrink so he can mentally prepare himself to move on with life and release a new guns album. Vr will be perfectly happy doing what their doing. So what if it isn't as good as new gnr....they all appear to be having fun and loving life and their fans are excited. That is alot more than can be said for Axl and fans of GNR right now.

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: Falcon on May 20, 2004, 01:37:24 AM

Dave isn't being slammed because he prefers the new band to Velvet Revolver. Plenty of posters have stated the same thing, but you don't see anyone getting slammed except Dave. The difference between Dave and the rest is that Dave acts completely juvenile about the whole matter. I have no problem with him not liking the material, but I can't take him seriously when behaves in such an immature fashion. It's like he went and deemed Velvet Revolver the enemy because they are not with his hero. So when he sees the enemy getting positive attention, he has to run in here and keep fighting for his hero and try to prove Axl is better because he has some sort of inferiority complex.

The other reason people are tired of him is because he is completely predictable. Can you honestly say Dave is being objective? No way in hell is he being objective. Dave doesn't like VR because he simply won't allow himself. He will never listen to them with an open mind because he feels he has to prove Axl is right. His mind was made up a long time ago. He isn't posting his opinion to contribute to a mature discussion, he is posting his thoughts as part of some bizarre crusade for Axl.

Compare him to D and younggunner and you will see what I mean. They both are "Axl fans" but they are listening to Velvet Revolver with an open mind. They may prefer GNR, but we all respect them because they can express their opinions in a mature, rational, manner. Dave just acts like he is an 8 year old arguing with another child over his favorite superhero.

Needless to say, Girlgunner nailed the above even before it happened.

Well done young lady.

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on May 20, 2004, 01:38:05 AM
We will hear CD you can count on that. Geffen will make sure of it, they did not put $13 million into the album(s) not to relase it.  

Title: Contraband is Better then Chinese D. ?
Post by: Mr Cowbell ? on May 20, 2004, 01:38:15 AM
Come June 8th Contraband is gonna be the better album out.  Thats only because we dont have a full length New Guns cd to compare it to. Hell I love madagascar.

I don't think Axl will ever release a new album. His downfall is he is a perfectionist. He just puts so much thought into his songs questioning them and wondering what people will think. I think the day after Axl Dies. (sorry to say) will be the day the CD gets released. I am sure Geffen has enough material to release albums for years to come (ie Jeff Buckly, Nirvana, Hendrix.)

So until Axl puts something out, anything out, Its hard to compare.

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: Naupis on May 20, 2004, 01:40:59 AM
Sure we will Dave...just like you said we had to hear it by last July....welll its a year later and we still are no closer to an album than we were 5 years ago. Keep telling yourself that though if it makes you feel better and lets you sleep well at night.

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on May 20, 2004, 01:49:08 AM
Naupus, See I unlike some people don't let this album rule my life.
It comes out when it comes out.  I won?t lose sleep over it.
To me RIR 3 seems like not too long ago.
CD will be worth the wait whenever it comes out.
And yes I remain optimistic, nothing wrong with that.

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: Top-Hatted One on May 20, 2004, 01:54:13 AM
hmmmm thats sure seems like you are counting on it judging by your the way you've been talking about it for 6 years

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: oldleadbelly on May 20, 2004, 01:54:34 AM
These two brief reviews of tonight's chicago show have been posted on the VR forum:

A friend of mine from Chicago just got back from the show. He said it was an amazing show, same setlist. He thought "Big Machine" was tight. Matter of fact he loved all the songs
Scott jumped off the balcony which is 20ft from the ground during Sex Type Thing lol
The crowd went crazy during Set Me Free. The crowd chanted Fuck Axl Rose lol

I got my camera in, and I took some kickass pictures. I hope they all turn out. The best one was of Slash and Weiland back to back while Slash was in the midst of a solo.

The show was amazing. It was surreal seeing Scott Weiland and Slash on stage at the same time. Weiland looked healthier than he has in months, which I was very happy to see. I'll be posting a full review of the concert on Rik's site soon, and I will have those pics available by tomorrow. It's hard right now to describe the feeling of being there in words, so I'm gonna sleep on it so I can get the best review possible.

The best part though; the crowd starts chanting FUCK AXL ROSE!, and Slash walks up to the front of the stage and just laughs. "Is that completely necessary?" The crowd screamed back yes.

So Dave, what it really comes down to is this.  The band really doesn't care about your opinion, nor does it seem the fans do either.  It's your right to absolutely hate the shit out of all things VR.  In fact, I believe you have made it clear that you do.  We know where you me.  If VR wrote Stairway to Heaven fused with Beethoven's 5th and A Day in the Life, you'd claim Axl's shit splashing in a toilet bowl was more pleasing to the ear.  Like I said, you like new GNR better, and that's fine.  Just quit trying to rain on everyone's parade who happens to like VR.

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: Mr Cowbell ? on May 20, 2004, 01:59:39 AM
" It's your right to absolutely hate the shit out of all things VR.  In fact, I believe you have made it clear that you do.  We know where you me.  If VR wrote Stairway to Heaven fused with Beethoven's 5th and A Day in the Life, you'd claim Axl's shit splashing in a toilet bowl was more pleasing to the ear. "

Do you think Axl would overdub his shit hitting the toilet on a song? I mean you can hear some crazy ass over dubs on the UYI. Just a random thought.

Hell I wanted to go to the chicago show. I live inbetween Chicago and Detroit and scored Detroit Tickets. Thanks for the review I am pumped to see VR.

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: oldleadbelly on May 20, 2004, 02:06:39 AM
if anyone could overdub taking a shit, it would be axl.  The guy is amazing, I love his music, and I love STP and VR.  It's just ashame that Axl's demons are getting the best of him.  I want to hear CD too.  I look at it this way...the more music created by people who know what rock is about, the better.  I just don't like Dave's posts.  All they do, in this forum at least, is drive a wedge between people.

Title: Axl's Demons
Post by: Mr Cowbell ? on May 20, 2004, 02:11:23 AM
I just want Axl to beat his Demons. I feel if VR does very good Axl wont release an album because he might be afraid his wont sell as well. And if VR flops he might think no one wants more Ballad/ Hard Rock and wont release his album.  I love VR, GNR I just want to see them both succeed, and go onto great things because I believe they are all talented and deserve the spotlight,

FOR GODS SAKE people consider Limp Biskit good rock? He ruined Behind Blue Eyes.

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on May 20, 2004, 02:15:50 AM
The thing I find funny and it amuses the hell out of me is this.
People can diss or give a negative view about Axl and the new gnr and their songs all they want but the second someone talks negative about or does not like a VR song so many people have a hissy fit.   :rofl:

And about my posts.
You can talk shit about my posts or even me all you want but when ever I write a long post on this board or anything they always seem to get a lot of views and replies.
I also get people to think; I don?t see anything wrong with that.
I don't drive a wedge between anyone; I just get peoples minds going on a good discussion.

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: oldleadbelly on May 20, 2004, 02:18:44 AM
HAHA John, Don't get me started on Limp Bastard.  Fred Durst should be drug through the streets by his nuts, and fed to starving rats for his complete demolition of Behind Blue Eyes (one of my favorite songs of all time).  How do you replace the climax of a legendary song with a computer generated voice spelling out LIMP BIZKIT?  Sacrilege.  I think this is something dave might even agree with me on...feel the love.

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: Mr Cowbell ? on May 20, 2004, 02:22:03 AM
HAHA John, Don't get me started on Limp Bastard.  Fred Durst should be drug through the streets by his nuts, and fed to starving rats for his complete demolition of Behind Blue Eyes (one of my favorite songs of all time).  How do you replace the climax of a legendary song with a computer generated voice spelling out LIMP BIZKIT?  Sacrelidge.

Yeah, I love the Who. I am planning on seeing them this year. I got $250 i am willing to spend to see them.  The look and sound of Roger Daltry when he picks up makes defines what is Rock and the way Fred cuts that out with some stupid shit is exactly why rock has been downhill.

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: littlewing on May 20, 2004, 02:32:45 AM
Axl shouldn't be worrying about VR, even if they were the biggest band in the world. I'm sure he's got enough issues of his own to deal with.

I guess I never got caught up in the whole "OMG axl backstabbed slash or slash dissed axl I have to choose a side" drama. Business issues, whether former bandmates like any given member... why would I care? I'm a fan of their music, not their personal life or business dealings. I don't think it's even fair to compare the two bands. VR is more riff based rock and we know axl loves those huge epic sounding songs. Even slash would tell you he perfers the straight-ahead rock. Axl's better at doing a lot of different styles, but I don't think that makes either of them better than the other. They do what they like, and as long as they both keep putting stuff out there I'll be happy.

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: John Hammond on May 20, 2004, 02:39:40 AM
After listening to that VR bootleg all I have to say is Axl has nothing to worry about.  These VR songs are very mediocre and the funny thing is their second single, like their first, is seriously lacking.  Fall to pieces is just not that mind blowing.  Didn?t Slash and the boys say this album will contain some of the best stuff they have ever written or at least since leaving gnr? Well this being the case I am very happy they are no longer with Axl since if these songs were going to be a gnr album I would be very disappointed.  Granted VR has Scott writing some very mediocre to average lyrics, but I don?t even think the guitar melodies are special enough to save these songs.  

The ironic thing is set me free is the best of the bunch and that song is just average at best.  I thought this band was going to change the face of music and bring back good ole rock n roll, well, based on these songs, they have not and will not.  

When I first heard the new gnr songs like Chinese Democracy, The blues, Madagascar etc, I couldn?t stop listening to them, that is how good they were and still are, since to this day I am still listening to them. I have listened to these VR songs a few times to get a feel for them, and to try and let them grow on me, but they just don?t hold my interest at all.  

The songs are just boring, the lyrics are lacking and the guitar melodies are decent, but I expected much more from Slash, especially after how much he has hyped his work on this album.  I am just thinking to myself, where are all these great riffs and melodies Slash claimed to have written? I just don?t hear them.

We have heard more than half of the VR album and two of them are the first two singles (slither and FTP), and if those are two of the best songs on this album then Contraband is going to be a huge disappointment.  On the other hand songs like CD, Madagascar and the Blues are just fillers on Chinese Democracy since they are not even being considered as singles, so what does that tell you?  It tells you VR has shown us the best songs they have to offer while Axl is still holding back his ?big guns?.  If Madagascar (and we all know how amazing it is) is not a big gun then it blows my mind how wonderful the big guns are going to be.

I am sorry VR fans, but judging from the songs we have heard from both VR and Gnr, the Chinese Democracy is going to wipe the floor with Contraband.  I am sure Axl has heard contraband and he is probably sitting in his Malibu mansion smiling to himself and knowing he will have the last laugh when CD is finally released.  Like I have said before, Slash needs Axl much more than Axl needs Slash and just listening to each bands new songs shows that.

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: eNgIeS on May 20, 2004, 03:30:45 AM

Dave isn't being slammed because he prefers the new band to Velvet Revolver. Plenty of posters have stated the same thing, but you don't see anyone getting slammed except Dave. The difference between Dave and the rest is that Dave acts completely juvenile about the whole matter. I have no problem with him not liking the material, but I can't take him seriously when behaves in such an immature fashion. It's like he went and deemed Velvet Revolver the enemy because they are not with his hero. So when he sees the enemy getting positive attention, he has to run in here and keep fighting for his hero and try to prove Axl is better because he has some sort of inferiority complex.

The other reason people are tired of him is because he is completely predictable. Can you honestly say Dave is being objective? No way in hell is he being objective. Dave doesn't like VR because he simply won't allow himself. He will never listen to them with an open mind because he feels he has to prove Axl is right. His mind was made up a long time ago. He isn't posting his opinion to contribute to a mature discussion, he is posting his thoughts as part of some bizarre crusade for Axl.

Compare him to D and younggunner and you will see what I mean. They both are "Axl fans" but they are listening to Velvet Revolver with an open mind. They may prefer GNR, but we all respect them because they can express their opinions in a mature, rational, manner. Dave just acts like he is an 8 year old arguing with another child over his favorite superhero.

Needless to say, Girlgunner nailed the above even before it happened.

Well done young lady.

Dave keeps avoiding this, but the fact is, its probably the tru-ist thing anyone has wrote about Dave's ways

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: starchild_666 on May 20, 2004, 05:27:31 AM
judging from 2 Roxy videos and Mineapolis bootleg Axl is past :)

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: matt88 on May 20, 2004, 05:43:43 AM
After listening to that VR bootleg all I have to say is Axl has nothing to worry about.  These VR songs are very mediocre and the funny thing is their second single, like their first, is seriously lacking.  Fall to pieces is just not that mind blowing.  Didn?t Slash and the boys say this album will contain some of the best stuff they have ever written or at least since leaving gnr? Well this being the case I am very happy they are no longer with Axl since if these songs were going to be a gnr album I would be very disappointed.  Granted VR has Scott writing some very mediocre to average lyrics, but I don?t even think the guitar melodies are special enough to save these songs.  

The ironic thing is set me free is the best of the bunch and that song is just average at best.  I thought this band was going to change the face of music and bring back good ole rock n roll, well, based on these songs, they have not and will not.  

When I first heard the new gnr songs like Chinese Democracy, The blues, Madagascar etc, I couldn?t stop listening to them, that is how good they were and still are, since to this day I am still listening to them. I have listened to these VR songs a few times to get a feel for them, and to try and let them grow on me, but they just don?t hold my interest at all.  

The songs are just boring, the lyrics are lacking and the guitar melodies are decent, but I expected much more from Slash, especially after how much he has hyped his work on this album.  I am just thinking to myself, where are all these great riffs and melodies Slash claimed to have written? I just don?t hear them.

We have heard more than half of the VR album and two of them are the first two singles (slither and FTP), and if those are two of the best songs on this album then Contraband is going to be a huge disappointment.  On the other hand songs like CD, Madagascar and the Blues are just fillers on Chinese Democracy since they are not even being considered as singles, so what does that tell you?  It tells you VR has shown us the best songs they have to offer while Axl is still holding back his ?big guns?.  If Madagascar (and we all know how amazing it is) is not a big gun then it blows my mind how wonderful the big guns are going to be.

I am sorry VR fans, but judging from the songs we have heard from both VR and Gnr, the Chinese Democracy is going to wipe the floor with Contraband.  I am sure Axl has heard contraband and he is probably sitting in his Malibu mansion smiling to himself and knowing he will have the last laugh when CD is finally released.  Like I have said before, Slash needs Axl much more than Axl needs Slash and just listening to each bands new songs shows that.

Well it really does add up to personal opinion Dave.

And lets get it clear Slash is a great muscian but Axl is better by a good length, of course CD will be the better album but at least VR have got one out thats the point.

Slash doesnt NEED Axl but lets not deny having those 2 togethor would make the quality of music better.

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: echrisl on May 20, 2004, 06:08:50 AM
Judging from the number of albums Axl has released in the last decade, VR has nothing to worry about, Dave!   : ok:

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: St.heathen on May 20, 2004, 09:21:51 AM
To add to what's been said already;  
something tells me you made up that opinion along time ago and it's a bit sad really because you cannot honestly denie the potential talent in VR. Just as old school GN'R fans cannot denie the talent in the new GN'R - not if their being honest.

I think to just totally slate any kind of music before you have listened to it is a sad approach to music.

The enjoyment from VR is that they all seem totally into it and are getting stuck in have an album coming out, a video they  talking to their fans through interviews all over the place and getting out there doing it live.

Those people who don't like it - really don't matter.  I want to see this band progress to their full potential.  If it was my choice i would say a top 10/20 spot in the Album charts - fantastic.

So nothing to big too soon.  Then let them earn their wings on the live stage, so the next album should have extra magic because they will have become closer and more organic.

I just hope they have chosen a good record company who will allow them to grow and who will also push them.

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: Lineker10 on May 20, 2004, 10:47:28 AM
What are you talking about - nothing to worry about?! Its not as if Slash, Duff and Matt got together and decided to start VR as a way of competing against or pissing off Axl. They started VR becasue they enjoy and are good at playing together, its not a competition between them and Axl - i like both their stuff. Your argument falls over as soon as its begun, simply becasue although the new Gn'R tracks for the most part (exlduding OMG and Silworms) are good and in The Blues and Madagascar very good they have not and dont appear to be anywhere near being released, where as VR are touring and have an upcoming album. Unless Axl releases something you cant really compare anything.

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: younggunner on May 20, 2004, 11:16:16 AM
To be honest, i dont htink Axl really cares about what Vr are doing and how good or bad their material is. Im sure hes curious to see what slash and duff have come up with but I dont think he loses sleep over vr. He has his own shit to worry about. ANd I agree, if/ when he listens to the album and its liek the bootleg then he will realize that all he has to do is release his material.

Thats the only thing gnr has to do. Is release the dam thing. They dont have to say how they are gonna save rock n roll. They dont have to complain about how bad rnr is. They dont have to tell us how freakish or weird they are. They just have to release it. Thats teh only thing people have against them. Mocking the delays and the way they go about things. Releasing fixes all that and then shuts everyone the fuk up....

The material will be great. Too much talent and too much desire to make a signig=ficant musical contribution. All they have to do is release it. Some dont think they will some do.

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: Dizzy on May 20, 2004, 06:22:19 PM
I'm not going to bother offering an original reply, since Girl Gunner has said everything that needs be said.  I'll just reinforce and validate her dead-on description of Dave......

Dave isn't being slammed because he prefers the new band to Velvet Revolver. Plenty of posters have stated the same thing, but you don't see anyone getting slammed except Dave. The difference between Dave and the rest is that Dave acts completely juvenile about the whole matter. I have no problem with him not liking the material, but I can't take him seriously when behaves in such an immature fashion. It's like he went and deemed Velvet Revolver the enemy because they are not with his hero. So when he sees the enemy getting positive attention, he has to run in here and keep fighting for his hero and try to prove Axl is better because he has some sort of inferiority complex.

The other reason people are tired of him is because he is completely predictable. Can you honestly say Dave is being objective? No way in hell is he being objective. Dave doesn't like VR because he simply won't allow himself. He will never listen to them with an open mind because he feels he has to prove Axl is right. His mind was made up a long time ago. He isn't posting his opinion to contribute to a mature discussion, he is posting his thoughts as part of some bizarre crusade for Axl.

Compare him to D and younggunner and you will see what I mean. They both are "Axl fans" but they are listening to Velvet Revolver with an open mind. They may prefer GNR, but we all respect them because they can express their opinions in a mature, rational, manner. Dave just acts like he is an 8 year old arguing with another child over his favorite superhero.

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: Jizzo on May 20, 2004, 07:10:47 PM
Heres the only reason we will see Chinese Democracy in Axl's life time, "Breach of Contract". The Greatest Hits lawsuit gave geffen a good reason to sue Axl for breach of contract. Geffen gave Axl 13 million dollars, if he doesn't deliver whatever amount of records he agreed to they will Sue for the 13 million dollars and they will win. Axl can't just sit back in his house, mainly because if he doesn't release it he won't have a house. His malibu estate is his second biggest asset, worth approximately 5 million dollars. His biggest asset is Chinese Democracy. It will make him or break him.

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: ClintroN on May 20, 2004, 08:08:58 PM
Ya got that right Dave...wright one negative thing about VR or past members n' people start bitchin'.
Hey oldleadbelly, you cant tell Dave that kinda shit, judging from the amount of posts he has, he's been around much longer then your 24 posts have.

I dont like YOUR POSTS mate : ok:

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: Walapino on May 20, 2004, 08:21:03 PM
I love Axl and when CD is released Ill snatch it as soon as I can but Im really into VR now. The reviews Ive read really rock. I love the way they are doing stuff, they arent doing fancy shit they are just rocking the crap out of everywhere they go. Yes they arent writing musical masterpieces like Estranged but who cares when their cd is gonna rock from track 1 to track 10. What you see is what you get if you cant handle it then dont bother. Thank God Slash decided to come back big because it made the waiting for Axl a non issue now, atleast for me  :peace:

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: oldleadbelly on May 20, 2004, 08:22:35 PM
Yeah clintron, my bad.  I forgot that a large number of posts validate one's opinion. ::)  If you noticed, I respected his opinion, I just said we all get it already.  However, I did enjoy your last line about not liking my posts.  Thanks for bolding out the words for emphasis...I'm a little slow.  Personally, I could give a crap what you think about my posts.  Cheerio.  25 posts and counting...

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: ClintroN on May 20, 2004, 08:51:23 PM
Ya dug your self a hole mate : ok:

if you respected Dave's oppinion, you wouldnt have been such a smart arse in your first post.
Your in a fucking GNR chat site, dont tell people to "Quit trying to rain on everyone's parade who happens to like VR"
Read the subject, talk about it,  you honestly think people give a fuck about your oppinion???
VR probebly dont either.

25 brain cells less n' counting

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: wildaxl on May 20, 2004, 09:41:53 PM

When I first heard the new gnr songs like Chinese Democracy, The blues, Madagascar etc, I couldn?t stop listening to them, that is how good they were and still are, since to this day I am still listening to them. I
none of the 3 are real old rock'nroll either and I hate every one of them,chinese D. I only listened one time and for 40 seconds
only and I immediately deleted it from my hard drive the other two I've only listened like 2 or 3 times,they suck big ass,so you see dave two each his own.

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: SLCPUNK on May 20, 2004, 11:05:06 PM
We will hear CD you can count on that. Geffen will make sure of it, they did not put $13 million into the album(s) not to relase it.  

With all due respect, you've been saying that for the last 3k posts.

Axl seems no closer to release anything now to compare it to.

I loved the new band, but they haven't done anything.

VR is doing something, and I like what I hear.

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: metallex78 on May 21, 2004, 12:04:17 AM
We will hear CD you can count on that. Geffen will make sure of it, they did not put $13 million into the album(s) not to relase it.  

With all due respect, you've been saying that for the last 3k posts.

Axl seems no closer to release anything now to compare it to.

I loved the new band, but they haven't done anything.

VR is doing something, and I like what I hear.

Also, Dave is saying the only way we will hear Axl's so-called masterpiece is if the record company forces him to release it, not because Axl has faith in the material himself. That doesn't exactly inspire confidence in CD.

It's getting ridiculous here in the VR section lately. Jarmo seems to turn a blind eye at stupid posts here when if they were in the GN'R section they'd be locked.

I'm not saying that there aren't blind VR devotees like there are blind Axl devotees, but for the most part VR fans seem to make civil convo about VR without saying things like they'll wipe the floor with nuGN'R.

As a fan of both nuGN'R and VR I look forward to new releases from both bands, one just happens to be more active than the other at the moment.

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: younggunner on May 21, 2004, 12:08:21 AM
but for the most part VR fans seem to make civil convo about VR without saying things like they'll wipe the floor with nuGN'R.
Is that because there just civil or because vr cant lvie up to those claims/expectations?

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: Will on May 21, 2004, 12:14:09 AM
I may not agree with everything Dave has posted, but I have to admit I was kinda disappointed after I listened to the bootleg.
I tried to listen to the show a second time and just didn't like the first new songs. I think Fall To Pieces is a good track though. I'm just kinda disappointed by Weiland's voice in general (it kinda confirms what I thought after SMF and Slither), even though the guitar work is very good IMO. I don't say they totally suck or anything, I'm just saying I was expecting something else, but I have to say the bootleg's sound probably didn't make the songs any justice.

Wait n' see I guess.

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: amundsma on May 21, 2004, 12:22:34 AM
VR has made more progress in 6 months than Axl has an 10yrs.  I like the new band but it doesn't matter, nothing is ever going to happen with them.  What "big guns" is Axl holding back?  He's held back long enough.  The guy is way to afraid to do anything.  I think Scott is way more exciting to watch than Axl and I think most people would agree with me.  All of the magezines, mtv, and so on have gave this band great reviews.  If Scott can stay out of trouble they will be around for awhile and be succesful.  I f Axl wants to prove people wrong than put out shit and quit lettting people stomp on you.  : ok:

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: metallex78 on May 21, 2004, 12:23:37 AM
but for the most part VR fans seem to make civil convo about VR without saying things like they'll wipe the floor with nuGN'R.
Is that because there just civil or because vr cant lvie up to those claims/expectations?

Well I think the songs I've heard from VR are excellent and really grow on you. I haven't heard the live bootlegs, so I'm only making judgement with Slither, Set Me Free, You Got No right and their awesome cover of Money.
And those 4 songs to me are better than some of the new GN'R songs I've heard.
Having said that, I love Madagascar and The Blues, but I don't think much of CD, Silkworms and Rhiad.

It all comes down to a matter of opinion and personal taste.

I like to think of it almost like when GN'R were touring with Metallica it was like "who do you like better?", when I love both bands.

I guess you could say I'm the same with VR and GN'R.

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: oldleadbelly on May 21, 2004, 12:54:17 AM
Ya dug your self a hole mate : ok:

if you respected Dave's oppinion, you wouldnt have been such a smart arse in your first post.
Your in a fucking GNR chat site, dont tell people to "Quit trying to rain on everyone's parade who happens to like VR"
Read the subject, talk about it,  you honestly think people give a fuck about your oppinion???
VR probebly dont either.

25 brain cells less n' counting

Damn mate...I am one stupid fuck.  You've convinced me.  You also read my mind.  I don't have any respect for dave's oppinion [sic].  Call me crazy, but I was under the impression that this section of the message board was devoted to Velvet Revolver.  Again, my bad, I'm a fucktard.  Do me a favor and feel free to interpret all my future posts for the message board patrons, as those 25 brain cells of mine you just killed controlled my logical reasoning.  I am now only fit to drool on myself.   :drool:

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: ClintroN on May 21, 2004, 07:40:30 AM
 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
it's cool :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: starchild_666 on May 21, 2004, 08:06:02 AM
moderators should do their job and delete topics like this  ::)

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on May 21, 2004, 09:02:08 AM

And why is that? Is it because the post is not anti axl?

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: younggunner on May 21, 2004, 11:10:28 AM
It all comes down to a matter of opinion and personal taste.
It def does. Im not syaing yiu have to liek one over the other.

Well I think the songs I've heard from VR are excellent and really grow on you
Yea some of their songs are excellent. But my point is, I expected more from them because of their past efforts. There sound is good but its not what i thought it would be.

Just like i have huge expectations for gnr i have high{not as high} expectations for vr simply because they have 3 ex gnr members and an excellent frontman

VR has made more progress in 6 months than Axl has an 10yrs.  
not 10 yrs 6 yrs.....

and what does that mean though. Its liek people like vr over gnr just because they are doin something. Its cool we have something but does that mean 1 band is better than anothe rsimply because they are being active?

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: smitty on May 21, 2004, 12:05:46 PM
Dave, like Axl, you are delusional. 'The Blues' and 'Chinese Democracy' are embarrassing to true GNR fans.  'Madagascar' isn't a bad song, but it doesn't compare to 'Estranged' or NR.  What about Axl's voice?  C'mon, dude. I could sound like I'm skinning a cat just as well as he can.   And don't get me started on the plastic surgery.  

Keep holding your breath for Chinese Democracy.  I will be rocking with Contraband.      

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: Freya on May 21, 2004, 12:53:22 PM
'The Blues' and 'Chinese Democracy' are embarrassing to true GNR fans.  '

Speak for yourself (I know you are).  The Blues is one of the best songs he's ever done.  

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: Dizzy on May 21, 2004, 06:32:20 PM
Speak for yourself (I know you are).  The Blues is one of the best songs he's ever done.  

I concur, I really love "The Blues", and "Madagascar", though the quotes in the middle of the latter really detract from the musical value.  I don't think either song stands up to "November Rain" or "Estranged", but they don't have long as Axl releases some quality material, I don't care if it's as good as his past material.  I've made it clear that my concern is his misuse of the GNR name, not the quality of his material.  I'm certain that Axl can produce quality material if he wants to release it, but that's the big problem with him, isn't it?

Now "Silk Worms" on the other hand, is an embarassment, to the GNR name, to the Axl Rose name, and to the name of music.  That garbage sounds worse than most rap songs I've heard.

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on May 21, 2004, 06:40:15 PM
Dave, like Axl, you are delusional. 'The Blues' and 'Chinese Democracy' are embarrassing to true GNR fans.  'Madagascar' isn't a bad song, but it doesn't compare to 'Estranged' or NR.  What about Axl's voice?  C'mon, dude. I could sound like I'm skinning a cat just as well as he can.   And don't get me started on the plastic surgery.  

Keep holding your breath for Chinese Democracy.  I will be rocking with Contraband.      

If anyone is delusional its you.
The blues and CD are better than a lot of the old gnr songs.
I have mentioned which before, so i wont again.
As for Axls voice its sounds MUCH better than it did for a good chunk of the UYI tour.
Listen to the boston or msg show and compare it with toyko, the 2002 voice is much  bettter.

IT baffles me how people forget how bad axl sounded during the uyi tour.

As for silkworms, the song is great, maybe its just not your cup of tea but dont even try and bash the lyrics since the lyrics to double talkin jive are pretty much the same.

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: Dizzy on May 21, 2004, 06:46:22 PM
ont even try and bash the lyrics since the lyrics to double talkin jive are pretty much the same.

Are you serious?  The lyrics for DTJ are great, it tells a perfect story of the M.O. of sycophants.

The lyrics for "Silks Worms" are flat out disgusting.  Pussy full of maggots....blech.  

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: younggunner on May 21, 2004, 07:59:09 PM
I agree with you that the lyrics to silkworms are by no means inspiring but the song musically kicks ass. The studio version of that song will be awesome.

We all know its not a classic song but i honestly like the song a lot. It gets me pumped up for some reason..the vegas version is killer...axls voice got a cool punch to it and you can hear all of the sounds musically as opposed to the rio version....

Im surprised you would find the lyrics disgusting though. This is nothin new in gnr. They have always had grimy not so nice lyrics..... ???
and not to make this another gnr vs vr thread but im pretty sure there will be a lot of not so nice lyrics on their album....why even bring it up?

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on May 21, 2004, 08:31:34 PM
ont even try and bash the lyrics since the lyrics to double talkin jive are pretty much the same.

Are you serious?  The lyrics for DTJ are great, it tells a perfect story of the M.O. of sycophants.

The lyrics for "Silks Worms" are flat out disgusting.  Pussy full of maggots....blech.  

SW is about a story about a hooker, i see nothing wrong with it.
Listien to the whole song and just dont pick out one line.

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: charl!edontsurf on May 21, 2004, 11:49:09 PM
I wonder if people knew Bon Jovi wrote the Blues if they would still like it.  ;)

Its an alright song, just bleeding cheese. It sounds dated, as I am sure it is. Last played in 2002... which was probably written in the 90's.

Madagascar is still the only song everyone can agree is good. Kinda sad for all the years he put into it. (Blah blah... "Big Guns...")

The VR boot didn't sound great on the first listen to be honest. I have now listened to it probably 15 times, I actually enjoy every song now. It really grows on you. It was alot like listening to Rhiad for me. Chinese Democracy is too simple for me in many ways. Cool intro riff though.

... I am glad I rambled on.

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on May 21, 2004, 11:52:00 PM
CDS is FTP bon jovi like too?
I dont see how the blues is, since its just like dont cry or scom

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: eNgIeS on May 22, 2004, 04:14:56 AM
The VR boot didn't sound great on the first listen to be honest. I have now listened to it probably 15 times, I actually enjoy every song now. It really grows on you. It was alot like listening to Rhiad for me. Chinese Democracy is too simple for me in many ways. Cool intro riff though.

I agree. At first, the only new songs (meaning ones i havent heard before, as i've heard SMF & Slither like everyone else) i truely dug alot was Suckertrain Blues, Fall To Pieces & Big Machine, but since i've listened to the concert some more & the other songs have grown alot on me, such as Headspace & Illegal I. Do It For The Kids is the song i like the least but even thats decent

Besides this is from a poorly mixed concert, imagine the studio versions, we'll get a proper listen then & give a proper judgement, but these songs just keep growing on me

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: tomass74 on May 22, 2004, 02:35:37 PM
After listening to that VR bootleg all I have to say is Axl has nothing to worry about.  These VR songs are very mediocre and the funny thing is their second single, like their first, is seriously lacking.  Fall to pieces is just not that mind blowing.  Didn?t Slash and the boys say this album will contain some of the best stuff they have ever written or at least since leaving gnr? Well this being the case I am very happy they are no longer with Axl since if these songs were going to be a gnr album I would be very disappointed.  Granted VR has Scott writing some very mediocre to average lyrics, but I don?t even think the guitar melodies are special enough to save these songs.  

The ironic thing is set me free is the best of the bunch and that song is just average at best.  I thought this band was going to change the face of music and bring back good ole rock n roll, well, based on these songs, they have not and will not.  

When I first heard the new gnr songs like Chinese Democracy, The blues, Madagascar etc, I couldn?t stop listening to them, that is how good they were and still are, since to this day I am still listening to them. I have listened to these VR songs a few times to get a feel for them, and to try and let them grow on me, but they just don?t hold my interest at all.  

The songs are just boring, the lyrics are lacking and the guitar melodies are decent, but I expected much more from Slash, especially after how much he has hyped his work on this album.  I am just thinking to myself, where are all these great riffs and melodies Slash claimed to have written? I just don?t hear them.

We have heard more than half of the VR album and two of them are the first two singles (slither and FTP), and if those are two of the best songs on this album then Contraband is going to be a huge disappointment.  On the other hand songs like CD, Madagascar and the Blues are just fillers on Chinese Democracy since they are not even being considered as singles, so what does that tell you?  It tells you VR has shown us the best songs they have to offer while Axl is still holding back his ?big guns?.  If Madagascar (and we all know how amazing it is) is not a big gun then it blows my mind how wonderful the big guns are going to be.

I am sorry VR fans, but judging from the songs we have heard from both VR and Gnr, the Chinese Democracy is going to wipe the floor with Contraband.  I am sure Axl has heard contraband and he is probably sitting in his Malibu mansion smiling to himself and knowing he will have the last laugh when CD is finally released.  Like I have said before, Slash needs Axl much more than Axl needs Slash and just listening to each bands new songs shows that.

Who said Axl has anything to worry about. You are the one who is constantly bringing up Axl over here. GnR and VR are two different bands. It is obvious that YOU are the one who is worried that VR will be more successful than Axl's circus. No one else really gives a shit.

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: tomass74 on May 22, 2004, 02:45:43 PM
The thing I find funny and it amuses the hell out of me is this.
People can diss or give a negative view about Axl and the new gnr and their songs all they want but the second someone talks negative about or does not like a VR song so many people have a hissy fit.   :rofl:

And about my posts.
You can talk shit about my posts or even me all you want but when ever I write a long post on this board or anything they always seem to get a lot of views and replies.
I also get people to think; I don?t see anything wrong with that.
I don't drive a wedge between anyone; I just get peoples minds going on a good discussion.

You don'y make people think. You just annoy people and your posts are so off the wall people have to reply to put you in your place. Posts like these are hardly a "good" discussion.  

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on May 22, 2004, 02:48:31 PM
Put me in my place? Keep telling yourself that. You can think what you want if it will make you sleep better at night.  :peace:

Like I have said before, and I will again to people like  you.
Why was it ok for people to always be comparing BH and Robin to slash in new gnr posts  yet now its not ok to compare axl and VR?

I just love your logic its so backwards.

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: Dizzy on May 22, 2004, 02:54:34 PM
Put me in my place? Keep telling yourself that. You can think what you want if it will make you sleep better at night.

Kind of like you have to type LOL and  :rofl: every time, eh Dave?  Gotta let the idiots know you're laughing at them, right?

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: tomass74 on May 22, 2004, 03:27:58 PM
Put me in my place? Keep telling yourself that. You can think what you want if it will make you sleep better at night.  :peace:

Like I have said before, and I will again to people like  you.
Why was it ok for people to always be comparing BH and Robin to slash in new gnr posts  yet now its not ok to compare axl and VR?

I just love your logic its so backwards.

I dont do that. But anyway the reason peopel do is because Slash used to be in GnR. Axl was never fucking in VR......

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on May 22, 2004, 07:57:38 PM
Put me in my place? Keep telling yourself that. You can think what you want if it will make you sleep better at night.  :peace:

Like I have said before, and I will again to people like  you.
Why was it ok for people to always be comparing BH and Robin to slash in new gnr posts  yet now its not ok to compare axl and VR?

I just love your logic its so backwards.

I dont do that. But anyway the reason peopel do is because Slash used to be in GnR. Axl was never fucking in VR......

So what if Axl was never in VR.
We are comparing people who used to be in gnr with the new gnr.
So I really don't see a difference, but alas VR do because the shoe is on the other foot. The fact of the matter is, certain people opened the door a long time ago comparing slash and duff with the new guys, now that we have songs to compare each other too I guess I am not allowed to do the comparing now? Nice try it does not work that way.

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: younggunner on May 22, 2004, 08:19:34 PM
We are comparing people who used to be in gnr with the new gnr.
So I really don't see a difference, but alas VR do because the shoe is on the other foot. The fact of the matter is, certain people opened the door a long time ago comparing slash and duff with the new guys, now that we have songs to compare each other too I guess I am not allowed to do the comparing now? Nice try it does not work that way.
I agree with you on this one....Over the past few years all there was on the bgnr board was bashings of the new members, comaprisons to the old that vr are out there and fair game some people around here are taking offense to the comparisons and all that stuff. To those people...i say. deal with it...what goes around comes around.

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: bill213 on May 23, 2004, 11:30:54 AM
I'm not even gonna read the posts in this thread but I will state my opinion.  Axl does have something to worry about because Axl has nothing going for him but basically die hard fans these days.  As much as I'd love to see him make it and carry on GNR, Velvet Revolver has the spotlight right now, They're doing press, touring getting ready for an album release, they've released a single, they've got the press on their side and most DJ's, random music fans and such will all follow suit.  Funny how as much as people talk shit about Weiland being a junkie and such, he did show up for his first VR show of the tour and has continued and unflawed attendance record thus far.  
As for me, I still hope to see Axl get his shit in gear, but VR kicks ass.  I was skeptical at first with Set Me Free but I'm digging the new songs.  They're not so much huge radio bits but they are a kickback to rock n fucking roll as it was once known.  And this is a band that has become a family, you don't see Dave Kuschner using Slash to promote his solo albums  :hihi:  
Anyhow all in all....I think Axl should be worried and this should cause him to get his shit in gear.  I seriously have my doubts that Axl will even crack the top 10 in Billboard but to qoute him himself." i guess we'll have to wait and see"

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: younggunner on May 23, 2004, 12:02:43 PM
Velvet Revolver has the spotlight right now, They're doing press, touring getting ready for an album release, they've released a single, they've got the press on their side and most DJ's, random music fans and such will all follow suit
Well, normally when you are about to put out an album and do the promotional things that a band must do when they put out an album a band will have the spotlight on them.
 : ok:

And this is a band that has become a family, you don't see Dave Kuschner using Slash to promote his solo albums  
When gnr go out on tour and release cd I will bet you anything none of the members promote their albums or even make any albums....if so your remark is valid....

Anyhow all in all....I think Axl should be worried and this should cause him to get his shit in gear.  I seriously have my doubts that Axl will even crack the top 10 in Billboard but to qoute him himself
lol ok thanks for sharing

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: starchild_666 on May 23, 2004, 12:43:12 PM
Velvet Revolver has the spotlight right now, They're doing press, touring getting ready for an album release, they've released a single, they've got the press on their side and most DJ's, random music fans and such will all follow suit
Well, normally when you are about to put out an album and do the promotional things that a band must do when they put out an album a band will have the spotlight on them.
 : ok:

And this is a band that has become a family, you don't see Dave Kuschner using Slash to promote his solo albums  
When gnr go out on tour and release cd I will bet you anything none of the members promote their albums or even make any albums....if so your remark is valid....

Anyhow all in all....I think Axl should be worried and this should cause him to get his shit in gear.  I seriously have my doubts that Axl will even crack the top 10 in Billboard but to qoute him himself
lol ok thanks for sharing

what's wrong with your comments? Everytime I read them I only can think about how big idiot you are

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: Prodigal Son on May 23, 2004, 12:59:05 PM

what's wrong with your comments? Everytime I read them I only can think about how big idiot you are

Do you consider yourself objective enough to classify him as an idiot?  :hihi:

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: jarmo on May 23, 2004, 02:06:03 PM
Here's something to think about: The biggest idiots are the ones who don't understand that by calling somebody an idiot they're breaking one of the few simple rules we have here.


Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: sandman on May 23, 2004, 06:23:34 PM
i cannot believe the number of posts in this section discussing VR vs. GnR. the name of this thread is the most ridiculous thing i've ever seen on these boards.

if you hate axl.....that's your right. ditto slash.

but why let that influence what you listen to???

and why get caught up in some fued that doesn't even really exist???

it makes no sense to me.

anyway, i saw the new gnr three times. and i'm going to see VR this week. and i haven't been this pumped to go to a show since dec. 2002.

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: St.heathen on May 23, 2004, 07:03:48 PM
Put me in my place? Keep telling yourself that. You can think what you want if it will make you sleep better at night.  :peace:

Like I have said before, and I will again to people like  you.
Why was it ok for people to always be comparing BH and Robin to slash in new gnr posts  yet now its not ok to compare axl and VR?

I just love your logic its so backwards.

One reason is:  That the new GN'R members have replaced Slash, Duff and Matt.  Filling BIG shoes of whom people love. So it validates a direct comparison in the performance of the songs.

Where as Axl has never been a member of VR so the comparison cannot be as direct/valid.  Scott is not a replacement, he is the singer for VR.  He has his own artistic credentials.   It's like Scott is more your Bowie/ Iggy pop, where as Axl is more Jagger/Plant, kind of thing. (just an example)

Anyway as someone rightly said i'm going to enjoy both, have been fans  - of all -  for too long to just take sides it's not what it's about for me.

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: tomass74 on May 23, 2004, 09:40:04 PM
Put me in my place? Keep telling yourself that. You can think what you want if it will make you sleep better at night.  :peace:

Like I have said before, and I will again to people like  you.
Why was it ok for people to always be comparing BH and Robin to slash in new gnr posts  yet now its not ok to compare axl and VR?

I just love your logic its so backwards.

I dont do that. But anyway the reason peopel do is because Slash used to be in GnR. Axl was never fucking in VR......

So what if Axl was never in VR.
We are comparing people who used to be in gnr with the new gnr.
So I really don't see a difference, but alas VR do because the shoe is on the other foot. The fact of the matter is, certain people opened the door a long time ago comparing slash and duff with the new guys, now that we have songs to compare each other too I guess I am not allowed to do the comparing now? Nice try it does not work that way.

They were comparing GnR songs to GnR songs.  If Axhole didn't keep the name it would be a different story but he didn't. VR is a different band.

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: Dizzy on May 23, 2004, 11:14:54 PM
I'm not even gonna read the posts in this thread but I will state my opinion.  Axl does have something to worry about because Axl has nothing going for him but basically die hard fans these days.

I concur, and I think this raises an excellent point.  If (and I emphasize that word) Axl is indeed concerned about topping VR, he has a lot more worries than VR's album and how good it is.  He and the name "Guns N Roses" have been a laughingstock in the media for the past three years.  No need to explain that, just read the damn reviews.  He needs to be more concerned with delivering an album and tour that will rectify all the damage, not sweating over what VR is doing.  

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: younggunner on May 23, 2004, 11:53:09 PM
He needs to be more concerned with delivering an album and tour that will rectify all the damage
I actually agree with you...and an album that delivers will take away all of that bahsing stuff.

If Axhole didn't keep the name it would be a different story but he didn't. VR is a different band.
That argument is bullshit. Even if Axl changed the name, he still would be blamed for breaking up the old band. As a result any album he puts out and the members he has in his band will be compared to his previous efforts. In axls mind, gnr never ended. Just some of the players decided not to evolve. He decided to keep the name. deal with it.

Title: Re:judging from the VR bootleg, Axl has nothing to worry about
Post by: tomass74 on May 24, 2004, 12:44:29 AM

If Axhole didn't keep the name it would be a different story but he didn't. VR is a different band.
That argument is bullshit. Even if Axl changed the name, he still would be blamed for breaking up the old band. As a result any album he puts out and the members he has in his band will be compared to his previous efforts. In axls mind, gnr never ended. Just some of the players decided not to evolve. He decided to keep the name. deal with it.

I have dealt with it and you don't see me on GnR boards anymore. I am just saying that Axl would have taken alot less shit if he did that. If he had his own band and people started comparing his members to Ex-GnR members they would be just wrong as the idiots that come here and compare VR to the New GnR. And the argument wasn't bullshit, because I know ALOT of people including myself that would still support Axhole if he did change the name. Anyway drop this before it turns into a GnR name thread and Jarmo gets pissed off.