Here Today... Gone To Hell!

The Perils Of Rock N' Roll Decadence => Duff, Slash & Velvet Revolver => Topic started by: Tj on May 11, 2004, 04:48:37 AM

Title: Weiland
Post by: Tj on May 11, 2004, 04:48:37 AM
He looks like a gay Nazi


Are we supposed to take this guy seriously? I'm having a real problem getting into Velvet Revolver because Weiland just doesn't impress me. Silver trousers? ??? What's with the hat? YMCA dance coming any time soon? Maybe he's always been like that in the past with STP, I don't know, but attire like that seems to be something we may have expected Axl to have worn 15 or so years ago. He doesn't really come across as the most intelligent guy either...

"You know, I was told when I was editing our video that I couldn't say 'smells like poppies' in 'Slither' because it was a drug reference. 'Smells like poppies'? Poppies are a flower! But they said it was a drug reference, so I said, 'All right, I'll change the lyrics. I'll change it to 'Smells like Nazis.'"

...heard of Opium, Scott? No?

I really want to get into VR properly. I want to be able to enjoy their music thoroughly, but I can't. I considered buying STP's greatest hits, to try and get used to Weiland, but then he sent that second letter to a journalist, and whilst reading it I began to dislike him more than before, so I don't know if I want to risk wasting my money.

And he looks dead! In the 'Slither' video, especially in those shots where he's all pale and has his arms outstretched against the wall, I just get the feeling that the make-up and lighting deparments didn't have to do much work at all to make him look that sickly. I wonder if holes burn through him in broad daylight.

Although perhaps he does give the band a certain sense of credibility in the modern Rock scene that they wouldn't have if Duff - or maybe even Izzy - had taken the mic, I would still have preferred it if Weiland had stayed in bed. Bring in Josh Todd!

Title: Re:Weiland
Post by: SLCPUNK on May 11, 2004, 04:55:30 AM
He's his own man and that's good enough for me. He's not a copycat, he's not a sellout, he's a man unto his own. IMO you can't beat that.

Title: Re:Weiland
Post by: Top-Hatted One on May 11, 2004, 09:20:27 AM
let me guess. you are an Axl fan and didn't realize that Axl wore the exact same hat 13years ago only it was worse cos it was leather! now thats YMCA for ya!

Title: Re:Weiland
Post by: Freya on May 11, 2004, 09:41:23 AM
Axl definitely wore stuff like that, although he might have worn fushia leathers instead of silver lame.  

Weiland can be an engaging performer and he was probably the best choice for VR, but I have to admit something about the guy bugs me.  

Somebody touched on this before, but he's got a pompousness about him.  Like in the Making of VR Video, talking about performance art and comparing his body movements to Cirque de Soleil?!  

Also, I thought his solo album sucked and it only got some critical praise because Daniel Lanois' name was attached to it.  As for his's meh.  It's fine, but not great.  It's not very distinguishable.  

Now that I just unloaded all that, maybe Weiland will write me a nasty letter.  

Title: Re:Weiland
Post by: St.heathen on May 11, 2004, 11:15:49 AM
Scott Weiland is cool man, looks like a rock star he should be upsetting some while inspiring others. Isn't that what rock is?

Obviously haven't heard Contraband, but in Stp wrote some great songs with great contrast in styles.  

While that letter - ok wasn't the best thing he could write. But his point is right, if you're not going to say it to his face then don;t say it behind his back you know?  Nothing wrong with people sticking up for themselves.

Title: Re:Weiland
Post by: pasnow on May 11, 2004, 11:44:39 AM
TJ and Freya I gotta say it's reassuring to know other people share my point of view. Although I do keep faith in VR, and will almost certainly buy the album, I never liked Scott Weiland. Slither does sound good, vocals included, but his pompous and anti corporate attitude irritates me. And mostly is the fact that NOBODY sees this guy as a phony. From day 1, he copped off Eddie Vedder singing style, jumping on the whole grunge tip. And for those who disagree, how's this for a coincidence? Singers who sounded like Eddie Vedder before 1992? 0. Singers who sound like Eddie Vedder after 1992? Too many. Scott Weiland included. And didn't their MTV "Unplugged" set look annoyingly similar to Nirvana's? How can people say he's "original" ?? And STP signed to the first major label that came their way, so don't give me some anti corporate major label attitude. If you don't want to sell out, don't sign, like credible musicians like Superchunk, or Mudhoney, or Ani DiFranco did.

I know bringing up Eddie Vedder name on a GnR/Heavy Metal website will cause an enormous backlash, but I'll fight it to the death. As Eddie said it best in Rolling Stone around 1993 when asked about all the popular "grunge" bands... "Like this band Stone Temple Pilots. I never heard of them, and I'm from San Diego!!"

Title: Re:Weiland
Post by: Top-Hatted One on May 11, 2004, 12:25:11 PM
because STP gained their own identity with each new album and Eddie Vedder didn't invent singing in a low tone. Jim Morrison, Elvis and many others already did it.

Title: Re:Weiland
Post by: oldleadbelly on May 11, 2004, 12:32:26 PM
give it a rest pasnow.  The "aping eddie vedder" argument is so tired, and has been refuted so many times that it isn't even relevant.  Little history for you:  STP formed with its core members in 1986, long before eddie vedder joined with stone, jeff, and mccready in pearl jam.  I believe Eddie joined the mix around 1990.  STP had wrote many of the songs that were included on their first album well before Pearl Jam and Ten were a known commodity.  Listen to the Mighty Joe Young demo, and you will here Wicked Garden, Where the River Goes, Scary Area, and Only Dying--all songs where Weiland sings in a deep baritone.  He wasn't stealing anyone's singing style.  If you listen to Core and Ten, the voices are different except that they both happen to be baritone and gruff.  If you still insist in thinking Weiland was stealing Vedder's style on any album after core, you're simply grasping for reasons to hate Weiland, or you haven't heard the albums.  Enough about that.
As far as the unplugged sets go...newsflash...ALL the early 90's unplugged sets looked familiar.  The artist didn't decorate, MTV did.  In fact, Weiland walked on the set, and saw bar stools set out to sit on and said that bar stools had already been done by so many bands, and that he wanted them replaced with rocking chairs.  So, that argument is also faulty.  If you don't like Weiland, that's fine...your perogative.  Tastes can simply clash.  Just don't dislike him for reasons that are media-driven hype, and usually asinine.

Title: Re:Weiland
Post by: pasnow on May 11, 2004, 12:49:25 PM
give it a rest pasnow.  The "aping eddie vedder" argument is so tired, and has been refuted so many times that it isn't even relevant.  Little history for you:  STP formed with its core members in 1986, long before eddie vedder joined with stone, jeff, and mccready in pearl jam.  I believe Eddie joined the mix around 1990.  STP had wrote many of the songs that were included on their first album well before Pearl Jam and Ten were a known commodity.  Listen to the Mighty Joe Young demo, and you will here Wicked Garden, Where the River Goes, Scary Area, and Only Dying--all songs where Weiland sings in a deep baritone.  He wasn't stealing anyone's singing style.  If you listen to Core and Ten, the voices are different except that they both happen to be baritone and gruff.  If you still insist in thinking Weiland was stealing Vedder's style on any album after core, you're simply grasping for reasons to hate Weiland, or you haven't heard the albums.  Enough about that.
As far as the unplugged sets go...newsflash...ALL the early 90's unplugged sets looked familiar.  The artist didn't decorate, MTV did.  In fact, Weiland walked on the set, and saw bar stools set out to sit on and said that bar stools had already been done by so many bands, and that he wanted them replaced with rocking chairs.  So, that argument is also faulty.  If you don't like Weiland, that's fine...your perogative.  Tastes can simply clash.  Just don't dislike him for reasons that are media-driven hype, and usually asinine.


1986 eh, and they have no recordings for the first 7 years??
And for Mighty Joe Young, wasn't that their demo which got them signed, probably recorded in 1992  so that's right out.
Second, MTV didn't decorate everything, Kurt Cobain specifically asked for candles all around, which STP had as well, again totally biting off legitimate bands.
And third, the media didn't drive the hype of STP/Pearl Jam comparison. People who can think for themselves can come to this realization that poser bands like STP, Bush, Puddle of Mudd are copycats. It's like saying the band Coldplay doesn't bite off Radiohead.

Title: Re:Weiland
Post by: Doc Emmett Brown on May 11, 2004, 01:04:17 PM
Axl definitely wore stuff like that, although he might have worn fushia leathers instead of silver lame.  

I think Tj's point was that this is Axl of the past whereas Weiland is doing this now.  

But... there's really no point is disliking a musician based on clothes, Tj...  >:(

I despise Axl's braids but I aint about to give up on him!  I was laughing out loud at Scott's silver pants, but I still think he's a very good performer.

As for his's meh.  It's fine, but not great.  It's not very distinguishable.  

In some songs he is perfect - like You Got No Right and some STP like Interstate Love Song.   I think, as Axl fans, we're just used to a very unique voice.  ;)  

And Scott's live voice is incredible!  :o

Did you have a chance to hear the KROQ acoustic set?  I was very impressed with his clear vocals.  He did an excellent job.

Now that I just unloaded all that, maybe Weiland will write me a nasty letter.  

You have to tell him about his boozy charm Freya, and then he'll get manic on your ass.  ;)

Title: Re:Weiland
Post by: Tj on May 11, 2004, 02:41:21 PM
Now that I just unloaded all that, maybe Weiland will write me a nasty letter.  

Can always live in hope :D I'd love one from him, and I'd even proof-read it and tell him where he could improve next time.

While that letter - ok wasn't the best thing he could write. But his point is right, if you're not going to say it to his face then don;t say it behind his back you know?  Nothing wrong with people sticking up for themselves.

So Scott is unable of expressing himself very intelligently, although he knows what he's getting at? He has feelings just as deep and evolved as a certain other frontman, but is perhaps not as good as portraying them. That would make sense to me. How do you guys rate him as a lyricist?

I think Tj's point was that this is Axl of the past whereas Weiland is doing this now.

random, yeah, that's part of what I'm getting at, although, as Freya pointed out, Axl would have worn leather, not silver lam?, which to me puts Axl (of 15 years ago) in a higher league than Weiland of today. A different type of sleaze, if you like. And I'm not disliking him purely because of his clothes, but no matter how much people claim that image doesn't does. If he wore a bikini and strapped a banana to his head, he would be accepted by less people. Actually I think that might make me like him more  :hihi:

I think Weiland feels he's better than he actually is. Axl had, and maybe he still does have (it's kind of hard to tell when he avoids the media so much) a certain sense of arrogance and pompousness about him, but to me it seemed justified, whereas I read Weiland's comments and see the way he acts and just think 'Who are you kidding, punk?'.

After I'd started this thread, I scanned through some of the other threads in this section, and somebody had said something like Weiland has been threatening a hell of a lot of people, considering he's so scrawny etc.  Now...Axl was scrawny too, but when he said things it seemed like he meant it. If Axl had written me a letter 15 years ago, threatening to kick my ass (well, he would have been arrested or something because I was only 3 years old) I think I'd have been quite daunted at the thought of meeting up with him and experiencing his wrath (no, not because I was 3 years old), but if Weiland wrote me a letter, threatening the same stuff, I'd meet up with him and bring a camera to annoy him even more. I agree with pasnow; Weiland's a phony.

Title: Re:Weiland
Post by: MeanBone on May 11, 2004, 02:54:03 PM
i thought he looked like a gay nazi also when i saw that. i don't like him. and don't compare him to Axl, cuz Axl wore that closes in 1986. and we're in 2004. weiland is good for STp, but awful for SLASH DUFF and MATT. bottom line. weedland should be outta the band. : ok:

Title: Re:Weiland
Post by: oldleadbelly on May 11, 2004, 03:47:40 PM
give it a rest pasnow.  The "aping eddie vedder" argument is so tired, and has been refuted so many times that it isn't even relevant.  Little history for you:  STP formed with its core members in 1986, long before eddie vedder joined with stone, jeff, and mccready in pearl jam.  I believe Eddie joined the mix around 1990.  STP had wrote many of the songs that were included on their first album well before Pearl Jam and Ten were a known commodity.  Listen to the Mighty Joe Young demo, and you will here Wicked Garden, Where the River Goes, Scary Area, and Only Dying--all songs where Weiland sings in a deep baritone.  He wasn't stealing anyone's singing style.  If you listen to Core and Ten, the voices are different except that they both happen to be baritone and gruff.  If you still insist in thinking Weiland was stealing Vedder's style on any album after core, you're simply grasping for reasons to hate Weiland, or you haven't heard the albums.  Enough about that.
As far as the unplugged sets go...newsflash...ALL the early 90's unplugged sets looked familiar.  The artist didn't decorate, MTV did.  In fact, Weiland walked on the set, and saw bar stools set out to sit on and said that bar stools had already been done by so many bands, and that he wanted them replaced with rocking chairs.  So, that argument is also faulty.  If you don't like Weiland, that's fine...your perogative.  Tastes can simply clash.  Just don't dislike him for reasons that are media-driven hype, and usually asinine.


1986 eh, and they have no recordings for the first 7 years??
And for Mighty Joe Young, wasn't that their demo which got them signed, probably recorded in 1992  so that's right out.
Second, MTV didn't decorate everything, Kurt Cobain specifically asked for candles all around, which STP had as well, again totally biting off legitimate bands.
And third, the media didn't drive the hype of STP/Pearl Jam comparison. People who can think for themselves can come to this realization that poser bands like STP, Bush, Puddle of Mudd are copycats. It's like saying the band Coldplay doesn't bite off Radiohead.

You're so blind it's laughable.  You shouldn't disregard well known facts before you do your research.  I mean c'mon, this stuff isn't hard to find, and denying it only shatters your credibility.  (from Back in 1989, four young musicians - Scott Weiland, Eric Kretz and the brothers Dean and Robert DeLeo) recorded various songs which are now known as the Mighty Joe Young Demo.  When Scott Weiland and Robert DeLeo met in 1986, they teamed up in a new outfit called 'Swing', with Corey Hicock on guitar. The idea solidified with the arrival of drummer Eric Kretz ('The Kretzel') and after a couple of months they asked Robert's older brother Dean to audition to replace Hicock.  Pearl Jam and STP are nothing alike--STP=Glam, Beatles, Zep influenced power pop rock.  Pearl Jam=Woody Guthrie, Neil Young, The Who, folk influenced rock.  Have you listened to an album after core and ten?  

The next point you make is simply absurd.  STP was 'biting off' legitimate bands by having candles on the set of their unplugged.  My mistake, I wasn't aware Kurt Cobain patented the use of candles for all rock purposes.  If your logic holds, then how many countless bands was Kurt copying by having candles?

Third, Weiland has been dressing like this for years, it's not something he just started doing because he was dying to look like Axl Rose.  Biker/Cop/Officer caps have been part of his stage garb going back to at least 1996.  Was Axl ripping off Rob Halford, because it was Halford who made the 'gay-biker' look rock chic.  Weiland's influences, which he's spoke about many times are, Jagger, Iggy Pop, Lennon, and most importantly David Bowie.  He's never mentioned Axl Rose, and contrary to popular belief on this board, not everyone wants to be Axl.  

Finally, no-talent hacks are not revered by musicians such as Aerosmith, The Doors, Jimmy Page, Glen Campbell, and yes, even GnR...all of which have praised and/or performed with STP.  I won't even waste my time on the fact that you put Puddle of Mudd in the same league as STP.

Title: Re:Weiland
Post by: Booker Floyd on May 11, 2004, 04:01:41 PM
You're so blind it's laughable.  You shouldn't disregard well known facts before you do your research.  I mean c'mon, this stuff isn't hard to find, and denying it only shatters your credibility.  (from Back in 1989, four young musicians - Scott Weiland, Eric Kretz and the brothers Dean and Robert DeLeo) recorded various songs which are now known as the Mighty Joe Young Demo.  When Scott Weiland and Robert DeLeo met in 1986, they teamed up in a new outfit called 'Swing', with Corey Hicock on guitar. The idea solidified with the arrival of drummer Eric Kretz ('The Kretzel') and after a couple of months they asked Robert's older brother Dean to audition to replace Hicock.  Pearl Jam and STP are nothing alike--STP=Glam, Beatles, Zep influenced power pop rock.  Pearl Jam=Woody Guthrie, Neil Young, The Who, folk influenced rock.  Have you listened to an album after core and ten?  

The next point you make is simply absurd.  STP was 'biting off' legitimate bands by having candles on the set of their unplugged.  My mistake, I wasn't aware Kurt Cobain patented the use of candles for all rock purposes.  If your logic holds, then how many countless bands was Kurt copying by having candles?

Third, Weiland has been dressing like this for years, it's not something he just started doing because he was dying to look like Axl Rose.  Biker/Cop/Officer caps have been part of his stage garb going back to at least 1996.  Was Axl ripping off Rob Halford, because it was Halford who made the 'gay-biker' look rock chic.  Weiland's influences, which he's spoke about many times are, Jagger, Iggy Pop, Lennon, and most importantly David Bowie.  He's never mentioned Axl Rose, and contrary to popular belief on this board, not everyone wants to be Axl.  

Finally, no-talent hacks are not revered by musicians such as Aerosmith, The Doors, Jimmy Page, Glen Campbell, and yes, even GnR...all of which have praised and/or performed with STP.  I won't even waste my time on the fact that you put Puddle of Mudd in the same league as STP.

Great post...I like how the poster just makes facts up.  "Mighty Joe Young, wasn't that their demo which got them signed, probably recorded in 1992  so that's right out."   :confused: Ookay?

However, I would say Axl (and GNR) is an influence on Scott.  Hes said several times how important AFD was to him, how "Its So Easy" influenced "Sex Type Thing," and in the new Rolling Stone he said that when he was younger he fantasized about singing GNR songs.  However, Axls just that - an influence.  And Scott, as youve said, has many influences, so its not a "trying to be Axl" deal.  Everybody has their influences, and whenever they do something similar, its not about "trying to be them," unless they do nearly everything like their influence.

You dont like Weiland, thats fine.  But dont go making up facts and other such bullshit to justify your opinion.

Title: Re:Weiland
Post by: starchild_666 on May 11, 2004, 04:29:04 PM
i thought he looked like a gay nazi also when i saw that. i don't like him. and don't compare him to Axl, cuz Axl wore that closes in 1986. and we're in 2004. weiland is good for STp, but awful for SLASH DUFF and MATT. bottom line. weedland should be outta the band. : ok:
and you should be kicked out of this board  ;D
hate all you fuckin' haters  >:( I've never been a STP fan before, but Scott is 100% perfect choice for VR!

Title: Re:Weiland
Post by: blues_rock_axeman on May 11, 2004, 05:21:28 PM
A gay Nazi is an oxymoron.  ::) (Well, Ernst Rohm was, but he got a shot in the back of the head for his extra-curricular activities...)

It is Scott Weiland's inalienable right to wear whatever the hell he wants. He has good chemistry on stage with Slash and Duff now, and it looks more like a solid band than GN'R did from 1992 onwards.

Title: Re:Weiland
Post by: Dave_Rose on May 11, 2004, 06:08:43 PM
Weiland is a very firey person I like his style like I dont care what u think attitude I love it

Title: Re:Weiland
Post by: tomass74 on May 11, 2004, 08:29:57 PM
I left this board before and came back fo rthe VR board. Looks like I will soon be taking a break again. People bring up some pretty ignorant and childish facts to try and bring VR down.  Well VR rules and Scott is an amazing talent and always has been.

Title: Re:Weiland
Post by: Jizzo on May 11, 2004, 09:10:16 PM
Scott wore that for less than 1 song. When he came out every gnr fan knew he did it cause it looked like axl.

Title: Re:Weiland
Post by: noizzynofuture on May 11, 2004, 10:23:30 PM
Velvet Revolver is going to have some big time pop when they release Contraband but we all know this is a band that's going to implode.

The whole STP sound which is clearly evident is a dead sound and Scotts singing makes you think of nothing but STP.

Scott being a multiple loser when it comes to drug busts will not stay out of trouble for long and his days of pleading out for drug rehab are pretty much over so he'll be doing time soon.  He's actually made the comment that i wouldn't bet on my own sobriety which tells you has no intentions of stopping especially when he's stupid enough to reportedly try sneaking drugs into rehab.

I'll definitely buy contraband but i think everyone should see this thing for what it is which is a short term ride so enjoy it for the next 6 months or so until the walls come crumbling down.

IMO VR couldn't have picked a worse lead singer and it has nothing do with his talent.

Title: Re:Weiland
Post by: oldleadbelly on May 11, 2004, 10:44:25 PM

Now that is an opinion I can respect.  As a huge STP fan, I have seen Weiland fall off the wagon time and time again.  So I completely understand your fears on that front.  However, in STP he was surrounded by drug users who, for whatever reason, didn't fall into the depths of junkie addiction.  Still, it wasn't a good environment for him.  It is my hope that the GnR guys will be a good support group for him, and he can toe the line.  It might be overly optimistic, but I think he might beat it this time.  But yeah, i can respect your argument, b/c it is tangible, not just an assault on Weiland's talent.

Title: Re:Weiland
Post by: metallex78 on May 11, 2004, 10:47:29 PM
Scott just seems like a flamboyant rock star. He's got so many different looks and styles from what I've seen of him over the years and that makes him really interesting, and a great choice for a frontman.

Although over the top and maybe a little contrived, I like his whole "fuck you" attitude he's shown lately.
Rock n' roll is supposed to be spitting and aggressive, at least I think so, because it makes the music seem that much more genuine.

And maybe Scott's getting all this extra press due to hooking up with the GN'R guys, because as we all know, GN'R are one of the most rumoured/spoken about band ever and now that Scott has stepped into the shoes once filled by Axl, he's now in the spotlight for all that.

I bought the STP Greatest Hits a few months ago and it's one of the best purchases I've made recently, especially with the bonus dvd. And I'd even say I'm a big STP fan now too.

Title: Re:Weiland
Post by: Freya on May 11, 2004, 11:01:26 PM
I'll definitely buy contraband but i think everyone should see this thing for what it is which is a short term ride so enjoy it for the next 6 months or so until the walls come crumbling down.

I would tend to agree there.  There is a reason they tell people in rehab not to get in a relationship for about a year after they go clean.  And a band is like a relationship.  There's pressure, emotions, and even if the bandmates are clean, he is being exposed to a lifestyle where drugs are prevalent and most likely being offered to him.  I kind of have doubts that he is currently clean, he doesn't seem to totally accept responsibility for his past misconduct.  

Title: Re:Weiland
Post by: tomass74 on May 11, 2004, 11:07:14 PM
Velvet Revolver is going to have some big time pop when they release Contraband but we all know this is a band that's going to implode.

The whole STP sound which is clearly evident is a dead sound and Scotts singing makes you think of nothing but STP.

Scott being a multiple loser when it comes to drug busts will not stay out of trouble for long and his days of pleading out for drug rehab are pretty much over so he'll be doing time soon.  He's actually made the comment that i wouldn't bet on my own sobriety which tells you has no intentions of stopping especially when he's stupid enough to reportedly try sneaking drugs into rehab.

I'll definitely buy contraband but i think everyone should see this thing for what it is which is a short term ride so enjoy it for the next 6 months or so until the walls come crumbling down.

IMO VR couldn't have picked a worse lead singer and it has nothing do with his talent.

I think at first when you hear the tunes you definately think STP. But that is expected after all he is the lead singer of STP. After a couple listens you can also hear some GnR which is fine with me because I like both bands. There are also hint sof originality too. I have to agree with you somewhat about Scott. I think he is great and also a great choice fo rthe band. But at anytime this whole thing could implode and almost has. But I will enjoy the ride while it is here because So far this band has made me one happy prick!!!! I have a CD in my car with the Acoustic KROQ set, Slither, Set Me Free and the full version of Money. Now that makes me happy!!!

Title: Re:Weiland
Post by: metallex78 on May 12, 2004, 12:17:26 AM
Velvet Revolver is going to have some big time pop when they release Contraband but we all know this is a band that's going to implode.

The whole STP sound which is clearly evident is a dead sound and Scotts singing makes you think of nothing but STP.

Scott being a multiple loser when it comes to drug busts will not stay out of trouble for long and his days of pleading out for drug rehab are pretty much over so he'll be doing time soon.  He's actually made the comment that i wouldn't bet on my own sobriety which tells you has no intentions of stopping especially when he's stupid enough to reportedly try sneaking drugs into rehab.

I'll definitely buy contraband but i think everyone should see this thing for what it is which is a short term ride so enjoy it for the next 6 months or so until the walls come crumbling down.

IMO VR couldn't have picked a worse lead singer and it has nothing do with his talent.

I think at first when you hear the tunes you definately think STP. But that is expected after all he is the lead singer of STP. After a couple listens you can also hear some GnR which is fine with me because I like both bands. There are also hint sof originality too. I have to agree with you somewhat about Scott. I think he is great and also a great choice fo rthe band. But at anytime this whole thing could implode and almost has. But I will enjoy the ride while it is here because So far this band has made me one happy prick!!!! I have a CD in my car with the Acoustic KROQ set, Slither, Set Me Free and the full version of Money. Now that makes me happy!!!

Very cool, I have a cd made up of exactly the same songs with the addition of You Got No Right (live) from Smashbox.

I gotta say, how much do all the songs rock in a car stereo?!!
I put Slither on repeat and just drive really really fast! hehe

Title: Re:Weiland
Post by: tomass74 on May 12, 2004, 09:31:21 PM
That's awesome. I tried to get "No Right" on there and "Angie" but the mp3's didn't get through to the guy that burnt it for me. I would really like to know that song before the show incase they play it.