Here Today... Gone To Hell!

The Perils Of Rock N' Roll Decadence => Duff, Slash & Velvet Revolver => Topic started by: AxlVedder on May 06, 2004, 11:39:43 PM

Title: Slash, Duff, Axl, law suit, concert.....
Post by: AxlVedder on May 06, 2004, 11:39:43 PM
I am a huge Axl supporter, I'll be blunt and say it. I won't give you tons and tons of anti-Slash things, and only say Axl is the best to back it up.

I think Slash is a great guitarist. I would never say he sucks, I would never take away from what he has done.

I am a little upset over this law suit. I saw those "documents" on the warner bros. site, and I read some of the complaints on Axl. Though I won't get into individual points, I will say I feel the suit is in bad taste.

My buddy and I have tickets to VR in NYC. Well, he has them, I have to pay for them. In one respect I want to support my idol, but on the other, I don't want to screw over my friend.

As far as the album goes, I won't go out and buy a copy, though I will try to get a copy. I refuse to throw the money to them for a cd, if money is their big concern, they may certainly see it form their suit. So they don't need my money from a cd.

With the ticket, it is already in my friend's hand, and I really would feel bad for backing out on a friend/bandmate.

I show my support for W. Axl Rose in everyway possible. At the show, you can rest assure I'll be decked out in my usual GN'R attire, hopefully I'll get a drop the case chant going  ;)

Anyway, yeah, this means pretty much nothing to everyone, I know

Title: Re:Slash, Duff, Axl, law suit, concert.....
Post by: Doc Emmett Brown on May 07, 2004, 12:10:50 AM
I am rather upset over this lawsuit as well...but not buying the album (even though you say you are a fan) is shooting yourself in the foot, isnt it?

The lawsuit is really none of our business (the fans, I mean).  It's upto them to resolve their differences.  It's upto us to behave like adults and not shourt for a boycott of their creative work.  It is, after all, what made us fans in the first place...

Title: Re:Slash, Duff, Axl, law suit, concert.....
Post by: Booker Floyd on May 07, 2004, 12:23:20 AM
I would suggest selling your ticket to somebody more appreciative.  A lot of real fans missed out on buying tickets, so if youre warped, child-like loyalty to Axl means youre "against" VR in anyway, just sell them to somebody who really wants them.  

The whole thing is incredibly childish...Adults (I assume, at least) taking sides over mens personal legal business that has absolutely nothing to do with us.  

So that would be my suggestion.  Hopefully you realize how ridiculous you sound making a post like this, but if that doesnt happen and you continue to "take sides" over personal business matters, then just get your money back and give somebody else the opportunity to enjoy the show.  

Title: Re:Slash, Duff, Axl, law suit, concert.....
Post by: Naupis on May 07, 2004, 12:24:14 AM
There is no reason to be upset about the lawsuit. A judge is either going to say A) Your not getting anything and you didn't read your contract right or B) Axl resigned from the partnership and can no longer make decisions about how the back catalog is used. Its just business. If Slash and Duff are really the rightful owners of that stuff, then let them have it. Just because your an Axl loyalist doesn't mean you turn your back on them for asserting control over what they rightfully own. And if their not in the right, then things remain status quo and we get limited GNR releases and what not. Either way, it doesn't effect us regardless of what way the law suit goes. Does it suck they can't get along; absolutely. Is the only way this is going to get resolved through the courts; absolutely. That being said, this will shake out the way it will and someone is going to walk out the rightful owner of the decision making rights to the back catalog.

Title: Re:Slash, Duff, Axl, law suit, concert.....
Post by: Doc Emmett Brown on May 07, 2004, 12:37:48 AM
Does it suck they can't get along; absolutely.

I guess that's the reason why I'm upset  :-\   It's not so much the lawsuit that unsettles me as the realization that money is the last word in anything.  

They went from being a rock band rollin' on the streets to a business... a partnership.  Those words make me shudder.   But if this is how it's going to end, then... so be it.  I am powerless to stop it.

Title: Re:Slash, Duff, Axl, law suit, concert.....
Post by: questdex on May 07, 2004, 04:06:06 PM
Does it suck they can't get along; absolutely.

I guess that's the reason why I'm upset  :-\   It's not so much the lawsuit that unsettles me as the realization that money is the last word in anything.  

They went from being a rock band rollin' on the streets to a business... a partnership.  Those words make me shudder.   But if this is how it's going to end, then... so be it.  I am powerless to stop it.

actually is does effect the fans big time...if slash and duff win well get live pro shot dvd's, and have gnr music in movies...2 positive things for fans...

if axl wins..we'll continue to get nothing, which would suck.

Title: Re:Slash, Duff, Axl, law suit, concert.....
Post by: Butch Français on May 07, 2004, 08:36:53 PM
Anyway, yeah, this means pretty much nothing to everyone, I know

yeah, that sums it up pretty well : ok:

Title: Re:Slash, Duff, Axl, law suit, concert.....
Post by: Doc Emmett Brown on May 07, 2004, 08:39:45 PM
actually is does effect the fans big time...if slash and duff win well get live pro shot dvd's, and have gnr music in movies...2 positive things for fans...

if axl wins..we'll continue to get nothing, which would suck.

You misunderstood me.  Yes, the outcome of the lawsuit has the potential to affect the fans - but that's not what I was talking about.

I said the lawsuit should not affect our decision to buy VR's album- that's what I meant when I said we should behave like adults...  Albums are what made us fans in the first place, not lawsuits.

But as Top-Hatted One pointed out, most of the people who are gung-ho about this silly boycott are the ones who werent intending on buying it in the first place.  That's their loss, not mine.

Title: Re:Slash, Duff, Axl, law suit, concert.....
Post by: GnR9616 on May 09, 2004, 01:52:46 AM
I am a huge Axl supporter, I'll be blunt and say it. I won't give you tons and tons of anti-Slash things, and only say Axl is the best to back it up.

I think Slash is a great guitarist. I would never say he sucks, I would never take away from what he has done.

I am a little upset over this law suit. I saw those "documents" on the warner bros. site, and I read some of the complaints on Axl. Though I won't get into individual points, I will say I feel the suit is in bad taste.

My buddy and I have tickets to VR in NYC. Well, he has them, I have to pay for them. In one respect I want to support my idol, but on the other, I don't want to screw over my friend.

As far as the album goes, I won't go out and buy a copy, though I will try to get a copy. I refuse to throw the money to them for a cd, if money is their big concern, they may certainly see it form their suit. So they don't need my money from a cd.

With the ticket, it is already in my friend's hand, and I really would feel bad for backing out on a friend/bandmate.

I show my support for W. Axl Rose in everyway possible. At the show, you can rest assure I'll be decked out in my usual GN'R attire, hopefully I'll get a drop the case chant going  ;)

Anyway, yeah, this means pretty much nothing to everyone, I know

2 things that i will make note of:

1) as booker floyd said if you are so upset about it and really do not want to suport VR then you should sell the ticket, because i know for sure the NYC ticketes sold out in like 3 minutes.  there will be plenty of people who would want them.

2) as far as ther lawsuite was it different when axl sued slash and uff when the shoes were on the other feet??  axl is getting what he deserves and i hope slash and duff win it big time.