Here Today... Gone To Hell!

The Perils Of Rock N' Roll Decadence => Duff, Slash & Velvet Revolver => Topic started by: slashnbuckethead on April 29, 2004, 01:17:40 AM

Title: The Slither video thread - everything related to it; its premiere, opinions etc.
Post by: slashnbuckethead on April 29, 2004, 01:17:40 AM
I just happened to flip to mtv tonight and  slither was #9 on the mtv2 countdown i only caught the end its so bad ass, weiland is such a christ figure. Its bitching and awesome and hardcore and full of hot babes. I think this countdow repeats at 8am pacific thursday morning, the video should go on about 10 minutes or so into the show. just thought i'd give a heads up if anyone just couldnt wait.

Title: Slither Video and making of Postponed
Post by: MeanBone on April 29, 2004, 04:44:07 AM

"Velvet Revolver Makes A Video", followed by the world premiere of "Slither" has been re-scheduled. The new date will be posted ASAP. Stay tuned...

 VELVET REVOLVER: 'Slither' Video Premiere Postponed - Apr. 28, 2004
The world premiere of VELVET REVOLVER's "Slither" video has been rescheduled from its originally announced April 29 air date, according to a posting on the group's official web site. The clip and the accompanying MTV2 show "Velvet Revolver Makes A Video" will be shown at an as-yet-undisclosed later date.

As previously reported, the "Slither" clip, which was directed by Kevin Kerslake (NIRVANA, RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS, SONIC YOUTH), follows club kids as they chase through underground tunnels in search of the rock band. The catacomb scenes were shot last month in the Czech Republic, while the performance scenes were filmed in Los Angeles in early April.

VELVET REVOLVER will embark on a North American tour beginning on May 13 in St. Louis, Missouri

Title: Re:Slither video ALREADY AIRED ON MTV2
Post by: starchild_666 on April 29, 2004, 11:06:38 AM
Please record it!

Title: Re:Slither video ALREADY AIRED ON MTV2
Post by: madagas on April 29, 2004, 12:45:00 PM
I saw the video as well. Weiland needs some food...burnt out junkie is very is cool overall..lots of skulls..Slash and Duff and Matt look good. Unfortunately, I can't get past the tone of the guitars...kinda cheesy, but Slash still looks good rockin out.

Title: Re:Slither video ALREADY AIRED ON MTV2
Post by: starchild_666 on April 29, 2004, 01:37:08 PM
ghhhhh.... I can't wait to see this!!!! Can you tell something more about the video please?

Title: Re:Slither video ALREADY AIRED ON MTV2
Post by: madagas on April 29, 2004, 02:19:42 PM
Underground club scene, hot ladies, band playing, skulls piled up in the walls/catacombs. Weiland and Duff shirtless and sweaty. Good looking video that young whipper snappers may think is cool. ;D

Title: Re:Slither video ALREADY AIRED ON MTV2
Post by: Voodoochild on April 29, 2004, 03:00:48 PM
Please, someone record it and put in the HUB!! It would be very nice! :)

Title: Re:Slither video ALREADY AIRED ON MTV2
Post by: smishkey on April 29, 2004, 04:18:37 PM
Saw it last night too.  Scott should be the poster boy for "just say no" he looked half-dead in the video.  Such a shame.  The song's OK, the chorus sucks.  We'll see how it goes.

Title: Re:Slither video ALREADY AIRED ON MTV2
Post by: Jizzo on April 29, 2004, 04:50:05 PM
I really didn't see scott acting like he was christ, but then again I didn't stare at scott the whole time at the shoot.

Title: Re:Slither video ALREADY AIRED ON MTV2
Post by: slashnbuckethead on April 29, 2004, 05:08:23 PM
Its at the very end of the vido that he strikes the Jesus pose. I thought they looked great  the video feels like they've already tourned together months and months. I gotta say weiland looks awesome especially in the shiny pants lol. Cant wait to see em live.

Title: Re:Slither video ALREADY AIRED ON MTV2
Post by: alwaysoutparading on April 29, 2004, 08:58:40 PM
Just saw the video. They all looked great. Scott is really flamboyant in the video but rockstar all the same. I'm glad to see him doing him own thing and not trying to dance/dress/sing like Axl. Instead of doing the infamous Axl snake dance, he kinda of hops and twists. He looks so thin! maybe even thinner than Axl was back in the day. Anyway...

As far as the video concept goes, it's okay. Nothing great. I thought it was kinda weak. It's a girl trying to get to their concert in an underground tunnel and shots of them playing. I think they should have just done a performance video. Slash, Duff and Matt were never really into big cool intricate video concepts. They should just stick with what they're good at -- playing!

All in all, it was great to watch. I'm happy to see them succeeding.. can't wait to see them live!

Title: Re:Slither video ALREADY AIRED ON MTV2
Post by: echrisl on April 29, 2004, 09:06:28 PM
Are you all seeing this on MTV 2, or has it been on MTV/VH1 as well?  

I'd watch videos for a while tonight if I thought it'd be on, but if it's only on MTV2 then I'll have to wait, because my expanded Cable is too full of CSPAN2 to give me MTV2 ... hell, I'd trade MTV for MTV2 ... excuse my rant.

Title: Re:Slither Video and making of Postponed
Post by: Funeral on April 29, 2004, 09:06:55 PM
hmmm, I don't think that's true.  the vid was just on MTV2 (6pm PST, 4-29).  Weiland reminds me of a younger Mick Jagger.  Pretty cool video.


Title: Re:Slither video ALREADY AIRED ON MTV2
Post by: billsguy on April 29, 2004, 09:25:18 PM
New message on official site:::

VR MAKES A VIDEO" and "WORLD PREMIER"... New Date & Time...  [ 4/29/2004 ]
Saturday, May 1st! Midnight ET (9pm PT) after Headbanger's Ball on MTV2

Also they posted:

The video has already started running on MTV2, and will begin on Fuse this weekend.


Title: Re:Slither video ALREADY AIRED ON MTV2
Post by: Top-Hatted One on April 29, 2004, 09:46:02 PM
i think the video suits the release of this song. It's problably the most radio friendly song, so why not have a TV friendly video. Who knows maybe they make a live video for the rockers like Big Machine, Suckertrain Blues, Headspace!!

Title: Slither Making of and Video Premiere on May 1st!!
Post by: MeanBone on April 30, 2004, 06:11:23 AM
 From the official site:

"VR MAKES A VIDEO" and "WORLD PREMIER"... New Date & Time...  [ 4/29/2004 ]

Saturday, May 1st! Midnight ET (9pm PT) after Headbanger's Ball on MTV2  

i swear to god, someone better get this thing online ( the making of too of course!)
or i swear there will be blood!!!!! ::)

Title: Re:Slither Making of and Video Premiere on May 1st!!
Post by: Evil Ash on April 30, 2004, 06:25:08 AM
i swear to god, someone better get this thing online ( the making of too of course!)
or i swear there will be blood!!!!! ::)

Second that!!! I highly doubt it will be aired on MTV holland or TMF belgium!!

So please....  :beer:

Title: Slither on Norwegian TV
Post by: Spirit on April 30, 2004, 02:01:14 PM
Slither had an premiere on the Norwegian TV-channel NRK this afternoon...
Cool video!! Weiland is a skinny motherfucker... :)

Title: Slither Video Online!
Post by: MeanBone on April 30, 2004, 03:10:53 PM
the format is mpg

you can download it here


Title: Re:Slither Video Online!
Post by: AxlsPiano on April 30, 2004, 03:27:27 PM
oh man that video is sweet.
they all look badass man, and i think scott did a great job too, hell i even like the pants lol. hot chicks too, but the band was still the focus, which is awesome. great job, wonder how it'll appeal to the masses?

Title: Re:Slither Video Online!
Post by: Voodoochild on April 30, 2004, 03:30:35 PM
Thaks dude!
Muito obrigado! :)

Title: Re:Slither Video Online!
Post by: Voodoochild on April 30, 2004, 04:05:56 PM
I dunno about you guys but here the audio mix is a bit wierd. I can't hear Scott and Slash solos properly... Why is that? :(

Title: Re:Slither Video Online!
Post by: Eugene Klein on April 30, 2004, 04:39:05 PM
Everything is great, the band, the song, the venue, hot chicks.
First class video. Rock N' Roll is back  :smoking:

Title: Re:Slither Video Online!
Post by: Top-Hatted One on April 30, 2004, 05:28:55 PM
OMG!!!!!!!!!! that was the best damn video I have ever seen!!!

Rn'R is back baby!!!

Title: Re:Slither Video Online!
Post by: jarmo on April 30, 2004, 05:55:32 PM
OMG!!!!!!!!!! that was the best damn video I have ever seen!!!

Rn'R is back baby!!!

I know you love the band before even hearing their album, but come on.....   :nervous:

It's a live performance video with a little story, it's been done before.


Title: Re:Slither Video Online!
Post by: Jizzo on April 30, 2004, 06:02:43 PM
I thought it was a good video when they shot it, and I can't wait to see it with my own eyes.

Title: Re:Slither Video Online!
Post by: Top-Hatted One on April 30, 2004, 06:19:32 PM
sure it's been done before but what band out there today portrays such rock n' roll energy on stage through a video release?!

Title: Re:Slither Video Online!
Post by: loretian on April 30, 2004, 06:35:31 PM
I thought the video was decent.  I don't know, it seems like everything I've seen and heard from VR has fallen in the mediocre to pretty good range.  Nothing has made me really excited yet.  I can't wait for the May 15th show, though.

I can't say I'm exactly a fan of Scott Weiland's "moves", but who knows... I didn't really like Axl's "moves" for awhile, either.

The underground setting for the video was pretty cool, though.  Duff looked great, so did Slash.  No real opinion on Dave, and Matt looks like a poser.  : ok:

Title: Slither video...
Post by: younggunner on April 30, 2004, 07:03:47 PM
Just dloaded it off of

check it out its a cool video, cant wait to see it on tv.

Title: Re:The Slither video thread - everything related to it; its premiere, opinions e
Post by: Falcon on April 30, 2004, 07:36:15 PM
Cool video, the guys look natural together, wasn't sure if there'd be good chemistry but it seems as though it's a good fit.

Unsure on the Weiland look, maybe a wardrobe rethink is in order.  Nothing that ruins my impression of the vid though, at least he's not in drag..

Good performace footage,, chicks, skulls et al

Title: Re:The Slither video thread - everything related to it; its premiere, opinions e
Post by: oldleadbelly on April 30, 2004, 07:48:34 PM
haha falcon, good point...scott has been known to perform in drag, biker outfits, as a priest, zoro, an angel, and yes even naked.  You can def tell he has been through the shitter in the last year.  He's never been close to that skinny.  Hard to imagine he was a really stocky guy at one time.

Title: Re:The Slither video thread - everything related to it; its premiere, opinions e
Post by: Freya on April 30, 2004, 08:03:11 PM
That was a cool video as far as videos go.  Weiland looks scarily thin, I mean his chest is concave!  Duff looks amazing, ten times better than he did ten years ago.  I didn't like the camera angles on Slash, they didn't capture any of his cool stage moves.  But I'm sure the video will do well for them.

Title: Re:The Slither video thread - everything related to it; its premiere, opinions e
Post by: badgirl on April 30, 2004, 09:33:55 PM
pretty good video. the song is growing on me (i hated it the first time i heard it) but it sounds an awful lot like STP.
Weiland is the consumate rock star. I love his little moves, his trippiness. dig it big time. it works for this group too. (hard to believe there was a time when he sported an extra 30 pounds and a flannel  :hihi:)
anyone think Duff's been working out?  ;)
Slash needs to loose those sunglasses and fast, but i noticed that he is really rocking out in this video and i never remember him doing that with Guns. He was always the aloof guitar player.
Whatever happens with this band, they are better than everything else out there today (which isn't saying much) and i dig that they are older- their songs will have more depth, have more to draw from experience, and hopefully won't be indulgent in the "daddy didn't love me enough" kind of way that most rock is today.

Title: Re:The Slither video thread - everything related to it; its premiere, opinions e
Post by: liquidvirus on May 01, 2004, 02:45:03 AM
Fuckin hell......nice vdo.....the song mite lack some energy but the video sure as hell dosen't.
n scott looks really skinny....but the rest o the guys are looking as if they spent some time pumpin iron.
especially slash n duff
even matt looks good....cant believe the difference between his GNR and VR days.
but geerally its a very good video wit a lot of energy in it

Title: Re:The Slither video thread - everything related to it; its premiere, opinions e
Post by: MeanBone on May 01, 2004, 09:02:48 AM

here's my review

Dave Matt and Duff look amazing. top shape, great looks tottaly rockin.

Slash... overweight, awful sunglasses, he's rockin hard and the solo part is very impressive. but he needs to lose the glasses, some pounds, and some clothes too. he needs to get back on a t-shirt jeans and jack daniels like in GNR.

Scott. imoves like a fairy queen. i think he's actually trying to make out with the cameraman at some point, and he makes the lead singer from the darkness look like a real man compared to him. and that is bad.

The video will sell for sure cuz scott could be a sex symbol for girls but i think gay guys will get more lucky with him than any women ever will.

slash's solo is something kinda new for this MTV generation so its a kick in the head that they all need

Duff, Dave and matt's stage presence will problably gather more of the younger crowd, cuz they really look young and  eager to rock. wich is cool


as for the song. i didn't like it when i first heard it, and i don't like it now. hope there's something better in the album.

and finnally the video concept... good to see the band playing "live" and getting the kids to go to a secret show actually worked well, not like the Bon Jovi's video.

that's my two cents

the video gets a 5 in a scale of 10.

Title: Re:Slither on Norwegian TV
Post by: Butch Français on May 01, 2004, 09:46:32 AM
Slither had an premiere on the Norwegian TV-channel NRK this afternoon...
Cool video!! Weiland is a skinny motherfucker... :)

what? where? when?

Title: Re:The Slither video thread - everything related to it; its premiere, opinions e
Post by: SLCPUNK on May 01, 2004, 11:58:26 AM
Good video. Band has great chemistry.

Title: Re:The Slither video thread - everything related to it; its premiere, opinions e
Post by: Doc Emmett Brown on May 01, 2004, 12:11:05 PM
Good video. Band has great chemistry.

I noticed that too - it's real.  : ok:    Here are my comments:

Slash, Duff & (surprisingly) Dave all looked awesome.  When Slash's solo came on, and the camera focused on him, I had chills down my back.  Finally!  a new generation of MTV'ers gets to see the Man!

Weiland looked okay.... I prefer him in black than in silver...  He looked noticeably tired in the video as was also pointed out by the extras who were at the shoot.

But overall, it was a good rock video which we really friggin need right now.

Title: Re:The Slither video thread - everything related to it; its premiere, opinions e
Post by: Acquiesce on May 01, 2004, 02:42:51 PM
I really  like the video. It's nice seeing a "classic" rock n roll video hit the airwaves. The band looks like they have great chemistry already. It's great to see these guys still haven't lost an ounce of coolness even though they are older now.

Title: Re:Slither on Norwegian TV
Post by: Spirit on May 01, 2004, 03:34:00 PM
what? where? when?

At the Norwegian Top 20 show... the host talked a little bit about Axl vs Velvet, and they played Live And Let die as well because WTTV tops the DVD list  :D

Title: Re:The Slither video thread - everything related to it; its premiere, opinions e
Post by: jarmo on May 01, 2004, 06:19:16 PM
"Slither" was played on Swedish ZTV's show "Tryck Till" where a panel of three watch a video and then say if they think it'll be a hit or not.

All three said it wouldn't be a Top 10 hit (in Sweden that is).

Other opinions about the song from them were; it gave one of them Alice In Chains vibes, one thought it was nice to see a band bringing back that guitar thing, nice to see that Scott is alive, one noted that this time it was a guy who was wearing lowcut pants and that it was a nice riff.


Title: Re:The Slither video thread - everything related to it; its premiere, opinions e
Post by: Acquiesce on May 01, 2004, 11:43:47 PM

Other opinions about the song from them were; it gave one of them Alice In Chains vibes,

That is interesting. A friend of mine said the exact same thing about Slither. He said Scott's vocals on the chorus reminds him of Layne Staley.

Title: Re:The Slither video thread - everything related to it; its premiere, opinions e
Post by: DRUNK on May 02, 2004, 12:31:34 AM
Well, I just saw the video.  I'm not impressed with the song.  Nothing special at all.  I don't think it will be a hit.

Scott's voice and overall vocals were kind of lame.  Anybody could have sang that.

I liked Slash's lead work, nothing great, but I liked it.

Title: Re:The Slither video thread - everything related to it; its premiere, opinions e
Post by: GypsySoul on May 02, 2004, 01:18:31 AM
I just watched the MTV2 Velvet Revolver Makes a Video show.  Towards the end of the show, one of the commercials was for Guns N' Roses Greatest Hits!!!  :o   It must've been almost two minutes long!!!  I wasn't planning on buying GH but the commercial was so awesome that now I just might.   :hihi:

P.S.  The VR part of this half hour show was 'just okay' - nothing special IMO.  :-\

Title: Re:The Slither video thread - everything related to it; its premiere, opinions e
Post by: starchild_666 on May 02, 2004, 04:37:08 AM
This is the video I've been waiting for a long time  :beer:

Title: Re:The Slither video thread - everything related to it; its premiere, opinions e
Post by: slashnbuckethead on May 02, 2004, 05:35:50 AM
i thought the video was cool, my favorite part was weiland describing his dancing as performance art. they are so awesome

Title: Re:The Slither video thread - everything related to it; its premiere, opinions e
Post by: duga on May 02, 2004, 07:27:47 AM
"Slither" was played on Swedish ZTV's show "Tryck Till" where a panel of three watch a video and then say if they think it'll be a hit or not.

All three said it wouldn't be a Top 10 hit (in Sweden that is).

Other opinions about the song from them were; it gave one of them Alice In Chains vibes, one thought it was nice to see a band bringing back that guitar thing, nice to see that Scott is alive, one noted that this time it was a guy who was wearing lowcut pants and that it was a nice riff.


 :-\ I will try to remember to watch it today 17.45. At least I think the video LOOKs great. I think the song is very good too, but that is after listening to it 30-40 times...  ;D

Title: Re:The Slither video thread - everything related to it; its premiere, opinions e
Post by: metallex78 on May 02, 2004, 09:46:23 AM
I finally saw the video, it took a few hours, but I downloaded all 42MB of it on my sh*tty dial-up connection!!! hehe

I think it's a pretty cool video. I know it's nothing groundbreaking as far as the concept goes, but it's still really cool to see my favourite musicians back rocking out in fine form again!

The whole band looks really good too. Scott looks pretty thin, but he's been looking quite thin for a while now so...

Slash looks as f**king cool as ever, that guy is the epitome of cool and I'm sure he'll inspire an entire new generation of guitar players with VR the same as he did as when he was in GN'R.
Anyone else notice how long his hair is getting??? It kinda sits longer and flatter too. His hair is normally all fluffy, but it looks different in this clip.
Man, listen to me, I can't believe I'm talking about Slash's hair! hehe

Overall it's a pretty cool clip. Great to see the ex-GN'R guys back again in fine form. :beer:

Title: Re:The Slither video thread - everything related to it; its premiere, opinions e
Post by: Christos AG on May 02, 2004, 12:12:46 PM
Anyone else notice how long his hair is getting??? It kinda sits longer and flatter too. His hair is normally all fluffy, but it looks different in this clip.

True words...

Loved the video. Loved the whole band...

Title: Re:The Slither video thread - everything related to it; its premiere, opinions e
Post by: SunKing278 on May 02, 2004, 12:31:15 PM
I caught the "making of" special last night, and I'm very impressed.  The song itself didn't immediately floor me the way "Set Me Free" did on first listen, but it's a good rock n'roll song that should continue to do well at radio.  It does kind of sound like STP, but with more attitude and grit.  Besides, they'll be stronger material on the album anyway.  The video is really cool, just full of rock n'roll energy.  The chick walking through the tunnel is smokin' hot, as is Slash's solo.  Speaking of Slash, he looks great, almost as if he hasn't aged a day since the GNR era.  Duff's looking better than he has in years.  This is exactly the kind of clip the band needed to make in order to get people excited about the album.  Job well done!  I'm now firmly convinced Velvet Revolver is going to be a massive hit.

Title: Re:The Slither video thread - everything related to it; its premiere, opinions e
Post by: Doc Emmett Brown on May 02, 2004, 01:08:47 PM
Slash looks as f**king cool as ever, that guy is the epitome of cool

Amen to that!

Duff looked great, and Dave Kushner was rockin out in his Black Sabbath t-shirt.

As for the silver pants, I realized something.  Scott is paying homage to Iggy Pop.  He's even doing signature Iggy moves.  But nobody can pull off tight silver pants the way Iggy can!

So I feel better about it now, anyone who likes Iggy is good in my book.  :yes:

Title: Re:The Slither video thread - everything related to it; its premiere, opinions e
Post by: DRUNK on May 02, 2004, 07:39:30 PM

Anyone else notice how long his hair is getting??? It kinda sits longer and flatter too. His hair is normally all fluffy, but it looks different in this clip.

Oh yeah.  I noticed last night that Slash has had hair entensions done.

Also, I think Slash has had some minor cosmetic procedures done because his face and skin looked much younger.

Title: Re:The Slither video thread - everything related to it; its premiere, opinions e
Post by: Slashly on May 02, 2004, 07:59:34 PM
Haven?t seen it yet......

Title: Re:The Slither video thread - everything related to it; its premiere, opinions e
Post by: Jizzo on May 02, 2004, 08:36:38 PM
Is the blue highlights in Slash's hair noticeable in the video?

Title: Re:The Slither video thread - everything related to it; its premiere, opinions e
Post by: marknroses on May 03, 2004, 02:04:39 PM
Just watched Slither the video on

Im very happy for them right now. Duff, Slash and Scott Weiland look mad tight on stage, and don't seem to have any of  the wear and tear of the drugs from past use.
Duff should be an idol to GNR fans over Axl - he's come so far to getting it together. Now he's the stuff that MTV must have been looking for a long time now - a bassist who sticks out with a great bod and sikk attitude.
Slash looks transformed from 3 years ago when had his last major relapse with drinking and drugs. He looks his age, though that's better than looking 60 like he did at one point.
Scott worked that video great. What a great choice to front this band. He will definitly redeem Slash and Duff and Matt and help them restore the GNR legacy, after it was nearly trashed by Axl.

Great concept, and it fits with the title of the song "Slither". This song definitly outdoes AUDIOSLAVES' first single "cochise" which sounded like a ridiculous ripoff of Led Zeppelin's "Whole Lotta Love". Slither is a very unique song - its not ripping of any contemporary formula, and it has some of the best of STP and GNR in it.

Im not saying its GNResque, but it definitly looks and sounds better than anything thats out there.

Can't Wait to see them @ Avalon on 5/29!!!
 :peace: :beer: :smoking: :love: :drool: : ok:
Mark N' Roses

Title: Re:The Slither video thread - everything related to it; its premiere, opinions e
Post by: Thorned Rose on May 03, 2004, 07:20:21 PM
The video is great... I love it.

I just saw it today for the first time. I also heard Slither on the radio after I requested it today... awesome!

I think everyone looks cool... especially Matt on drums.

The video is entertaining and well done.

I'm also tired of people saying it sounds like this and sounds like that... it is Velvet Revolver.

It sounds like Velvet Revolver. It is already a top 11 hit on 2 charts in the USA.

Modern Rock Chart
Mainstream Rock Chart

They are both at their #9 and #11 positions right now.

Fall To Pieces will probably hit the top 5 on those charts at least.


Title: Re:The Slither video thread - everything related to it; its premiere, opinions e
Post by: Doc Emmett Brown on May 03, 2004, 11:14:48 PM
I just noticed:  The Slither video promotion is now on's Music Features page:

It's the only non-pop/hiphop feature on there right now.

Title: Re:The Slither video thread - everything related to it; its premiere, opinions e
Post by: Mattman on May 03, 2004, 11:30:56 PM
Just saw the Velvet Revolver video, and I have to say, I love it.  The whole band looks and sounds great.  I was really impressed with Scott Weiland.  He's definitely got an Iggy Pop thing going on there.  He looks almost as skinny as me, but that's good, because a lean, scrawny physique is the best one for the moves he's using.  Those are top-notch rock god moves that Scott is busting out in that video, and shows once and for all that he was never just another Eddie Vedder ripoff, but had his own distinct style.  Also, his hair looked great.  Nice to see him rocking the longish hair.

Slash's lead guitar helped set the song apart from your more typical modern rock fare...he looked as cool as ever.  Duff looked really lean and rock 'n' roll, and I like the background shouts he does at the beginning and end.  Nice touch.  Matt and Dave both looked cool.  I was curious about Dave, since he was the member I knew least about.  But the way he tears up the rhythm guitar bangin' his head in that video, I'm convinced he's got the presence to sit alongside the rest of the band.

The concept was nothing special.  Everybody knows that the main point of this video was to showcase the performing power of Velvet Revolver, and they've done that.  They've got a charismatic rock god for a lead singer, an uber-cool lead guitar player, and their playing is very tight.  Seems like classic GN'R to me.  As in the makings of a great rock band. : ok:

Title: Re:The Slither video thread - everything related to it; its premiere, opinions e
Post by: D on May 04, 2004, 06:12:10 PM
i watched the video on

the song is growing on me i must say
scott looks like a junkie

on the sour girl stp video he is thick and buff as fuck, on this video he is so thin

the video makes no sense to me, but it was awesome watching them rock out!

Title: Re:The Slither video thread - everything related to it; its premiere, opinions e
Post by: Doc Emmett Brown on May 07, 2004, 12:17:17 PM
He's definitely got an Iggy Pop thing going on there.  He looks almost as skinny as me,

I was looking through my Iggy Pop album sleeves when it hit me that Scott is paying homage to Iggy with those silver pants and classic Iggy moves.  8)  

Seems like classic GN'R to me.

They'd have to be the most dangerous band in the world to live up to that.  

Title: Re:The Slither video thread - everything related to it; its premiere, opinions e
Post by: MR.BROWNSTONE on May 08, 2004, 10:40:09 AM
I seen the video and I think it's pretty cool. The whole band did look great in it. I know they did not try anything that has not been done before in the video it's still a good video because I don't realy seem these kinda's of videos of tv that much anymore that are new.  I have been seeing this video a lot on vh1 and mtv2. I never saw it on mtv yet. I sure it will get more play that the album will be out very soon.  :)