Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: NickNasty on April 16, 2004, 01:44:30 AM

Title: Place your own odds as to the next guitarist!
Post by: NickNasty on April 16, 2004, 01:44:30 AM
Winner gets, well, nothing!

Here are mine, with a reasoning:

Zakk Wild 300-1: Apparently not touring with Ozzy this year, has played with Axl in past. Still has BSL and has said Axl should get back with Slash.

Buckethead 200-1: Relationship with Axl is strained...never had a good relationship with Finck....seems to enjoy his solo efforts more. Has contributed significantly to recording process (we think)

Wes Borland 100-1: Would bring commercial appeal with him, would piss off too many older fans and people who hate nu-metal

Gilby Clarke:75-1: Not touring with Heart, has the least acrimony towards Axl out of any of the old band members.

Ajax Garcia: 20-1: Has had contact with Stinson, has written a totally-butt-kissing statement begging to be in band. Not well known, has yet to hear back from anyone.

Someone else: 10-1: face it, it could be anyone, or maybe no one at this point...hopefully we will know "in a few months"

Now, what are your odds?

Title: Re:Place your own odds as to the next guitarist!
Post by: Rockin' Rose on April 16, 2004, 01:58:28 AM
I'll bet 100 euros for...

Someone else: 10-1: face it, it could be anyone, or maybe no one at this point...hopefully we will know "in a few months"

Title: Re:Place your own odds as to the next guitarist!
Post by: journey on April 16, 2004, 02:17:30 AM
How about Kenny Wayne Shepherd? He's a guitar genius. And, I don't think he's touring right now. Guess we'll have to wait and see... :-\ 10-1

Title: Re:Place your own odds as to the next guitarist!
Post by: noonespecial on April 16, 2004, 07:49:04 AM
Zack's not touring with Ozzy for Ozzfest this year? Really? What's up with that? ???

Title: Re:Place your own odds as to the next guitarist!
Post by: matt88 on April 16, 2004, 07:57:50 AM
I want Tom Morello

Title: Re:Place your own odds as to the next guitarist!
Post by: RZ4 on April 16, 2004, 10:19:01 AM
I want Tom Morello

He's not available for acquisition.

Title: Re:Place your own odds as to the next guitarist!
Post by: Falcon on April 16, 2004, 10:33:10 AM
A  smart bet would be a virtual unknown (Fortus tyoe).

Title: Re:Place your own odds as to the next guitarist!
Post by: Lesty on April 16, 2004, 11:52:16 AM
Here's my (not so serious) take on it.

Tracii Guns: 500 - 1: Hey.....Probably would pay better than his Brides of Destruction gig, and would give his left nut to play with Axl again.

Slash: 100 - 1: Timing isn't right, but with their history, never say never...Odds will go down if Axl still hasn't replaced buckehead a year from now

Nuno Bettencourt: 75-1: Rumored to have been approached by someone in the GnR camp about his interest. Has momentum building for his own band out in LA, and has no interest in being a part of any supergroup kind of situation, and his personality wouldn't blend well with Axl.

George Lynch: 130 -1: Too busy taking steroids

Joe Perry 150 - 1: After Aerosmith tours Japan this July, rumor is their taking a very long break. Joe could nail all of Slash's solos too.

Jerry Cantrell: 60 -1. Currently jamming with a cover band out in LAs with John Corabi and Billy Duffy. Might not be a terrible fit as a fill-in.

Mick Mars: 250 -1: Still waiting for the Motley reunion to happen, but health issues and the fact that he's 93 years old wouldn't let this happen.

Warren DeMartini: 120 -1. Desperate for a gig with somebody. Rumored to be playing with Dio and White Lion in the past year, but never happened. Stephen Pearcy isn't interested in coming back to Ratt, so Warren needs the work.

Chris DeGarmo: 80 - 1: No clue what this cat is up to.

Reb Beech: 40 -1: Good guitarist...has been a hired gun before. Would fit the image OK.

Vernon Reid: 240 -1. Axl could shock us all by bringing in a rock guitarist who is not only black, but has a jazz-fusion influence in his sound. But he wouldn't.

Brian May: 30 -1: Good relationship with Axl. Isn't too busy these days. May agree to do some recording and/or touring as a favor to Axl.

Title: Re:Place your own odds as to the next guitarist!
Post by: Izzy on April 16, 2004, 03:21:39 PM

Someone else: 10-1: face it, it could be anyone, or maybe no one at this point...hopefully we will know "in a few months"

Wow, how can i lose?

My money is on there not being a replacement. Bhead's been out of the frame for ages...if they haven't got a replacement now they probably never will.....

Title: Re:Place your own odds as to the next guitarist!
Post by: Johnnyblood on April 16, 2004, 03:42:32 PM
I see only two realistic possibilities:

1) Buckethead returns

2) they stick with Fortus and Finck and possibly drag someone else along for touring.

This all assumes the band is still functioning at all.

Title: Re:Place your own odds as to the next guitarist!
Post by: Snakepit__ on April 17, 2004, 09:25:40 AM
 :peace:I think that Gilby Clarke gonna be guns next guitarist..
I'm also think that gilby, robin & Axl on guitar, man!

that's gonna be the best! : ok:

Title: Re:Place your own odds as to the next guitarist!
Post by: MeanBone on April 17, 2004, 10:21:27 AM
nuno bettencourt would be amazing, that way they'd definetly play in portugal :D :peace:

and nuno is an amazing guitar player

Title: Re:Place your own odds as to the next guitarist!
Post by: providman on April 17, 2004, 11:26:43 AM
nuno bettencourt would be amazing, that way they'd definetly play in portugal :D :peace:

and nuno is an amazing guitar player

And at this point, he's probably a better singer than Axl, too. However, since he already recently turned down a chance to reunite with Extreme, saying that would be a step back into the past, I really doubt he would jeopardize his integrity & sign on for Axl's freak (non)show.

Someone mentioned Chris DeGarmo, he's not touring with Queensryche anymore, he actually has a job - he's a commercial air pilot.

Title: Re:Place your own odds as to the next guitarist!
Post by: providman on April 17, 2004, 11:34:23 AM
And as for Zakk, yea, he's a crazy fucker too, but unlike Axl, he actually has his shit together, & would probably kick Axl's stupid little ass the first time Axl no-showed or showed up late for a gig.

In other words he wouldn't be able to be "controlled" by Axl, so Axl probably wouldn't want him in. I can imagine Zakk telling Axl to take that "non-disclosure" contract & shove it. :hihi:

Title: Re:Place your own odds as to the next guitarist!
Post by: AxlsMainMan on April 17, 2004, 12:18:28 PM
ill say someone else that hasnt been mentioned yet. I cant see Axl content with anyone below Buckethead's capability and talent  being a possible replacement. Time will tell though I guess.

Title: Re:Place your own odds as to the next guitarist!
Post by: Fuckin' Gunner on April 17, 2004, 07:50:29 PM
Slash: 10000-1
Very very very fuckin? hard

Brian May: 1000-1
He has said don?t wanna touring anymore, but good relationship with Axl makes iit don?t be impossible (but it?s almost...)

Steve Vai: 1000-1
OK, he would?t accept, but I?d love to see him in GN?R.

Zakk Wilde: 500-1
2 bands seems enough to him... would be amazing see him on GN?R.

Axl Rose (as base): 100-1
It?s a possibility, but would suck... imagine what a horrible show see Axl as a palm tree on the stage...

Ajax Garcia: 20-1
Seems be possible and he seems to be able (the statemant says everything!)

Buckethead: 10-1
Axl kept the door opend

An unknown guitar player: 3-1
A big possibility... as Buckethead was one day.

Title: Re:Place your own odds as to the next guitarist!
Post by: volcano62 on April 18, 2004, 12:58:58 AM
I beleive Mick Mars, Zakk, Borland and Buckethead's return will never happen, but I have hope for Gilby, Izzy(he ain't realy doing anything) and if he's any good, Ajax Garcia. :beer:

Title: Re:Place your own odds as to the next guitarist!
Post by: K-Rock on April 18, 2004, 11:15:47 AM

Aside from the current 2 best, IMO, Slash & Tom Morello here are the best of the rest:

No particular order:
Justin Hawkins- The Darkenss
Alex Grossi- Beautiful Creatures
Nick Perri- Silvertide

Although, I would not like either of those 3 to leave their respective bands because the new GN'R has shown nothing concrete.  As in why give up something you do have for something that has shown so far.....may never even happen.

Title: Re:Place your own odds as to the next guitarist!
Post by: Rebecca Duff Rose on April 18, 2004, 01:58:35 PM
wow imagine JOE PERRY!
with Axl N' Dizzy too! Great!
I lurrrrrrrrrrrve Joe Perry!

Tracii Guns would be hard to get like!

Title: Re:Place your own odds as to the next guitarist!
Post by: SINSHINE on April 19, 2004, 09:49:10 AM
I think there's a 40% chance of Buckethead returning. I say that because it seems that the record is pretty much ready to fly (hence one of the reasons why Axl tried to put a stop to the GH) and between the amount of time spent on this project, the pressure from the fans and record company, Velvet Revolver's release and the tremendous sales of GH, could there be a more perfect time to release the record????!!!!

Seems Buckethead was just tired of waiting around with Guns. Although he had his side projects, he was tired of the whole "wait for CD"/ "wait for Axl" campaign. However, if Axl, the rest of the band and the record company can convince BH that plans really are moving ahead and that BH is the last wrinkle to iron out, I think you might see a change of heart in the ol' Buckethead.

Also, didn't we all suspect Brain to follow suit? Seems he's still around. Perhaps that's a good sign of things to come with BH.

Time will tell.


Title: Re:Place your own odds as to the next guitarist!
Post by: Miz on April 19, 2004, 03:17:07 PM
Winner gets, well, nothing!

Here are mine, with a reasoning:

Zakk Wild 300-1: Apparently not touring with Ozzy this year, has played with Axl in past. Still has BSL and has said Axl should get back with Slash.
I think you'll find Zakk Wylde will be touring with Ozzy this year unless Black Sabbath headline The Ozzfest.

Seriously, I don't think any guitarist with a career or of any kind of fame will play with Axl, unless they were raised on GN'R and worship Axl, because, why would they bother to waste their time?

Out of all the people mentioned here, Wylde is the only guy who seems like he would even go near the job.

Gilby wouldn't.  Give the guy some credit, he's not that dumb.

Title: Re:Place your own odds as to the next guitarist!
Post by: kockstar99 on April 19, 2004, 10:25:34 PM
I think it will be someone we have never heard of but will be awsome... No way would he ever get some old 80's or 90's band guitar player...

Title: Re:Place your own odds as to the next guitarist!
Post by: Chunkie on April 21, 2004, 12:35:05 PM
Anyone know's if James hetfield and Kirk hammet is touring?

100-1 Buckethead

"Bucket" i think he'll return back like Finck did after his nine inch nailes tour

10-1 Slash

Dont think he'll return (he has velvet revolver)