Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: axelrod on April 15, 2004, 11:34:08 AM

Title: Axl now has a valid excuse to never release C.D.
Post by: axelrod on April 15, 2004, 11:34:08 AM
Axl can keep sitting on his hands...watching butterflies in his backyard....whatever it is he does in his monastery....never taking any action or releasing C.D....and bandmembers can keep getting fed up with Axl and quitting...and Axl can keep using these "personnel changes"....and finding the reason to keep putting the album on hold.  

Judging by the (disturbingly!) high number of people who actually blamed Bucket for the Rio cancellation...this type of excuse should keep Axl in the good graces of Here Today board members for years to come.  Nothing is ever Axl's fault to begin with....and how much more so is this true when a bandmember "quits" on poor Axl...throwing a wrench into his C.D. release machinery.

Here are some news flashes from the years to come:

2005 --  Finck quits GnR...tired of Axl not ever putting his money where his mouth is and releasing C.D.  Axl blames Finck in a press release...says that readjustments must now be made to the band and to C.D....and C.D. will be delayed again.  Consequently, "Fuck you, Finck!!" reverberates across the Here Today forum.  Forum members berate Finck as a talentless goth reject...claim his image never fit into GnR in the first place...and claim he had no loyalty to Axl and GnR...and that he only used GnR to promote his solo career.

2006 --  Tommy Stinson quits GnR....tired of Axl not ever putting his money where his mouth is and releasing C.D.  Axl blames Stinson in a press release...says that readjustments must now be made to the band and to C.D...and C.D. will be delayed, again.  Consequently, "Fuck you, Tommy" reverberates across the Here Today forum.  Forum members berate Tommy as a talentless has-been...claim that he had no loyalty to Axl or GnR...and that he used GnR to promote his solo career.

2008 --  ______ _______, Robin Finck's replacement in GnR, quits the band....tired of Axl not ever putting his money where his mouth is and releasing C.D.  Axl blames ______ _______ in a press release...says that readjustments must now be made to the band and to C.D...and C.D. will be delayed again.  In the press release...Axl says he "hopes" to announce the release date for C.D. "in a few months."  "Fuck you, _____ _______" reverberates across the Here Today forum.

2010 --

2011 --



2025 --  Axl Rose, of Guns N Roses fame...found dead at his mansion in Malibu....cause unknown...although it is alleged that Rose may have suffered heart failure as a result to get in shape for his follow-up to the aborted Guns N Roses tour of 2002.  Although he promised the album numerous times....Rose never succeeded in releasing Chinese Democracy....the long-awaited follow-up to the Use Your Illusion albums, released in the early 90s.  At Rose's request, his tombstone will be emblazoned with the following statement:

"At every turn, my hired bandmates hindered the release of Chinese Democracy.  How was I ever supposed to release this album when I had a bandmember up-and-quitting on me every several years?"

Rose's funeral will be held on Saturday, a small, private ceremony, attended mostly by family members and several old friends from the music industry.  At Rose's request...none of his former bandmates shall be allowed to attend the ceremony.

Interscope has plans to locate the master copies of the songs that were to appear on Chinese Democracy.  Axl has heavily guarded these recordings...their location is a mystery....although they are rumored to be located in a vault in Eastern Europe or Russia.  Once the songs are located....Interscope plans to release the album to the public, although "soon" isn't the word.

Fans interested in following the Chinese Democracy saga are advised to stay tuned to is promising to have announcements and developments on the story....coming soon.

Title: Re:Axl now has a valid excuse to never release C.D.
Post by: Dont Try Me on April 15, 2004, 11:40:27 AM
First of all if you readed axl's statement properly you actualy would have read that he takes part of the blame too you stupid fuck. And for the rest of your post I'm not even gonna read it.

Title: Re:Axl now has a valid excuse to never release C.D.
Post by: Captain P?l on April 15, 2004, 11:40:48 AM
did you write all that?

Title: Re:Axl now has a valid excuse to never release C.D.
Post by: younggunner on April 15, 2004, 11:40:58 AM
someone's got wayyy to much time on thier hands. ill give u some help though..see that little "x" on the top right? click it

Title: Re:Axl now has a valid excuse to never release C.D.
Post by: axelrod on April 15, 2004, 11:41:34 AM
And for the rest of your post I'm not even gonna read it.

What can I say?  I'm crushed.  

Title: Re:Axl now has a valid excuse to never release C.D.
Post by: Mutherfunker on April 15, 2004, 11:45:04 AM
What a joke, you think Axl cares about having excuses not to release the album? He'll release it when he wants excuses or no excuses.

I'm also sure that Axl has spent all this time in the studio, made a new band, toured, played some new songs, and told us about the album so he can then not release it.

Makes perfect sense like your whole post.


Title: Re:Axl now has a valid excuse to never release C.D.
Post by: Immortal-Cry on April 15, 2004, 11:47:04 AM
Axl needs no valid excuse to never release CD. I thought you've learned that over the past years.

Title: Re:Axl now has a valid excuse to never release C.D.
Post by: axelrod on April 15, 2004, 12:18:44 PM're all a pretty humorless bunch, aren't ya?  Although there is a certain comedic value in watching you get so bent out of shape over something like this....

It must take a strong resolve for you to remain so anal after so many delays and disappointments.  Relax...quit taking this band so might start actually enjoying yourselves.  Fan boards were never intended to be so belligerent and defensive.

Title: Re:Axl now has a valid excuse to never release C.D.
Post by: Crowebar on April 15, 2004, 12:52:48 PM
Nice synopsis axeldickrod. :confused: :no:

I will now do my official and sworn duty, to solemnly [puke] all over your face and also on your dumbass fantasy post.

[bow] Thank You, Come Again. [bow]

Title: Re:Axl now has a valid excuse to never release C.D.
Post by: Mikkamakka on April 15, 2004, 12:53:39 PM
It was really funny  :hihi: I remember when I said in a topic some of you bashed Slash that Axl and the Axl-my-god fans will hate and bash Buckethead and the others when they'll leave. They said it'll never happen, Buckethead won't leave GN'R, he's not an asshol like Slash. Well, it happened, and now he is an asshole for you. Same will happen with Finck and the others. :(

Wake up.

Title: Re:Axl now has a valid excuse to never release C.D.
Post by: gnrgoblue on April 15, 2004, 01:51:56 PM're all a pretty humorless bunch, aren't ya?  Although there is a certain comedic value in watching you get so bent out of shape over something like this....

It must take a strong resolve for you to remain so anal after so many delays and disappointments.  Relax...quit taking this band so might start actually enjoying yourselves.  Fan boards were never intended to be so belligerent and defensive.

Just so I can feel like I fit in, I'll start with this: Muthur fukr!@ U ond tha oter h8rs can eet shet nd die! Evry1 nos cd wil be out in tha somer!!!!! Axel sed in tha pres relees hell announs a relese dait suun!

With that out of the way, I want to say I laughed my ass off when I read your post. Sounds like "Groundhog Day" and perfectly sums up where I think this band is headed. Immortal-Cry exposed the major weakness in your forecast, though, by pointing out that Axl has regressed to a level at which he usually doesn't even bother with excuses any more.

I'm not surprised, however, to see the drooling imbeciles react with such hostility. The attitude accepted by the throng here (not to disrespect all the intelligent, articulate posters -- you know who you are -- whose high-quality posts make enduring the morons worthwhile) is a mindless, violent defensiveness of Axl Rose and everything he does. How is it possible to maintain a healthy interest in this band without having some semblance of a sense of humor?

Title: Re:Axl now has a valid excuse to never release C.D.
Post by: AxlsPiano on April 15, 2004, 02:53:17 PM
I thought it was really funny.  :peace:

Title: Re:Axl now has a valid excuse to never release C.D.
Post by: Mattgnr on April 15, 2004, 03:00:48 PM
Yeah i found it funny actually.

Title: Re:Axl now has a valid excuse to never release C.D.
Post by: Izzy on April 15, 2004, 03:03:07 PM
Well i found it funny

Title: Re:Axl now has a valid excuse to never release C.D.
Post by: McGann on April 15, 2004, 03:11:57 PM
C'mon.  I disagree with the idea behind the post, but it's funny and well put-together!  It's cool to have somebody put some effort into something to share, whether you think the viewpoint is true or not.

As far as calling the guy a dick and a stupid fuck for saying something you don't like, what is this, ;D


Title: Re:Axl now has a valid excuse to never release C.D.
Post by: Chunkie on April 15, 2004, 03:37:27 PM
Axlrod i think u have too much spare time, how long did it take to come up with all that stuff? And now for everyone else who thought this was funny... He says axl's dying.. are u laughing on his dead? man thats lame. your just like all others who thinks bad of Gn'R :(

Title: Re:Axl now has a valid excuse to never release C.D.
Post by: axelrod on April 15, 2004, 04:22:10 PM
Oh, it seems I forgot one more newsflash from the future:

2004 --  Buckethead quits GnR...tired of Axl not ever putting his money where his mouth is and releasing C.D.  Axl blames Buckethead in a press release...says that readjustments must now be made to the band and to C.D....and C.D. will be delayed, again.  

Consequently, "Fuck you, Buckethead!!" reverberates across the Here Today forum.  Forum members berate Buckethead's juvenile, weirdo persona and stage antics...claim his image never fit into GnR in the first place...claim he butchered Slash's solos and endlessly noodled away on guitar during concerts...claim he had no loyalty to Axl and GnR...and claim that he only used GnR to promote his solo career.  Buckethead, a true asshole among assholes.


So yeah, as we can all whole post was completely groundless and without any basis in reality.  It's absolutely ABSURD to insinuate that the fans here would react this way towards any band member who quit GnR.   ::)

And goddamn....Buckethead was literally THE DARLING of this forum a scant three months ago....second only in popularity to the redhaired one.  I'd hate to see what would happen to any of the other members if they were to quit GnR....would there be threads calling for a lynching....petitions to email the ex-bandmember and issue death threats?  

If anyone here is defensive over this post....its because the post reveals the superficial and hypocritical "support" that some of you have for the musicians in Axl's band.  Your whole approach to this band is (sadly and unfortunately) based on a blind, irrational allegiance to everything that Axl says or does.  

You can call that being a "true" Gnr fan....or not being a "hater"...but in reality, it only proves that you have no objectivity whatsoever when it comes to GnR...and that your GnR "fan-dom" amounts to little more than an Axl worshipping cult.  If thats what being a "true" GnR fan amounts to...then I'll gladly accept your "h8ter" label any day of the week.

I don't hate Axl....I don't want to see him fail....thats just a bullshit accusation you sling at the fans around here who can face reality when it comes to GnR.  I just want this album...and I think its time for Axl to shit or get off the pot....his backpedaling and delaying antics have become beyond ridiculous...and at this point, to mindlessly and rabidly defend his excuses and explanations seems 10x more crazy than Axl's actions themselves.

I'm glad to see that SOME of you can take a joke around here.  And for the record....I DO believe that we may actually see this album before Axl dies.  In the meantime...I'm just gonna have fun with things...because poking fun at Axl and GnR is really the ONLY pleasure and and form of release for our frustrations that is currently available to us as longsuffering GnR fans.  

Yours Truly,

Axeldickrod, The Stupid Fuck   :peace:

Title: Re:Axl now has a valid excuse to never release C.D.
Post by: nevermore on April 15, 2004, 04:30:59 PM
 axelrod.. you're one frustrated, bored guy.. exaclty the sorta posts i've been having to read (not really...) for the last last n years ... a bit to bored for a reply.. in the words of the genius JLH ,,Chill out!" .. you're so called reasons are just waste of everybody's time.. CD will be out and it will be great.. that to say the least .. if that doesn't suit u the pop hit factory is opened 24/7

Title: Re:Axl now has a valid excuse to never release C.D.
Post by: axelrod on April 15, 2004, 04:32:10 PM
Axlrod i think u have too much spare time, how long did it take to come up with all that stuff?

Oh, about 20-25 minutes or so...but since I was just having a bit of fun, I wasn't really keeping count.  But still...thats alot less time invested than some of the epic-length, reality-defying, Axl-defense-manifestos I've seen around here....a la younggunner, insupportofaxl, or davegnfnr2k.  

So you're saying its okay to use your spare time to create book-length, delusional defenses of Axl on here...but not ok to use your spare time to create a tongue-in-cheek, verbal slap-in-the-face to the fans here who live and breathe unreality?  Very "interesting" opinion you have there.  

Title: Re:Axl now has a valid excuse to never release C.D.
Post by: gnrgoblue on April 15, 2004, 04:57:34 PM
Axlrod i think u have too much spare time, how long did it take to come up with all that stuff?

Oh, about 20-25 minutes or so...but since I was just having a bit of fun, I wasn't really keeping count.  But still...thats alot less time invested than some of the epic-length, reality-defying, Axl-defense-manifestos I've seen around here....a la younggunner, insupportofaxl, or davegnfnr2k.  

So you're saying its okay to use your spare time to create book-length, delusional defenses of Axl on here...but not ok to use your spare time to create a tongue-in-cheek, verbal slap-in-the-face to the fans here who live and breathe unreality?  Very "interesting" opinion you have there.  

You?re wasting your time, my friend. You accurately pointed out in a previous post how cult-like the mob here is in its attitude toward Axl. You can?t rationalize with a member of a cult because, by definition, these poor, lost souls have accepted the leader?s version of reality and are too wrapped up in it to consider any other possibilities. Cult members always have family members and former friends (read: people who live in the real world) begging them to wake up and see how misguided they are. It doesn?t work. Don?t bother.

I say go ahead and post as you will. You?re making me and, ostensibly, a few others here have a good laugh. Just don?t expect anything you post, no matter how well-founded and well-intended it may be, to convert or even sway the faith of these slobbering dopes.

Title: Re:Axl now has a valid excuse to never release C.D.
Post by: Izzy on April 15, 2004, 05:05:01 PM

And goddamn....Buckethead was literally THE DARLING of this forum a scant three months ago....second only in popularity to the redhaired one.  I'd hate to see what would happen to any of the other members if they were to quit GnR....would there be threads calling for a lynching....petitions to email the ex-bandmember and issue death threats?  

Whether u agree with Axelrod or not he is right in this regard: People turned on Buckethead in a flash after previoulsy professing their love for him.

Title: Re:Axl now has a valid excuse to never release C.D.
Post by: jarmo on April 15, 2004, 05:11:56 PM
Oh come on. It's a fucking rock band, not some UFO cult living in a house waiting for the mothership.

Some people are more passionate about stuff like their favorite band or football team.

So what if some people support GN'R through everything? How does it affect your life? Does it bother you that much?

If people want to defend Axl, let them, it's their life. It's not like it's hurting anyone.....

In case you haven't noticed, all artists have that kind of fans.


Title: Re:Axl now has a valid excuse to never release C.D.
Post by: axelrod on April 15, 2004, 05:13:14 PM
You're saying REALITY   +    :drool:     =    :drool:  


 2x4 UPSIDE THE HEAD   +    :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:     =      :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:  ?

How disheartening!!!   :no:

Title: Re:Axl now has a valid excuse to never release C.D.
Post by: jarmo on April 15, 2004, 05:20:24 PM
No, I'm saying I don't care if people worship Axl, Slash, Izzy, Chris Pittman or whatever.


Title: Re:Axl now has a valid excuse to never release C.D.
Post by: gnrgoblue on April 15, 2004, 05:29:51 PM
Oh come on. It's a fucking rock band, not some UFO cult living in a house waiting for the mothership.

Some people are more passionate about stuff like their favorite band or football team.

So what if some people support GN'R through everything? How does it affect your life? Does it bother you that much?

If people want to defend Axl, let them, it's their life. It's not like it's hurting anyone.....

In case you haven't noticed, all artists have that kind of fans.


If this was directed my way: I am in total agreement with you. It doesn't affect my life at all. I just ignore this board's Flat-Earth Society. I was merely advising Axelrod to take the same approach. I am promoting peace and understanding.

Title: Re:Axl now has a valid excuse to never release C.D.
Post by: jarmo on April 15, 2004, 05:35:45 PM
I understand that some people might find it stupid how certain fans are so dedicated that they'll always defend their idol.

But that's just the way it is. I don't understand how pointing it out to them is going to change anything.

I think it would be really boring if everyone was the same....


Title: Re:Axl now has a valid excuse to never release C.D.
Post by: erose on April 15, 2004, 05:53:12 PM
I understand that some people might find it stupid how certain fans are so dedicated that they'll always defend their idol.

But that's just the way it is. I don't understand how pointing it out to them is going to change anything.

I think it would be really boring if everyone was the same....


if all of the gn'r fans where the same this board would be really fucking boring thats for sure, at least now i for one get alot of cool opinions, and i'm the first to admit that some of the views i read change the ones i have made up myself...

i think that the guns n roses name has almost become a joke, if it hadn't been for the "new" songs we have heard i would for sure be calling axl a fucking joke, but he's not, those songs proove that... he's just troubled i guess  :hihi:

now that bucket is gone doesn't mean i will turn on him tho, just like i haven't turned on slash, izzy or any of the others... i even listen to the guilby shit and i will keep on checking up on bucket and his new stuff and i really hopw e to see him live some time!

when it comes to borland i will share my two sents and say that i don't want him in gn'r, but what the does my two cents count for?!? nothing...


and yeah, i found that first post funny....  :P

Title: Re:Axl now has a valid excuse to never release C.D.
Post by: gnrgoblue on April 15, 2004, 05:55:52 PM
I understand that some people might find it stupid how certain fans are so dedicated that they'll always defend their idol.

But that's just the way it is. I don't understand how pointing it out to them is going to change anything.

I think it would be really boring if everyone was the same....



I don't want to be a pain in the ass, since I respect that this is your board and you can make the rules, but I want say that I wasn't pointing out the obsession to the obsesser, but rather just to Axelrod.

And, for what it's worth, what Axelrod was trying to say, I think, is that many posters on this board have stepped way, way beyond the normal boundries of fandom and into the creepy realm of obsession. You used the word "idol" in your post. I am a fan of many authors, musicians and a few sports teams (Go Blue!) but I do not idolize any of them. Idolizing is not a particularly healthy pasttime.

What makes all this relevant is that since many of the intelligent posters this board once had have moved on and we are left with a disproportionate amount of idolizing obsessers, it's become increasingly difficult to have a fair, rational, intelligent discussion about anything. You're obviously a smart guy and I don't imagine you want this board to become an endless list of incoherent threads about how wonderful Axl is and how perfect every decision he makes is.

In short, I think the future quality of this board is at stake when minority opinion holders (including Axelrod and myself) get attacked and eventually chased off by the throng of irrational worshippers who can't stand the idea of anyone disagreeing. At the very least, Axelrod was polite, and that makes it worth consideration.

This is, overall, a great community you've got here, Jarmo. It's just getting rough to have a dissenting opinion.

Title: Re:Axl now has a valid excuse to never release C.D.
Post by: Slashly on April 15, 2004, 06:05:53 PM
I can?t say it wasn?t funny but....well, nevermind

Title: Re:Axl now has a valid excuse to never release C.D.
Post by: jarmo on April 15, 2004, 06:07:37 PM
This is a GN'R board. Axl is in the band, so you're always gonna have Axl fans posting here.

If you go to a Slash forum, chances are that they're not gonna be the most objective people discussing Slash. Same goes for every artist.

If people are leaving because they're tired of discussing the band with people with a different opinion, there's not much I can do about that.


Title: Re:Axl now has a valid excuse to never release C.D.
Post by: Dont Try Me on April 15, 2004, 06:19:45 PM
The problem is that these "joke" kinda topics are getting boring...old....we've readed/ seen them million times. A joke like is funny at a certain level but not if it gets repeated over the time beeing by enough people on the board.

If you (axlrod) want fans to react properly you should make a topic which is more seriously and objective. That way the fans respond more objectively. And you can't see if someone says "you stupid fuck" like I did, if someone is capable of discussing subjects in a proper, civil manner.

If you make a topic that is intelligent, interesting, from a new point of view, people will react in the same category. Don't expect otherwise. We all see the things that went wrong. We've heard you (axlrod), but if it gets milked over and over well...go figure.

Title: Re:Axl now has a valid excuse to never release C.D.
Post by: Skunk on April 15, 2004, 06:45:43 PM
"a valid excuse"??

i love the way people insist that Axl cares or is worried about the few fans watching the development of new GNR. most people ofcourse aren't thinking about it at all. only some of us are (not nearly enough to effect the kind of sales he must have in mind).
the people he cares about how they think of him, those are the people currently ignoring him, and he knows that. he's worried only about when he DOES release it, and then is finally judged by the masses (masses = massive sales).

Title: Re:Axl now has a valid excuse to never release C.D.
Post by: K-Rock on April 15, 2004, 07:47:27 PM
This axelrod clown reminds me of that homophobe Danny.

I for one am feeling all fuzzy inside that this dork who spent ALOT of time and energy on this WONDERFUL thread.........has deleted himself.

Yes, Axl likes to blame everybody else for his troubles.....but no need to get so worked up  :rant: about it...........geez  ::)

Title: Re:Axl now has a valid excuse to never release C.D.
Post by: badapple81 on April 15, 2004, 08:03:05 PM
No, I'm saying I don't care if people worship Axl, Slash, Izzy, Chris Pittman or whatever.


Jarmo thank you! Now I can come out of the closet! It's okay to worship Chris Pittman!  ;D

It's right in saying that while many lost interest or decided Axl is a dick and dont bother to keep up with GNR anymore, Axl has a group of loyal fans here (like myself) who support Axl through whatever - people have to expect that. To come on and just bag people out (and yes bag out the contradictions) for defending Axl all the time is just beating a Dead Horse cos we wont change.

For the record, I bagged out Bucket after he left, but I never said I liked him in the first place, I just accepted that he was in the band and there was no point in bagging because it wont change anything, so I just got over it and enjoyed the new GNR for what it was.

Finally, whether Axl has an excuse or not, we all know, and he has been quoted, that he doesnt think that the fans or anyone owns him or that he owes anyone. He will do things as he wants. That is Axl, or what I think is Axl.

Title: Re:Axl now has a valid excuse to never release C.D.
Post by: echrisl on April 15, 2004, 08:40:38 PM
I liked it ... good for a laugh anyways ... it's been too slow around here for the last week or two.

Title: Re:Axl now has a valid excuse to never release C.D.
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on April 15, 2004, 10:11:16 PM
I must say that I did get a good chuckle out of this post.  :hihi:
  I loved the copies of Chinese Democracy being buried off in eastern Europe or Russia...funny stuff.  
  Everybody lighten up.  Seriously, with Axl, there's always that 1% chance of ANYTHING happening.  

Title: Re:Axl now has a valid excuse to never release C.D.
Post by: Mattman on April 15, 2004, 10:47:05 PM
I always enjoy the funny stuff that comes into this message shows a creativity and a willingness to stop worrying and have fun while waiting for CD to come out.  It's like playing a game in the car during a long road trip - a diversion to help pass the time.

Title: Re:Axl now has a valid excuse to never release C.D.
Post by: echrisl on April 16, 2004, 01:02:16 AM
It's like playing a game in the car during a long road trip - a diversion to help pass the time.

*taps on shoulder*  Are we there yet?   :hihi:

Title: Re:Axl now has a valid excuse to never release C.D.
Post by: noonespecial on April 16, 2004, 07:46:50 AM
Well I like Jarmo's stance on all this...personally I think it would be pretty boring around here if everyone was realistic about Axl, his choices, and the consequences of those choices...I'm actually hopeful he'll read one of those posts and realizes how blessed he really is... ;D
Your always going to have fanatics (regardless of what band you're talking about) so just deal....

I actually printed out the press release...can someone tell me, where in this press release does he take any responsibility ??? it this line:

..."I MAY have done Guns a disservice and unintentionally allowed Guns to be put in this position..."

That's the only line in the whole thing that I could find that comes close (keyword is CLOSE) to acknowledging any kind of accountability...and not a very certain one at that...but hey it's a start ;D

Happy Friday!  :hihi:

Title: Re:Axl now has a valid excuse to never release C.D.
Post by: matt88 on April 16, 2004, 07:51:36 AM
What the fuck r u smoking boy ::)

Title: Re:Axl now has a valid excuse to never release C.D.
Post by: AxlsMainMan on April 16, 2004, 10:32:49 PM
It's like playing a game in the car during a long road trip - a diversion to help pass the time.

*taps on shoulder*  Are we there yet?   :hihi:

If that was true im quite sure the car would have brokendown or drove of into a ditch by now :no:

Title: Re:Axl now has a valid excuse to never release C.D.
Post by: Hung Well on April 19, 2004, 12:36:48 AM
I understand that some people might find it stupid how certain fans are so dedicated that they'll always defend their idol.

But that's just the way it is. I don't understand how pointing it out to them is going to change anything.

I think it would be really boring if everyone was the same....



I don't want to be a pain in the ass, since I respect that this is your board and you can make the rules, but I want say that I wasn't pointing out the obsession to the obsesser, but rather just to Axelrod.

And, for what it's worth, what Axelrod was trying to say, I think, is that many posters on this board have stepped way, way beyond the normal boundries of fandom and into the creepy realm of obsession. You used the word "idol" in your post. I am a fan of many authors, musicians and a few sports teams (Go Blue!) but I do not idolize any of them. Idolizing is not a particularly healthy pasttime.

What makes all this relevant is that since many of the intelligent posters this board once had have moved on and we are left with a disproportionate amount of idolizing obsessers, it's become increasingly difficult to have a fair, rational, intelligent discussion about anything. You're obviously a smart guy and I don't imagine you want this board to become an endless list of incoherent threads about how wonderful Axl is and how perfect every decision he makes is.

In short, I think the future quality of this board is at stake when minority opinion holders (including Axelrod and myself) get attacked and eventually chased off by the throng of irrational worshippers who can't stand the idea of anyone disagreeing. At the very least, Axelrod was polite, and that makes it worth consideration.

This is, overall, a great community you've got here, Jarmo. It's just getting rough to have a dissenting opinion.

So true...

If people are leaving because they're tired of discussing the band with people with a different opinion, there's not much I can do about that.

That's a nice way to put it...

A more accurate way to put it would be... people are leaving due to the hordes of Axl worshippers that are allowed to run rampant on this site attacking anything and everything that has any sort of criticism for their idol.

But, whatever...

Title: Re:Axl now has a valid excuse to never release C.D.
Post by: Pviljoen on April 19, 2004, 12:51:29 AM
Axl can keep sitting on his hands...watching butterflies in his backyard....whatever it is he does in his monastery....never taking any action or releasing C.D....and bandmembers can keep getting fed up with Axl and quitting...and Axl can keep using these "personnel changes"....and finding the reason to keep putting the album on hold.  

Judging by the (disturbingly!) high number of people who actually blamed Bucket for the Rio cancellation...this type of excuse should keep Axl in the good graces of Here Today board members for years to come.  Nothing is ever Axl's fault to begin with....and how much more so is this true when a bandmember "quits" on poor Axl...throwing a wrench into his C.D. release machinery.

Here are some news flashes from the years to come:

2005 --  Finck quits GnR...tired of Axl not ever putting his money where his mouth is and releasing C.D.  Axl blames Finck in a press release...says that readjustments must now be made to the band and to C.D....and C.D. will be delayed again.  Consequently, "Fuck you, Finck!!" reverberates across the Here Today forum.  Forum members berate Finck as a talentless goth reject...claim his image never fit into GnR in the first place...and claim he had no loyalty to Axl and GnR...and that he only used GnR to promote his solo career.

2006 --  Tommy Stinson quits GnR....tired of Axl not ever putting his money where his mouth is and releasing C.D.  Axl blames Stinson in a press release...says that readjustments must now be made to the band and to C.D...and C.D. will be delayed, again.  Consequently, "Fuck you, Tommy" reverberates across the Here Today forum.  Forum members berate Tommy as a talentless has-been...claim that he had no loyalty to Axl or GnR...and that he used GnR to promote his solo career.

2008 --  ______ _______, Robin Finck's replacement in GnR, quits the band....tired of Axl not ever putting his money where his mouth is and releasing C.D.  Axl blames ______ _______ in a press release...says that readjustments must now be made to the band and to C.D...and C.D. will be delayed again.  In the press release...Axl says he "hopes" to announce the release date for C.D. "in a few months."  "Fuck you, _____ _______" reverberates across the Here Today forum.

2010 --

2011 --



2025 --  Axl Rose, of Guns N Roses fame...found dead at his mansion in Malibu....cause unknown...although it is alleged that Rose may have suffered heart failure as a result to get in shape for his follow-up to the aborted Guns N Roses tour of 2002.  Although he promised the album numerous times....Rose never succeeded in releasing Chinese Democracy....the long-awaited follow-up to the Use Your Illusion albums, released in the early 90s.  At Rose's request, his tombstone will be emblazoned with the following statement:

"At every turn, my hired bandmates hindered the release of Chinese Democracy.  How was I ever supposed to release this album when I had a bandmember up-and-quitting on me every several years?"

Rose's funeral will be held on Saturday, a small, private ceremony, attended mostly by family members and several old friends from the music industry.  At Rose's request...none of his former bandmates shall be allowed to attend the ceremony.

Interscope has plans to locate the master copies of the songs that were to appear on Chinese Democracy.  Axl has heavily guarded these recordings...their location is a mystery....although they are rumored to be located in a vault in Eastern Europe or Russia.  Once the songs are located....Interscope plans to release the album to the public, although "soon" isn't the word.

Fans interested in following the Chinese Democracy saga are advised to stay tuned to is promising to have announcements and developments on the story....coming soon.

I hope axl finds you and just pops you one in the face. That is the gayest thing I have ever read, you melodramatic piece of shit.

Title: Re:Axl now has a valid excuse to never release C.D.
Post by: ClintroN on April 19, 2004, 01:26:02 AM
axelrod is a wanker
who has to much caffeine :o

Title: Re:Axl now has a valid excuse to never release C.D.
Post by: Stevenson on April 20, 2004, 07:50:09 PM
I know im probably gonna get attacked here being considered a "Newbie" n' all, but jesus christ, some people on this forum need to REALLY chill out.   Remember the good things in life, like sex, microwaved T.V. meals and those little tomatoe sause packets you get a McDonalds.  Chill  :)

Title: Re:Axl now has a valid excuse to never release C.D.
Post by: diza on April 21, 2004, 04:03:36 AM
I hope Axl never read this.
I understand if he get angry. I would.
I would be crazy when people talk about me and think all kind of things about me all the time.
Ask him

Title: Re:Axl now has a valid excuse to never release C.D.
Post by: Mattgnr on April 21, 2004, 04:33:19 AM
It's just a joke.

It has given many of you an excuse to spend time reading it!