Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: speed_stone on April 01, 2004, 08:07:24 PM

Title: where are the haters?
Post by: speed_stone on April 01, 2004, 08:07:24 PM
did you notice, the haters and constantly negative people on this forum are mysteriously missing now that we actually have heard from two of the bnad members in the past few days. guess this is not what they hoped for. just wanted to mention that.

Title: Re:where are the haters?
Post by: HoldenCaulfield on April 01, 2004, 08:18:17 PM
Exactly. People love to bash Axl and the band, but when someone comes out of the camp and says something, they back to digging in his ass...

Title: Re:where are the haters?
Post by: bill213 on April 01, 2004, 08:28:25 PM
Uhm by hater do you mean this?  Just because Axl Rose wrote a letter doesn't mean we know shit still because he didn't go into any detail about anything other than Buckethead.  Shit ain't going down for some time so I suggest you go back to the drawing board.

Title: Re:where are the haters?
Post by: Booker Floyd on April 01, 2004, 08:29:27 PM
did you notice, the haters and constantly negative people on this forum are mysteriously missing now that we actually have heard from two of the bnad members in the past few days


No?  Ive seen as much criticism in the wake of the press release as ever.  

guess this is not what they hoped for.

Yes and no.  Yes, Ive wanted a statement..and I got one.  I appreciate that.  However, like a movie with a disappointing ending, I found very little to be answered.  Shows cancelled, no real reason why (i.e. no reason given that they cant perform without Buckethead), no release date, no word about Philly, more blaming...etc.

The common misconception that the more overzealous Axl fans have about the so-called "haters" (who in most cases are simply fans who are critical of Axls bullshit) is that they dont want to see Axl fail.  They want to see him succeed and put out the damn album already.  But theyre so used to seeing him fail that they no longer have any illusions about denial.  

Title: Re:where are the haters?
Post by: Mr_Brownstone16 on April 01, 2004, 08:43:18 PM
I am probably considered a hater.............but i want the new album to be better than ever. Gn'r has been my favorite band for 13 years since i was 9. They inspired me to get into playing guitar, then into recording music, then into selling pro audio stuff. I'm just tired of all the bullshit.........If there never is a new album, then fine. But don't go off continuing to cancel tours and keep saying the album is gonna come out.  I will listen to whatever has come out till  I die, I'm just tired of the bullshit. Plus 60% of the people on here are Axl nutswingers, and used to be buckethead nutswingers till he jetted. I like everybody, Axl, Slash, Bucket, whatever........ I don't care I just want kick ass music. No frooty press conferences blaming Buckethead for the album never coming out, or blaming Slash. Just fucking release the album or go away.

Title: Re:where are the haters?
Post by: Doc Emmett Brown on April 01, 2004, 08:55:52 PM
Uhm by hater do you mean this?  Just because Axl Rose wrote a letter doesn't mean we know shit still because he didn't go into any detail about anything other than Buckethead.  Shit ain't going down for some time so I suggest you go back to the drawing board.

Nice rack, bill213...but those arent real  :hihi:

yeah, you're right, they do need to go back to the drawing board and realize that this forum is more than just the gnr section.  The VR section, and The Jungle are great places to hang out and chat with other gnr fans...

Title: Re:where are the haters?
Post by: Dizzy on April 01, 2004, 09:25:59 PM
No?  Ive seen as much criticism in the wake of the press release as ever.  

So have I, so I don't know what this guy is talking about.  There is even a thread dedicated to the funniest quote in Axl's ridiculously hilarious press statement about how Buckethead is the one who is erratic, unreliable, and transient.  Coming from Axl, that statement makes me laugh every time I think about it.  

Title: Re:where are the haters?
Post by: estranged.1098 on April 01, 2004, 09:30:50 PM
Shows cancelled, no real reason why (i.e. no reason given that they cant perform without Buckethead)

He gave the reason why the one show was cancelled in the first line of his letter.

no release date,

Did you read the full letter? Last paragraph: "Regardless we hope to announce a release date within the next few months." Sure, I know most bands would immediately announce the release of a new album together with the announcement of the departure of a lead guitar player, but that GN'R seems to do everything the wrong way, right ?

no word about Philly,

You heard it from Dizzy already, quite complaining.

more blaming...etc.

What "more blaming"? Has Axl been blaming things on other people for the last year or so? Or were you complaining that he wasn't saying anything in that period of time?

Besides, it's clear that he blames himself and BH for what happenned. I don't know a person who could justify a show cancellation without blaming someone, specially when they're telling their side of things.  

Did you expect Axl to say "BH left because I wouldn't tour, even though we were starting a tour in two months." No, you get that from BH's hand puppet. Axl tells things as he sees them.

The common misconception that the more overzealous Axl fans have about the so-called "haters" (who in most cases are simply fans who are critical of Axls bullshit) is that they dont want to see Axl fail.  They want to see him succeed and put out the damn album already.  But theyre so used to seeing him fail that they no longer have any illusions about denial.  

If only every band had "fans" like you...

Title: Re:where are the haters?
Post by: Doc Emmett Brown on April 01, 2004, 09:33:07 PM
Axl's ridiculously hilarious press statement about how Buckethead is the one who is erratic, unreliable, and transient.  Coming from Axl, that statement makes me laugh every time I think about it.  

I Lmao'd about the 'transient' part - it actually made me want to defend a guy with a chicken bucket on his head.

At least Robin's msg was positive without being negative.

p.s. I shoulda guessed you werent into Christian rock - my bad   ;D

Title: Re:where are the haters?
Post by: estranged.1098 on April 01, 2004, 09:34:03 PM
No?  Ive seen as much criticism in the wake of the press release as ever.  

So have I, so I don't know what this guy is talking about.  There is even a thread dedicated to the funniest quote in Axl's ridiculously hilarious press statement about how Buckethead is the one who is erratic, unreliable, and transient.  Coming from Axl, that statement makes me laugh every time I think about it.  

Some people commented on the "Nice guy!" quote. I'm sure you couldn't laugh about that because then you wouldn't be a very good "hater"  :hihi:

Title: Re:where are the haters?
Post by: Reinaldo on April 01, 2004, 10:22:23 PM
did you notice, the haters and constantly negative people on this forum are mysteriously missing now that we actually have heard from two of the bnad members in the past few days. guess this is not what they hoped for. just wanted to mention that.

Yeap... when the BH thing started, those who always wanted him to get out suddenly shut up. And after those official words from Axl and Robin, they went on vacation.
Curious, isn?t it?

Title: Re:where are the haters?
Post by: speed_stone on April 01, 2004, 10:42:33 PM
yes it is.

Title: Re:where are the haters?
Post by: matt88 on April 01, 2004, 11:11:32 PM
You could put me in the haters category and i'm still around :hihi:

Title: Re:where are the haters?
Post by: K-Rock on April 01, 2004, 11:47:43 PM
I'm no hater, in fact I always defended Axl..........but enough is enough and the excuses just keep coming.

Although the message from Robin was reassuring that they intend on moving forward.

I'm sure Stinson, Fortus & Reed are still on board.  Hopefully Brain stays.

Just cuz somebody doesn't eat up every word Axl says, doesn't make that person a hater........doubter maybe.

Title: Re:where are the haters?
Post by: echrisl on April 02, 2004, 12:33:03 AM
Miss me?  I'm still here, and making my viewpoint known.

Just because you solicited the views of a "hater" then I'll let you know:

Axl gave a bullshit letter full of his bullshit excuses.  He didn't take an opportunity to even address Philly, which is juvenile of him, but he probably couldn't figure out who he could place the blame on.  Even now I'm sure he's working on another draft of that letter:

"Dear Fans,

I deeply regret having to cancel the show in 2002 at Philly.  

You see, I was on my way to the concert when I realized that I hadn't had my personal assistant make my my peanut butter crackers yet.  I can't go on stage without my peanut butter crackers, if I do I am unable to focus, because my blood peanut butter level will have dropped below .05 %.  I also cannot make peanut butter crackers for myself, the risk of damaqe to my delicate hands it too great, and I wouldn't be able to hold the mike while dancing around.  

I didn't want to risk possible hand damage, as that wouldn't be fair to you, the fan.  I tried to locate someone who could make me a peanut butter cracker, but the taxi driver wasn't willing to make me any peanut butter crackers, and I realized there was simply no way I could go on without those crackers, so I decided to go to Dennys.  Surely they would make me some peanut butter crackers.  

Sadly, once I arrived at Dennys I had to wait 30 minutes for a table.  Once I was seated I ordered my drink and waited for the waitress to return.  She was gone quite a while (Dennys was extremely busy).  I was unable to locate peanut butter crackers on the menu, but I was sure that I could get some.  THEN, the waitress had the audacity to tell me that the chef would not make me peanut butter crackers.  

I'm Axl mother-fucking Rose!  When I tell you I want peanut butter crackers I get some god damn peanut butter crackers.  I  told that waitress that I was going to dedicate Double Talkin' Jive to her tonight and then I walked out to find some peanut butter crackers.  

Long story short, I was unable to locate any establishment that would serve me my peanut butter crackers.  I searched and searched, but no one would make me any peanut butter crackers.  I finally realized that I had already missed the concert.  I was devastated.  Had I only known how these immature people would impeed my efforts to give a quality concert I would have made sure that my personal assistant didn't forget my peanut butter crackers.  So, as you can see, my assistant and these resteraunt workers were to blame for the cancellation, with their immature attitudes and constant attempts to undermine what kind of band I had built out of Guns N' Roses.


W. Axl Rose"

Then Axl decides that won't work, and adds it to the reject pile, and begins letter 887656 to explain the Philly cancelation.

But at least he took time out of his valuable schedule of Philly letter explaination writing to write you a letter blaming Buckethead for the RIR cancellation, and I certainly can't find anything to complain about with that, can I?

Title: Re:where are the haters?
Post by: D on April 02, 2004, 12:51:25 AM
echrisl that was fuckin hilarious!!!!!!!!

im an axl nuttswinger but i gotta give credit where credit is due that was fuckin priceless shit there!

Title: Re:where are the haters?
Post by: Siliconmessiah on April 02, 2004, 12:56:15 AM
You wanna know where the haters are?

Well, I know HORDES of people that has disappeared from the "gnr-fan-scene", and completely lost interest, and won?t EVER buy something signed with Guns n Roses. Ever that is...
And that?s the new bands fault, completely, sadly.

But I?m still hanging in there though... ;D


Title: Re:where are the haters?
Post by: noonespecial on April 02, 2004, 05:51:54 AM
Good One Echrisl
The Buckethead fans have gone to the amusement park...Buckethead has returned home and we are gearing up for the solo tour with Paticle next month...imagine that, a show that will actually HAPPEN! ;D
I agree with whoever said we are not "haters" (such a strong word) and we would love to see Axl actually "get his shit together" -- but I'm too damn old to be defending a 42 year old adult, as if he were a 6 year old child who has not developed any sort of cognitive reasoning amazes me that no one sees that the energy that Axl has put out has come back to him...not bashing here...just attract what you put out, and that 3 paragraph tirade on how "erratic" Buckethead is, was
a. pretty damn funny coming from him
b. pretty damn low energy.

Good Luck Axl...there's always an opportunity to learn... : ok:

Title: Re:where are the haters?
Post by: badapple81 on April 02, 2004, 06:00:44 AM
Axl's ridiculously hilarious press statement about how Buckethead is the one who is erratic, unreliable, and transient.  Coming from Axl, that statement makes me laugh every time I think about it.  

I Lmao'd about the 'transient' part - it actually made me want to defend a guy with a chicken bucket on his head.

At least Robin's msg was positive without being negative.

p.s. I shoulda guessed you werent into Christian rock - my bad   ;D

Maybe.. coming from Axl.. that goes to show exactly how bad Bucket was.. ?

Title: Re:where are the haters?
Post by: BottleOfPills on April 02, 2004, 06:41:13 AM


I'm just not a sheep and can call a spade a spade.

We've heard from "THE" band member - blaming everyone but himself.

And another bandmember toeing the party line.

Is there a new album?  Is there an Official Release Date?  Is there an upcoming concert?  We are no better off than we were Monday.  Other than we have a "press release" and a post on an website and one less concert to look forward to.


Title: Re:where are the haters?
Post by: kockstar99 on April 02, 2004, 07:52:36 AM
Who fucking gives a shit about the Philly concert anymore... it was over a year ago.. get over it people..  if he hasn't written you a letter explaining it then he prob will not... show was cancelled... end of story...

Title: Re:where are the haters?
Post by: Rupean on April 02, 2004, 08:52:20 AM
I'm so happy, reading Axl blamming Bucket and Finck saying nothing but that he's sorry made my day   :beer:
Now that we got it all figured out we can easely wait more 4 or 5 years without hearing nothing from them, these time wasted statements are all we could wish for  :beer:

I was so glad hearing Axl blamming Bucket. I had a slight deja vu, for a moment it seemed like we were back when Axl blammed Izzy, Slash, Duff, Matt, Doug,...  :hihi: All Axl does is blame others. Poor guy, he's got such a bad luck with the friends he choses, it's always their fault, poor Axl  :no:

Title: Re:where are the haters?
Post by: TyRod Tulip on April 02, 2004, 10:48:07 AM
'Hater' is way too strong of a term to use.  All of us that have doubted Axl, love what he and the old members provided us in the late 80's/early 90's.  Keep in mind that is the reason that we are here.  Like someone else said, the term 'doubter' would be more appropriate.

I have very strong doubts that GNR is close to releasing the album.  Axl said in his apology letter (a letter by the way that was obviously massaged by his management people and cannot be totally credited to Axl himself), that they hope to announce a release date within the next few (meaning 3) months.  I would wagger with anyone on this board that by June 30, 2005 (a little over 3 months from the date of his latter) that we don't have a release date.  This doesn't mean that I 'hate' Axl or GNR.  It just means that I doubt Axl's ability to deliver.  Anyone with the ability to reason would doubt him.

Make no mistake about it. I am a huge GNR fan.  I want them to succeed in the worst way.  I would be able to shutup all my close friends that think that Axl/GNR are a joke.  I'd love that.  But over the years I have become jaded about this whole thing.  I am not a huge fan of the current band (granted I like it alot better today than I did 2 weeks ago when BH was still in it), and I just have a feeling that Axl misses Izzy in the worst way in terms of the song structuring and lyrics writing.  I like the members of VR, as a group, much better than the members of GNR.  But ultimately it is the expectation that Axl could potentially deliver an epic masterpiece that keeps us coming back.

I think the album will eventually surface.  No one invests $13 million into a product for nothing.  It will be released.  I am just upset that it hasn't been released before now.

BTW, the original post is completely idiotic.  How do you post n "I-told-you-so" message when we are no better off now than we were 3 weeks ago.  Smarten up dude.


Title: Re:where are the haters?
Post by: SLCPUNK on April 02, 2004, 12:19:59 PM
'Hater' is way too strong of a term to use.  All of us that have doubted Axl, love what he and the old members provided us in the late 80's/early 90's.  Keep in mind that is the reason that we are here.  Like someone else said, the term 'doubter' would be more appropriate.

I have very strong doubts that GNR is close to releasing the album.  Axl said in his apology letter (a letter by the way that was obviously massaged by his management people and cannot be totally credited to Axl himself), that they hope to announce a release date within the next few (meaning 3) months.  I would wagger with anyone on this board that by June 30, 2005 (a little over 3 months from the date of his latter) that we don't have a release date.  This doesn't mean that I 'hate' Axl or GNR.  It just means that I doubt Axl's ability to deliver.  Anyone with the ability to reason would doubt him.

Make no mistake about it. I am a huge GNR fan.  I want them to succeed in the worst way.  I would be able to shutup all my close friends that think that Axl/GNR are a joke.  I'd love that.  But over the years I have become jaded about this whole thing.  I am not a huge fan of the current band (granted I like it alot better today than I did 2 weeks ago when BH was still in it), and I just have a feeling that Axl misses Izzy in the worst way in terms of the song structuring and lyrics writing.  I like the members of VR, as a group, much better than the members of GNR.  But ultimately it is the expectation that Axl could potentially deliver an epic masterpiece that keeps us coming back.

I think the album will eventually surface.  No one invests $13 million into a product for nothing.  It will be released.  I am just upset that it hasn't been released before now.

BTW, the original post is completely idiotic.  How do you post n "I-told-you-so" message when we are no better off now than we were 3 weeks ago.  Smarten up dude.


Great post.

Title: Re:where are the haters?
Post by: In a coma on April 02, 2004, 01:16:43 PM
Why would you have the line about Kurt Cobain at the bottom of your post?

Title: Re:where are the haters?
Post by: Dizzy on April 02, 2004, 04:54:17 PM
I would wagger with anyone on this board that by June 30, 2005 (a little over 3 months from the date of his latter)

You mean 2004, right?   ;)  But you could wager that by the date you cited we won't have a release date.   :P

Title: Re:where are the haters?
Post by: TyRod Tulip on April 02, 2004, 05:20:23 PM
I would wagger with anyone on this board that by June 30, 2005 (a little over 3 months from the date of his latter)

You mean 2004, right?   ;)  But you could wager that by the date you cited we won't have a release date.   :P

Hahahaha...yea sorry.  I did mean 2004, but i'll stick to my typo and take any one that wants to wager on June 30, 2005 as well.  :-p

Problem with wagering online is that nobody pays up.  I had a $20 bet with a posted by the name of vvv that the album would not be out before 01/01/04.  That post split without paying and hasn't been heard from since.  Funny thing is that person was so fucking self righteous about the war (a fucking liberal) and when it came time to pay up, he/she split. Hahaha.  No way a conservative would do that.   :P


Title: Re:where are the haters?
Post by: younggunner on April 02, 2004, 05:29:43 PM
Shows cancelled, no real reason why (i.e. no reason given that they cant perform without Buckethead), no release date, no word about Philly, more blaming...etc.
Actually he says why they cant perform at rio. Just because you think 3 guitarists arent necessary for this band doesnt mean the band thinks the same thing. If slash quit back in the day, why would the old lineup play a single rio date without their pivotal guitarist? They wouldnt.
Where does he blame anyone in that press release. He blames himself if anything. All he said was that due to buckets departure the band cant perform at rio. He described the releationship of buckethead to the band over the past year or so. He also said that it was his fault for given bucket too much freedom. Where does he blame anyone?
And who cares about philly. Its over. That tour is over.

The common misconception that the more overzealous Axl fans have about the so-called "haters" (who in most cases are simply fans who are critical of Axls bullshit) is that they dont want to see Axl fail.  They want to see him succeed and put out the damn album already.  But theyre so used to seeing him fail that they no longer have any illusions about denial.  
Are you kidding? Aside from the failed tour where has Axl failed? Where is the comeback album taht the band has been working on been released and it was rejected by the music world? Where is it I would liek to hear it?

Working on the album for 5 years, for me atleast, is not failure. This goes back to our argument on the other thread.
Axl and gnr will have failed{in my eyes} when they release their material and it fails. That is failure. GNR is a musical band. Hence they will be judged on their music.

Just because you have a problem with GNRs timetable on making and releasing an album doesnt mean its failure. Thats impatience and not being able to understand the situation.

That is the problem I have with people like you. You all are frustrated that the album isnt out yet. Your all upset that there has been no communication. Your all upset because its a new band.
Many of you jump on this band whenevr you can. And thats fine. They have done some stupid things. But what have they failed.
They have failed to communicate
They have failed to complete a tour that would have nothing to do with the success or failur of the new material and the new band
Thats it.

The day they release the new material is when they will have a chance to either succeede or fail. We are here because of the music. And they havnt failed or suceeded in that department yet.

Just because I understand the plans of the band and the whole gnr situation since the band breakup doesnt mean im an axl loyalist. Im a fan.

Who cares if he doesnt show up to concerts. WHo cares. WHo the fuck cares if this band doesnt do things properly.ITS ROCK N ROLL PEOPLE. show me the rule book. there is none. All i care about is the music. All that other stuff comes with the territory with gnr. I choose to remain a fan. If i couldnt handle axls "offensive" behavior i wouldnt be here. I wouldnt spend my time analyzing and criticizing his goals and plans and the people who are able to deal with what comes with supporting this band.

If I ddint agree with how gnr goes about their business i wouldnt be on a message board calling people axl loyalists. They are people who understand the situation. You arent one of them.

Title: Re:where are the haters?
Post by: Dizzy on April 02, 2004, 05:33:02 PM
I had a $20 bet with a poster by the name of vvv that the album would not be out before 01/01/04.  That poster split without paying and hasn't been heard from since.  Funny thing is that person was so fucking self righteous about the war (a fucking liberal)

Oh yeah, I had heated debates with vvv on the war issue.  He also defended the idiotic protesters and said the police should've just let hundreds of them lie in the middle of bridges and impede the traffic flow and everybody's daily lives.   ::)

Title: Re:where are the haters?
Post by: providman on April 02, 2004, 05:36:31 PM
Shows cancelled, no real reason why (i.e. no reason given that they cant perform without Buckethead), no release date, no word about Philly, more blaming...etc.
Actually he says why they cant perform at rio. Just because you think 3 guitarists arent necessary for this band doesnt mean the band thinks the same thing. If slash quit back in the day, why would the old lineup play a single rio date without their pivotal guitarist? They wouldnt.
Where does he blame anyone in that press release. He blames himself if anything. All he said was that due to buckets departure the band cant perform at rio. He described the releationship of buckethead to the band over the past year or so. He also said that it was his fault for given bucket too much freedom. Where does he blame anyone?
And who cares about philly. Its over. That tour is over.

The common misconception that the more overzealous Axl fans have about the so-called "haters" (who in most cases are simply fans who are critical of Axls bullshit) is that they dont want to see Axl fail.  They want to see him succeed and put out the damn album already.  But theyre so used to seeing him fail that they no longer have any illusions about denial.  
Are you kidding? Aside from the failed tour where has Axl failed? Where is the comeback album taht the band has been working on been released and it was rejected by the music world? Where is it I would liek to hear it?

Working on the album for 5 years, for me atleast, is not failure. This goes back to our argument on the other thread.
Axl and gnr will have failed{in my eyes} when they release their material and it fails. That is failure. GNR is a musical band. Hence they will be judged on their music.

Just because you have a problem with GNRs timetable on making and releasing an album doesnt mean its failure. Thats impatience and not being able to understand the situation.

That is the problem I have with people like you. You all are frustrated that the album isnt out yet. Your all upset that there has been no communication. Your all upset because its a new band.
Many of you jump on this band whenevr you can. And thats fine. They have done some stupid things. But what have they failed.
They have failed to communicate
They have failed to complete a tour that would have nothing to do with the success or failur of the new material and the new band
Thats it.

The day they release the new material is when they will have a chance to either succeede or fail. We are here because of the music. And they havnt failed or suceeded in that department yet.

Just because I understand the plans of the band and the whole gnr situation since the band breakup doesnt mean im an axl loyalist. Im a fan.

Who cares if he doesnt show up to concerts. WHo cares. WHo the fuck cares if this band doesnt do things properly.ITS ROCK N ROLL PEOPLE. show me the rule book. there is none. All i care about is the music. All that other stuff comes with the territory with gnr. I choose to remain a fan. If i couldnt handle axls "offensive" behavior i wouldnt be here. I wouldnt spend my time analyzing and criticizing his goals and plans and the people who are able to deal with what comes with supporting this band.

If I ddint agree with how gnr goes about their business i wouldnt be on a message board calling people axl loyalists. They are people who understand the situation. You arent one of them.

So many words, so little sense.

Two words to describe Axl & Fincks "statements".


Nothing more, nothing else.

Title: Re:where are the haters?
Post by: Dizzy on April 02, 2004, 05:40:30 PM
Where does he blame anyone in that press release. .

The way Axl vented steam at Buckethead can easily and rightfully be construed as "blaming" him.

Calling him erratic and transient and unreliable, stating that Buckethead's ways made it difficult to tour and record are more than subtle insinuations that he is to blame.

Axl saying that he gave Buckethead "too much freedom" is not accepting any blame.  It's a backhanded way of blaming Buckethead.  It's kind of like saying to your ex wife, "it's not your fault we divorced.  It's my fault for being stupid enough to love a person like you to begin with."

Aside from the failed tour where has Axl failed?

He's failed to deliver on his repeated promises to deliver an album, even those when he cited general dates.

In June.  God willing, we will release it in June. -- January 2001

Sometime in the next year. -- December 2002

Who cares if he doesnt show up to concerts.

Ummm, maybe the people who attend the concerts?   ::)

If I ddint agree with how gnr goes about their business i wouldnt be on a message board calling people axl loyalists. They are people who understand the situation. You arent one of them.

And I could easily say you're not one of them either.  That's a matter of perspective.  As is your implied advice that anyone who doesn't agree with Axl's methods shouldn't be posting here.

I'm a fan because of the original GNR and the music they gave me, and I'll always be here for that reason, no matter what Axl is doing.

Title: Re:where are the haters?
Post by: younggunner on April 02, 2004, 08:24:11 PM
The way Axl vented steam at Buckethead can easily and rightfully be construed as "blaming" him.

Calling him erratic and transient and unreliable, stating that Buckethead's ways made it difficult to tour and record are more than subtle insinuations that he is to blame.
He was describing how buckethead was over recent time. And being he was acting the way he was, gnr werent abole to do whatver they were supposed to do. That is not blaming.

He's failed to deliver on his repeated promises to deliver an album, even those when he cited general dates.
Just like you have failed to comprehend what i said. I am not saying they have failed in their communications and the way they go about this whole process. I said that the most important thing, the music, hasnt failed yet. or succeded.

Ummm, maybe the people who attend the concerts?  
Yes but this is nothing new with axl. As a result, anyone going to a show knows that there is a slight chance that he might not show up or more than likely come on late. Thats the choice you make. Is he right in doing that? Nope. But theres nothing you can do other than, like i just said, not go to the show.

As is your implied advice that anyone who doesn't agree with Axl's methods shouldn't be posting here.
No, i said people shouldnt tell someone their a gnr loyalist. Again, just because you have issues with the band{which is totally fine} doesnt mean people who dont should be coined labelists or fanatics or whatver.

I say you have an agenda you say your objective. It works for everyone.

I'm a fan because of the original GNR and the music they gave me, and I'll always be here for that reason, no matter what Axl is doing.
Even though those members have moved on and formed another band and have nothing to do with gnr, thats fine. I could care less. BUt Im here because of axl and the new era of gnr.

So when people like you are always picking on what im here for, and I NEVER pick on what your here for, its gets annoying after awhile. And kinda old. Then it tends to make me think those types of people are haters and have an agenda, but what is even more sad is that, they might not have anything else better to do.

Title: Re:where are the haters?
Post by: Dizzy on April 02, 2004, 09:05:28 PM
He was describing how buckethead was over recent time. And being he was acting the way he was, gnr werent abole to do whatver they were supposed to do. That is not blaming.

Did you read what you just wrote?  You said that because Buckethead was acting the way he was, the band was not able to do what they were supposed to do.  THAT IS BLAMING BUCKETHEAD!

Title: Re:where are the haters?
Post by: estranged.1098 on April 03, 2004, 08:29:55 PM
He was describing how buckethead was over recent time. And being he was acting the way he was, gnr werent abole to do whatver they were supposed to do. That is not blaming.

Did you read what you just wrote?  You said that because Buckethead was acting the way he was, the band was not able to do what they were supposed to do.  THAT IS BLAMING BUCKETHEAD!

Excuse me, but what did you expect? BH left the band two months before Lisboa. That's the reason they can't play there. If stating that is blaming BH then fine, he's blaming BH. I don't get why everyone makes a big deal out of it.

Title: Re:where are the haters?
Post by: insupportofaxl on April 03, 2004, 11:39:33 PM
Okay, everyone on here knows I support Mr. Rose.

I have a suggestion................

Instead of focusing on "who is to blame" or "who hates Axl and BH".............why don't we all just use the current press release as a means to start 'fresh'.

I do believe in GNR and I do think we'll see the light of day........when is TBD.  

But these posts about blaming BH, Axl, etc.......are getting quite old.  

No one will ever know what the real deal is unless you are a fly on the wall when BH and Axl are 'negotiating'.

Whatever happens is for a reason.  If BH isn't meant to be in be it.  Axl won't fall apart.......if'll motivate him to work more because in that radio interview he did in Nov. 2002, he said that this band was put together very carefully and he was very selective in who he brought in together as players.  It wasn't like he found BH or anyone else at a bar or whatnot.

I believe it'll all be for the best.  When one door closes, another opens.  

Look at it this least all this happened now and NOT while they were touring.....because then the tour would have to be canceled for sure :confused:

Title: Re:where are the haters?
Post by: echrisl on April 04, 2004, 07:04:39 AM

Instead of focusing on "who is to blame" or "who hates Axl and BH".............why don't we all just use the current press release as a means to start 'fresh'.

Woo hoo, we're staring fresh again!  I love this starting fresh!

I do believe in GNR and I do think we'll see the light of day........when is TBD.

When Axl is forced to release it legally and/or dies.

I believe it'll all be for the best.  When one door closes, another opens.  

GNR is one big revolving door.

Look at it this least all this happened now and NOT while they were touring.....because then the tour would have to be canceled for sure :confused:

Are you joking?  I hope ...  because ...

Title: Re:where are the haters?
Post by: Dizzy on April 04, 2004, 09:34:23 AM
GNR is one big revolving door.

Good one.  :hihi:

Title: Re:where are the haters?
Post by: younggunner on April 04, 2004, 12:44:48 PM
GNR is one big revolving door.
That is the biggest misconception about gnr created by the fans and media.

Other than billy howerdell, buckehead and josh freese who else left this band?

navarro,sunshine, and wylde were all session players.Wylde was brought in when slash was here. They were here to help form a new direction when the old left. They were never in gnr. They could have been if the material had evolved but never were in.

Josh Freese and Howerdell left because they KNEW THAT THIS PROJECT WAS GOING TO BE A LONG PROCESS AND DIDNT WANT TO BE A PART OF IT. They did the band a favor by leaving honorably. Freese is all about the action and he knew that gnr would be mia for a long time so he got out before anything began. Howerdell left for the same reasons and had been ready to form a little band called APC. They both left on good terms.

And we all know what happened with bucket.

Stop making it seem like theres a revolving door. For someone who visits these boards for years now should know that what the media says isnt true. The media thinks that all the muscicians brought in in the beginning stages were the band when that is not the case. They were brought in to help form a new direction of gnr. If something evolved after that then fine, but it never did so as a result they were never in the band. Gnr began to have a band around 98/99. Now one of its pivotal members has departed.

I get sick n tired of people throwing that revolving door bullshit at the band. Yet those same people say, o axl just get another guitarist for rio". shut up. Would gnr do a show like rio back in the day if slash left? Hell no. Bucket was a pivotal member to this band and now they have to figure out how to regroup and move on. Why?because its a band not some miscellanious project. But thats ok your all gonna find out for yourselves one day. And i cant wait to laugh in your faces.

Title: Re:where are the haters?
Post by: Mr_Brownstone16 on April 04, 2004, 02:01:32 PM
Other than billy howerdell, buckehead and josh freese who else left this band?

uh, you must be young. 'Cause Guns used to actually be a band where, you know they would release albums, and tour, and Axl would only not show up once or twice a year, instead of there being a 50% chance as there is now.

Let's list who has left: Slash, Duff, Izzy, Gilby, and of course all the guys you mentioned. So there are a lot of people who have left.
Oh wait I forgot you only consider the new band to be Guns N' Roses. I forgot Im sorry.

Title: Re:where are the haters?
Post by: insupportofaxl on April 04, 2004, 02:08:18 PM

Instead of focusing on "who is to blame" or "who hates Axl and BH".............why don't we all just use the current press release as a means to start 'fresh'.

Woo hoo, we're staring fresh again!  I love this starting fresh!

I do believe in GNR and I do think we'll see the light of day........when is TBD.

When Axl is forced to release it legally and/or dies.

I believe it'll all be for the best.  When one door closes, another opens.  

GNR is one big revolving door.

Look at it this least all this happened now and NOT while they were touring.....because then the tour would have to be canceled for sure :confused:

Are you joking?  I hope ...  because ...

That is NOT what I meant regarding my comment about when one door closes, another opens. ::)

Look, I don't give a flying fuck if you wish to harbor resentment and anger over issues you have absolutely no control over.  If you waste your time so be it.

I, along with others, will focus on the positive.  

GNR is a band.  Yeah, a band with more problems than probably any other band, but in being a fan, you deal with them.  And I'd much rather be postitive about it then negative being I have no control over what happens anyway.  :peace:

Title: Re:where are the haters?
Post by: echrisl on April 04, 2004, 04:16:03 PM
GNR is one big revolving door.
That is the biggest misconception about gnr created by the fans and media.

Other than billy howerdell, buckehead and josh freese who else left this band?

Well, MrBrownstone16 got some:

Let's list who has left: Slash, Duff, Izzy, Gilby, and of course all the guys you mentioned. So there are a lot of people who have left.

And then of course there's Matt, Steven and Mr. Robin (In/Out/In Again) Finck.

Josh Freese and Howerdell left because they KNEW THAT THIS PROJECT WAS GOING TO BE A LONG PROCESS AND DIDNT WANT TO BE A PART OF IT. They did the band a favor by leaving honorably. Freese is all about the action and he knew that gnr would be mia for a long time so he got out before anything began. Howerdell left for the same reasons and had been ready to form a little band called APC. They both left on good terms.

Revolving door!

Stop making it seem like theres a revolving door. For someone who visits these boards for years now should know that what the media says isnt true. The media thinks that all the muscicians brought in in the beginning stages were the band when that is not the case. They were brought in to help form a new direction of gnr. If something evolved after that then fine, but it never did so as a result they were never in the band. Gnr began to have a band around 98/99. Now one of its pivotal members has departed.

The media hates Axl, Boohoohoo ... Everyone's against Axl and his New GNR ... BOOHOOHOOHOOHOO!   :crying:

I get sick n tired of people throwing that revolving door bullshit at the band. Yet those same people say, o axl just get another guitarist for rio". shut up. Would gnr do a show like rio back in the day if slash left? Hell no. Bucket was a pivotal member to this band and now they have to figure out how to regroup and move on. Why?because its a band not some miscellanious project. But thats ok your all gonna find out for yourselves one day. And i cant wait to laugh in your faces.

Minimun time for Axl Rose to "figure out how to regroup and move on?"  I'd say 2 years ... so there you have it guys, don't expect any news for 2 years, while Axl "regroups" and "moves on."

Title: Re:where are the haters?
Post by: younggunner on April 04, 2004, 04:43:53 PM
Well, MrBrownstone16 got some:

Let's list who has left: Slash, Duff, Izzy, Gilby, and of course all the guys you mentioned. So there are a lot of people who have left.

And then of course there's Matt, Steven and Mr. Robin (In/Out/In Again) Finck.
No, thats wrong. Because when people refer to revolving door with gnr they are talking about after the old members left.

Revolving door!
Indeed, prior to 98/99 those were the only peopel who left. Sice 99, the door has been stable and the band began to evolve.

Minimun time for Axl Rose to "figure out how to regroup and move on?"  I'd say 2 years ... so there you have it guys, don't expect any news for 2 years, while Axl "regroups" and "moves on."
Thats fine. I could careless if people knock the hwole process. ANd their complaints are definately valid. The whole process in terms of public perception is a joke for the most part. BUt no1 knocks or will be knocking hte music that this band will release. And at the end of the day, when axl and gnr finally get their shit together and release it, they will be having the last laugh. Because its all about the music.

Title: Re:where are the haters?
Post by: Mr_Brownstone16 on April 04, 2004, 04:55:17 PM
>No, thats wrong. Because when people refer to revolving door with gnr they >are talking about after the old members left.

that's right, I forgot, you only talk about the new band. Whatever Axl and guns did in the past is written off and forgotten about. Yet we have heard 4 songs in the past 5 years, with a "revolving door of members, producers, etc, and all you can talk about is the new band, who just cancelled a show, never get anything done, and are a laughingstock now.

Title: Re:where are the haters?
Post by: kockstar99 on April 04, 2004, 05:36:31 PM
Matt and Steven were fired... they didnt leave...

Gilby wasnt needed any more... he didnt leave either.

Title: Re:where are the haters?
Post by: younggunner on April 04, 2004, 06:30:53 PM
that's right, I forgot, you only talk about the new band. Whatever Axl and guns did in the past is written off and forgotten about. Yet we have heard 4 songs in the past 5 years, with a "revolving door of members, producers, etc, and all you can talk about is the new band, who just cancelled a show, never get anything done, and are a laughingstock now.
No, i didnt forget the old lineup. In fact I love the old lineup and would never forget them. They are the reason why I am into gnr.

We have heard 6 songs in the past few years because they are not going to release songs to its fans before the album comes out. That wouldnt make any sense.

Once again, the revolving door thing is a big misconception. As for the producers. Are you dumb? The reason there has been a few producers is because they have been working on multiple albums. They ahve said that each album is going to be different, hence we have different producers for each particular type of style.

Gee golly gnr cancelled rio. Cry about it. who the fuck cares. Its not like this is new. so to keep bringing it up is kinda pointless.

How have they got nothing done? Since 99 this band has made 3 albums. How is that not getting things done? Just becasue nothing has been released doesnt mean things havnt been done.

Yes, gnr have become a joke. The whole waiting process has become a joke. To a degree gnr have been a laughing stock. Your totally correct. BUt what exacetly does all that mean?
When they eventually release the material and lets say it surpasses all other efforts and his a huge success, then what? Do you think peopel will write still talk shit? Hell fukin no. People say shit now because there is nothing to talk about in terms of this new lineup. They havnt said much and havnt released anything. So what is there to talk about other than the whole waiting process.

Just to let you know my friend, the same magazines and peopel now who bash this band or think its cool to make fun of them will be the sdame people first in line for the interviews when the ball finally gets rolling.
If CD is a masterpiece then all of this bullshit will go away in a day. 1 fukin day. no1 will care. the talk will be about how people realize and understand why they were holding back the material and making sure its their best efforts.
the material will speak for itself. case closed.

Mr. Robin (In/Out/In Again) Finck
Just because he left and came back doesnt mean its a revolving door. He got fed up with Axl so he left. But then came back because this is his band too.

Axl had left the old lineup in the past, does that mean the old lineup had a revolving lead singer role? makes no sense

Title: Re:where are the haters?
Post by: estranged.1098 on April 04, 2004, 06:37:44 PM
Oh My God
Chinese Democracy
Riad & the Bedouins
The Blues

1 + 1 + 1 +1 + 1 + 1 = 6.

Title: Re:where are the haters?
Post by: Dizzy on April 05, 2004, 06:48:06 PM
How have they got nothing done? Since 99 this band has made 3 albums. How is that not getting things done? Just becasue nothing has been released doesnt mean things havnt been done.

Firstly, nobody is certain that 3 albums have been completed.  Axl may have said 3 albums, but that doesn't mean all the songs and production chores are finished.

The reality is that it is highly unlikely that they've even completed one album.  If they had, there would be no reason not to release it.

And even if they have completed 3 albums, that means nothing to the consumers unless they can buy them in stores.  To them (us), that is the equivalent of "nothing getting done".

To a degree gnr have been a laughing stock.

To a degree?  You mean the highest degree?   :P

Just to let you know my friend, the same magazines and peopel now who bash this band or think its cool to make fun of them will be the sdame people first in line for the interviews when the ball finally gets rolling.

Can I borrow your crystal ball and look at these surefire future occurrences too?

Oh My God
Chinese Democracy
Riad & the Bedouins
The Blues

1 + 1 + 1 +1 + 1 + 1 = 6.

Glad you're adept at addition, but since only one of those songs has been released, the others are irrelevant.  Fact is, Axl hasn't given the public six new songs, he's only given them "Oh My God".

Title: Re:where are the haters?
Post by: estranged.1098 on April 05, 2004, 08:39:57 PM
Glad you're adept at addition, but since only one of those songs has been released, the others are irrelevant.  Fact is, Axl hasn't given the public six new songs, he's only given them "Oh My God".

Someone said we've heard 4 songs in 5 years. That's not correct.

And they're irrelevant? Haha.

Title: Re:where are the haters?
Post by: Dizzy on April 05, 2004, 10:34:51 PM
Someone said we've heard 4 songs in 5 years. That's not correct.

You're right, from the general public standpoint, we've heard one new song in five years, not four.  Only a small minority who attended the concerts and searched for bootlegs has heard the five unreleased songs.

And they're irrelevant? Haha.

Yep, they are.  I've never heard of a song that broke any ground by only being heard on subpar bootleg recordings.

Title: Re:where are the haters?
Post by: the dirt on April 05, 2004, 11:38:45 PM
Axl had left the old lineup in the past, does that mean the old lineup had a revolving lead singer role? makes no sense

This was more of a blind, spontaneous threat than anything else...

Title: Re:where are the haters?
Post by: younggunner on April 06, 2004, 12:47:08 AM
Firstly, nobody is certain that 3 albums have been completed.  Axl may have said 3 albums, but that doesn't mean all the songs and production chores are finished.
Axl and Dizzy have said there wil be 3 albums. Axl has said that 2 albums are alreayd recorded. Albums 2 and especially 3 are prob. not finished. But the groundwork and direction is there.
The reality is that it is highly unlikely that they've even completed one album.  If they had, there would be no reason not to release it.
No thats not the reality. The reality is that they have been halted by other things not concerning the album per say. Plus go back and listen to what Axl says about the plans for the future of gnr.In london he says:
They plan to release cd-tour
Then release album 2 1 1/2 yrs later witha tour then the same for album 3....
thats teh plans for gnr. Until they can get close to that they wont release anything because whrn they finally get rolling their plan is to go at this with full force and not the stop n go's. Whether you think there capable of doing that is you opinion but thats what the goal of the band is to do.

And even if they have completed 3 albums, that means nothing to the consumers unless they can buy them in stores.  To them (us), that is the equivalent of "nothing getting done".
Again there plans are to greet consumers over a 5 yr period. Gnr wil be all over the map when the ball finally gets rolling. Although they hope that old gnr fans will remain patient they are not banking on you guys. They know you will buy the album anyway. The general public does not know half of what we know nor are they frusterated like many of you. So gnr can take their time and do things the way they want.

My only concern about the future of gnr is the touring aspect. The band better release the stuff within the next 2 years otherwise I cant see Gnr going ahead with the monster touring plans they have because of Axls age. But robin said in his statement about "touring, and tourin" so maybe soon is almost the word. Other than that,I know gnr will step up to the plate and prove many haters/doubters and anything else wrong, and then into fans.....

Title: Re:where are the haters?
Post by: Dizzy on April 06, 2004, 06:59:50 PM
Axl and Dizzy have said there wil be 3 albums. Axl has said that 2 albums are alreayd recorded. Albums 2 and especially 3 are prob. not finished. But the groundwork and direction is

Being recorded does not mean they are finished.  They aren't finished until they're mixed.  And I doubt any of the three albums are completed.

Gnr wil be all over the map when the ball finally gets rolling.

 Other than that,I know gnr will step up to the plate and prove many haters/doubters and anything else wrong

Again, I'd like for you to lend me your crystal ball so I can view these certain future happenings as well.

Title: Re:where are the haters?
Post by: echrisl on April 06, 2004, 10:17:50 PM
Come on younggunner, Axl lies ... get over it.  He's not going to come out and admit that he hasn't done jack shit and isn't planning to.

Title: Re:where are the haters?
Post by: estranged.1098 on April 06, 2004, 11:17:24 PM
Someone said we've heard 4 songs in 5 years. That's not correct.

You're right, from the general public standpoint, we've heard one new song in five years, not four.  Only a small minority who attended the concerts and searched for bootlegs has heard the five unreleased songs.

You must be confusing your discussions as I'm not talking about the general public standpoint at all, I'm talking about mine. Oh, and the standpoint of the person who mentioned 4 songs.

And they're irrelevant? Haha.

Yep, they are.  I've never heard of a song that broke any ground by only being heard on subpar bootleg recordings.

Being relevant != breaking ground.

Title: Re:where are the haters?
Post by: younggunner on April 07, 2004, 10:08:21 AM
Come on younggunner, Axl lies ... get over it.  He's not going to come out and admit that he hasn't done jack shit and isn't planning to.
cmon echrisl, aqxl tells the truth...get oer it. Gnr are planning a big comeback and have done a lot more than you believe.