Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: younggunner on March 31, 2004, 09:36:22 PM

Post by: younggunner on March 31, 2004, 09:36:22 PM
Well I have a little gift to share with all of you...
 Back in Jan. of 2002, I began to recieve a bunch of emails on my AOL account from GNR management. The emails had mentioned how they monitor various GNR related websites and message boards and that they came across a few of my threads and comments. Surpisingly, they were impressed with my "enthusiasm" and "knowledge of the bands plans and situation", despite not being ivolved with the band.

4 emails were sent in a span of 3 weeks. I would always respond to the emails but would never get any followups or answers. I recieved the 4th email on Jan,21 2002. Then I didnt hear from them for quite a long time. I emailed them occasionally over the coarse of a liek 6 months but never got a response. So I figured it was some sort of a joke or something.

  Then on Feb. 25, 2003{ my birthday} an email with the heading "Happy Birthday Younggunner" appeared in my mailbox. I had no clue who would call me that. So I opened it up and it said, Happy Birthday brotha, you will be recieving a birthday present in the mail within the next few days. By this time I'm scratching my head, thinking that one of my friends is playing some sort of prank on me. I look at the adress and its the same adress that emailed me a year prior. So I'm thinking maybe GNR management love my optimism and are gonna send me some gnr stickers or something lol.

I couldnt be more wrong....

A week later, I get a package in the mail. The package is from NYC. I open it up and I read the letter.

The letter is from Axl fukin Rose.! I couldnt believe my eyes. He wished me a happy birthday and talked about how he came across my name and information. He then ended the letter by saying he wanted me and a few other "deserving" supporters to meet him in NY in their NY offices. I couldnt believe what i was reading.

I will tell you what the rest of the letter said and what else he sent later...

So my mom takes me to the Universal offices in NYC on April 10th 2003. I bring what was asked to bring and sit and wait in the lobby. I am so nervous and excited. I brought a tape recorder and a small notepad. {I was gonna ask him if I could interview him}.

Ok so here it goes. I am escorted into this office room and there are other people there. People in suits and just reg peopel in street clothes. I also saw Chris Pittman! He was wearing this weird outfit it was so funny. He introduces himself to me, I tell him theres no need to do that I already know who you are. We talk and he begins to tell me why I was there. Moments later I see this big black man walk in the room. Right away, I knew it was Earl and knew Axl couldnt be far behind. Sure enough Axl walks right in. I thought i was dreaming.

Ill give you all the details later but heres what happened. Axl tells me about everything concerning gnr. I mean everything. Contracts,lawsuits,stories of the current band,his travelling, beta, the record industry, he even told me about this guy in the room who was wearing a suit. He was the guy in charge of the whole gnr project! from the business side.

Let me start off by saying, Axl is the most genuine and sincere guy. He seemed so dam normal yet larger than life. Ill go into how he looked, and carried himself later...

So ok, about an hour in we all sit down in this room. Its like one big circular table. Beta,earl,axl me, pittman, 2 fans from brazil and a couple of company people. We sit down and Axl says "let them hear the motherfuka" in his its so easy voice.

I got to hear the whole fukin album. A day I will never forget.

Let me say this. After the day concluded I was able to take 2 discs worth of material home. The conditions were that I would drop them back off at the Univesal offices in no later than a week. I had to sign a contract saying that I wouldnt talk about the situation at all.

ill go into all the details on how i am now allowed to talk about this. But i want to give you all a gift.

The first ever review of chinese democracy and other important info regarding the MATERIAL.
I cant tell you how excited you all will be...
I am going to leave the thread like this as I type the albums review. SOng for song. Meaning for meaning. Story for story. You will not be disappointed. I promise you.

It feels so wierd finally talking about this. I have had this bottled up for almost a year now!. Now you know why i have always been defending this band and the axl. Now i wil back all that "BLIND FAITH" and optimism up with real facts.
Hang in there. Its gonna take me awhile to type this. I already have it hand written because i had to send my own personal review to the band and the company. I just have to retype it on here. Be back.........I love you guys! im so happy back in a bit...peace

I will pan out all the details once im done with giving you the review.

Post by: thegame2000 on March 31, 2004, 09:39:15 PM
April Fools.  Gosh, that's clever.

Post by: speed_stone on March 31, 2004, 09:50:37 PM
really?? you met axl? damn...
some people just get it all. nice story.

Post by: HoldenCaulfield on March 31, 2004, 09:54:09 PM
"Happy Birthday brotha"? Hulk Hogan works for GNR's management nowadays?  :rofl:

BTW, I can't wait to see how this ends up. It's already the best thread this year. I'll put money that some of the tracks he reviews are "Zip It", "General", "Catcher in the Rye", and "Suckerpunched"  : ok:

Post by: privatereserve on March 31, 2004, 10:04:09 PM
Yeah Sure Dude.  If true give us a little more info.

Post by: Thumper on March 31, 2004, 10:09:51 PM
*yawn* I need a better story than this for Aprils Fool Day.  Locked.

Post by: Will on March 31, 2004, 10:45:14 PM
younggunner is not a bad fellow and just wanted to do a lil' April Fools joke but this thread is better locked. Anyway, here's something he wanted to let you guys know:

lol April fools motherfucka's. I was bored and realized April fools was upon us. So i said why not play a lil joke on my fellow friends at the board. Now I can see how peopel can make up rumors and stuff. Its so easy. It took me like 10 min to write that up.
Its an innoscent joke so i hope none of you take it the wrong way. I just wanted to get everyones mind off all the bucket and press release stuff for a few seconds lol. Back to analyzing we go...peace out happy spring!
PS- My blind faith will one day be backed up with a masterpiece. That my friends is not a joke ;}