Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: littleredcorvette on March 30, 2004, 07:12:10 AM

Title: I Still Support New Guns N' Roses
Post by: littleredcorvette on March 30, 2004, 07:12:10 AM
I am remaining positive and want to say 'Axl, I've still got your back and I still believe in The Band'.

Please contribute if you feel the same.

Anybody who has nothing better to say than 'Fuck you', there are plenty of other threads to tear the man's soul down in:;action=display;threadid=11417 (;action=display;threadid=11417);action=display;threadid=11416 (;action=display;threadid=11416)

Forgive them that tear down my soul
Bless them that thery might grow old
And free them so that they may know
That it's never too late

Title: Re:I Still Support New Guns N' Roses
Post by: MeanBone on March 30, 2004, 07:18:50 AM
i feel the same way. i've been a fan for 10 years, and this couldn't hold me back. i believe Axl made the correct choice by backing out while he could, cuz lets face it. doing a show of this proportions with nothing to promote isn't good. he should focus on the album and making the GUNS N ROSES name alive in the music industry.
anyway. Axl i bought the ticket and now i won't get to see you. but i still think you rock! and you're by far the best frontman ever.
its time to release the "big Guns".  : ok:

Title: Re:I Still Support New Guns N' Roses
Post by: TealaRose on March 30, 2004, 07:30:12 AM
Ever the optomist.... count me as one of your supporters are well Axl. You were amazing in the 80's / 90's and you were amazing in '02 and you will be again.

I HAVE to believe that Axl knows what he is doing, even if we don't. He is NOT a stupid man. : ok:

I am with you til I hear from your lips that the show is over Axl.  :yes:

Whyever this happened, you just do what you need to do. There are LOTS of us left who have not turned on you and will be here WHEN CD releases.

Title: Re:I Still Support New Guns N' Roses
Post by: snow white on March 30, 2004, 07:49:36 AM
he cares for his fans enough to give us an explanation
(dont bring up philly...)

im not sure about the album coming out this year, but heck, i still love the man and i cant deny hes a genius, and he certainly doesnt need slash, or anyone else, to help him be a genius.

Title: Re:I Still Support New Guns N' Roses
Post by: littleredcorvette on March 30, 2004, 07:51:39 AM
I'd also like to say, with respect, to those who feel that this stuff keeps happening because Axl is an "asshole":

He isn't deliberately setting us up for disappointment because he wants to. Part of the reason it keeps happeneing is because all he wants to do is make the best record he possibly can for us and give us a band we can all be proud of. He's doing this FOR US.

He could retire for good. He has shown that he is not a 'celebrity' the way we know most famous people to be nowadays. If he can spend 10 years living an everyday existence, he could easily live the rest of his life normally. The only reason he is doing this all is FOR US. He does not owe us anything (except possibly an explanation for the Philly fans).

I'd also say that I think it's unfair to say that it's weird the other members haven't left aswell. Dizzy and Tommy have publically said many times how much they like and respect Axl. Nearly all the members have taken huge criticism from fans and peers in their respective music 'genres' for 'selling out' yet after what for some is over 5 years working with Axl have remained loyal. Tommy told me what a great friend Axl has been to him, many years after they first met. If Axl were such a difficult asshole, I doubt all of these members would have stuck by him for what is now nearly as long as the original band actively toured after their first album release.

If Tommy or Richard were to  come out and say 'I'm done, he's an asshole', then fair enough.  

But if people who supposedly support this new band don't want to believe a single word of what the band leader says about the departure of member, what is the point of being here?

To put it another way, IF the letter is sincere, honest and true, what right does anyone have to call the man all the names under the sun for something that is categirically not his fault?

If you want to tear me up, copy and paste into somehwhere else. I'd like to think that when any of the GnR camp read the board today, they might feel a little less like shit after fiding this thread.

Title: Re:I Still Support New Guns N' Roses
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on March 30, 2004, 07:53:43 AM
he cares for his fans enough to give us an explanation
(dont bring up philly...)

im not sure about the album coming out this year, but heck, i still love the man and i cant deny hes a genius, and he certainly doesnt need slash, or anyone else, to help him be a genius.

woo ! playing with all this dwarves fucked up your head a little bit ..  ;D

off course we all like AXL, why do people always bring that subject back, off course we are still in support of axl, blah blah blah.....

we are just discussing that fact that axl does wrong thing as communication goes, as we are the people who buy the cds , we have the right to say that.

Title: Re:I Still Support New Guns N' Roses
Post by: kockstar99 on March 30, 2004, 07:59:49 AM
I still support the band as well.. Tommy, Chris, Robin, Dizzy, Brain, Richard,  

We the fans cheered for you Brian Carroll on the 2002 tour.  Most of us welcomed you into the band as a replacement for our beloved Slash...

Well i for one am sorry he let us down... Fuck you Brain Caroll.. I thought you were the real deal and would help this band of fine muscisians...

your prob the best guitarist ive heard Brian Caroll but your an Asshole....

fuck your bucketboard too.....  

Title: Re:I Still Support New Guns N' Roses
Post by: Christos AG on March 30, 2004, 08:00:43 AM



Title: Re:I Still Support New Guns N' Roses
Post by: ppbebe on March 30, 2004, 08:12:27 AM
I'm not sure if I'm gnr fan as much as you are,
but the fact is:
Fans never know if

1-axl rose doesn't care for his fans
2-axl rose doesn't know what he want
3-axl rose know"gnr don't excist whithou slash"
4-axl rose is the bad man

 I dont give a puck about 1,2,and4
All I want is some exciting new music so I deny 3
Although I don't agree with you about 1 and 4
Face his lyrics.

Title: Re:I Still Support New Guns N' Roses
Post by: Bahad on March 30, 2004, 08:17:37 AM
Might be the end of Gn'r but not Axl I hope. At least he should make solo stuff and singing until he dies. Dated or not; fuck it, I just wanna hear him singing new material. Axl, I hope next period of your life will be better : ok:

Title: Re:I Still Support New Guns N' Roses
Post by: Guns N Ballz on March 30, 2004, 08:23:37 AM
I can never give up on this band. Isn't part of the fun watching the shit fly? Watching the ups and downs of Axl Rose?

Yesterday I got a boot in the mail from GNR BAR and I blasted out Chinese Democracy (live from Boston I think). Man, if this song makes it to studio it will be great. I can't imagine how good it will sound.

So yeah I'm still behind Axl and the new GNR. I'll still be listening to Buckethead as well though. You can never judge a mans music by the person he is. It's all about the art created.  


Guns N Ballz

Title: Re:I Still Support New Guns N' Roses
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on March 30, 2004, 09:33:39 AM
I'll be gnr fan forever,but the fact is:
-axl rose doesn't care for his fans
-axl rose doesn't know what he want
-axl rose know"gnr don't excist whithou slash"
-axl rose is the bad man

Those aren't facts dude.  Not even close.
Even as opinions they suck! hehehe
hey - Axl does care for his fans.  Didn't you read the letter dude?
-Axl knows what he wants.  He's been working on it for the better part of a decade.
-GN'R obviously does indeed exist
-Axl is a good and intelligent man and a beautiful artist - even if we never got another song from him - everything he's shared with the world thus far proves him to be worthy of the adoration which he in fact is the recipient of from thousands and thousands of fans worldwide.

hey if you still aren't over Slash being out of GN'R.. perhaps you should be writing a letter to Mr. Hudson.  Perhaps he can comfort you?

Title: Re:I Still Support New Guns N' Roses
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on March 30, 2004, 09:35:51 AM
I still support Axl AND the New Guns N' Roses.

I really appreciate that he has spoken out to us...
and I'm oddly more hopeful than I have been in a long time regarding the future of
Guns N' Roses.

I believe.

Here's to the guys  :beer:

Title: Re:I Still Support New Guns N' Roses
Post by: Jessica on March 30, 2004, 09:38:33 AM
Always have, always will.  :yes:

Title: Re:I Still Support New Guns N' Roses
Post by: littleredcorvette on March 30, 2004, 09:40:13 AM
It's really sad that there are some people here who are so utterly ignorant and full of shit that they couldn't respect my request that this thread be left free of their worthless opinions and ravings.

I've been waiting for the album as long as anyone and I bought a Rio 4 ticket on March 1st. But I have enough intelligence and enough of a personality and life to carry on living my own until I get what I want from GnR.

I remember a picture of Slash with a badge saying 'Stupid People Shouldn't Breathe'. There are a lot of stupid people here.

Title: Re:I Still Support New Guns N' Roses
Post by: Christos AG on March 30, 2004, 09:41:26 AM
Same shit, different day.

I bleed GN'R...

Guns N' Roses forever.

Title: Re:I Still Support New Guns N' Roses
Post by: K-Rock on March 30, 2004, 09:51:08 AM

I too support Guns N' Roses and their new lead singer Scott Weiland.

Actaully I think GN'R should now go in the books as ending after TSI.  

Title: Re:I Still Support New Guns N' Roses
Post by: Pandora on March 30, 2004, 10:00:17 AM
I'm with you littleredcorvette  ;)

Title: Re:I Still Support New Guns N' Roses
Post by: liquidvirus on March 30, 2004, 10:05:19 AM

I too support Guns N' Roses and their new lead singer Scott Weiland.

yup..isnt it funny how everyone thought the band's being changed...when actually  only the lead singer was?

Title: Re:I Still Support New Guns N' Roses
Post by: Evil Ash on March 30, 2004, 10:13:34 AM
of course I still support GnR, always will :)

Axl doesn't need CD or anything for financial reasons, he has enough...
So, why does he do it?? Cause he loves making music! He really doesn't owe us anything (except for some updates maybe wich he has given us now)!

He also doesn't seem to care what people think of him...

CD will come... someday... but not soon IMO

Title: Re:I Still Support New Guns N' Roses
Post by: jarmo on March 30, 2004, 10:32:32 AM
I too support Guns N' Roses and their new lead singer Scott Weiland.

We all know you support The Darkness. ;)

Who needs soap operas on tv when you've got GN'R.....


Title: Re:I Still Support New Guns N' Roses
Post by: Evil Ash on March 30, 2004, 10:39:37 AM
Who needs soap operas on tv when you've got GN'R.....

So true... sad enough...

Title: Re:I Still Support New Guns N' Roses
Post by: bolton on March 30, 2004, 11:12:56 AM
I'll be gnr fan forever,but the fact is:
-axl rose doesn't care for his fans
-axl rose doesn't know what he want
-axl rose know"gnr don't excist whithou slash"
-axl rose is the bad man

Those aren't facts dude.  Not even close.

Even as opinions they suck! hehehe
hey - Axl does care for his fans.  Didn't you read the letter dude?
-Axl knows what he wants.  He's been working on it for the better part of a decade.
-GN'R obviously does indeed exist
-Axl is a good and intelligent man and a beautiful artist - even if we never got another song from him - everything he's shared with the world thus far proves him to be worthy of the adoration which he in fact is the recipient of from thousands and thousands of fans worldwide.

hey if you still aren't over Slash being out of GN'R.. perhaps you should be writing a letter to Mr. Hudson.  Perhaps he can comfort you?

yes,he knoe what he wants? ??? ???
he said in msg2002(see we next summer) ??? ??? ???
he didn't do anything since 1991?
and said me this"why he didn't do new album cd since 1991"

Title: I still support GNR
Post by: BottleOfPills on March 30, 2004, 12:32:24 PM
Two Things:

1) in response to the subject thread - Hitler and Osama have their fans also.
2) somebody above this post mentioned something about Axl loving to make new music.   The last official new music was what?  The End Of Day's soundtrack?  I almost forgot how much of a plethora he put out then.

GNR was a great band and I'd hate to have this joke tarnish that image.

Title: Re:I Still Support New Guns N' Roses
Post by: Izzy on March 30, 2004, 12:42:11 PM
Same shit, different day.

I bleed GN'R...

Guns N' Roses forever.

I hear ya

I'm here for the brilliance that is Axl Rose.

The rest of this new band can sod off for all i care.

While Axl is in GNR, they will have my support forever.

Title: Re:I still support GNR
Post by: jarmo on March 30, 2004, 12:50:59 PM
1) in response to the subject thread - Hitler and Osama have their fans also.

Nice comparison. Axl is the singer in a rockband.... It's not a nazi party or a terrorist organization.

Sounds like you need to put things into a perspective.  :nervous:


Title: Re:I Still Support New Guns N' Roses
Post by: SwedeChildO'Mine on March 30, 2004, 01:11:56 PM

I'm here for the brilliance that is Axl Rose.

The rest of this new band can sod off for all i care.

While Axl is in GNR, they will have my support forever.

I agree with you 100% brother.

Title: Re:I Still Support New Guns N' Roses
Post by: Captain P?l on March 30, 2004, 01:15:13 PM
In Germany, we have this saying:

"Jetzt erst recht!"


Axl, I'm 100% with you.

let me secund that with: aaah, deilicht, olga!!  :hihi:

actualy, i may like GNR better without BH, i dont really like all  this fast ass fretburning shit. but he wasnt so bad... but i wont miss him...

Title: Re:I Still Support New Guns N' Roses
Post by: 5thofwhiskey on March 30, 2004, 01:59:16 PM
New Guns n' Roses........where............Did they put out a record?


I just went to the record store and all I found was this

Guns n' Roses quoted from LiveERA 87-93

Axl Rose

I'll support Axl if he puts out a record until then the above lineup is Gn'R

The rest of the contractors can leave now................

Can you imagine Slash and Duff walking in and seeing Tommy and Robin playing under the Gn'R banner................what a joke.

God they should televise it.........................the whole world would be laughing at Robin and Tommy!

Slash: "Get the Fuck out of my House!"


And don't give me this shit -Slash left and Duff left-

If they wanted to come back then I'm sure Tommy and Robin would leave that day..................they know who Gn'R is.

Steven: Step asid there Brainy boy

and oh my Izzy verse contest my friends.........Rihcard would be red faced embarresed.

again Axl knows who is in the band and who is just under contract.


Title: Re:I Still Support New Guns N' Roses
Post by: True Believer on March 30, 2004, 02:12:00 PM
Sucks withouth Slash.  Sucks without Bucket.  But Axl IS Guns N Roses.  Always will be.

Do i support him?  Read my name.

Title: Re:I Still Support New Guns N' Roses
Post by: canadian fan on March 30, 2004, 02:16:36 PM

i'm new here and have never posted but have always followed g'n'r and am a huge fan.
This letter Axl sent is a positive sign that Axl is committed to finishing this album. Even with Buckethead's departure, he found a way to put it in a positive viewpoint depite the obvious pain in the ass it has to be to find another guitarist at this point in time. I understand why people are upset, especially those who have purchased tix for rio-lisbon but try being a little more supportive like your fellow fans who have also bought tickets and are being positive about it. I support the new band 100% and look forward to the Chinese Democracy release date in the next few months.

Title: Re:I Still Support New Guns N' Roses
Post by: Jan-Christoph K?hler on March 30, 2004, 02:37:23 PM
Guns n? Roses Forever!!!!

Love hurts but Belief never dies!

Forever Guns n? Roses!!!!

Title: Re:I Still Support New Guns N' Roses
Post by: HoldenCaulfield on March 30, 2004, 03:06:36 PM
I entirely agree with you. Bucket leaving and Axl consequently cancelling a show doesn't make me want to turn my back on the band, it just makes me dislike Bucket a lot. I'll stick by this band no matter what.

Title: Re:I Still Support New Guns N' Roses
Post by: TealaRose on March 30, 2004, 03:07:55 PM
Kind of pathetic that ppl can't even leave ONE thread alone for the people who DO believe.

Axl: It only gets better after 40. It's getting to 40 that half way kills you. You Have to sing again. Well you don't HAVE to, but it would be a shame if you didn't . Too much talent there to throw in the towel.  : ok:

Title: Re:I Still Support New Guns N' Roses
Post by: Smoke on March 30, 2004, 03:59:58 PM

I too support Guns N' Roses and their new lead singer Scott Weiland.

yup..isnt it funny how everyone thought the band's being changed...when actually  only the lead singer was?

Actually I think that you are mistaken for a different band.  Scott Weiland is the lead singer of the band Velvet Revolver not Guns and Roses.  Axl Rose is the lead singer for GNR.  Your silly.  Everybody knows that.    

Title: Re:I Still Support New Guns N' Roses
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on March 30, 2004, 06:05:44 PM
Axl has my 1000% support.  Why is everyone dwelling on the negative???  We get our 1st real info. from W. Axl himself regarding a release date with new material, and all I hear for the most part is people bitching!!!?  I don't get it!  Yeah, it's disappointing we won't be able to see them in May, but we are closer than ever to Chinese Democracy!!!!!  Info. on a release date is coming within the next few months!!!  Now someone please have a shot o' vodka for me on this news!!!

-Axl4Prez  :beer:

Title: Re:I Still Support New Guns N' Roses
Post by: noizzynofuture on March 30, 2004, 08:36:26 PM
 : ok: support

My only beef, quit calling it the "New GNR", it's just GNR they haven't changed the name.  THis just supports the people who say axl should have changed the name.

Title: Re:I Still Support New Guns N' Roses
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on March 30, 2004, 08:44:59 PM
I'll be gnr fan forever,but the fact is:
-axl rose doesn't care for his fans
-axl rose doesn't know what he want
-axl rose know"gnr don't excist whithou slash"
-axl rose is the bad man

Those aren't facts dude.  Not even close.

Even as opinions they suck! hehehe
hey - Axl does care for his fans.  Didn't you read the letter dude?
-Axl knows what he wants.  He's been working on it for the better part of a decade.
-GN'R obviously does indeed exist
-Axl is a good and intelligent man and a beautiful artist - even if we never got another song from him - everything he's shared with the world thus far proves him to be worthy of the adoration which he in fact is the recipient of from thousands and thousands of fans worldwide.

hey if you still aren't over Slash being out of GN'R.. perhaps you should be writing a letter to Mr. Hudson.  Perhaps he can comfort you?

yes,he knoe what he wants? ??? ???
he said in msg2002(see we next summer) ??? ??? ???
he didn't do anything since 1991?
and said me this"why he didn't do new album cd since 1991"

I repeat YES he knows what he wants.  If you are confused about it then you need to get a clue.
He said in msg2002 see you next summer - obviously it is what he wanted - obviously circumstances did not allow for them to return.  You saying that he doesn't know what he wants and then saying how he said "see you next summer" as proof is really contradictory.  He stated his intentions.  The fact that it did not happen does not mean it was not his intention.
And uh... he has done plenty since 1991...  He has spent many years after the Illusions Touring and The Spaghetti Incident was released on rebuilding Guns N' Roses...  You should be lucky enough one day to appreciate what he has done.  When you hear Chinese Democracy and the follow up albums you will see what he has been doing.... If you were lucky enough to see one of the shows with the new lineup also, you would have gotten a glimpse of what he has been doing.  I've seen them live 4 times and seen and heard more than enough to be proud of what he has accomplished and to look forward to what is to come.  The reasons there hasn't been a GN'R album of original material since 1991 is because of all of the band members quitting on GN'R.. and Axl had to build a whole new fuckin' band... You all will get the fuckin' album when its ready.  Til then why don't you all focus on your own lives and your own accomplishments and don't worry about what Mr. W. Axl Rose is doing - since you can't even really seem to recognize and appreciate it.

Thank you.

Title: Re:I Still Support New Guns N' Roses
Post by: christina_rose on March 30, 2004, 10:04:14 PM
I will support Axl Rose from now until the end of time. Whatever he decides to do, and whoever he does it with. I respect him and look up to him. No matter what he has done in his life. He is human, like all of us. He makes mistakes. "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" I have follwed Axl and will continue to do so. I have his name tattooed on my arm for crying out loud. I live for another day, just to see what happens. This is life, and sometimes life sucks. It always gets worse before it gets better. I will sit and wait for better to come.  

Title: Re:I Still Support New Guns N' Roses
Post by: MR.BROWNSTONE on March 30, 2004, 10:10:01 PM
I it just makes me dislike Bucket a lot.

I feel that way alittle now after reading Axl's letter. I will still support Guns N' Roses and Axl. I will never turn back on them. The music is just to dam good and I still have my dream of seeing them live one day and CD coming out this year.  : ok:

Title: Re:I Still Support New Guns N' Roses
Post by: Mr.Intensity on March 30, 2004, 10:10:36 PM
 I've been supporting Axl and all members of Gnr since I was 8 years old and hid my Gnr Appetite for Destruction tape from my parents. All I wanna see is Guns N Roses, Velvet Revolver, and the departed Buckethead have success in the future. If I could have my one wish though I would like to see an original line up reunion in the future.  :yes: Either way though I am still supporting anything Axl wants to do with the band. : ok:

Title: Re:I Still Support New Guns N' Roses
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on March 30, 2004, 10:22:23 PM
I will support Axl Rose from now until the end of time. Whatever he decides to do, and whoever he does it with. I respect him and look up to him. No matter what he has done in his life. He is human, like all of us. He makes mistakes. "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" I have follwed Axl and will continue to do so. I have his name tattooed on my arm for crying out loud. I live for another day, just to see what happens. This is life, and sometimes life sucks. It always gets worse before it gets better. I will sit and wait for better to come.  

I jsut wanted to point out that this poster has 'only' 4 posts.  And this poster has spoken up to express their unwavering love and support of Axl.  

Alll you who like to pick apart all those who express our devotion and support for Axl and the new Guns N' Roses I would like to really fuck with your heads right here - right now.  THERE ARE MORE OF US THAN THERE ARE OF YOU.  I have had extensive exposture to fans through the internet - the majority of whom do not post on internet message boards... and thats just the english speaking community.  We are not going anywhere  - we will be there for Axl and the new Guns N' Roses when they come out - whenever that may be.  In the meantime I can only hope that the fair weather so called 'fans' will tire and go the fuck away.

Thank you.

Title: Re:I Still Support New Guns N' Roses
Post by: dust of my dust on March 30, 2004, 10:27:23 PM
Nice words, Mr Intensity!

And despite all the problems that have occurred throughout the last ten years, I still support GN'R without a doubt!

Title: Re:I Still Support New Guns N' Roses
Post by: insupportofaxl on March 30, 2004, 10:37:14 PM
For all of you who get off on verbally abusing Axl Rose, let me start by saying you have one hell of a nerve in doing so. >:(

I'd like to see you own a business and go through the daily grind and stress of all the upkeep in making it work.  It's not all glory.  I can tell you that self employment has it's perks, but then again, it can also be the hardest thing to do.

GNR is very much a business.  Granted, yes, Axl makes mistakes.  But, so doesn't everyone else.  He's not infallible by any means and never claimed to be.  He's human just like you and me.

Some on here need to spend a little less time chipping away at their keyboard slinging insults towards a man they don't even know and spend more time enjoying their own life, because I think most of you on here have forgotten that you do indeed have a life of your own.  

Eva, you hit the nail right on the head.  I've been bashed many times for being an Axl supporter.  And I don't care what people think about me because no one on here knows me personally.  

All I can say is that Axl Rose is stronger than anyone here and he'll once again bounce back from this.  The letter he wrote exemplifies his courage and strength to admit he's not perfect while also noting that he's not entirely to blame for what  transpired.

Axl, if you do read this post, please be aware that your down to earth fans will support you in all your endeavors.  You were/are/and always will be the greatest frontman ever.  No band or musician will ever be able to hold a candle to you or to GNR for that matter.

If people continue to put you down, chalk it up to the fact that they don't have any integrity and have to find fault in you when they should look in the mirror and change things about themselves they don't like or have issues with.

I appreciate your letter and know that when one door closes, another one opens.  Hang in there Mr. Rose.  Tomorrow is another day and you are one step closer to a better future : ok:

Title: Re:I Still Support New Guns N' Roses
Post by: Fuckin' Gunner on March 30, 2004, 10:44:55 PM
I'll always support this band, and I still believing this album will be fuckin' great and... well, just living my life before it comes out. It's not impossible.

Title: Re:I Still Support New Guns N' Roses
Post by: Eeebs on March 30, 2004, 10:58:08 PM
If anyone wants to show their support, they should make a public comment here... just 'cos Gn'R are getting quite the verbal beating ::

Title: Re:I Still Support New Guns N' Roses
Post by: christina_rose on March 30, 2004, 11:58:36 PM
I have been follwing Guns since the early 90's. I wore my GNR t-shirt proudly in high school. I fought off the droves of comments I constantly got. When I had a CD player installed in my car, AFD LIVED in my player. When I was old enough to get a tattoo, I got the rose Axl has on his shoulder, complete with his name. I have been questioned constantly about it since then. I had a girl ask me why in the hell I would get Axl's name tattooed on my arm. I told her it was because I respected him  and looked up to him immensly. I wear my tattoo proudly every day of my life, and plan on getting more to honor GNR. Did I mention the two RIAA awards I have hanging on my wall?? One from AFD and one from UYI. I bleed GNR through and through. And I will be there at the end.

Title: Re:I Still Support New Guns N' Roses
Post by: grog mug on March 31, 2004, 01:24:30 AM
I've stuck with them this long. Bragged day in and day out how something GREAT is going to happen.  Still waiting for that day.....

Title: Re:I Still Support New Guns N' Roses
Post by: liquidvirus on March 31, 2004, 01:34:16 AM
well i personally think that now the GNR name has been scarred...everyone and i mean everyone has made fun of CD sometime or the other
when someone takes so long to complete an album,its usually never good enough for most people
i can almost visualize a review sayin
"nice album axl, but why did it take you 10 years to make it?"

Title: Re:I Still Support New Guns N' Roses
Post by: snow white on March 31, 2004, 02:53:06 AM
i gotta admit that at first i was quite shocked and disappointed by all this, but after having time to think about it im still in full support of axl. he personally wrote a letter to explain to us what the hell is going on and that we are going to hear more in the next few months.

hes trying to do the right thing by himself and the fans.
you gotta respect him for that, even if in the past things havent gone to planned hes still trying, and apparently isnt going to give up. so props to him.

Title: Re:I Still Support New Guns N' Roses
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on March 31, 2004, 08:56:05 AM
hes trying to do the right thing by himself and the fans.
you gotta respect him for that, even if in the past things havent gone to planned hes still trying, and apparently isnt going to give up. so props to him.

You're damn skippy! hehe
Seems there are those who are hoping that he gives up...
Well, fuck them!
Give 'em hell Axl!  : ok:

Title: Re:I Still Support New Guns N' Roses
Post by: bolton on March 31, 2004, 08:59:50 AM
without buckethead new gnr doesn't excist,his brilliant artist was a heart of the band(his solo on madagascar,noone can replace)

Title: Re:I Still Support New Guns N' Roses
Post by: kockstar99 on March 31, 2004, 09:31:03 AM
without buckethead new gnr doesn't excist,his brilliant artist was a heart of the band(his solo on madagascar,noone can replace)

I can play the madagascar solo.

and its hardly brilliant...

Title: Re:I Still Support New Guns N' Roses
Post by: HoldenCaulfield on March 31, 2004, 01:24:46 PM
Get over Buckethead. Some of you act like he was the Savior to the band. He hardly did anything but shred and do karate. I mean, I really liked the guy, but as I've said before, his presence as a GNR member was totally overrated. He is completely replaceable. And some of you are so quick to blame every little thing on Axl: get over it. When we are enjoying the fruits of his labor, you bashers will eat it up like there's no tomorrow. Well, we Axl supporters will forever be able to say "We told you so."

Title: Re:I Still Support New Guns N' Roses
Post by: ppbebe on March 31, 2004, 03:18:28 PM
I am remaining positive and want to say 'Axl, I've still got your back and I still believe in The Band'.

I?d rather say from now on I support New Guns N' Roses more than ever.

Title: Re:I Still Support New Guns N' Roses
Post by: Chief on March 31, 2004, 03:44:10 PM
I still believe. i dont think they could go through all this for nothing.. i think the album will be awesome!!!