Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: BucketRose on March 29, 2004, 08:10:03 AM

Title: Don't Damn Me: Sucky song
Post by: BucketRose on March 29, 2004, 08:10:03 AM
Am I the only one who thinks this?  I don't like the guitar riff...and I've always hated the way Axl sings the just gets on my nerves.  And with Get in the Ring already on UYI...did the album really need ANOTHER one of Axl's overly-self-conscious, overly-defensive, overly-self-justifying anthems?  These two songs serve as another good example of why UYI should have been one disc.

If C.D. is ever released....I hope that Axl will let the music speak for itself...rather than coming up with trite, unimaginative song lyrics that diss all his critics and naysayers.  It was dull on UYI...and it would be just as dull to hear it on C.D.

I've always felt that whether consciously or unconsciously....Eminem has been influenced by Axl.  His whole "me against the world" mindset is taken straight from the prototype of the redhaired one.  If Axl coulda rapped....he woulda been Eminem back when Marshall was still squeezing zits in front of the bathroom mirror in high school.

Oh off topic...agree or disagree to your heart's content.

Title: Re:Don't Damn Me: Sucky song
Post by: anarchy on March 29, 2004, 08:20:52 AM
Don't Damn Me is a very good song. It's one of the best on the Illusions.

Title: Re:Don't Damn Me: Sucky song
Post by: madagas on March 29, 2004, 08:25:13 AM
I absolutely love Don't Damn Me but absolutely HATE  Get in the Ring......."there is a fine line between clever and stupid." Know where that quote is from?? Also, would throw Shotgun Blues in with Get in the Ring. Those two songs just stoop too low. Don't Damn Me has an Out Ta Get Me quality and a great guitar solo. The lyrics, while self absorbed, are much more intelligently written and thought out than Shotgun and GITR. He explains his  frustration with being a celebrity( expectations and misintrepretations of what you write or say) in Don't Damn Me while he attacks others in a very childish manner in the other two. :beer:

Title: Re:Don't Damn Me: Sucky song
Post by: Booker Floyd on March 29, 2004, 08:34:12 AM
"Dont Damn Me" isnt one of my favorites, but its not bad.  I can see what youre saying though, it gets skipped a lot.  A little long, too.  And though I could do without the crowd chants and other nuances (the announcer thing...), I like "Get In The Ring"

I also dont think Eminem was influenced by Axl.  Hes very similar, but Eminem is obviously influenced by Tupacs renegade attitude, which was present in a lot of rap, going back to N.W.A., another large influence on Eminem.  And before somebody points out that N.W.A. was influenced by GNR, its true to an extent, but they were "Niggas With Attitude" before GNR became popular.  

Title: Re:Don't Damn Me: Sucky song
Post by: kockstar99 on March 29, 2004, 08:39:25 AM
i think its a good song... its a nice song against Censorship and i dont really see it as a trite unimaginative song against his critics...

UYI being one disc is a fucking stupid idea...

Title: Re:Don't Damn Me: Sucky song
Post by: LittleFly on March 29, 2004, 08:50:40 AM
Don't Damn Me has always been one of my favorites.  I feel it is much more of a timeless song then Get in the Ring.  "Ring" has names mentioned in it that people now would have to look up to find out what he's railing against.

It's like a song that I wished at the time that I could make real.  I was always a person who kept everything inside and didn't say anything cuz when I did, either all fuckin hell would break loose or everyone would ignore me.  It was my fantasy to fuckin scream out how I felt and have people actually listen to me.

I don't think the song could have been written any differently.  It's the writing style, a whole lot of GNR stuff is written that way.  It's one of the things I love about it.  It's strong and defiant, the way I wanna be  ;D

Title: Re:Don't Damn Me: Sucky song
Post by: noonespecial on March 29, 2004, 08:52:55 AM
I love Don't Damn Me...
Get In The Ring...I could do without the chants also, but it's all right

Title: Re:Don't Damn Me: Sucky song
Post by: just_one on March 29, 2004, 08:56:57 AM
I love Don't Damn Me...
Get In The Ring...I could do without the chants also, but it's all right

the chants is what makes it so fucking cool at least for me :)

dont damn me its an awesome song

Title: Re:Don't Damn Me: Sucky song
Post by: Skeletor on March 29, 2004, 08:57:40 AM
Am I the only one who thinks this?


And with Get in the Ring already on UYI...did the album really need ANOTHER one of Axl's overly-self-conscious, overly-defensive, overly-self-justifying anthems?

I have NO idea what you're talking about. Don't Damn Me is lyrically one of my favorite GNR tracks, whereas Get in the Ring I've never liked.
Don't Damn Me is intelligent and has substance, whereas Get in the Ring is just dumbass swearing in the vein of "I don't like you / I just hate you / I'm gonna kick your ass / OH YEAH!!!"

How does that compare with
"Don't hail me an don't idolize the ink
Or I've failed in my attentions
Can you find the missing link
Your only validation is in living your own life
Vicarious existence is a fucking waste of time"

By the way, wouldn't it make more sense if that second line was 'intentions'? The booklet says 'attentions', but Google gave 'intentions' more hits.. Pronunciation-wise they're pretty close to each other.

Title: Re:Don't Damn Me: Sucky song
Post by: bolton on March 29, 2004, 09:12:40 AM
i like both song,especialy don't damn me.
only gnr song which i hate is "my world"

Title: Re:Don't Damn Me: Sucky song
Post by: duga on March 29, 2004, 09:14:30 AM
Don't damn me - Fantastic
Get in the ring - Great
Shotgun Blues - one of the worst songs on UYI (that means good)

Title: Re:Don't Damn Me: Sucky song
Post by: Skeba on March 29, 2004, 09:21:40 AM
Right now I feel that Don't Damn Me is propably the best song on the Illusions after Estranged, NR and Coma. (It changes a bit - the top 3 doesn't)

The guitar riff kicks ass, I especially like the little change to it at the end.

"Smoke 'em if you've got 'em..."

Title: Re:Don't Damn Me: Sucky song
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on March 29, 2004, 09:22:57 AM
bucketrose  you do know that get in the ring is a duff song and not axl song right?
Get in the rings orginal name was why do you look at me when you hate me.
All axl did was at the middle rant at the media and thats it, the rest is all duff.
So how can you say get inthe ring is one of Axls overly-self-conscious, overly-defensive, overly-self-justifying anthems.

Title: Re:Don't Damn Me: Sucky song
Post by: LittleFly on March 29, 2004, 09:32:56 AM
In regards to Shotgun Blues....

I actually like this song alot too.  "You say I walk a line...FUCK!...They move it everytime!"  I've felt this way alot ;)  It's another song that you can listen too when you feel betrayed or that someone is "out ta get" ya.  Again, it's a classic sorta GNR song.  

And "Get in the Ring"...

It's just a great song to get aggressions out, even if you don't know the people who he's hating in the song.  "Why do you look at me when you hate me" Cripes, how many times have I thought that when kids in high school were staring at me? "I don't even understand why the fuck you even care" It's an anthem, that's the way I've always seen it.

This is what is great about GNR, you got the beauty of Estranged/Nov. Rain/Coma sorta songs and the agression of Get in the Ring/Don't Damn Me/Shotgun Blues sorta songs.  I feel an album missing either of these elements would be somehow shortchanged  :-\  I hope we get both kinds on CD.  And alot of them ;)

Title: Re:Don't Damn Me: Sucky song
Post by: John Daniels on March 29, 2004, 09:45:41 AM
IMO Don't Damn Me is a very underrated song. I love it.

And about "get in the ring". Doesn't Axl sing the whole song with Duff?

Title: Re:Don't Damn Me: Sucky song
Post by: Izzy on March 29, 2004, 10:01:37 AM
Its a fantastic song, as is Get in the ring

Title: Re:Don't Damn Me: Sucky song
Post by: Johnnyblood on March 29, 2004, 10:08:38 AM
Don't Damn Me is not thier best work, but it doesn't suck. Whenever I imagine UYI as a single 65-or-so minute album, Don't Damn Me is always on it because I think great albums need one or two non-descript rockers in between the big "statement" songs like Coma or Estranged. I do think DDM is too wordy, but it's a cool song.

And for what it's worth I have never liked Get In The Ring and I don't even compare it to Don't Damn Me. In my mind Get in the Ring is an embarrassment and the exact moment when Axl revealed, to paraphrase something he once said, his shit stinks too.

Title: Re:Don't Damn Me: Sucky song
Post by: jarmo on March 29, 2004, 10:20:17 AM
bucketrose  you do know that get in the ring is a duff song and not axl song right?
Get in the rings orginal name was why do you look at me when you hate me.
All axl did was at the middle rant at the media and thats it, the rest is all duff.
So how can you say get inthe ring is one of Axls overly-self-conscious, overly-defensive, overly-self-justifying anthems.

That's true. The song is credited to Slash / McKagan / Rose.

K : How different has it been writing these new songs compared to the way you wrote songs for Appetite for destruction?

A : One reason things have been so hard, in a way, is this. The first album was basically written with Axl comin? up with maybe one line, and maybe a melody for that line, or how I?m gonna say it or yell it or whatever. And the band would build a song around it. This time round... Izzy?s brought in eight songs at least, OK? Slash has brought in an album, I?ve brought in an album. And Duff?s brought in one song - Duff said it all in one song- it?s called ?Why do you look at me when you hate me?? and it?s just bad-assed.


Maybe he/she means the middle part only?

But I prefer Dont Damn Me to Get In The Ring....


Title: Re:Don't Damn Me: Sucky song
Post by: darknemus on March 29, 2004, 10:24:59 AM
I love Don't Damn Me.  Both the album release and the demo version.  Its a great song that, in my opinion, expresses Axl's frustration with how he sees other people seeing him.

As a matter of fact, that theme is relatively prevelant in other tracks on Illusions, as well.  Even "Bad Apples" carries the same general theme - a "Look, you may think I'm a god - but I'm just me.. for better or for worse" motif.


Title: Re:Don't Damn Me: Sucky song
Post by: 2NaFish on March 29, 2004, 10:32:26 AM
it's a brilliant song. get a pair of good headphones, pump the volume and pay attention to the excellent guitar work from izzy and slash - absolut magic. I love pouding my head to the opening drum beats. The lyrics are class - it's axl getting shit off his chest and doing it in controlled manner, the solo rocks and 3/4 of the way through it breaks into a wonderfuly "rocket queen"esqe groove. As underrated a gn'r song as i have ever heard. It also fits really well in the album after garden of eden and before bad apples.

To be honest i can't think of one thing i dislike about it.

Title: Re:Don't Damn Me: Sucky song
Post by: liquidvirus on March 29, 2004, 11:05:38 AM
dont damn me is an AWESOMEEEE song
jus see the lyrics
"dont damn me,when i speak a piece o mind,cuz silence isnt golden when im holding it inside" many times ive felt these were the perfect lyrics
and the end is awesome as well
even get in the ring for that matter....i love the line "why do u look at me when u hate me"
2 of the most underrated songs!!

Title: Re:Don't Damn Me: Sucky song
Post by: Butch Français on March 29, 2004, 11:19:05 AM
it's one of my fav GN'R songs :yes:

Title: Re:Don't Damn Me: Sucky song
Post by: Bahad on March 29, 2004, 11:34:26 AM
I love both 3 of them(dont damn me,get in the ring, shotgun blues)

Dont damn me: guitar riff simply rocks and awesome song.
Get in the ring : gets very good if you're angry with smth.
Shotgun Blues : although many people dont like it, I really like it. Very energetic.

Title: Re:Don't Damn Me: Sucky song
Post by: the dirt on March 29, 2004, 11:36:27 AM
DDM - definitley one of my faves. I love the way it kicks in.

Title: Re:Don't Damn Me: Sucky song
Post by: BucketRose on March 29, 2004, 01:45:01 PM

So how can you say get inthe ring is one of Axls overly-self-conscious, overly-defensive, overly-self-justifying anthems.

The rant part does it for me.  I can kinda understand what Axl was going thru though....all the media scrutiny and criticism he was going thru at the time...but I still think its a little excessive to devote two whole songs to this issue on your new album.  But hey, thats Axl for ya...he says what he wants to say and says it however he wants.

Title: Re:Don't Damn Me: Sucky song
Post by: Acquiesce on March 29, 2004, 02:05:32 PM
I couldn't disagree with you anymore about Don't Damn Me. It's one of my favorite GNR songs of all time and currently my fave off the Illusions. The lyrics from Don't Damn Me are Axl at his best (besides Locomotive). The guitar, drums, and bass on the song sound incredible. It's an amazing epic rocker.

Title: Re:Don't Damn Me: Sucky song
Post by: kupirock on March 29, 2004, 02:28:08 PM
Don't Damn Me is a very good song. It's one of the best on the Illusions.

Yeah same here

Title: Re:Don't Damn Me: Sucky song
Post by: Psycho on March 29, 2004, 03:41:42 PM
Its a very good song

Title: Re:Don't Damn Me: Sucky song
Post by: St.heathen on March 29, 2004, 04:21:06 PM
Don't damn me is great! I always play that alongside Perfect crime which is awsome :-).  I agree UYI's do have their weak moments such as  Bad apples, Back of bitch, Get in the ring and Shotgun blues.

 They are the ones i tend to skip most, although they are still great when you're in the mood for them.  They have great bits and equally as many weak bits on each track.  

Title: Re:Don't Damn Me: Sucky song
Post by: Eternal Flaming Sword of Death... on March 29, 2004, 04:25:25 PM
I think it's a Damn good song!

So is Shotgun Blues. Isn't that about a party where Axl shot a pig and had a hog roast for Depeche Mode but they left cause their vegetarians/ or animal lovers?

Get in the Ring - I put it on when I am really mad at someone. that and Silk Worms too..

please don't start talking about how some of you hate Silk Worms.... :)

Title: Re:Don't Damn Me: Sucky song
Post by: Mysteron on March 29, 2004, 04:33:13 PM
Am I the only one who thinks this?  I don't like the guitar riff...and I've always hated the way Axl sings the just gets on my nerves.  And with Get in the Ring already on UYI...did the album really need ANOTHER one of Axl's overly-self-conscious, overly-defensive, overly-self-justifying anthems?  These two songs serve as another good example of why UYI should have been one disc.

If C.D. is ever released....I hope that Axl will let the music speak for itself...rather than coming up with trite, unimaginative song lyrics that diss all his critics and naysayers.  It was dull on UYI...and it would be just as dull to hear it on C.D.

I've always felt that whether consciously or unconsciously....Eminem has been influenced by Axl.  His whole "me against the world" mindset is taken straight from the prototype of the redhaired one.  If Axl coulda rapped....he woulda been Eminem back when Marshall was still squeezing zits in front of the bathroom mirror in high school.

Oh off topic...agree or disagree to your heart's content.

It's in my nature to disagree with you  ;D

I like the song, so don't damn me for that  :hihi:

Title: Re:Don't Damn Me: Sucky song
Post by: Mattman on March 29, 2004, 05:44:13 PM
Don't damn me is great! I always play that alongside Perfect crime which is awsome :-).  I agree UYI's do have their weak moments such as  Bad apples, Back of bitch, Get in the ring and Shotgun blues.

 They are the ones i tend to skip most, although they are still great when you're in the mood for them.  They have great bits and equally as many weak bits on each track.  

Are you high?  "Don't Damn Me" and "Back Off Bitch" are THE two great underrated Guns N' Roses songs.  Even though there a half dozen great epics on those albums, when it comes to rockers, I go to those two and "You Could Be Mine".   All three are five-star GN'R tunes.  "Back Off Bitch" especially is amazing.  "Don't Damn Me" has great lyrics and makes you want to scream at someone, and that's what you want from a Guns N' Roses rocker.

"Get In The Ring" and "Shotgun Blues", on the other hand, are only slightly above "My World" in the annals of the worst GN'R songs.  "Get In The Ring" is ok because of that great line, "Why do you look at me when you hate me?" and a good intro and outro, but "Shotgun Blues" is pure filler.

Title: Re:Don't Damn Me: Sucky song
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on March 29, 2004, 06:32:44 PM
anyone hear the demo of dont damn me
i love it
axl sounds cool in that version

Title: Re:Don't Damn Me: Sucky song
Post by: Evolution on March 29, 2004, 06:37:10 PM
axl sounds badass :smoking: in the demo

Title: Re:Don't Damn Me: Sucky song
Post by: Booker Floyd on March 29, 2004, 06:37:32 PM
Are you high?  "Don't Damn Me" and "Back Off Bitch" are THE two great underrated Guns N' Roses songs.

I think its generally agreed that "Locomotive" is the great underrated GNR song.

All three are five-star GN'R tunes.


Well one is...

I love "Back Off Bitch," but its nowhere near "YCBM".


Title: Re:Don't Damn Me: Sucky song
Post by: Eeebs on March 29, 2004, 07:03:28 PM
I really like Don't Damn Me... it's a real aggressive, in your face kinda song, in my opinion.  And the lryrics, wow... they are quite strong.  I used to blast this song everyday following a difficult time at work.  It really did it for me :)

Back off Bitch is equally as good.  Shotgun Blues... you gotta be in a particular mood for that one... and Get in the Ring?  Blaghh.  Don't care for that one too much.

But yeah, the demo for Don't Damn Me is awesome... the first time I heard it, I had that particular song on repeat for a l-o-n-g time.  The demo is absolutely kick ass.  

Don't Damn Me owns!! :)  

Title: Re:Don't Damn Me: Sucky song
Post by: Butch Français on March 29, 2004, 07:24:30 PM
anyone hear the demo of dont damn me
i love it
axl sounds cool in that version

I thought it was kinda weird at first, but I got into it, Axl doesn't strain his voice as much on it as he does on the album version.
plus, there's Adler on drums! : ok: (I think...)

Title: Re:Don't Damn Me: Sucky song
Post by: metallex78 on March 29, 2004, 07:39:51 PM
I guess its all a matter of personal taste, but I love Don't Damn Me, along with every other GN'R song that people here say should've been left off. I think the variety in all the different styles on the Illusion albums is what makes them so great, I wouldn't leave anything off.

Don't Damn Me is like UYI1's equivalent of You Could Be Mine, it has a similar groove and pissed off Axl vocals. And Slash plays one of the best guitar solos I've ever heard from him too.

Title: Re:Don't Damn Me: Sucky song
Post by: Jagged Little Pill on March 29, 2004, 07:42:42 PM
don't damn me is an awesome of my favorites!

Title: Re:Don't Damn Me: Sucky song
Post by: Jizzo on March 29, 2004, 08:15:31 PM
Don't Damn me is my favorite GNR song of them all. I love the fast paced attitude. The lyrics are killer, they make you think. They make you realize you agree with some of the things that are said. And the riff, pure genius.

Title: Re:Don't Damn Me: Sucky song
Post by: Sukie on March 29, 2004, 08:19:15 PM
I absolutely LOVE Don't Damn Me...the lyrics are awesome.  I didn't really appreciate it for such a great song until this past year, though.  I got "stuck" on it for about a 2 week period...didn't listen to much else besides that song.   :nervous:  But, it seemed to fit what was going on in my life at that time.

Now, if the discussion was about Shotgun Blues, I'd agree with you.  The lyrics on Shotgun Blues are good...I just HATE the chorus part.   :-\

Title: Re:Don't Damn Me: Sucky song
Post by: Dizzy on March 29, 2004, 08:33:15 PM
I love the song, the riffs, the lyrics, and the vocals.

But you're entitled to your opinion and to express it, so I won't damn you when you speak a piece of mind because silence isn't golden when you're holding it inside.

Title: Re:Don't Damn Me: Sucky song
Post by: gueli on March 29, 2004, 08:59:52 PM
That`s a great Song and a monstrous riff. If You play guitar you surely understand me.
            Cheers :beer:

Title: Re:Don't Damn Me: Sucky song
Post by: MR.BROWNSTONE on March 29, 2004, 09:09:48 PM
Don't Damn Me is a very underrated song along with every other Guns N' Roses song in my eyes. I think it's a great song and it fits fine on the album. I hope Axl does have a song like it on CD. I just wish they would have played it live just once.  :(  

Title: Re:Don't Damn Me: Sucky song
Post by: Evolution on March 29, 2004, 09:11:56 PM
I just wish they would have played it live just once.  :(  

maybe you will get your wish come may 30th :: :D

Title: Re:Don't Damn Me: Sucky song
Post by: matt88 on March 30, 2004, 01:20:35 AM
I love Don't Damn's a great song and the solo is 1 of slash's best

Title: Re:Don't Damn Me: Sucky song
Post by: D on March 30, 2004, 03:09:26 AM
i cant comprehend how anyone couldnt like this song?

its top 15 gnr song of all time in myopinion i rank it 4th on uyi 1 behind dont cry NR and coma, this song rocks in everyway imaginable

Title: Re:Don't Damn Me: Sucky song
Post by: rolleri on March 30, 2004, 04:02:23 AM
Don't Damn Me - one of the greatest.

Title: Re:Don't Damn Me: Sucky song
Post by: Snakepit__ on April 22, 2004, 11:28:46 AM
I think it's a good song, this is my favorite in the song

I know you don't wanna hear me cryin'
An I know you don't wanna hear me deny
That your satisfaction lies in your illusion
But your delusions are yours and not mine
We take for granted we know the whole story
We judge a book by its cover
And read what we want
Between selected lines

Title: Re:Don't Damn Me: Sucky song
Post by: DEAD HORSE on April 22, 2004, 12:02:15 PM
Hey I love that song! I think That was one of the first song i love about the Illusion I  :love:

Title: Re:Don't Damn Me: Sucky song
Post by: Miz on April 22, 2004, 03:01:14 PM
Dan't Damn Me has the best lyrics I've ever heard that weren't written by Bob Dylan or Pink Floyd.

Truly, truly, truly awesome song.

Title: Re:Don't Damn Me: Sucky song
Post by: volcano62 on April 22, 2004, 11:26:40 PM
I know everyone is entitled to their own opinion but give me a freakin' break..... Don't Damn Me : A sucky song???????????????????????????????  maybe My World, Anything Goes or Silk Worms.... but Don't Damn Me belongs on the classic Illusions albums because it rocks. It gets a 9/10 from me. I beleive it's very underated along with So Fine, Shotgun Blues, Right Next Door To Hell and Perfect Crime.

Title: Re:Don't Damn Me: Great song!
Post by: Lucs on April 23, 2004, 02:22:40 AM
I guess Don't Damn Me is one of my favorite song of GNR. Right now, it's my favorite!

It's funny cause I started to play it on guitar this Monday, now I can't stop playing it! The main riff is pretty hard to make it sound good, and the solo............ ;D

Great song in my opinion!

Title: Re:Don't Damn Me: Sucky song
Post by: page on April 23, 2004, 05:34:36 AM
I love Don`t damn me - great riffs- great lyrics- killer solo