Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: Buddha_Master on March 04, 2004, 02:50:48 PM

Title: Any DRAMA Happen At A GNR Show You Went To?
Post by: Buddha_Master on March 04, 2004, 02:50:48 PM
And I'm not talking about the "no-shows" that led to riots.

Last weekend, my friend and I were reminiscing?about some concerts we have been to, and of course we got onto GNR. We were laughing at how crazy a couple of those were. I'll get a little more specific.

The concert in the L.A. Forum that happened shortly before the UYI albums hit the streets (with skid row opening for them). We were there for the Friday night show, and some drama happened. Some dipshit through some toilet paper(and/or some shoes, as my friend remembers it), and hit Axl with it. Axl made the band stop playing. He started freaking on the guy that through the shit and yelled something to the effect that "Cut your shit motherfucker or we will leave, and I'll have 20,000 people here beat the shit out of you." Everybody there started screaming at that fool, threatening to kill him and shit. That was crazy. Memorable though. GNR actually went on to play almost 3 1/2 hours (it was a fucking experience as Axl actually starting losing his voice but didnt give a shit). Moving on.

The now classic GNR/Metallica concerts. We saw two of their shows. One at the L.A. Colliseum and the other at the Rose bowl. The Rose bowl GNR played a solid 3 hour show and said that they were going to pay a fine because they no intention of stopping at midnight. But thats not where the drama happened. It happened at the Collisum show.

I don't recall what the song was, but Axl starting yelling at the audience because everyone looked like they were sitting down and not into it. A little while later during one of Slash's solo's Axl walked up to the mic and started yelling at the band to stop playing. Then he said "Slash Stop!" "Sit down Slash." And Slash sat down next to the drums. The Axl said something like, "I don't know what the fuck is going with you. We came to play, and apparently you all don't really want to see a rock band tonight. Maybe your smoking too much weed, or maybe its our fault because we didnt realize we had so many Jewish fans, and playing the night before a Jewish holiday was a bad idea."

Needless to say Axl had no more interaction with the audience, and GNR played 2 hours...and Axl said "later" and that was that.

Title: Re:Any DRAMA Happen At A GNR Show You Went To?
Post by: kockstar99 on March 04, 2004, 03:43:06 PM
hahah those are classic... I was at the July 1991 show.. in Denver CO.  2 shows after the ST Louis Riot.  and of course all the press in Denver were eating up the fact that GnR the most dangerous band in the world at the time were coming to play in Denver..  

about 45 mins into the set during Dust n Bones Axl stops the show to kick out this dude in the front row for flipping him off.  "STOP! STOP! STOP THE SHOW,  YOU!! MOTHERFUCKER TRYING TO GET ME TO COME DOWN AND KICK YOUR ASS!! YOUR OUTTA HERE!! YOU JUST WASTED UR MONEY PAL!!!" Security was already beefed up for this show being so close to the ST Louis riot.  When he stopped the song Time just froze, everyone was dead quiet and thinking the same thing .... "What the fuck is he going to do now?"

Title: Re:Any DRAMA Happen At A GNR Show You Went To?
Post by: axlrosegnr on March 04, 2004, 03:55:49 PM
I was at the 12/29/01 show, and i thinkn everyone knew what happened there, if not, I'll explain. About 5 songs into the set, during "Oh My god", Axl's mic totally stopped working. He had a look on his face like he wanted to rip someones heart out. So he threw his mic down, and walked off stage. Finck also threw his guitar down. The rest of the band finished the song.....but i was worried as shit, cause I really didn't think Axl was gonna come back out. After about 5 minutes, He came back out, and played the rest of the show, but he was in a bad mood the rest of the night.

Title: Re:Any DRAMA Happen At A GNR Show You Went To?
Post by: Chief on March 04, 2004, 04:12:35 PM
I was going to say the exact same thing.. i didnt know what the hell was going on! crazy... that was one hell of a weekend!!

the first post was classic too.. hahahahah!

I was at the 12/29/01 show, and i thinkn everyone knew what happened there, if not, I'll explain. About 5 songs into the set, during "Oh My god", Axl's mic totally stopped working. He had a look on his face like he wanted to rip someones heart out. So he threw his mic down, and walked off stage. Finck also threw his guitar down. The rest of the band finished the song.....but i was worried as shit, cause I really didn't think Axl was gonna come back out. After about 5 minutes, He came back out, and played the rest of the show, but he was in a bad mood the rest of the night.

Title: Re:Any DRAMA Happen At A GNR Show You Went To?
Post by: blues_rock_axeman on March 04, 2004, 04:56:17 PM
I was at the 12/29/01 show, and i thinkn everyone knew what happened there, if not, I'll explain. About 5 songs into the set, during "Oh My god", Axl's mic totally stopped working. He had a look on his face like he wanted to rip someones heart out. So he threw his mic down, and walked off stage. Finck also threw his guitar down.

Shat, if Mr Finck throws down his axe you know he's pissed...

Title: Re:Any DRAMA Happen At A GNR Show You Went To?
Post by: axl_rose_700 on March 04, 2004, 05:01:32 PM
I remember at Leeds fest, Axl mouthing off at Leeds city council and saying he wouldn't get off stage, and still had ''7 or 8 songs left in him''.  It was good, but a bit worrying at the time, 'cosanything could have fuckin' happened, I could imagine them pulling the plug on him, but thank fuck they didn't.

Title: Re:Any DRAMA Happen At A GNR Show You Went To?
Post by: Buddha_Master on March 04, 2004, 05:05:43 PM
"When he stopped the song Time just froze, everyone was dead quiet and thinking the same thing .... "What the fuck is he going to do now?"

Lol, dude that is the exact feeling. Your words convey this feeling perfectly when the shit is about to go down at a GNR show. I remember just saying in my head, "oh no..."

Title: Re:Any DRAMA Happen At A GNR Show You Went To?
Post by: Doc Emmett Brown on March 04, 2004, 05:29:03 PM
And I'm not talking about the "no-shows" that led to riots.

"Maybe your smoking too much weed, or maybe its our fault because we didnt realize we had so many Jewish fans, and playing the night before a Jewish holiday was a bad idea."


You gotta love Axl!  He's just not afraid to say what's on his mind.  

Wouldn't it have been cool if Geffen/Interscope had released this concert on DVD instead of the Tokyo ones?   It would have been a good Thank-you to the LA fans who supported GNR from the beginning before anyone in Tokyo knew who they were!!

Title: Re:Any DRAMA Happen At A GNR Show You Went To?
Post by: bill213 on March 04, 2004, 05:56:51 PM
Haha I can give you guys a really good story about an Axl related incident that occured on my trip on the subway to the train station after the Philly no show.  It was the last go on the subway for the night and it was like 3 preppy dressed guys, two old ass women that looked like rejects from an 80's Ratt crack party gone bad and like me, a security guard from the show who said fuck it and a really nice girl who's boyfriend had gotten fucked up and wandered off.  Anyhow these 3 dudes were talking shit about Axl and this chick who is so obviously blasted out of her mind starts flipping on them like DONT TALK ABOUT AXL THAT WAY I LOVE HIM etc.  She was fucking swinging at the dude and spitting on him and he's like trying to fight back.  The lone girl and I were just like damn and kinda huddled together for safety as the loonies had their bout.  It was quite funny to watch and midway through the scuffle two black dudes came buy selling GNR T-Shirts for five dollars.

Title: Re:Any DRAMA Happen At A GNR Show You Went To?
Post by: SLCPUNK on March 04, 2004, 06:14:36 PM
I was at the 12/29/01 show, and i thinkn everyone knew what happened there, if not, I'll explain. About 5 songs into the set, during "Oh My god", Axl's mic totally stopped working. He had a look on his face like he wanted to rip someones heart out. So he threw his mic down, and walked off stage. Finck also threw his guitar down. The rest of the band finished the song.....but i was worried as shit, cause I really didn't think Axl was gonna come back out. After about 5 minutes, He came back out, and played the rest of the show, but he was in a bad mood the rest of the night.

I was right in front of Finck when he threw it down. I was so worried that they wouldn't come back on..but they did.

Title: Re:Any DRAMA Happen At A GNR Show You Went To?
Post by: Deez Nuts on March 04, 2004, 07:33:51 PM
The biggest drama I've seen at a GNR concert was in Fargo on 11/15/02 when they shut down the beer stand early.  :beer:

Title: Re:Any DRAMA Happen At A GNR Show You Went To?
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on March 04, 2004, 07:45:38 PM
great stories BuddaMaster and kockstar
 : ok:

Axl 'rants'are the best!

Title: Re:Any DRAMA Happen At A GNR Show You Went To?
Post by: badapple81 on March 04, 2004, 10:31:28 PM
I havent seen or heard much from that 91 LA Forum show but it sounds like a fuckin intense awesome show!

Title: Re:Any DRAMA Happen At A GNR Show You Went To?
Post by: D on March 04, 2004, 11:25:45 PM
anyone got the msg show?

i was listening to it today while i was jogging and i couldve swore b4 paradise city there was a "buckethead sucks" chant or something to that effect

Title: Re:Any DRAMA Happen At A GNR Show You Went To?
Post by: Neon Mobil Horse on March 04, 2004, 11:32:20 PM
As for dramas at GnR shows... I've seen Robin Finck throw his guitar down after Axl stormed off stage in Las Vegas.

I've seen Axl stop singing and just abruptly state "We'll talk about this LATER..." in Chicago.

And, I've seen Axl just stop the whole show after Patience in Detroit.

I've seen a few dramas... none of the big, huge, monumental ones... but, I've seen three... That's a pretty good start :)

Title: Re:Any DRAMA Happen At A GNR Show You Went To?
Post by: SINSHINE on March 05, 2004, 09:21:19 AM
I was at a show not too long ago where Axl said probably the most controversial thing he's EVER said at a show of this calibur. He said...

"...See you next Summer!"


Title: Re:Any DRAMA Happen At A GNR Show You Went To?
Post by: AxlN'Slash on March 05, 2004, 10:07:27 AM
I was at the moline show! and i jsut remeber like during You could be mine axl looses his ring this he starts yelling at Earl!

then some pussy chickin mother fucker threw a beer. After that happend i was ready to start fuckin throwin shit.......

Then axl screwed up my michelle and i thought he might get pissed and walk off

well he didnt and that was the best fuckin show ever

In the stands some asshole behind me was like screeming for nightrtrain the 2nd axl started singin its so easy

so me being the smartmouth little 17 year old i was at the time go fuckin crazy on him to the efect to something like if your still fuckin sober by the end of the show you will here the damn song  he end up getting kicked out for slapping a girl at the show! what a fuckin looser

ahhh good ol times i spent over $200 at that show and NO i dont drink  : ok:

Title: Re:Any DRAMA Happen At A GNR Show You Went To?
Post by: PhillyRiot on March 05, 2004, 10:27:59 AM
I was at the 12/29/01 show, and i thinkn everyone knew what happened there, if not, I'll explain. About 5 songs into the set, during "Oh My god", Axl's mic totally stopped working. He had a look on his face like he wanted to rip someones heart out. So he threw his mic down, and walked off stage. Finck also threw his guitar down. The rest of the band finished the song.....but i was worried as shit, cause I really didn't think Axl was gonna come back out. After about 5 minutes, He came back out, and played the rest of the show, but he was in a bad mood the rest of the night.

This scared the hell out of me at the time.  I flew all the way to Vegas, and Axl walks off the stage because his mic isn't working.  Good thing he came back out!

Title: Re:Any DRAMA Happen At A GNR Show You Went To?
Post by: Montrealer on March 05, 2004, 10:33:02 AM
Yep something horrible.
 At the Montreal Riot, there was a girl close to me who fell and got ran over by hundreds of people.  We tried to help her but we couldn't, it was crazy.

We saw her a few days after in the tv news, she can't walk anymore, she's stuck in a wheelchair for life. That is really sad, you go to see a show and this shit happen

Title: Re:Any DRAMA Happen At A GNR Show You Went To?
Post by: Buddha_Master on March 05, 2004, 01:03:26 PM
Man Yanz....that is horrible. I never heard about that girl. We all know the story of those 2 kids that died but never did I hear about her. The kids got trampled too. Damn that is sad. It happened right in front of you too huh? Amazing....people can be such motherfuckers. All oblivious and shit.

I always liked GNR shows because the most unexpected shit can happen at any time. That is the way it is with Guns N' Roses. Its rock n' roll like that. But, kids dying and getting paralised is just wrong. No rock n' roll band is worth that.

This just went into a direction I didnt think about.

Title: Re:Any DRAMA Happen At A GNR Show You Went To?
Post by: volcano62 on March 05, 2004, 02:44:08 PM
You want fuckin` drama? Well boys and girls I was at the Montreal riot 92 !

Title: Re:Any DRAMA Happen At A GNR Show You Went To?
Post by: Pviljoen on March 05, 2004, 04:37:07 PM
No drama at the Toronto show in 02.... but I do recall Bruce Dickenson yelling at some guy in the front row for smoking at their latest Montreal show.

Title: Re:Any DRAMA Happen At A GNR Show You Went To?
Post by: kujo722 on March 08, 2004, 09:14:39 PM
Well, I'll go "old school" all the way back to 1993. First off Blind Melon opened up and kicked ass. Then after about 2 hours GnR hit the stage. Not even two minutes into the show Axl dives into the crowd to take a camera away from someone. He's in the crowd for a minute of so before security gets there and brings him back on stage. Axl proceeds to walk off stage while the band finishes the song. Everyone is tense after St. Louis, Montreal, and the incident where Duff got cracked in the head with a bottle(?) and Axl stopped a show.

After a short time Axl comes back out and they proceed to put on the best show I've ever seen. Remarkably, considering the way the show started, Axl was in a great mood the rest of the night cracking jokes and making fun of one of the roadies that was from the area. Unfortunately, this is one of the few shows that it seems nobody has a recording of.