Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: badgirl on February 19, 2004, 06:07:12 PM

Title: Valid Info and Some Hope
Post by: badgirl on February 19, 2004, 06:07:12 PM
hey everyone. i wanted to start a new thread about this because all the others end up turning into fights between posters. I have been here for a while now. I post occasionally and some of you i have PM'd with and can probably verify that i am not here to start shit with BS. I have info that is not 100% (because nothing ever can be) but i know to be as true as we can get. i will tell you how i got this info before i give it.

I post on another message board pretty much daily. It is a site for girls to talk about fashion and music and celebrity shit and such. It would bore most of you to tears, but the ladies on the site have known each other for a long time and have become friends, outside of the board. I starting speaking with this one girl, i think she is probably in her 30's, just about random bullshit. She liked my cynical style postings and knew that i had a crush on Axl (from a post i made in the music section a while back). Anyway, her ex boyfriend who she is still friends with used to work with Axl back during the Illusion days. She has actually met Axl a few years ago. Said he is very cool and very intense. I asked her about CD and she didn't seem to know anything, much like the rest of us. But, today i wrote her about a funny Axl dream i had last night and about the GHs and Axl trying to stop it. She then wrote back that he is trying to stop it because CD and Velvet Revolver are both supposed to come out around the same time. This was the exchange i then had with her. Note my screenname here is as it is there and everywhere else i post:
badgirl wrote:
hmm... but that is only a few months away-- wouldn't they have to have it done by now? is it done?
do you know if Axl purposely planned CD to go against velvet revolver?

 she writes:
Its complete - but you can always keep "remaking" an album - more overdubs, remixing, etc. That is what Axl's thing is - its never good enough. And he never planned it to go against velevet revolver - it was a label vs label thing...commercial viability and sales issue - it really makes it better for both products if it comes out tobether - the shared hype only accentuates both releases - you get two bangs for the (promotional) buck

So basically it is this. CD is done, as of now, and it's planned to be released around the same time as VR. If this actually happens or not, we'll have to see. Clearly we know that nothing is 100% with Axl, but if it is done, it will come out eventually.

I have no reason to make this up. It's not groundbreaking info i know, but some of you doubt every piece of info you get and i wanted to give you a little hope because i am hopeful now where before i definitely wasn't. But i am legit, and this girl is as well. It's not like it's another GnR forum where people make shit up. We talk about lots of things over there and it happened to come up in private conversation...
hope it makes some of you feel better.

Title: Re:Valid Info and Some Hope
Post by: Lineker10 on February 19, 2004, 06:11:43 PM
Well, it sounds ok - guess the only way to find out is to wait. : ok:

Title: Re:Valid Info and Some Hope
Post by: Mutherfunker on February 19, 2004, 06:14:42 PM
Well, holy shit, a believable rumour which makes perfect sense and isn't rediculously far fetched.

The labels wanting to release the two albums around the same time would certainly create more publicity.

Thanks for the info badgirl  : ok:


P.S. Are you really a badgirl?  ;)

Title: Re:Valid Info and Some Hope
Post by: Johnnyblood on February 19, 2004, 06:14:53 PM
Cool post badgirl. I can see the two labels trying to create some hype that way. According to Keith Richards, the Beatles and Stones used to arrange their album releases in a way that benefited them both. Thank you for sharing.

Title: Re:Valid Info and Some Hope
Post by: badgirl on February 19, 2004, 06:20:12 PM
Phew... i was afraid you guys were going to call bullshit. Good!!! Believe me, this is true. I've been around here over a year now and never posted anything other than oppinion, and am excited to finally have gotten pretty legit info. We'll have to see if everything goes as planned, but if he wants it out there and its completed, then we will see this album eventually.

Title: Re:Valid Info and Some Hope
Post by: jarmo on February 19, 2004, 06:25:03 PM
I think "putting the finishing touches" on it means stuff like you mentioned...

But, if they want to get it out in May, I think they need to announce it really soon. To get the PR machine rolling..... VR has been hyping their album since last year.


Title: Re:Valid Info and Some Hope
Post by: Buritoking on February 19, 2004, 06:27:54 PM
I still have a feeling your going to be hearing some nasty things from some people. But I'm not sure why people would, what you've said sounds completely like everything else we have heard. And to be honest I'm not sure why everyone thinks this GH thing will change everything, I personally don't think it. Anyway I think a release around VR's date, may be to early, but who knows. But I still think we will see it before the summer really gets into full swing.

Title: Re:Valid Info and Some Hope
Post by: Johnnyblood on February 19, 2004, 06:28:30 PM
badgirl, you are one of my favorite posters here. Knowing your other posts, for me personally your info is probably the most credible we've gotten here in quite awhile.  : ok:

Title: Re:Valid Info and Some Hope
Post by: badgirl on February 19, 2004, 06:29:23 PM
^^^ i agree. i don't understand why they haven't said anything yet. I wish i knew the particulars of how the music industry works-- if Axl gets tied up in litigation over stopping GHs, do you think CD would be shelved again? how much of a say does Axl have over this anyway? what my friend said seems to imply very little control. does anyone know for sure?

ETA: Johnny, that's so sweet. I haven't been posting in a while because it just seems like more people want to fight here than intelligently discuss the band, the album, whatever. plus i spend most of my online time at this other board discussing pop-culture dreck and fashion and other girly persuits.

Title: Re:Valid Info and Some Hope
Post by: MeanBone on February 19, 2004, 06:30:46 PM
welll, we've all waited  so long for chinese democracy, another year won't kill us for sure. and as for the rumour, it has every reason to be true. :peace:

Title: Re:Valid Info and Some Hope
Post by: Miz on February 19, 2004, 06:33:52 PM
If it's a label vs label thing, that they want CD and Contraband out at the same time, why is the label releasing the greatest hits?

Title: Re:Valid Info and Some Hope
Post by: GnrAxl4life on February 19, 2004, 06:41:36 PM
Nothing different from what i said in other threads and people ripped me apart until i showed proof. But yea i havent heard anything in the last few days.

Title: Re:Valid Info and Some Hope
Post by: misterID on February 19, 2004, 06:57:02 PM

Just kidding, did I start to get your blood boiling? :hihi: Thanks for the post. People really only get ripped when they try to act like an insider and don't post how they got their information, unlike what you did. :peace:

Your post does make sense, and it even makes sense in an Axl kind of way.

Title: Re:Valid Info and Some Hope
Post by: //JK75 on February 19, 2004, 06:57:32 PM
GREAT.. I hope it's true !!
Like I always say this days, got to be !!!! I can't see Axl showing up his face in Lisbon with nothing in his hands !

Title: Re:Valid Info and Some Hope
Post by: Mutherfunker on February 19, 2004, 07:02:53 PM
DVDs and GH = casual fans being made aware of Guns N Roses again to achieve better sales of CD.

If a GH is contracted, this is the last chance to do it before a new era comes in.

Guns N Rose PR does not need anywhere near as much work as a brand new band like VR. GNR speaks for itself. A month or preferably two is what's needed.


Title: Re:Valid Info and Some Hope
Post by: Acquiesce on February 19, 2004, 07:21:34 PM
If it's a label vs label thing, that they want CD and Contraband out at the same time, why is the label releasing the greatest hits?

That's why this rumor  makes no sense. If the label wants CD to be released in a few months why are they going to potentially damage the product with a shoddy Greatest Hits that Axl does not want? Especially when a lawsuit would further delay CD.

Title: Re:Valid Info and Some Hope
Post by: just_one on February 19, 2004, 07:24:48 PM
If it's a label vs label thing, that they want CD and Contraband out at the same time, why is the label releasing the greatest hits?

That's why this rumor  makes no sense. If the label wants CD to be released in a few months why are they going to potentially damage the product with a shoddy Greatest Hits that Axl does not want? Especially when a lawsuit would further delay CD.

did axl showed up in public and said he was against the GH?

for me , its just a move to create hype

Title: Re:Valid Info and Some Hope
Post by: Buddha_Master on February 19, 2004, 07:25:04 PM
ETA: Johnny, that's so sweet. I haven't been posting in a while because it just seems like more people want to fight here than intelligently discuss the band, the album, whatever. plus i spend most of my online time at this other board discussing pop-culture dreck and fashion and other girly persuits.

Yea chick talk. In a GNR forum. Lol. We get great news on GNR from an Oprah board. That is sooooo sweet.

Come on now one of us had to be the dick.

Title: Re:Valid Info and Some Hope
Post by: Izzy on February 19, 2004, 07:27:54 PM
If it's a label vs label thing, that they want CD and Contraband out at the same time, why is the label releasing the greatest hits?

Exactly - 2 GNR albums in two months? Doesn't seem likely to me....

Title: Re:Valid Info and Some Hope
Post by: Mutherfunker on February 19, 2004, 07:35:12 PM
for me , its just a move to create hype

Correctamundo  :smoking:

There is no way that GH is gonna damage CD - I don't see the logic of that, unless Axl starts legal action, which he hasn't said he will, and which doesn't seem likely with the geffen press release out.


Title: Re:Valid Info and Some Hope
Post by: misterID on February 19, 2004, 07:35:23 PM
If it's a label vs label thing, that they want CD and Contraband out at the same time, why is the label releasing the greatest hits?

That's why this rumor  makes no sense. If the label wants CD to be released in a few months why are they going to potentially damage the product with a shoddy Greatest Hits that Axl does not want? Especially when a lawsuit would further delay CD.

Not unless they are trying to play up a feud. Like reminding everyone of who was in the old line up before, knowing its going to be mentioned when VR releases Contraband. That could make the label money off VR's release... The kids who really don't know who Slash and Duff are get into VR, and kind of discover old GNR for the first time... And the talent of a guy named Axl Rose... You never know.

Title: Re:Valid Info and Some Hope
Post by: Acquiesce on February 19, 2004, 07:46:41 PM

Not unless they are trying to play up a feud. Like reminding everyone of who was in the old line up before, knowing its going to be mentioned when VR releases Contraband. That could make the label money off VR's release... The kids who really don't know who Slash and Duff are get into VR, and kind of discover old GNR for the first time... And the talent of a guy named Axl Rose... You never know.

They could start a "feud" by simply announcing a release date that is very close to VR's, or even the same day. That is the simplest and cheapest way to create a battle of the bands, so to speak, between the two of them.

Title: Re:Valid Info and Some Hope
Post by: misterID on February 19, 2004, 07:57:16 PM

Not unless they are trying to play up a feud. Like reminding everyone of who was in the old line up before, knowing its going to be mentioned when VR releases Contraband. That could make the label money off VR's release... The kids who really don't know who Slash and Duff are get into VR, and kind of discover old GNR for the first time... And the talent of a guy named Axl Rose... You never know.

They could start a "feud" by simply announcing a release date that is very close to VR's, or even the same day. That is the simplest and cheapest way to create a battle of the bands, so to speak, between the two of them.

That's true, but also it could be an attempt to cash in even more. Like: "instead of just releasing CD, we could release a greatest hits and tap into the excitement of VR's release, and the feud between the two."

It's all speculation, but that's all we have.

Title: Re:Valid Info and Some Hope
Post by: badgirl on February 19, 2004, 08:03:01 PM
girl-- i agree with you, i don't understand the dynamics of these record companies either. I don't know why GH would be a problem if they are looking to promote the rivalry aspect. But i also think that in life, the most simple explanation to things is probably the most accurate. Therefore, i don't buy the idea that Axl is faking the protest about GH- it's just too much. From all we know of Axl, he is an honest, up-front guy. It just doesn't seem his style to be BSing people with some made-up feud...

Title: Re:Valid Info and Some Hope
Post by: Acquiesce on February 19, 2004, 08:15:23 PM
That's true, but also it could be an attempt to cash in even more. Like: "instead of just releasing CD, we could release a greatest hits and tap into the excitement of VR's release, and the feud between the two."

It's all speculation, but that's all we have.

True, anything is definitely possible with this band but I'm trying to look at this from Geffen's perspective and it doesn't make a load of sense. Geffen has poured millions of dollars into this project and has been waiting 13 years for a new studio album and the first thing they do when they learn CD is finished is release a GH? I have a hard time believing that. They should be shouting from the rooftops that CD is ready because at this point that's the only way to resurrect interest in the band.

girl-- i agree with you, i don't understand the dynamics of these record companies either. I don't know why GH would be a problem if they are looking to promote the rivalry aspect. But i also think that in life, the most simple explanation to things is probably the most accurate. Therefore, i don't buy the idea that Axl is faking the protest about GH- it's just too much. From all we know of Axl, he is an honest, up-front guy. It just doesn't seem his style to be BSing people with some made-up feud...

I totally agree. I don't think Axl would fake a protest if he didn't mean it. There are so many other ways to go about getting publicity that wouldn't make him look bad. Did your friend mention whether or not if CD was turned over to the record company?

Title: Re:Valid Info and Some Hope
Post by: badgirl on February 19, 2004, 08:17:39 PM
Girl-- she didn't mention that, only that it was "completed". i don't know if she would know specifics like that. the only people who would care to ask that are fanatic losers like us ( ;)) so i doubt it would even occur to her to ask anyone that question, you know?

Title: Re:Valid Info and Some Hope
Post by: Acquiesce on February 19, 2004, 08:25:35 PM
I was just wondering because you said it's done but they may retouch some things which sounds like it's not in their hands, but if it's actually scheduled for a release in the next few months  it should be in their hands by now.  ???  I don't know all this stuff is confusing.

OK so here is a new theory. The label wants GNR's release to coincide with VR's but Axl has yet to turn it over so they are doing the GH in protest.

Title: Re:Valid Info and Some Hope
Post by: badgirl on February 19, 2004, 08:28:16 PM
girl, that sounds legit. if you hand the album over, can you get it back to work on it some more? if we had inside info on this shit, it would make navigating all this info a lot easier...

Title: Re:Valid Info and Some Hope
Post by: Mutherfunker on February 19, 2004, 08:34:25 PM
Well I'm hoping we do have inside info...

Mysteron - "Management are currently planning the details of release for CD. As of a couple of days ago, there was no release date for CD, it had not been decided. As it stands, they may finalise details next week (hypothetically speaking), and go public a few days after that. They could, however, finalise details in, say, three weeks, and go public a few days after that. The problem is is that I am not part of this planning process, so I do not know how close to finalising thing they are"

I believe him as he has proved himself enough time before. This means the album is done and ready to roll.

I'm hoping this is the case, and GH is just a small precursor to CD


Title: Re:Valid Info and Some Hope
Post by: Doc Emmett Brown on February 19, 2004, 08:35:46 PM
OK so here is a new theory. The label wants GNR's release to coincide with VR's but Axl has yet to turn it over so they are doing the GH in protest.

this might be the case. What I dont get is - the label should be able to just take the damn CD away from Axl since they are.. well, the fukin label rt??

Since the label is funding the whole thing, dont they have the right to say "Hand over the master, Mr W Axl Rose"?

Title: Re:Valid Info and Some Hope
Post by: metallex78 on February 19, 2004, 08:44:08 PM
If it's a label vs label thing, that they want CD and Contraband out at the same time, why is the label releasing the greatest hits?

I think it makes allot of sense actually.

What better way to hype up both releases by putting out a "best of" from what members from both bands have done previously.
It's a good way of making the public aware of them again.

Title: Re:Valid Info and Some Hope
Post by: Acquiesce on February 19, 2004, 08:44:18 PM
girl, that sounds legit. if you hand the album over, can you get it back to work on it some more? if we had inside info on this shit, it would make navigating all this info a lot easier...

Yeah, we need someone who at least knows the music business and how the release process goes.

this might be the case. What I dont get is - the label should be able to just take the damn CD away from Axl since they are.. well, the fukin label rt??

Since the label is funding the whole thing, dont they have the right to say "Hand over the master, Mr W Axl Rose"?

You know, that is a great point. I would think they would have that right, but I guess they were trying to avoid a legal battle at all costs. Although now they may be heading there anyway.

Title: Re:Valid Info and Some Hope
Post by: badgirl on February 19, 2004, 08:47:24 PM
you know what guys, i just read Dark's thread and i believe what he is saying. i don't doubt my info but if Axl hasn't actually handed over CD, then it would make sense to try and sort of blackmail him with the GH... now i am feeling pessimistic again..
seems like a finished product is the least of our problems right now... :-\

Title: Re:Valid Info and Some Hope
Post by: misterID on February 19, 2004, 08:50:26 PM
Another theory could be... They have always planned to release a Greatest Hits album around the same time as Chinese Democracy. CD was planned to be released earlier, but it went back for some touch ups, so the greatest hits CD  was yanked, but the DVD's (remember they didn't want the DVD's released either) went ahead and were released because they had already been pressed along with the Greatest Hits. This could mean CD, theoretically, is in their hands right now.

Title: Re:Valid Info and Some Hope
Post by: ktucker450 on February 19, 2004, 11:06:36 PM
Okay, i don't think YOU are bullshitting or anything, however I do not believe it for one second.  And my reason is everytime i believe stuff like this my hopes just get down, i can't live with the dissapointment anymore.  I won't even believe it if Axl came out and said that as well.  Shouldn't believe nething in GN'R land, many believable rumours have come along and when we've believed them it's always came back to bite us in the ass.

Title: Re:Valid Info and Some Hope
Post by: killingvector on February 19, 2004, 11:42:18 PM
everything is speculation at this point. i don't really subscribe to any theory but i'm more partial to the ones portending disaster for guns n roses.

Title: Re:Valid Info and Some Hope
Post by: Bubba St. Rose on February 20, 2004, 12:50:13 AM
I don't know why people are dogging the idea of a greatest hits. If you ask me, and no one has  :rofl: Axl and company have gotten a lot of mainstream press and attention on this already. That can only be positive because it's getting the GNR name out to the general buying public that might not even know axl is still around. The news has been on E!, MTV, Washington Times, Billboard, ect., ect. The only problem with all the stories is how they make fun of the "never ending recording of Chinese Democracy." That's not good. That makes it look like a joke.
Just my two cents. :beer:

Title: Re:Valid Info and Some Hope
Post by: jazjme on February 20, 2004, 01:25:13 AM
I have been going through all these "related threads" and I have been going from swinging one way or another..........(kinda feel like I do about who I want for president, for the US). ANd it has occured to me that in a way we:DIE HARD FANS, are looking into this with such passion as if we are "voting" and this is the most crucial thing  and hell ,I find it pretty cool.

NOW my Point:

I was at MSG the last stop of the CHINESE DEMOCRACY TOUR, and oh shit did it rock. I knew back then that that show was going to be a turing point. DO I know what happened after? Nothing more than anyone else here. But After that what did we have?

A complete yr of silence, nothing.

Now I am like what the fuck everywhere I go I am reading about or hearing about GNR , and THAT my friends is not something that has happened in a long time. DO I want a greatest hits as presented...........NO not really but on the other hand , the truth is there are so many out there that have yet to have expierienced GNR.

I have a good friend in FL who has a son who is 13 now and he has gotten into rock music, and is learning the Guitar and he gave me a shout in an IM and we were chatting and I asked him if he knew about GNR , and he didnt.............well I told him if your serious about learning rock music for guitar to learn about them.

And I thought , wait this may not be a bad thing,
we as die hards dont want it but I am sure there are countless other 13-18 yr olds out there that Never heard GNR , and the GH record really only has those songs that were" hits".(Estranged , Coma, and others rule, but were not "hits")

But what I see is that it could really open up new fans and remind past fans about them again, and really could be a positive force to get people into the new band , I say this only if as we get closer to the GH CD that the record company, a week before hand or so tout the band and add a line such as: GNR greatest hits from yesterday , see what started this, and on **/**/** get ready for something you never will forget GNR will kick you ass again...................look out for CHINESE DEMOCRACY! SOON!!!!!!

what do I know :peace:

Title: Re:Valid Info and Some Hope
Post by: Chuzeville on February 20, 2004, 02:50:06 AM
Just a thought : hasn't Contraband been recently pushed back a week ? It could be a way to fit into the marketing plan described in the original post...
If the idea is to release CD and Contraband at the same time, then it makes perfect sense to have a GH out beforehand to show to the younger audience where both these bands are coming from.  :drool:

Title: Re:Valid Info and Some Hope
Post by: BucketRose on February 20, 2004, 02:55:20 AM
Just a thought : hasn't Contraband been recently pushed back a week ? It could be a way to fit into the marketing plan described in the original post...


Oh for Chrissake.....

Title: Re: Valid Info and Some Hope
Post by: dolphin on January 25, 2006, 10:28:10 PM
lol, okay I got curious and went to page 145 on here and picked one of the topics from 2 years ago to see if it was the same old shit and yeah, there's plenty of them :confused:

Title: Re: Valid Info and Some Hope
Post by: Grass on January 26, 2006, 12:37:02 AM
That's scary man!  I read through the whole thread and thought this was part of the current rumors until I saw Contraband mentioned by name as the upcoming VR album.  :rofl:

Title: Re: Valid Info and Some Hope
Post by: jameslofton29 on January 26, 2006, 12:46:50 AM
That's scary man!? I read through the whole thread and thought this was part of the current rumors until I saw Contraband mentioned by name as the upcoming VR album.? :rofl:
lol, okay I got curious and went to page 145 on here and picked one of the topics from 2 years ago to see if it was the same old shit and yeah, there's plenty of them :confused:
Since the constant repetition seems to disturb the two of you, I think there's an exit door around here somewhere. Maybe Jarmo can show you the direction.

Title: Re: Valid Info and Some Hope
Post by: dolphin on January 26, 2006, 12:52:43 AM
That's scary man!? I read through the whole thread and thought this was part of the current rumors until I saw Contraband mentioned by name as the upcoming VR album.? :rofl:

lol, well this one was better then the lionel richie rumor that is also on page 145 :hihi:

and jameslofton, maybe you should enter the door of "learn to laugh a bit in life" and not take all this shit so seriously. :peace:

Title: Re: Valid Info and Some Hope
Post by: Saul on January 26, 2006, 01:57:29 AM
Jesus Christ , until I saw the word contraband I thought this was a current rumor.  :o

I want those 30 seconds of my life back.  :hihi:

Deva Vu starts now!!